TOT EVENING VEW8 TVFSnAV, MARCH 80, tOlO. CURED with their name. These will be sold at auction, the same aa a pie social DELIVER THE GOODS That's just what we do. to be SHOWN, and we want to show yoo that we deliver your pur chases from our store in such a manner that you are 8 ire to be pleased. We sell ''".' HIGH GRADE GROCERIES and charge only a moderate price. You want .RIGHT GOODS and we invite you to the RIGHT PLACE. WHITE RIYEIl FLOUR, PER 60 POUND SACK $1.75. There will be a guessing; contest at 10c a guess on how many beans there are In a bottle. The one who guess es the nearest will win a nullt which MT. DIABLO CEMENT IS BEST FOR SIDEWALKS will be on exhibition. The evening will be spent in a social mnnnor and I N 48 HOURS games. One game will bo a cake contest. So lot every one think of as many kinds of enke ns possible. COMMITTEE. HOWLING MOB HAS NO TERROR Mill f das TELEPHONE 2381 s 9 The Rose Easter Candies . Come v1 and sce what fl cent will buy. J D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short .Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. "I had ben a sufferer from hem orrhages for months, experiencing the most Intense pain and agony' says Mrs. R. W. Herrman, living at 629 Twelfth stret, Sacramento. "I was treated by a local physician for one entire month, but experienced no relief. One day In perusing a dally' paper, I noticed an article about the Fer-Don medical experts, and con-1 eluded to call and see what theyj could do for me, as I had made a mistake In selecting my physician be fore I felt satisfied that as they had cured others, they certainly could cure me. "I called at their offices, explained my condition to one of the experts and after an examination, placed my self In their hands. After only forty eight hours treatment I was perfectly cured and am today as hale, healthy and hearty as I ever was In my life. I cannot speak In too loud praise of their wonderful cure In my case, and can heartily recommend them to al! who suffer as I was doing. "My husband, kindness, itself, was anxious and nervous about my co mil lion at first, but now Joins me In all I have said, and is more than pleased at my rapid and complete recovery. Ho, like myself, was willing to graap at anything promising a cure, as a drowning man would grab at a straw. It Is almost useless to describe my condition,' as it Is the same old story dragging pains, constipation, tor pid liver, backache and worFt of nil. nervousness. At limes I could hardly drag one foot after the other, and words can hardly describe my suffer ing. But thanks to Fer-Don's Medi cal Experls, I am now a well woman," (Special to the Evening News) CAIRO, March 29. Several thous and nationalists made a spectacular demonstration before the hotel where Col. Roosevelt Is a guest, and above the tumult could be heard the shouts of the men In the street clamoring for 'a constitution," and at the same time crying for the overthrow of iheir autocratic government. The verandas of the hotel were filled with guests who fled in terror to the safety of their apartments, hut to the American all this was a very entertaining affair and he calmly remained in full view of the surging throng and viewed their demonstration with apparent in terest. 4 CUTS OFF 1I1S WIFE'S EARS. His Appreciation of Ilcr Kindness. it LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY l it n it tt tt Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finisb Lumt cr Doors and Windows of all Kinds. YardBon Loiver Oak Street. Phone 1411 ROSEBURG, OREGON mmmmi::m::m::: tt::m::m:mm::m:i MR. P. T. FEXW10K, OF OI10SI, CAL1KORMA, AVIIOHN lAUilf TUP. IS M'KSK l.V THE HOSI'l TAI, AT VISAMA, HAD A LARGE TIMOR. To Show CHICAGO, March 28. Flllod with love for her husband and remorse at her causing his arrest, Mrs. Mary Pe liKvki, of Evauston, a North Shore su burb on Saturday, obtnlnod his re lease from jail. Yesterduy Pelinskl, It Is alleged, cut off his wife's ears with a razor and then beat hep face with his fists. Pelinskl was sent to the county jail on March 9 to serve a $50 flue im posed for nsnult and battery on a charge preferred by his wife. Tiie po nee yesterday nrrcsteu Pelinskl on a charge of mayhem. ' CHURCH PROGRAMME. Entertainment nt Methodist Church Thin Evening. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE eDo you want to build you a home and pay for it in smal' H monthly payments and low rate of interest? JJ Do you want to pay oft your mortgage and have long time, Heasy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- locality? Do you want to sell your property? 1 8 Do you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKER S PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. or. Cass and Pine St. -:- -- & B. PERRINE, Notary Pubiic CHURCH BROTHERS BREAD IT'S :: tt u a xt I H :::::::::: tt BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR CASS I STREET PHONE 351 For a long time this tumor growth had caused him much pnln and worry and the dread of the surgeon's knife had prevented him from undergoing operation. He camo to the Fer-Don medical experts nud placed his case In their hands. No knife was used and, ac cording to Mr. Fenwlck's own state ment, he suffered not the least pain There was merely an application of one of the secret preparations ond in five minutes' time the tumor was lift ed from the head and it wus all over "How do you do It?" Fer-Don waul nsked. " "I don't do it," ho replied. "Myself nor my brother do not prac tice meitlclno here in your stnte; I do not remove these tumors myself. The European medical, experts do these things with the aid of their secret and powerful preparations. At their office they remove many tumors ni:d cancers; they cure appendicitis (in cases where the pus has not formed In the appendix) and perform many other wonderful cuies with the sy arthgil and other treatments. The knife Is never used by these men as their Bjstem of bloodless surgery doen away entirely with the painful oper alien." v- Only twenty more cases will be ac cepted, The Medical Expert that ac companies Fer-Don has anounced that he will only acept twenty more cases while In Roseburg, as he is so busy with the patients treating h canot deyoto his time to many more new cases. Offices at the McClallen Hotel, Roseburg. Hours from 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays from 10 to 12 noon. CAKE AM) SANDWICH SOCIAL. The following program will bo ren dered nt the Methodist-Episcopal church this evening, commencing at 8 o clock sharp. "Dreamlnnd," Hamilton Aeolian club. "We aro but Strangers Here," Donizetti Choir. . "Monn," Adams Prof. Lotz. "Cantilena," Rogers Mrs. Parks, C. X. hot?., J. L. Smith. "Hendemeor's Stream," Gatty A. R. Marker. - "Life's Dream la O'er," Asher MtsR Greene, C. A. Lotz. "Burdock's Goat" Woodson Mad- dox. "Night Sinks O'er the Wave.' Smart Ladles' chorus. "Myreen Waltz," DeLano Instru mental Quartet. Mrs. Parks, Messrs. Bell, Howser and Lotz. "Love nnd War," Cooke Prof Lotz and Eugene Jowett. "If I were a Violet," Cox Beauty unorus. "Over the Ocean Blue," Potrle Leios Livingston. "Vales Venitlunne." piano duet Rlngnet-MiKg Green, Mls Dllnrd. "Life's Dream," Male Quartet Dr. Rrumfleld. Dr. BeiL Percy Dnwo, Eugene Jewett . "My Dream of You," Rodney Miss iorna Poole. Estrada," Valentino Aeolian club. Silver offering. The Lndles Aid Society of Look ing Glass will give a cake and smid wlch social Saturday evening, April 2, to be held at the vacant Cranfil House. Each lady Is requested to hrlng a plate of sandwiches and cake reatest tensil strength. Best color. Hardest surface Finishes without cracKing or checking if put down by compotent workmen. Ask Fullerton & Richardson about Mt. Diablo Cement Over 1,500 barrels used in Roseburg last year NORTH SIDE GROCERY COMPANY NORTH ROSEBURG Complete line of staolo and fancy groceries, canned goods, etc. All cleau, fresh goods. . Call us up for your grocery needs Free delivery to all parts of the city. Telephone 2633 i THE FAIR I lius Just re ceived tlief r new spring stock goods f rom the eas-t ami will soon bo ready (o show you something nifty fit Hlilrt waists, underskirts, Bulls, sleeveless vents, knit cornet covers will, sleeves, neckwear, suuhonucls, laco mill gauze, hose, plain nnd in colors, silk and llnlo ttloves, laco curtains, towels, dri'Hwr srarfH, laces and embroideries, also finishing braids In colors. Watch nnr windows for some sensalional sales. Wo also Imvo new styles anil similes nrrlvhiK daily in Millinery, nt prices that defy competition, lllg bargains at tiny prices. Come nnd let ns show them lo you. T TEL E F A.- IE Mi I THE PLACE AND TIME TO GET your sewing mnchlnes. New models, new prices. Do not be fooled by agents. We have the goods, old relia ble makes, such ns Singer, Wheeler & Wilson and New Royal, and prices are cheaper than ever before. Come and be convinced. tf-d-sw RICK & RICE. JUST RECEIVED the most benutlful designs and color ings In wall paper ever shown In Roseburg p.t Fisher's Paint and Paper Store. Try one of those Snell filters will fit any faucet. See Winnie Galdis. the plumber. tf NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. To the Stockholders of the Second Serfea of the Douglas County Building nnd Loan Association. . Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the second series of the Douglas County Building nnd Loan Association that a stockholders meet ing will be held In the council cham ber, city hall, on Tuesday, the 2!th day of March, at 7:30 p.m. of said day, for the purpose of considering (he advisability of paying two dollars per share on snid stock for each and nvery month for the perlrd of twelve months, or for Btich other time ns may he decided upon nnd for the transaction of such other business as may Inwfully come before the meet ing. By order of the bonrd of di rectors. E. N. EWART, Assfj-tant Secteinrv. We Repair Everything Electrical needs attention as well as . Hell you apparatus. Furtnermors we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order If you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything fn our line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. JecliB&n Ft. RoseburgOr WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH I THE VACUUM CLEANER When wo sny GUARANTEE wo mean Just what the word Implies. If you nre not sntlslied there will be no charge. We could not make thin assertion unleHS we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy for you nnd the price renHonahlo. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY ). C. ll.MilOII, Phono 701 'roiirletor. - Oilim N. Jack son fit. ft Winnie Gaddis THE PLUMBER Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all im- I purities. Phone 2101 Roseburg Oregon YOUR FAMILY WASHING DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-FAR EASIER TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT OVER. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEHURG, ORE. Our Itcprriontatirca will explain our mrilimU of hnndllnc thli work. BOB