TIIK EVE VINO NEW 9 KHIIUV, AI'HII, 20, 1010. THE EVENING NEWS 11V D. W. BATES I88UUI DAILY EXCEPT KUNIMY You are cordially invited to a special demonstration of the CHI-NAMEL . Ready to use Graining Process, Parquetry Floor Process, Mis sion Finish Process, Gloss Varnishes, Stains and Enamels by a Lady Expert direct from the Chi-Namel Factory. ' Do not Fail to come and learn the valuable secret of treating woodwork and saving money. Remember the date, 28-29-30, at our store free. Subscription ltntcn Dully Per year, by mini 13.00 Par month, delivered 60 Scml-Wfckly Per year ... 12.00 Marsters Drug Co. Reliable Druggists PHONE 81 R0SEBURG, OREGON BIX months 1.00, 1'KIDAV, AI'ltIL Ul), 1010. The evils of ridiuH tiro ut'hlom manifest to thone who iiohhohs them. This In fine woathor tor the c(iimm takera. A room to room ciiiivuhh Ib In order. Many a woman an uliurn uh a hrler at the hniKnln coimtor, Iiuh been ohllned to confess that she wiib fool ed In the sijliTilon of a husband. Worklnir and smoklne to the lust. Murk Twain reached Hie iiko or i 4 I'nnstnnt occuiintlon Is a iireservn tlve and the case anulnst tobacco 1b still ponding. The committee appointed to look after the matter of Kttlnn a per fect census for Corvallls has decld ed to employ two men to go over the territory In the wane oi me oi flcial onumerntory, nny the Onzette. Theso men will he expected to prod and nrv. and snoop around, dig out bunt up, chase down, smoke out and eet In touch with every person miss ed. If the chickens and family dogs can be Induced to give their names and to say thnt they have not noon enumerated, these assfntttnts hired by the club are expected to enroll the.m. It comes from Albany mat the enumerators there hnvo already gone to the graveyards after nnmeB. Corvallls doenn't expect to do that. hut It does want all the dead onen In the city listed ns well us the 5000 live ones. But, by the wny, Cor vallls citizens should not he over cer tain thnt this city bIiowb more thnn 6,500 Inhnhltonts; there Is a strong probability that the netunl returns will show Buniotlilng like uu or 1600 less thnn that number. It's better to he on the snfo side. . Ono of tho beat moans of "knock Inu" your homo niorclmnl Ih to jiur chose wurus and nicrchiindlHG from n mad ordor Ihjuho or to patronize the various uolleiloifi who fronumiUy viH- it, HoBobiitK, taking orders for mo corles. There are no lnsi than two of tho latter cIiikh "working UoBe-I-iirR today making a house to ItbUHO eanvnsH (IIbpohIiik of nro cerlH at whut thoy turm "a great Having to yon." Thd city council EllOlltd llCOHHB tlU'HO fullOWB to BUcll a degree, they would find this field qulto unprofltahlo. As the matter stands thoy urn at liberty to dls poso of all the goods they wish with out usklug ittiy permlKi-ion whatever. Our homo mei chants pay n city tax. occupation lax and a thousand and ono other amounts for tho hetter nwnt of tho city and county at large whllo the "solicitor" gives noth ing in return but Die pi online of a Raving of a few cents which, when your account has been Hummed up. tho goods compared with 111 oho sold by your home merchant and those, you havo purchased from the "so licitor," the remilt invariably shows you have been "stung." It's a safe proposition to pat ronlzo your local merchants. No city or Its people can bo, prosperous by buying away from homo. Think It over and the noxt time ono'of these fellows solic its your business "hand him n lemon " Patented RE-ENFORCED HAMMOCKS f.tist the Innit'M, an the h Mmugcst and tho cbcapcvt, time of Kcrvhr conslilored. 'lit V last for tun seastHiM. Canvas Hammocks i of (wo grades and i longoMt of any hmn- have handled. t htm we tv-nrtlered I II the demand, 75c to $4.50 B. W. STRONU The Furniture Man YOXCAKLA XKU'S. JJvo CorrenMnideiit Tells of IaiciiI , JlappeiiingH. V). C. Pitzer, of Hoseburg, was a business caller to our city a few days ugo. Georgo Post, of Tacoma, Is looking for a location In this vicinity. Mr. E. Krasior, of Eugene, was looking after various business af fairs in this place a few days ago. Mfss Pearl Jones has gone to Corn stock, where she will remain for a few weeks. Mrs. J. E. Cochran, of nice Hill, visited with relatives at this place the first of tho week. Georgo McQueen, of Cottage Grove was here on business the first of the week. ' Miss Ieah Moody