TH1I EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1010. DELIVER THE GOODS That's just what we do. tXi to be SHOWX, and we want to show you that we deliver your pur chases from our store in such a mannor that you are sire to be pleased. We sell HIGH GRADE and charge only a moderate price. You want RIGHT GOODS we invite you to the RIGHT PLACE. TELEPHONE 2381 t FIRE INSURANCE t Northern Quixmi Alllls WilHiitii.liiri.'li Ity nlathii' V. 8. ltraiich Agricultural . Security ltm. t'o. of N. America IVmiftylvaiila THE DOUGLAS COUNTY W. J. MOON. Mtr "T" The Rose . EaSter CandieS . Coine in and see what a cent will buy. LttMi I HHP, ft BIG HOURLY From 11 A. M. to 12 M. BETWEEN THESE HOURS ONLY, No Phont Orders, NONE LAID AWAY I HWI 1LJ JMilillflWlMlW'JM" THE NKW VOltK STORE i j til : k m (i ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Carries a fujl line of School books and School Supplies. , A big stock of Officj supplies and Blank Books Drawing Material. Typewriter Supplies. Agent for Moore's Office Methods. Newspapers. Magazines. Roseburg: Book Store LOANS, REAL ESTATE, 'INSURANCE - Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small 55 monthly payments and low rate of interest? 55 Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, H easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? 55 Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract 55 near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality ; do you want 10 sen your property ? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKER a Cor. Cass and Tine St. -:- For Men. There Is no beter shoe made than the celebrated "J. E. Tilt." which Is to be found at tho Slllllklti Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the "United Workman Shoe." dt-f. GROCERIES and Aiiaelfi .81 l.lllll.OIB.OO.. 7. HI 1. a.iiftM.nrio.oi)... .. a..-:i-2.a.-i.).(in... .. !i,(irt.r..-..r.(ii... .. ii.oun, 1:17.011... ,. 2. ao, inn. (... . 12.(11 I. (Ill.'l. no .. Founded 18.17 I Nil 1 mot, IN. "ill linm 1 .".! INI 1 17112 1N'25 . ft t ABSTRACT CO., Agents Imuran Unit. THH NKW YOIiK STORE SALE-THURSDAY ONLY 12 1-2 dress ginghams in a well known brand that makes the best dress fabrics at the above price, this day only, Special (No phone orders) . . We Repair Everything Electrical tnat needs attention as well aa sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone ordor if you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In our line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or 'I t I 55 I 5Z 4 , t PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. -:- E. B. FEURIXE, Xotary Public JIST I!ECKI El the most beautiful designs and color ings in wan uaner ever shown In ,u au uajier ever shown In ii r rnv-. w-w RoTeburgatF.8her-.P,nt.ndPaperjH4 S. FRENCH Willi HIT TUB TRAIL. Pioneer Meeker and Ills Ox Team Leave for Wellington. Portland. March 15. In an of fort to induce congress to make an apnro priiilioji for tho construction of suit able monuments along the "Old Ore gon Trail," from the Missouri rlvor to the Pacific coast. Ezra Meeker, pio neer trailblazer, will leave The Dalian by ox team today or tomorrow lor the long journey to Washington. The Sd veteran was in Portland last iifpht fitting out his equipment for tho Rtiirt, In 190G-7, Pioneer Meeker, who is 80 years of age, made the round trip to New York, marking the old trull with simple monuments reared lurge ly with his own hands. Realizing tho need of permanent signposts along the first route to the coast, Mr. Meek ed undertook the larger plan of en listing the aid of congress nml round ing out his life in a final journey to Washington. A bill has been Intro duced In congress making an appro priation and naming a committee to have charge of Its disbursement, and providing a form of marker of granite which shall be placed at such points as the committee shall designate. Mr. Meeker wants to gain the passage tif this bill and- will endeavor to got the co-operation of historical societies and pioneers in bringing Influence to hear on eastern congressmen to vote for the measure. Mr. Meeker will publish the story of his joumev in hook form under title, "The Trail that Led to Kin plre," publication to take place late in the year. He will take a large number of photographs along tho trail for use in the book, as well as for reproduction as souvenir post cards. Ezra Meeker came across the conti nent 58 years ago by ox team. He has lived over half a century in Puy- allup, just east of Tacoma. Wash. He was one of the first to grow hops In the northwest. His work of muik- ing the old Oregon trail has occupied his time for nearly 10 years. GKTS $200 DAMAGES. Man With (he Dog Team Wins Ills Suit. Eugene Guard: William Brown was