THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Showm Tonight Saturday ADVERTISERS Will find The Kvenln New the beit medium to rch the people of Hoieburv. A wide-a-wake publication print liur 11 the news thttt'sflt to print VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1910 No. 153 A WILFUL LIE!" Ballinger Says Glavis is a Pre varicator. SECRETARYTAKESSTAND In His Own Behalf and Denies State ment Made in TeMlinony at SjH'cial Agvnt (ilavis. (Special to Evening News) WASHINGTON, April 29. "It Is a willful He.",. Testifying in his own behalf today before the congression al Investigating committee, Secretary Ballinger, referring to Agent Gla vis, characterized the testimony of Glavis in the above words. "Glavis made deliberate, willful misstate ments when he testified that he had talked with me over the Alaskan coal cases in December 1907," said Sec retary Ballinger. The distinguished witness declared he didn't know that any Buch groupe of claims as the Cunningham clulms existed at the time he became land commissioner. Subsequently he said he had learn ed that several of his acquaintances The Home of Reliable CLOTHING were claimants but added that he did not know Clarance Cunningham and thai he had had "no interest in Alas kan lands either directly or indirect ly, and had none today." TURK INSURRECTION FIGHT IMPENDING (Special to Evening News') LONDON, Eng.. April 29. Ac cording to advices received here to day, a great army of Albians and revolutionary Turks has invaded Monastfr and 1b being opposed by the Turkish army near Machanlk pass. A great battle is impending. Al ready preliminary fighting is report ed at Ipek. ATTELL AND MURPHY MIX ATTELL WINS Special to the Evening Ne,ws) NEW YORK, April 29. Abe At tell and Tommy Murphy exchanged fistic felicitations in a merry, ten round go before the Empire Club last night Attelf had the better of the contest throughout, every round being his except the eighth, when Murphy, by a clever feint, landed a, stinging stem-winder, putting At tcl on the floor.. "r The store that gives you an in surance policy with each suit. We Keep your suit pressed free of any charge, it means much to you. The color scheme this season is grey, let us show you some of them, You can't help but like them HARTH'S TOGGERY Portland Papers Praise Rose . burg Citizens. LAUD BINGER HERMANN Hoseburg 1m Termed "The City of Itoses" Menu Prepared by Hose burg Citizens a Com pleto Surprise. That the Portland business men are more than pleased with their visit to Roseburg yesterday could be no better evidenced than by the following complimentary articles which appeared In the Portland press this morning: (Portland Oregonlan.) ' The special train reached Rose burg at 8:30 this morning and found a city wheie already the roses are blooming in profusion out of doors. The blossoms weio as free as during one of Port'and's famous Rose Festivals. Women of Roseburg invited the visitors into their yurdp to pluck the blossoms and carried roses In market baskets, to the train, leaving a basket full in each berth. While the guests speeding over the country lu automobiles, the Roseburg committee of women dec orated the rear platform of the ob servation car aud strung, graceful pendants of (purple wistaria 'from the railings to the overhanging roof of the platform. liinger Hermann Visited. In the midst of the royal enter tainment provided for the, Portland visitors In Roseburg the fact that one of Oregon's prominent men was lying extremely 111 In his residence In the city waB not overlooked. Prom the Elks Club, where a preliminary reception was held, the excursionists marched In a body to Binger Her mann's residency and stood silently at the gate while Dr. Andrew C. Smith carried into the house a mes sage of good will and an earnest expression of the hope that Mr. Hermann would soon be restored to health. After the return to the Elks' hall, the party entered automobiles and were driven over the Umpqua valley, out Deer Creek valley and to the Soldiers' Home. J. YV. Perkins, president of the Roseburg Commer cial Club, was chairman of the en tertainment committee and the May or, P. w. Haynos, and others assist ed In making the visit a pleasant one. Here the felicitations of the Portland business men were express ed by Dr. Smith, who way chairman Tor the day, D. O. Lively and Wm. McMurrny. Npeclul Menu Provided. On the train at noon an additional surprise was provided for the ex cursionists, for which Roseburg hos pitality was responsible, in the form of a special menu. It Included roy al chlnook