has returned to her home near Butherlln. Mrs. Charles Applegate, who has been unable to walk for some time as a result of rheumatism has gone to Portland, whore ho will receive treatment at tho hands of special ists. Mrs. W. H. Wooster has returned from a two months' visit with rela tives In Nebraska, F. W. Dillard, of Uoseburg, was looking after business matters here tho first of the week. Mr. Audley Applegnto, of Port land, Is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Applegate at this place. C). R. Holdredgo returned the first of the week from tt business trip to Portland. Jeromo Smith and son, Clarence and Surveyor O. F. Thiol, were look ing about opening a new road In the llayhenrst country nenr the Oleson farm the first of the week. W. J. Cody Is hauling wood to town, preparatory to starting a wood yard. O. J. Ilaueburgs new house Is and soon will have grown to com pletion and will he a credit to tho city. A. Caley has tho material on the ground preparatory tci, beginning work on his new residence. Contrac tor Charles SumnorB has the work In charge. Gus Perch shipped three dngs (pups) of the nredalo and fox hound strains' to different points In Cnllfornta this week. Gus has a kennel of blooded dogs, but Is un able to fill his orders. Tho Margento lies Company show ed here three nights tills week, Mon- lay, Tuesday and Wednesday. Their acts were strictly up-to-date and af forded plenty of amusement for all. Miss Julia Itfshon, who Is at tho Good Samarium Hospital, at Port- laud, taking training as n mi rue is much pleased with tho work ant thinks It. an Interesting and profit able profession. Miss Julia Is well known hero and her friends predict a bright and successful future In her new avocation. liev. J. W. Knott Is now resident Presbyterian minister of this place. having recently been appointed to fill that. Important position. Georgo Stearns, of Oakland was hero on business tho first of tho 'k. While other localities are boost ing of tho powers and fortitude of their fowls In producing ma mouth egjrs. Yoncalla must not bo over looked. A few days ngo Mi's. S, II. II row n brought a chicken egg to town which measured 6 7-Sxil 5-8 Inches and weighed li ounces. The g was sent to Eugene as an asset t the Oregon exhibit. Judge and Mis. Mclnzer left the first of the wi'k for their new homo at Uedbuds. California. Sunday the 2 4 Inst, being he birthday of Miss Sue Hurt, Iht many friends here and elsewhere gave her a postal cavd shower, which became unite a deluge, more thnn fifty cards being received. They were beautiful and the many hiving thoughts con veyed were doubt less vet y dear to the recipient. Aside from the cards 'everal nice presents were received. i lie oncnlln band went to Drain 'nst Saturday evening to play for i no aii net cti h auifly. ' drama. Aside from the members of the band the Misses Hazel Sautter. Lena Hel llwell and Helen Hurt, of this place, were- in attendance. All ngreo that tln production iwas first claws In every particular, being fur above the average ameteur production. Those taking part aro deserving of much credit for tho excellent rendering of their parts and are to be com mended noon their prudent selection. "Tho Afflicted Family" will bo pro sented In this pluee In the near fu ture by the Drain home talent, under the auspices of the Yoncalla band. Don't miss It. Italian prunes In this vicinity were somewhat damaged as a result of three days cold rains n short time 'u;o. Some growers complain of an mi tire failure of Italians while many are of the opinion that only about one half a crop will be harvested at the most. There will bo a bumper crnn of netits, however, barring ex eeslvo frosts, or other uncommon climatic conditions. J. I,. Cox, successor to O. H, Ver brlck has tnken charge of his store and Is once again dolus business at Git, WD AVIATIOV TOI RXA. MEN'T, STItAWIiEltltV CAItXIVAL AM) LIVE- STOCK Show at Sutherlin, May 17, 18, !, 1910. Liberal Awards for all classes of livestock, ! strawberries, fowls, etc. Arrangements to feed and I sleep vast multitudes perfected. Harbacued meats served every day. O. A. C. Cadet Concert Band of 22 pieces will furnish music. Our Cater fed the mill- tltudes at Los Angeles when the Jackies were the guests. Various amusement features lu j tho evenings and costs you nothing. Come and witness