allowed $200 damages from Dr. C. W. Southworth this afternoon by a jury for his tame wolf, which Dr. South worth shot and killed In Eugene hist January, thinking It was a wild ani mal and had strayed into the city to prey upon chicken flocks. The case came to trial Saturday In 9G 3 aar ( ! i & Miss Elen Gertrude Harris, ft ; teacher of vocal and piano. Stu- ! ft dlo at Oak and Kane streets, ft ft care of Mrs. A. C. Marsters tf ft : ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft the circuit court and after a Jury had been taken and one or two witnesses examined the court adjourned until today. The case was at once resumed and it went to the jury Bhortly before noon. The jury was not out long untlj returned, giving Brown a ver dict for $200. liEOTKK AT srrilKICMX. C. A. Gilo Will Address Horticultural Society. There will ho a special meeting of the Sutherlin Horticultural Society at (the Sutherlin Inn, Sutherlin. Monday evening, March 21, at which time the regular business of the society will be transacted. A special feature of the evening will be a lecture by C. A. Cole, pro fessor of horticulture, of the Oregon Agricultural uonege. Prof. Cole has had wide experience in horticultural work both in the eart and northwest. He has gnlned a rep utation as a lecturer on horticultural subjects and this winter is conducting a series of lectures in Portland, HEAL ESTATE THAXSEEItH. .1. T. Wood and Emma W. Wood tn Wllllum Bruin, certain tract of land situated In Joseph CornnllBon dona tion land claim. Consideration, $10. Stephen O. Steele to Clarence S Wiley, ae 1-4 and se 1-4, Section 3, townBhlp 22, 8. B. 7 W., and the nw 1-4 of Section 24, Township 21, S. It. 6" W. of W. M. E. E. Lennan to Waldo N. Sherman ne 1-4 of the ne 1-4, n 1-2 of bo 1-4. thethe ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 and the ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 of Section 1G, township 22. 8. R. 10 W. of W. M., containing 3 1 " acres. Consideration, 1. N. L. Marsters to Henry Rlden- our, lots 1 and 2. block 37, Railroad addition to the city of RosehurR. Douglas County Creamery Butter tho best on the market a home product. SO cents a roll. Patronl?" home Industry and get the best. tr GENERAL TRAYlFc Goods of every description moved to any parti of the city. Trices rrn.son-alilo. CONSIDERABLE COMMENT ON MARVELOUS ABILITY Proofs of Benefits Brought About by Fer-Don's fledical Experts In Roseburg Torpid Liver Made Well This testimonial will appear very strongly to women who are sick and ailing und despondent, as the symp toms are those so frequently exper ienced by women who have a gen eral tired, run down, exhausted fool- BIG HOURLY From 12 M. to 1P.M. BETWEEN THESE HOURS ONLY, No Phone Orders, NONE LAID AWAY Inn; and coming from such a prom inent and well known lady as. Mrs. J. Bolthouso, of 1217 C street, Sac ramento, It will of course have a great deal of weight, not only with her intimate acquaintances, but with tho public in general. Mrs. Bolthouse, In speaking of her affliction and trouble the other day and of whnt to her seemed almost a miraculous cure, said: "I really didn't know what was tho matter with me, or whero I felt the worst. 1 just seGmed tired and worn out all the time and had an awful pain in my right side; my circulation was poor, and It seemed almost lm- poBBfblo for mo to keep warm. I could wear the heavloBt kind of clothes, but all to no avail, as I was continually cold. "For years I doctored with various pliyslclanB, one would treat me for ono thing and another for something different, but until tho 23rd day of itist November I didn't experience any relief. On that day, nt the earnest solicitation of friends, I began treat ment with Fer Don's Expert Special ists, and since then my condition has Improved every day, until now (Jan uary 1, 1910) I am a well woman. MnaMBerasuraxsVKiva THK NEW YORK S'l'oltH r I BIG HOURLY SALE-THURSDAY ONLY From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. BETWEEN THESE HOURS ONLY, No Phone Orders, NONE LAID AWAY Fer Don's doctors treated me for a torpid liver and did more for mo In five weeks than all the other physic ians had accomplished In as many years, and I will begin the New Year now by feeling like a now woman. I cannot Bay too much In praise of r'or Don'B Experts, ns I consider their euro In my case almost a miracle." The medlcincB given by these emi nent specialist are unlike all otbor cathartics or laxatives. They coax the liver into activity by gentle meth ods, nnd do not scour, gripe or weak en', hut they do start all secretions of the liver nnd Btomach In a way that soon put these organs In a heal thy condition and corrects constipa tion, which Is the direct cause of most human