THE EVENING NEWS WKIKHIAV, MARCH 10, 1010. "CAUGHT A TROUT Long' 0- With tacKIe I got from FULLERTON "S RICHARDSON. The Store. Finest quality. Price right.' News of the. City Briefly Told 3. D. Walker, August (loltBche and f). H. llvyburn, nil residents of l;ll 3urd, were In tho city Inst evening. - Fred Andorwin of Iloyal Oak, Mich, is In tlio city for a fow days. Bliould io be utile to find a miltuljlo ranch he will locate In tlilH county. Mr. George Purer certainly made a good fouiituln pen whim lie made ithe Parker Curve T'cu. On aalo at Koseburg Honk Store. M-lf W. ft. Illll, of Wilbur, who liaa been In the city since yesterday look ing after IiuhIuokh matters, left for tiomo thlH uftnrnoon, City Don Catcher retllt reports six dogs In the pound today. Unless claimed by tomorrow evening they will ho killed accordliiK to law. Mrs. Jean Morris Kills, the well linown psychologist who recently con cluded a. series of lectures in this city, la lecturing this week ut Ku euo. The rush of taxpayers at the sher ITI's office has abated Bomewhnt to day, presumably for tho reason that the time of allowing the usual three jer cent rebate has expired. Your price of living will be reduced 1f you buy your groceries at the North Side Grocery. It Is easy to live well and grow fat If J"il trade with us. I'lionn iH:U. Kreo delivery to jill parts of tho city. d-tf Contractor Wnrlhlngton hns been nwarded the contract for construct Inn a cement sidewalk abutting tho pro perty owned by J. II. Wilson. He ex vocls to commence work on the same In a few days. , C. It. Btevonson of Seattlo, Is spend ing a few days In. tho city visiting friends. Mr. Slevenson was at one time a resident of Douglas county, but juoved to Washltiston Movorul yenra ngo, where ho has slnco resided. Needless to assert that ho nutlces many improvements since his resi dence here. William Hill, of Wilbur, transacted business matters in the city yester day. The 4-year-old son of Charles I.oo mlB, of Newport, Ore., underwent an operation at .Mercy Hospital today. W. C. ,JCdwards( tho popular Drain business man, spent yesterday In the city looking after business matters. . C. n. Wilson, employed in the Prior machine shop, had a small particle of steel which lodged In his eyo while ut work today, successfully removed by Dr. K. V. Hoover. W. It. Godfrey, formerly In tlio transfer business In this city, but now located at Ten Mllo, was attending to business matters In Hoseburg today. Rev. O. W. ' Householder will preach at Green's school houBe March 20, at 11 o'clock a.m. All aro cor dially Invited to attend. A Sunday school class will be organized Immed iately alter tho morning service. Mr. Plckard, whose head was badly Injured some weeks ago by an explo sion at the Starveout mines, hns suf ficiently recovered to leave Merry hospital nnd return to his homo ut Monroe, Oregon. O. W. Sloper, the cleaner nnd presser, hns just received his lino of sprint; mmples from Kd V. Prl'e, Chicago tnliors, nnd Invites the pub lic to Inspect them. vThe lino Is one of the handsomest ever received by him nnd Includes all the latest weaves made Into tho most fashion able attire for men. TF Tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwarta met wllh a very serious ac cident last evening, the result of which will necessitate him remaining under the care of a physician for some time. It appears that the child was plnylug Willi a knife, when In BOine unexplained manner ho fell and in so doing allowed the blade of the weapon to penetrate the stomach. Dr. Hoover was called to attend tho patient. H. J. Ituwll left this afternoon for his farm at Wilbur. Ilev. C. W. Short is reported to he on tho sick list. J. D. Walker, of Dlllard, is In tho city on business today. S. J. Jones mado n business trip to Myrtle Creek Tuesday. Richard Hughes, of Glendalo, wds a visitor in the city yesterday. N. Andorson, a farmer of the Dll lard country, Is In the city today. R. 8. Wells, of Canyonvllle, at tended to liusines In Roseburg yes terday. J. A. Sampson, of Elk Head, looked after business muttera In tho city yesterday. P. H. Hnrlh, of Portland, father of Henry Harth, Is In the .city visiting with his son. Wllllnni Buxton, the genial farmer of Hrockway on business. W. A. Mayes, of Riddle, was a bus iness visitor in the city for a few hours yesterday. E. S. Wells, of Canyonvllle, spent yesterday In the city looking after iiusluess Interests. Tho work of exiierting tho county books will be comemnced within a few days by Mr. Olcott, who was recently awarded tho contract for accomplish ing tlio task. Tlio expert expects to consume about five weeks in