salmon, caught In the Umpqua fishing grounds with hook nd line; Roseburg strnwberrles, perfectly ripened, Roseburg cigars and more Roseburg bouquets. This special menu had been printed on silk ribbon and each member of the party received one as a souvenir. - (Portland Journal.) ROSEBURG. Or., April 28. The members of the Portland Business Men's excursion were given a royal welcome upon their arrival here at 8:30 this morning. They were met at the depot by a large assemblage of men and by the Roseburg brass band. After being photographed at the depot they marched to the Elks' Temple, where they were given re freshments. Speeches were made there by Dr. Andrew C. Smith, Wil liam McM array and D. O. 'Lively. The visitors then walked to the res idence of Dinger Hermann to pay him their respects, but as he was too ill to see them all', Dr. Smith conveyed their respects to him. Mr. Hermnnn was also visited by Phil Metschan of the Imperial hotel of Portland. They wore then escorted to auto mobiles, where they were taken to the- country and shown orchards. While they were absent from the train It was profusely decorated with roHes by Roseburg Indies. Three salmon fresh from the Umpqua river and a crate of strawberries grown in the open air near Roseburg were put aboard the dining car by mem bers of the Commercial Club. The tain left for the north at 10 o'clock. (Portland Telegram.) ROSEBURG, Or., April 28. Five hundred people greeted the Port land excursionists on arrival at 8:30 o'clock this morning. Escorted by the Commercial Club committee and a band, the visitors marched to the Elks' Temple, whero they were serv ed punch and cigars, and the club's president, Dr. A. C. Seely, gave an address of welcome after which the excursionists were tnken auto mohiltng and In a tally-ho to the surrounding farms and orchards. Returning to the city they spent a half an hour In getting acquainted, then departed north with the Inter ior of the train decorated with sev eral thousand rosea by the ladies auxiliary. The train also took away i three Chinook salmon cfiugi.t In th umnqtiR Inst night, arid n crate of choice homo-grown strnwbcrrli'. be sides an abundance of "booster" lit eral lire. The visitors were profuse with compliments of the city and suburbs and deeply appreciated the local gen erous hospitality. KUTHERMN' HAS KINDLY SPIRIT. Oakland fx AIno on Hand to Wei-1 come IvruiNioii(stH. SUTHERLIN. Or., April 28. The special excursion of Portland busi ness men arrived at 10:35 A. M., In charge of W. P. MeMurray, passen ger agent, and was accorded a most : cordial welcome In keeping with the' progressive, spirit of Sutherlln clti- j 7,ens. The party was escorted from the train by officers and engineers ' of the company to the dfpot park. I whpre L. G. Hicks, sup'Ttntejidnt ' of the Sutherlln Land & Water com-' puny, whir-h 1b developing the blK project here, made a short address , of welcome to the visitors, wblrh though short expressed In full thV kindly sentiment of (his city and vicinity ffol toward Portland and Its pntprprlslng business men. Jurigo. Hniris and several members of the pnrty madp Impromptu rnlls to Mr. Hicks, while Photographer (Mark ' photographed thy party. Afler a st ay of 20 m In u t en. t ho t rnf n nw Hnned with lis pprt.v to Oakland, where th citizens of Hint town were on hand 'to 'meet and entertnin them during their stay In the Krentet tur key marketing town of Southern Ore;;on. Portland Telegram. Such is the Opinion of Attor ney Jackson. RETURNS FROM SALEM Whcro Ho Attended ail Important Hearing for JtoMdiurg and Sou thern OroKon Points Be fore H. It. ConimtKstnn. Attorney C. S. Jackson who repre sented the Roseburg Commercial Club at the frieght rate hearing be fore the Oregon Railway Commis sion at Salem, yesterday, In an Inter view today Hays, that Roseburg and Southern Oregon polntB are sure to get a reduction In class ratos rang ing from ten to twenty-five per cent of the present schedule. Mr. Jackson has made the freight rate question a study for Boveral years which enabled him to give valu able testimony before the commis sion. He presented the class rate schedules for the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and South Dakota, in comparison with Oregon, for 'the same haul. The haul from Portland, Oregon to Roseburg, Oregon Ib 198 mlleB. The fifth class takes a rate of fifty per cont for 100 pounds, and tor a 200 mllo haul In IlllnolB the same class takes a rate of 16 3-5 cents, and In Wisconsin, 19 1-2 centB and In South Dakota, 26 1-2 centB for 100 pounds. In all the other