ailments. An Interesting case Is that of n young woman living nt Coallnga, Cal. Her name !s Mrs. J. h. MclOttrlck. Her case has been given up by phy sicians; physicians cried, "Operation; use the knife." "No wonder thlB woman camo to our experta," said Fer Don. She had been scared to death by doctors who wanted to operate on her. She waa troubled with cancers. Sho heard of our bloodlr?s surgery, whereby our experts used no knife. BUILDER C. D. rvVYTTAlilJ GENERAL BUILDING C0NTHACT0I At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 191' She traveled miles to see us. My ex ports put her under treatment and my experts removed cancers from this young woman's face. No knifo was u Bed. A committee called and was more T11K NKW VOltK STOHK i SALE-THURSDAY ONLY 50c long gingham aprons; the biggest apron val ue ever offered yon. Look to your needs and snply yourself. 2 to a customer None laid away. . TIIK NEW YOIIK STORE BaMMHMWBMHMIi than satisfied after Investigating our remarkable cures and complimented Fer Don and his Exports. Tho crow-1 in the offices became so large that many stood In the hallway. Many prominent men and women of Rose burg and vicinity nre calling at the McClullen Hotel dully to consult the Europenn medical expert. Tho above testimonials aro only a few of the many hundred received from grateful women from Sncramen to, Seattle, Redding and Mrdford and vicinity, as well as other portions of tho country, each of whom aro loud In tholr praises for these exports. Wherever theso learned physicians have remnlned for any length of time Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oak land and all the largo cities In tho east they have brought Btinshlne and happiness into tho lives and homes of hundreds of suffering moth ers, wives, sister and sweethearts by their woudorful cures. A chargo of $1.00 Is made for ex amination ami consultation. Office hours from 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. until noon. Office nt tho McClallcn Hotel, Roseburg, Oregon. Reception room opposito cour. house. $1.23 liliick Tafl't'ta Silk; full yard wide, extra good quality; a big silk sensation. Look to your needs and see you do this only. THE .NEW VORIC STORE You Don't Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement' worK of any kind. I have five or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to one the money In other busalnoes. See my burglar proof window lock. Ita O.K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We bnlld, novs or repair your houses. ' Business buildings a specialty. - Over forty T years experience In building. ! F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER - D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, WorKs. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice HAIXKY'H UOMKT. Will be lirlnMc.Hi About AprH 15 tuxf t'ttii IV StM'ii by Naked Kjt Professor W. N. Korrln of tho Pa cific university at Forest Orove, has contributed tho following interesting, data regarding Hatley's comet: "It's ephcinerle for March 14 la given as H A. 23 minutes, 36 sec onds, declination 8 degrees 41) sec onds N. This locates it as 6 degrmw oast from tho equinox nml 8 degrees north of the equator. As the sun on tho same dato Is 7 degrees west from the equinox, the comet la 13 degreed distant from tho sun towards the east. "It will bo almost exactly that dhv tanco above the horizon when the sun; sets on March 14, and about 7 de grees north of the west point of thtr horizon. The comet will 'set about 40 minutes after the sun. "Uh approach toward tho sun from day to day chiefly duo to tho east ward motion of tho suu is ubout T degree a day. On March 26 tho two bodies will coma together, and tho comet will pass by tho sun on tho farther side, coming out from hen hind It to appear tho next day west from the suu, and hence rising before in the east. After an Intervals of ten rfays or so about April 5 it should bo sufficiently bright to ap pear conspicuous in the morning Rky." 25C THE FiaCK ANI TIMK TO IKT your sowing machines. Now modolev now prices. Do not. bo fooled by agents. We have tho goods, old relia ble makes, such as Singer, Wheeler & WllBon and New Royut, and prices aro cheapcr than ovor boforo. Come and ho convinced. tf-d-sw RICK ft RICE. IK VOtf WANT A PERFECT COMPLEXION Frrc nt wrinkle with ihr, flnali of youth, th(m in nothing muro . . uulyfulllMUi OREME ELCAYA n toilet erenm ihmt MAXES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET l'OUDUH KI,OAYA (Three H Initio) very flno and Adherent. Vlvliivtlin ak(n natural apiHUir nuce ami lite KLCAYA IrarranOe. Sold by MARSTER S DRUG GO. 1 Ine ltosKiimui. oitiMJON ia .uk-1 stiMiatMan 75C to Go to Sea to See t adjoining Peoples Marble t ROSEBURG. ORE.