complet ing the Job. Tho Albany Nurseries, of Albany. Ore., have presented tlio Episcopal church of this city, with a dozen choice rose plants which will be used to beautify tho grounds where the church building is located. Tho work of plowing the north half of the court house grounds is progres sing with rnpldlly. Indications teml- . lug to show Hint the tas will be com I pleted thiB week. As soon as possible ithe plot, will bo turned over to the through this pl:;co last Tuesday en route home from eastern Oregon. I .MS3 Martha Mortensen left for her homo at Salem Tuesday morning af i ter a few days visit with her brother, i l)r. Morlenson at this place. I Arthur Kelso made a business trip to Cottage Grove Inst Tuesday. Dr. Wade, of Drain, was a business .visitor to this city the first of the week. I Tho ladles of tho M. E. church will give an entertainment at the opera I houBO Friday evening. Mnrch 25. A j unique program will bo rendered and ' a good time is assured to all. I Miss Sue Burt has returned to her homo at tills place after Eeveral days absence at Roseburg, ! County School Superintendent Thurman Chaney was a business vlsl- tor to this city last Monday. Leslie Miller and wife, of Sprln;' . field, visited at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jno. Miller at Hayhurst the first of tlio week. Jno. Hangeberg made a business .trip to Roseburg the flrtt of the week. I J. W. Hockley, of Onkland, visited with relatives at this place a fow I days this week. Charles and Alvin Lee mado a l'::-- ness trip to Hoseburg last Monda" Mr. Barton Helllwcll is at present employed as chief clerk and dope mixer at the Huntington drug store. Jno. Woodson left last Monday for his home at Long Creek, after an ex tended visit with relations and :;:;:;n?::::;:n;:::::::::::j::::::::n:::i LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY H Luiiiber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt er Doors and Windows of all Kinds. ROSEBURG, OREGON Yards on Lower Oak Street. Phone 1411 SUB HOUSE CLEANING TIME ML SOON BE HERE And when It cornea plan to have the work done In a thorough nanner. THE VACCUM CLEANER does away with all druirrzery for the women, besides (Iobh not injure your carpets or rutm in the leaBt. When ynu aro rnady to take up this important part of the household work call up the Phone 791 ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. Baker, Prop. Office N. Jackson St.j wumii iiiii i THE XEYV YORK STORK ladles that they may plant their shrubbery and otherwise beautify the grounds. Mwwfwmii ii hum wi thk nkw yoiik 8TOHK ymnenmmf.irtmfmim BIG HOURLY SALE-THURSDAY ONLY From 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. 1 .25 value in Women's wrappers; all good pat terns and an extra fine cloth. See this great val ue. Special , 750 BETWEEN THESE HOURS ONLY. NONE LAID AWAY WHATIIKK ItKI'OIiT. Itoseliurg Oregon, .Mured 1(1, 1!I. All observations lalien at B a.m., Pacific lime. Temperat uro Wind At Mlu. 12 .Mux. 2T Wren- Ve- Pre- Weath- 5 a.m. houra hours Hon locliy clpt'n er. limine :tii IH f.ll SW 4 0 Clear VU'toru" ...12 V.' 5 1 SW 4 ft Cloudy Tuloo-a Hi. 42 III NK 22 .02 Cloudy Seallle HI 4I' f'K N T. Clear Portland 7 r.2 r.2 70 W 4 .04 Pt. CI. North Head 4S 4S r.4 S 4 0 Pt. U. Uo-Hbur 4S 4cl r.S NW 4, .0 Cloudy S.ikv,nl' 40 4" M SW 4 0 Pt. CI. Heel muff 4S IS 04 4 0 Cloudy ai-ramoim '" I r.4 00 N 8 Cloudy Kan FnimlM-o Mi 5 00 NW 4 .02 Unlit Walla Walla 5 Bt 00 8K 4 ft Clear YaHm.t 4S 72 NW 10 0 Clear Spirliiiue I I 41 70 NK 0 0 Clear Hoi,- 12 42 70 N li 0 Clear Poralello St S l S 4 0 Clour Lc.vWum 10 40 70 K 4 0 Clear Jlelenn :!ll 34 Oft SW 4 0 Clear KOUIiCAST- showers tonlnht or Thinrday. wh.i.iam una, Official In Charge. Legal advice free. Collections O Solicited Room 1. Mnrstera Dldg.;, On', O ft it. k. sti:ki., II. M. llltUMKIKM) Dentist Rooms 6 and 7 Hell Sisters Bldg. i Phone 1361 Hoseburg, Or., 4 YO.VC.ll.I.A SAYI.ViS. Mrs. .MeOiuty Has SolnetliiuK to Say of Her Seetli.n. Mrs. MelClroy and son of Salem visited with Mr. and .Mrs. James 3e atty tills week. .Mrs. .1. K. Clark, who has been vi itlnK with relatives in Lane county for several weeks, has returned to her home nt this place. .ludno and .Mrs. Meim'.er " are at home niinln nfter nn nbsonce o sev eral months In California. .Mr. Mein rer has purchased properly ut Red latida Cal.. and will return thither with Mrs. Meizner In a short timo to reside. Mrs. Hurry Stearns visited with relatives at Oakland a few days this week. M. Pelre of Vtosotiur?;. Is vlsltln? with relatives here this week. Miss Delia Ohlson visited will, rel atives at this- placo the first of the week. Albert Hellhvell hns enno to Port hind lo remain indefinitely. Hev. K. O. Kldlhlce ajient a few days nt Springfield tills wivlr. Kred Moody, of Sutherlin, pnsed W. F. Rodolf Architect and Superintendent MOPK11X KKS1HKXCKS A SPEC IALTY. For further particulars, address llox 71, liosclmrg, Oreuon. il-sr Jr THK NKW YOltK STdllK III 1 I ! ' .l BIG HOURLY SALE-THURSDAY ONLY From 3 P. M. to 4 P. M. l'nney striped perealine petticoats in blaek and white only; a big skirt value that is the best ever. Special .' T 690 BKTWJjST THESE II OURS ONLY THK NEW YORK STORK mlKllllMMMf w BIG HOURLY SALE-THURSDAY ONLY From 4 P. M. to 5 P. M. $4.50 Women's all wool panama dress skirts in blue, gray and blaek; a big value that is sure to please you. Xone laid away. 2.98 BETWEEN THESE HOURS ONLY, NONE LAID AWAY, NO PHONE ORDERS THK XKW VOltIC STOHI3 fi-iends at this place. Fred Mitchell and family left last Monday for Hoover. Ore., to reside, Mr. Mitchell having secured employ ment with a lumbering syndicate. Dr. Kinff, of'Cutlago Grove, visited with friends at this place several daj'H last week. Miss Alice Willinms, of TloseburFr, visited "With relatives and friends here tho first of the week. Hertram Applefrate, of Cottage drove, was a visitor to tills city the first of the week. John W'amsley has sold his pro perty In this city to A. Caley and has purchased a small farm near Albany and contemplates moving there in the near future. Cleve Ambrose, of Rosehure, was a visitor to this city last. Sunday. C H. Dauirnerty mnde a buslnes trln to HoseburK last Saturday. Dr. Cleorpe K. Knott has purchased the residence property of ludse Meln zer and contemplates utilizing a por- j Winnie Gaddis t THE PLUMBER Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Roseburg Oreg'on rfwMikmg&aGiMw.rte'fZSTJzz mi: xew vokk stork jagwgoawaiogiiMa Big Hourly Sale-Thursday Only 50G From 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. Last but not least, the biggest bag sale ever held in this or any other city. Bags that sold for from $1.00 to $1.30; for this great sale BJilTAVJilElSr THESE HOURS OXLY 1 111-: XKW YOliK KTOHK Hon tlleroor ns a hospital nnd will .sudii bf pi'opni'cd to accoimnodiite nuy unci all nociling surgkal ami medical asslHtant'o. Xlopwandnr's motion plcturo slum1 at this placo last Tuesday evenlns was fairly oll attended nnd atfordnd plenty of amusement please the most skeptical. 1 There will lie nn entertainment nnd ovstsr supper nt the opera house Saturday evening, March 13, under the nuspiccs ot the Presliyterian ehueh. An enjoyable evening and plenty of oysters nnd soup are as sured. Saturday. March 19. is V. C. T. V. tng dav. Tho ladles of the local W. C. T. U. nrc preparing to sell taas on that dny to nsslst In furthering I Iia cause of right nnd justice ana for the protection of homes from the deadly viper. King Alcohol. (ulte a lot of talk Is h"ar.l on the strceis of late relative to changlnir tho city charter and bonding the city preparatory to paving a portion of the streets and aiming otner mntenai benefits to the city. It goes without saying that the streets will gradually get Into worse condition nnd the city practically stand still unless some such measures as proposed are adopted and some effort put forth to Improve conditions. Let us move ahead. State Commander Shaw of the O. A. R. delivered an address on patriot Ism In the opera house last Monday 1 cmt I LADIES, ATTENTION See us about that Easter Bonnet And everything in the Millinery line. Styles and quality the very best. Prices the lowest possible. Don't -forget the place. I T H E FA I R evening, there being a large attend ance. Coin. Shaw la an interesting speaker and syeaks of the hardships of war with authority, having served his time on the firing line, whenever and wherever duty called him. "We are not boasting of our prowess nor are we looking for war, but there's not a nation upon the globe but what respects Uncle Sam." said Mr. Shaw. Gus. Peret. the local marksman, satisfactorily demonstrated hla abil ity as a trick shooter and all-around marksman to Mr. Reed, representa tive of the Peter's Cartridge Co., last Monday. Mr. Reed complimented Mr Peret very highly on his ability u a "shootlst" and intimated that a good position with the Peters people awaited him. But as Mr. Peret al ready has an offer from the U. M C people e is as yet undecided as to which he will accept. Mr. Peret is aa excellent marksman with any and all firearms, and If given an opportuntr to demonstrate his ability doubtless will In a very short time be ranked with the top notchers and. posslblr second to none. MRS. McGINTT.