Aerial Navigation demonstart- ed. Come and have a good so- cial time. Come and let us show you our beautiful city and our generous hospitality. tf tho old stand. Mr. Verblc Is preparing to move to Medford and will probably leave for that city during the present If at any time you should chance to see nn Individual loitering about the streets with a sort of woe-be-gone look In his eye with hat full of holes, allowing hair to protrude, coat de cidedly' out of commission, pants frizzled nround, shoe tops displaying a pair of sockless ankles, shoes mfs mated. full of holes and laced up with a piece of wire, don't be too hasty In passing judgment upon the poor, unfortunate as the same is apt to be the editor of some of the county papers and forced to deny himself the comforts of life while yu, perhaps a subscriber to his paper, aro enjoying luxuries of life and are keeping posted, via the cred it, route. on tho current events which this tea mo ragged, ill kept In dividual Is constantly putting before the public. It is to be hoped that no editor will ever come to such pitiable stratus as herein outlined hut many who are favored with dn'ly papers crisp and new take but little thought of the man behind the press and act as though thoy fancied a newspaper to be an eldorado propo sition and never lu need of any II1UHL UllJ Ul UC1UIH lilt; public and usually bear It wfthout a complaint. When prompted to speak HI of an editor, please de sist for a moment and mayhaps you'll change your mind. Remem ber that when your remains are car ried out and placed to rest In the little' cemetery on the hill that 'twilft bo some editor who will give space in his paper for your obituary pnd in all probability will himself say many nice things, about you' and show himself to be a sympathizing friend to thoee left to mourn. A contrast Indeed to your dumeanor toward nftn during your earthly career. Mrs. McGlntv. MAY DAY SOCIAL. Thq C. E. Society of the Christian church will give a May Day Social at the church Saturday evening, April 30th. A musical and literary pro gram hj being arranged. May Day baskets containing lunch for two will be for sale at fifty cents each. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening with us. a30 ft & Miss Elen Gertrude Harris, teacher of vocal and piano. Stu- dlo at Oak and Kane streets, care of Mrs. A. C. Marsters tf ' ' ! New lace curtains and portieres. Rice & Rice. For Choice Candies and Ice Cream GO TC 1 The Rose IF YOU WANT A 3 PERFECT COMPLEXION Free of wrinkled wttli ttio f limit of youth, then- innothinu' mure helpful Hum CREME ELCAYA a toilet crenui thnt , MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET POUDltK KIX'AY A (Three Shade) very fine, mul ntlherent. vivlnir tho nktn a nnturnl niipenr unco ami the l-'LCAYA f rnirrmice. Sold by MARSTER S DRUG CO. ItOSEliriKi, OIM'.CO V nl'2 fir '-a Hi fi Si III 'i . ' 1 Mr U HOW ABOUT YOUR LET THE WHOLE FAMILY VOTE If you ure iiDt sure iilmut this flour question Just linko onro nitll SIosio Hell mid let Hie wliuln family vpU on It. If tliey don't tie rldo Unit Mosco Hell iniikes the best hmid thnt you ever bilked re tinn the sink to us and get your money back. .The election will bo lit our expense. Mosru Itell 1'nteiit Flour, n straight, Idalio wheat. Economy Grocery a Easton & Stubbs, Props. Telephone 263 , 344 Jackson St. ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Carries a full line of School books and School Supplies.' A biir stock of Office supplies and Blank Books Drawing Material. Typewriter Supplies. Agent for Moore's Office Methods. Newspapers. Magazines. Rose burg Book Store SUMMER SUIT JHOSE warm days will soon be at hand and you may as well prepare for them now. Call at our store and we will show you something in summer suits that is sure to please you. It costs you little to dress well if you buy your clothes lice. Workmanship and style the best. Prices range from $12.50 to $30.00 I. ABRAHAM I The Peoples Store I The . -Co-operative Store With Tiny Prices The Only General Merchandise Store Carrying the Following Lines: Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Shoes We always aim to give the best goods at the lowest prices. We solicit a share of your patron age and promise you in return the best of service and values. Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY