The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, March 23, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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News of the City Briefly Told
Mr. V. T, lllllman, who recently
sold hH farm on Hico Illlt, was In the
city today.
Bert BjtniKiie lias neceptod a poai
tUm as janitor o( the now Masonic
Henry Shrank, wife and son, non
ton, were In the city today from their
homo at hooking (J lass.
Douglas County Creamery Butter
the beat on tho market a home
product, 85 c:enlfl a roll. Patronize
homo industry and get the beat, tf
F. A. Smith arrived hint evening
from MudiPH, Crook county, Oregon,
and will vIhII with his brother, Karl
Smith, at this place.
Winnie Oaddls has commenced on
the Installation of a hot water heat
ing Hslem In the residence of .T. V.
Perkins, corner of Moaner and Steph
ens Htrect.
Miss Myrtle Anrtrun. of Portland,
who hns been vlultlng MiB Maud Mc
Coy, returned homo thin morning.
She was accompanied by her brother,
Al Andrua, of Cow Creek.
Circulating Library nt RoHeburg
Book Store, 1,000 volumns new fic
tion, paper covers, only 10c each.,
After reading ono exchange It for an-;
other for only 5c. tf
H. H, Stark, or Portland, Is In tho
city today. Mr. Stark was formerly i
pm ployed hero by the Wolls-Kargo
company, lie is now empioyea oy
the S. P. company.
liny, uiiLB wr h,iiiiu uu iif,tii
Tor tnc norao, out now nnoui your
wife. Wouldn't she be pleased to
have some of thoso nwoll fixtures for
her home, now on display at Winnie
Gntfdis, Uio plumber. tf
Attorney Albert Abraham returned
.from Salem this morning where he
went to argue tho en so of Houck vs.
The City of itoeburg beforo the bii
premo court. Attorney A. N. Orcutt
appeared In behalf of the city.
Mrs. TC. A. Shuey Is entertaining
former Illinois friends this week. Mr.
Frank Anderson and daughter MIks
Lottie, who recently arrived from!
their eastern homo and will look this
country over with a vlow of local; ng.
Mr, and Miss Anderson express it nsj
their belief that Unsehurg Is rertaln
. ly a delightful oily to Five in, and
that Douglas county is a beautiful
Clark Bros., the local photograph
ers, Keeping up wnn an ine new
"wrinkles" In pleturedom, nro doing
thnt class of work where tho pump
kin is made to look like a mountain
and the wagon conveying the produce
a Bi-condary consideration, after tho
stylo so courtpieuous on many of tho
late postal cards Issued. Tile gentle-,
men's first, work of the kind was ex-!
hiblted at the Tabornaele Monday
' evening during n lecture on V. M. O.
A. work. The picture represented
the "biggest thing In Hoseburg," and
was a small hoy townrlnglilgh above
the county eourt house with hfs hand
resting on the roof, and the picture
was used to forcibly Impress the and-1
lonre that the Y. M C. A. believe
our hovs nro mora imnm-tnnl th...
onr mansions, which Is fact in evervM1,0 Tru t and garden farm at that
particular " plnco that Is one of tho best of its
I kind in Douglas county.
i'hoito Main 2151
Commercial Abstract Co.
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
U'JH Xorlli Jackson st.
p i i
I; f lyJIJ
if mmm:
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Strutton went
to Portland this morning.
10. Bayllsu and Jesse Baldwin are
In town today from Myrtle Creek.
Dr. Robert Smick came up from
Myrtle Creek this afternoon.
Attorney and Mrs. F. A. DePue,,
of Springfield, are visiting In the
city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Zurcher.
Try ono of those Snell filters will
fit any faucet. See Winnie Caddis,
the plumber, tf
Mr. nnd .Mrs. T. P. Gardner aro In
the city from their farm near Myrtle
Creek visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. 13. Yockey.
Your price of living will be reduced
If you buy your groceries at the
North Side Grocery. It is easy to live
well nnd grow fnt If you trade with
us. Phono 2633. , Free delivery to
all parts of the city. d-tf
Mr. F. K, A. Smith, the Portland
Y. M. C. A. secretary, left for Cot
tage Grove today Ho states that the
business men of Roseburg subscribed
very generously toward the Institu
tion, giving three times the amount
of the subscriptions last year.
The case of J. F. Culver vs. New
ton Howe whftdi was tried In Justice
Long's court yesterday, resulted in
a verdict for the defendant. Tho
case involved a controversy over the
sale of a plow, the defendant setting
up a failure of warranty. Attorney
W. W. Cnrdwcll appeared for the de
fendant. Deputy County Clerk Roy Agee
has tendered his resignation. Mr.
Agee will move from this city to a
farm near Klkton, the close confine
ment in the clerk's office having Im
paired his health to a certain de
gree. It has not been stnted who
will fill tho vacancy caused by Mr.
Agee's resignation.
J. T. Spnugh, of Looking Glass,
was In tho city for a few hours today.
Mr. S. has worked out a scheme for a
homo made rond scraper that beats
the world for effectiveness and re
duces any sort of n road to a smooth
ness that Is gratifying. Ask Spaugh
about It, and you will agree that It
is a good thing when It is explained
to you.
It is the time to buy
Ram Christenson, of Wlntrtons, is
11,1 ,1,H tolla-v' Ie has a fine llt-
AH work fiist-el:is
T. R. Sheridan, the bunker, went
to Kugeno today.
Charley Harpsters has sold his lot
on Pine stret to Russell Harness for
Mrs. A. E. Smith, of Oakland, who
has been visiting her son, Sam Smith,
returned homo today.
Mrs. Will Singleton, who has boon
visiting frlendB in Grants Pass, re
turned homo today.
Mrs. Eva Coulter, a daughter of
Mr. F. Long, returned to Kugene to
day after a short visit In the city.
PVr Men There Is no better shoe
made than the celebrated "J. E. Tilt,"
which Is to be found at the Mllllkin
Shoe Store. And for heavy wear
there is nothing equal to the "United
Workman Shoe." d-tf
Miss Myrtle Chase, of Grangevllle,
Iduho, who has been In the city for
the past month visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonebrnke, left
today for a visit at Oakland before
returning home.
Louis Barzeo, and son, Hubert,
who have been in the city for the
past few days, returned to Portland
today. Mr. Barzee and family will
leave Portland In the near future for
Montana, where he will locate on a
You want the Normal School ques
tion separated from politics. That Is
what the Initiative Bill does for Mon
mouth. This Is your opportunity to
keep It always separate. The state
educates her lnwvpm rArtnam ,in
tors, pharmacists, etc.. why not hr
ifiicners. wo must have schools.
Tho better trained the teacher, the
better RChnnl nnd msii-n l.. nfii .
service the child gets. Vote yes, for
itiuuiMuum. sw-tf
From 1 p. m. to 2 p. m.
Burin Silks Tho only rival to Suesine Silks. Thcv cost von 4 7 l-2c
nro bettor than Kobe Silks. Thev aro 27-lnclies wide. In
fact, the greatest snap In the silk market todav. Oft,
For one hour only VC
From 2 p. m.
Hllk Waists Values to $5.50 Silk Waists that sold
J5.G0 A waist snap to be long remembered, sizes
to 40. Buy a bargain now at, special
Big Thursday Hourly
merchandise and you buy the best at
From 3 p. m.
WhltP Hiiiidki-rrlilrfK A regular value that sells at 3(lo a dozen.
This Is a good quality, cambric handkerchief, neat 1-4 ir
Inch hem. Its a big value at the low price, dozen IDC'
On Sale Thursday Only
From 4 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Dress (ilngltnms Beautiful dress glnghaniB In a marvelous assort
ment of 75 patterns to pick from. Got your Gingham dresses
now. Allmlt of 20 yards to a customer. These are lf
the beBt popular priced ginghams. At low price, yard...lUC
On Sale Thursday Only
From 5 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Wash Taffeta Silks Beautiful wash taffetas In all the best pos
sible shades, a silk that wears and washes. Look iA
to summer needs and buy now. Special 1 hour only 3vC
Miss Iva McAlister is in tho city
and will spend the summer visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. I).
Twenty-one boy friends of little
Pnnnld Mct'lallen, bon of Mrs. and
Mrs. Hoy McClallen. gathered at the
family home last evening to celebrate
the former's eleventh birthday in a
fashion becoming to the occasion.
That the little fellows thoroughly en
joyed the hospitality of Donald is
evident by the many sleepy looking
eyes In evidence today in the "top
knots" of those who participated. It
was a joyous evening for all. Inter
spersed with games, merrymaking of
all kinds, nnd near the close of the
festivities, the one particular part of
the program, that in which the small
boy gives way without anv coaxing--the
serving of a delicious lunca.
which was by no means lacking nt the
event In question the gU"?ts partook
of the menu In a way that made the
many good things to eat disappear
like magic. At quite a lute hour the
boys made their exit and started for
home, vowing that they had tho best
time of their lives. .