classes, that Is classes 1, 2, 8. and 4, A. B, C D and E, similar per centage of difference exlBts. While In carload shipments and in commodity rates, the percentage of difference is even greater. Mr. Jackson also presented fltatls tlcs from the annual report of the In terstate commerce commission show ing from the statements furnished tho commission by the railroads themselves, that the operating ex penses of the eastern roads nro great er than that of the western roads. Also developed at the trial that the rate on nails for 100 pounds from DeCalb, 111., to Portland. Ore gon. Is G5 cents and from Portland to Medfnrrt, Oregon, is 79 centB. Mr. II. B. Miller, traffic mnnager of the O. R. & N. testified that 05 cents from DeCalb, III. to Portland, Ore gon, wns a profltnhle rate. - . It also doveloped at the trial that tho S. P. Company gave n rate of 50 -cents per 100 pounds In carload lots from Portlnnd. Oregon, to Mcd ford to the Beef Packers, allowing them the privilege of shipping mixed carlots. and for the eame products shipped to grocery dealers they charged n rale of 79 cents minus mixing privileges. If the grocery men desired any certain kind of goods he must ship a cnrlond) of each article to get the rato. A reduction of fifteen per cent In class rates to RoKCbiirg would mean many thousands of dollars snved annually to tho consumers. IDAHO LAND GRAFT PROBED IN SECRET (Special to Evening News.) BOISE, Idaho. April 29. The State Land Hoard 1b conducting ItB Investigation of the alleged Irregu larities of tho M. I. Church, register, behind closed doors today. The re hearing public is being vigorously condemned ns an attempt to white wash those involved. There wore no new developments today. MADDEN AMENDMENT ADOPTED BY HOUSE Spcclnl to the Evening Nqws) WASHINGTON, April 29. The House today adopted Maddens WANTED Watches that Won't Keep Time A S HIIEV Officii Watch Inspector, t J. Southern Pacific Railroad 11. W. STKON'O HKSltiNS. B. W, Strong, for the past two years a member of the Roseburg school board, has tendered hlB resignation, and the same will be considered at a special meeting of the hoard ' to be held tomorrow afternoon. Interviewed by a NewB ropre- sentntive this morning, Mr. Strong refused to divulge his reason for resigning, further that prlvato business mat- ters required his undivided at- tention. Mr. Strong Ib one of Roseburg's moBt able business men and his retirement from the board will be regrettod by hlB many friends in this city. amendment tn Tnflrnnri fairnlntlnn bill providing for physlclal valuation uii iMiiiuuiiH. uie insurgent repuo licans votod with the democrats. NINE LIVES LOST IN BURNING HOTEL (Special to Evening News) ' CORNWALL. Out., April 29 Nine lives were lost today in a fire that burned the Rossmore hotel. The property destroyed was valued at a quarter of a million dollars. The victims were all asleep. Among the dead are: C. A. Gray Montreal; his wife and two children; and Chaa. Oagne, bank teller and Ben Field ing, accountant. VISIT TO DHAIN I1UIKP. J Portland Business Men Have 'Not Time to, Leave Depot Platform. DRAIN, Or., April 28. The Port land Business Men's Excursion train arrived here at 11:68 o'clock, and was met at the dopot by a large del egation of citlzons and about 200 school children. Its time here be ing limited, the Portland delegation did not leave the depot platform, but employed the time getting ac quainted with the Drain people. Sev eral Bhort speeches were made by the Portland men among them be ing George W. Evans, W. A. Wil liams anil K. O. Bristol, they being Introduced by Mayor Dwlght Reed. A hnuket full of flowers was distributed among the visitors and the . train pulled out on time, amid cheers and exprosBfons or good fel lowship. Portland Telegram, HOIt.V. ODEN To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oden, In North Roseburg, on Thursday, April 28, a boy; Novelty Theatre Friday and Saturday only , TIIH OltKAT MOHTON8. in feats of gront strength Weight lifting and bar-bending. Don't fall to Bee them. Direct rom Rlngllng Bros. Circus Coming Sunday Matinee. TltUDHI.I. At Fl'M.KK. . Singing, dancing and talking comedians. riCTVIIICH. "A Coralclan Revenge." "The Clolsler'B Touch." counfiy," a picture hard to sur pass for mirth provoking situations. Yes, I want yon to bring mo your wntclicN that won't koop time, watches tho average watchmaker cannot fly. .No work too tllfllcuit for u to do. I employ no tinkers, but expert wnti binakeri and mipervfNe all work myself and cheerfully giiarantoo every job. KNtliNuten given when required.