-A large furnished
Inquire at the News of-
ROOMS FOR RENT Two nice bed
rooms, hot and cold water in each,
bath. Inquire at this office. m8p
WANTED Three furnisned house
keeping rooms or a Binall furnish
ed house. Phono 24 7. d-sw
YVA NT KI )Two hi dy" roome rs, with
or without board. Inquire at this
office or phone 1301. d-m24
COVSFOK s7LETnHbj Jefiiy
cows, cheap. A. J. Starmer, Rose
burg. if
TOKENT One furnished 5-rooin
house and one unfurnished 5
room house. Inquire 105 Flint
't. j. C Mnffftt. d-ov'fi
I'Un ilglll 1U16 111 JVi.Ctbllitf
add to Roseburg, good six room
house; stable; fruit trees. $1,050.
A. E. GIBSON, Edenhower, Or. ai
WAN TED Experienced girl wanted
to do general housework. AddrcsB
P. O.'Box 457, Roseburg, Ore.
WOOD $2 RICK Good H-inch
slab wood for sale at $3 the tier at
the Page Investment Co., the
square dealing lumber firm, North
Roseburg. Phone 242L d-Tf
chine desired: will take same on
rental basis with privilege of pur-
chase; visible machine preferred.
R. R. Wood, News office.
board by ymmg man In family
where there are no other boarders.
Will pay $4.50 per week. Address
' B. News office.
FOR SALE ten acres of fine land,
all in cultivation; two acres of or
chard; small house and barn;
chickens, team and wagon. You
can get this place for only $2,500
Inouiro or address N., care News
office. AlO-dsw
to 3 p. m.
as high ai
to 4. p. m.
TEAM KOIl S.U.K learn ot oTu
horses, weighing 3200, good wag
on and harness. Call at Gaddls
ranch, Edenhower. A23-p
NOTICE A first class 8 room house,
with 4 1-2 ncres of Al land, all In
bearing fruits of choice varieties,
within city limits, can be pur
chased at a bargain If taken with
in the next twenty days. Address
V.L. Beard. Yoncalla. Ore. p-tf
r'Kl'IT FARM And garden land: 22
acres; 7 acres In choice varieties
of bearing trees; 1 acre strawber
ries: other small fruits: 5-room
house, soring water, barn. Some
thing reallv fine, l.nok It up. In
quire. FARMER, News office. da23
FOR SALE Forty acres, all fenced.
mostly wire tence: road nnd mall ,
line and telephone through place:
one mile from postofflce. store and 1
school house; splendid fruit land: j
house, barn, chicken house and
pens fenced with 6-foot wire fence:
well watered: $25 per acre. Part
cash, balance on time at 8 per cent I
. Interest. Inquire at 325 W. Wash
ington street, Roseburg, Ore. d-tf!
IJrcezy Ilumli of Interesting Xews
Mrs. McElroy and son have depart
ed for their home at Salem to visit
relatives at Eugene a few days be
fore returning home.
Rev. N. T. Hnrbit, of Springfield,
delivered a evy interesting and con-
else sermon from the M. E. pulpit nt
this place last Sunday,
j .Mrs. L. A. Duughtery and son.
Frankle, and Miss Lena lillliwell. "f
I Arteta, are visiting with relatives
! here this week.
Miss Lucile Wetzel of Drain visited
with friends at this place the first of
the week.
1 Mr. Roy Booth made a business
, trip to Eugene last Saturday.
I Mr. Alvy Wise was a business Vls
J ltor to Cottage Grove last Monday.
I Abraham Lincoln Edwards of
Drain, was a business visitor, to this
j city last Tuesday.
I Mr8yL. R. Lynn, son and daughter,
Waltof and Lucy, left last Monday
Tor Portland where they will visit
with relatives for a short time, then
depart for old Mexico to join ' Mr.
Lynn, who Is at Orange Hill.
S. R. Llvermore, of Bellingham,
Wash., has taken possession of the
property purchased by Jacob Stone
nnd contemplates residing here Indef
initely. William Clark, of St. Johns, Is
looking after business interests here
this week.
Perry Foster, of Roseburg, was a
business visitor to this city last Tues
day. Jacob Stone and daughter, Mrs. J.
iA. Shields, left a few days ago for
The Misses Ella and Edith Stone
left the first of tho week for Central
Point to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Choquette have re
turned to their home at Woodbury.
Miss Agnes Smith, of Oakland, vis
ited with friends at this place last
Miss Ruth Powell and Miss Martha
Stearns, of Oakland, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Stearns the first of
the week.
W. H. Wilder has purchased the
Meals property west of town and con
templates moving thereon in the near
future. -
Mr. Jopse Berkley of Portland, vis
ited with his brother, J. W. Beckley,
a few days this week.
M. R. Parks, of Roseburg, Is visit
ing relatives In this vlcinitv this
week. .
W. F. Seals was In town last Mon
day and gave us n detailed account of
a ml.xup he had had with a vicious
cow. nnd displayed an injured hand
which of itself was mute evtdence of
the ferociousness of the affray. Mr.
the smallest price
Seals said he was completely knocked
out the first round as measured by
"gooseberry rules," but was badly out
of condition to start with, and this
coupled with the fact that the bovine
outclassed him In reach and weight
was responsible for his defeat. But.
after a few weeks' training he is pos
itive he'll be able to regain his Inst
lnurels. Go It, W. P., we're with
you and our money Is talking to the
effect that you can regain your su
premacy after a few weeks of system
atic training.
Reports from E. R. Lynn and
Henry Mooney, who went to Old Mex-
Roseburg Oregon! March 23, 1010.
All observations taken at 6 a.m., Pacific time.
Temperature Wind
At Min. 12 Max. 24 Dlrec- Ve Pre Weath-
6 a.m. hours hours tlon loclty clpt'n er.
Blaine 40 . 40 '46 SB 4 Cloudy
Tatoosh. 42 38 46 W 14 .04 Pt CI
Seattle 38 38 B0 SV 14 .26 Cloudy
North Head 40 48 46 W 12 01 PL CI
Portland .38 38 B0 S 8 .60 ' Pt. Cl!
Roseburg. 38 38 46 S 4 .72 Pt Cl.
Siskiyou 28 26 36 NE 4 .82 Foggy
Red Bluff 40 40 B8 N 4 .30 Clear
'Eureka 44 42 64 E 6 .66 Cloudy
Sacramento 44 44 B8 SW 8 .04 Clear
San Francisco 46 T6 54 NVV 12 .10 Clear
Tonopah : 28 28 38 SE 20 .10 Pt CI
Yakima... 36 36 B2 NV 10 .06 Clear'
Helena 42 42 64 V. 4 T. Cloudy
I.ewlston 46 - 46 60 SW 4 .22 Cloudy
Spokane ...38 38 64 S 18 .26 Cloudy
Walla Walla 40 40 B2 SW 14 .78 Cloudv
"olse 44 40 68 E 6 .08 Cloudy
Pocatello 38 36 66 SW 12 .22 Clear
T. Indicates trace of precipitation.
FORECAST Fair tonight and Thursday.
Official In Charge.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
VrdBon Loner Oak Street,
Phone UU
ico and Arizona, respectfullly, are to
the effect that Mr. Mooney has re
turned to McLeod, Cal., and has pur
chased a small tract of land, while
Mr. Lynn is at Orange Hill, Mexico,
and Is well pleased with the country
and contemplates locating there per
manently. '
The entertainment and oyster sup
per at the opera house last Satur
day evening wore well attended and
all expressed themselves as being
highly filed with soup to say nothing
of the enjoyable time listening to the
! unique and Interesting program.
Quite a lot of talk is prevalent of
j late In regard to paving streets and
-otherwise beautifying and Improving
the city, all of which is very nice and
j beneficial, but one of the best boosts
lO any lowu ur cuiiimuuiLy ih iu uavu
a first nlnss school. Yoncalla has an
! excellent school in wjilch instruction
Is given up to the eleventh grade, but
that does not suffice to give a pupil
a high school education, and we are
therefore forced to send many pupils
away to get It. There Is no reason
why Yonealla can't support a high
school-just as well as any other coun
try city, and thereby advance the
welfare of the citv and community
and at the same time afford oppor
tunity for the children to acquire an
high school course without being
compelled to go elsewhere, necessi
tating additional expense and Incon
venience and Incidentally taking
money to build up other places when
the same could be used to a good ad
vantage at home. It goes without
saying thnt a place with good educa
tion facilities has a groat, leverage
and will attract peoole who are desir
e.ble citizens and therefore will ne
cessarily advance. Let us get to
gether on this school question and
not cease our activities until our ef
forts are crowned with success a
high school for Yoncalla.
your sewing machines. New models,
new price. Do not be fooled by
agents. We have the goods, old relia
ble mnkes. such as Singer, Wheeler &
Wilson and New Royal, and prices are
cheaper than ever before.. Come and
be convinced.
tf-d-sw RICE & RICE.
Good lfi-Inch slab woed for sale
at $2 the tier by the Page Investment
Co.. tho square dealing lumber firm
North Roseburg. Phone 2421, d-tf
The largest stock and the least
priced. Direct Importations of all the
very latest deslgas. 10c double roll
and up to 60c.
48 Surely go-carts with prices that
look good to you.
d-sw-tf RICH & RICE.
The kind that tickles
your palate
Buy your supplies of
pastry and bread from
II. Gl'EST. Tron.