The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 23, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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' 11V B. W. BATES
Watored aa second-class matter
Nov. 6, 1809, at Koseburg, Ore., un
dor act at toarch 3, 1879. s
Marsters Drug Co., Inc.
and have anything in the drug line delivered to your home
promptly and without extra cost
Hubscrlptlon Hales Dally
Per year, by mail $3.00
Per month, delivered 50
Per year 12.00
Blx months 1.00
W I : I KN I M vTV I: II I" A 1 1 V 2:1, 11)10
Tho new county to be, NoHiulth, haH
alrcudy got her "skldoo" papers.
HprlnK Is almost here. Kvldence of
which Is the fact that h. O. Hill, Mm
poet of the llmpilim, called at tin
News office yesterday and deposited
Keverul stanzas of sprinK poetry.
"Hvery lltll" bit added to what
you've Kot," etc., will ludii ulih
those CottnKo drove follows wlio arc
anxious to create a new county to
have a few political jobs to nivo out.
Douglas county lias no land to spare
If people continue to locate hero in I
the next few years as fast an uiey ,
have Jn the past twelve months it
might be iiecerHiny for us tu borrow
u Jit tic land ourselvert.
That TloRpbirry was In need of a
dally newspaper, one nol. conducted
In Hitch a narrow rhnnnel that the
nowH of the city could not be reached
by Iho reading public, is evidenced by
tho fact that The EvonluK News Ik
Kit In In in favor every day. As a
Kood, clean, home paiier, giving all
the news of the day, while It Ih new.
J Jiavjjig no particular Individuals to,
plenno or cuter to, we nay, withonl
foar of contradiction, U'ft no daily
paper ever started in A city the size
of Hoselmrg can show Biich a phe
nomenal growth In so Hhort ft period
of time. It Is certain!;' a pleasing
nlaio of affairs for (he management
nnd t he liberal pa t rouaun accorded
the pfiper from every standpoint is ap
preciate!. Meanwhile, The News will
contlnuo to give Its readers the hap
penings of our thriving city without
fear or favor to anyone.
There are many respects In which
4Ua tTntled Stales I.eaiS UK! wnnu
w hnvfl more railroads, morn Inveu-1
lions, more millionaires, more miir
derera, fnar flMtof,,,oblles. higher
vrkoa for lulior end recently higher
pritcfl for ood than any other coup.
tty Tn Other respects wo ar a f.Voal-
y favored country, but. prodigality
has gotten into our hlood and we
outdo the world In wastefuln"rts. Our
spendthrift hubltH costs us billions
of dollars annnallv. Home statistic
ian has estimated that there is a loss
to the producers and consumers of
farm products to the amount of eight
hundred milllrns of dollar per an
num bwauro of bad country rondw
that make necessary from two to four
trips where one would suffice wi:h
good roads. Then there is a great
waste from neglect of farm machin
ery, manure, fuel and in neglect of
stock, In falling to repair buildhiRs
. and in general thrlftloHHuesB.
Under the caption of "The Source
of Law," and discussing a question
of supreme court derision, the (re
Rnnlau says: "Rut the tribunal of last
resort can make the law whal It wish
es the law to he, Right along
for many years! there has been leg
islation that has dlst Incl ly violated
the constitution. Hut the supreme
coift has upheld it, even as to the
salaries of Its own members. The
supreme court being supremo, decides
ns It wishes." If this utternace had
been from the Appeal to Reason or
some ot her rabid pu b Ilea t ion, It
would bo considered "treason to the
king." ruder our form of govern
ment the people are sntiposed to be
the source of all law. The court has
Its function tu the administration ot
the lnw enacted by representatives of
the people In the legislature. If the
leglslatuie errs, enacts laws unconsti
tutional, the court must set it right.
For the court, then. In disregard 'his
source of law and render derisions
suited to its own desires, is nothing
moro than anarchy. This, then, being
true. It Is about time that the source
of law, the people, take the matter
In hand and denl a lesson to the court
that, will establish a precedent not to
he ignored by future judicial bodies.
A move is on foot, having Its origin
in Spokane, to better th service on
the rural routes throughout tb( coun
try. Attention Is called to the fact
that rural mail carriers receive not to
ViOxcwd ?75 per month for covering a
Tlally route of 24 intlen, and some of
them receive less than this sum. Two
-,Ti0VUt?H fln? required to perform this
service, but no allowance Is made for
iced, nud that consciutently many
competent men are kept out of work.
It Ih further shown that city carriers,
whose routes are much shorter, but
who mav bo compelled to use n horse,
nnd cart, receive extra compensation)
Tor ine seep or ineir norges. iumuh
for the rural carrier will lie souuht
by congressional net Ion. It Is a good
move. The farmer Is entitled to the
Frt of wrinkle with Ou flush of
youth, tlu'ii l nixlilnif mere
hi'lpful I tiHii
It tellcl rrenm Unit
Simile) very fine mid ml he rem.
vUfnirtlte "Kin n nnturnl niipenr
mice mill tlw Fl.fAYA frmtraiicc.
Sob! by
UOSF.IU'mi, IIK(i(lN nta
j very Im-si. Ki-rvlre, and no cJJHcrJnifn
ntlon lM'tw-"'H tlm rural rarrlor and
i tin city poHtnifin klioutd lm permitted.
Tin Kovenimcrit, rlcHpfto fho cry from
offi'-hil Hniirct's t( I ho conirnrv. never
tnalt a tu-tor Investment tlian when
lno rural routes were authorized nnd
service lit the country til! rlctj 'should
oeromo lucre vnvrni ana su indent
salaries paid to enable the carriers to
maintain a dM'ent equipment.
Ycstfrfday was Washington's birth
day. Jt Ih nil InterestiiiK coincidence
tjiat the sninn month that saw the
birth of the Jollier of his Conn try
gave us also, (he only man who Is wor
I thy to n Heat, beside hlin on tho glory
smitten summit of his fame.
1 Washington and Lincoln. As long
as America endures those names will
be remembered with gratitude and
reverence nnd love. And however
great, and glorious we may become as
a nation the names of both will al
ways add luster to the pages of our
history, Washington! In the midst'
of disunited colonies, a country In
anarchy, an Inefficient congress, a
disorganized ami renomous arm"
came the captain with a mlghtv ' 'f.'1
and singling out the centre' - , :
- mm of m.
spiracles tlu
Vouid have swept him
no scene. He heard God say:
"I i tired of kings,
l ftuffer them no more."
For a quarter of a century he mov
ed hoi ore in Mruggllpg countryman,
their pillar of cioud by day and of fire
by ni.ght This was first and last his
haUlo cry: "Let us raise a standard
io which the wise and the gomd can
repair. The event Is tn t he hand
of find."
Through all tho perils of tbe rev
olution, through all the dangers of
the criticil period which suc-eded It,
he led his murmuring people to a
union in ITS" of thirteen independent
sovereign states.
And now lndiold Lincoln come forth
iion it). stale of huimti action! i
Soutln'iii trade held the whip over
cfingress and th supreme court alike.
Klorlda. Alsbnma. Mississippi and
Louisiana are hurrying after South
Cnrollna to fling themselves over Hie;
precipice, and Texns Htatuls shivering
on the brink. Many of the depart
ments of .government are tn the hands
of southern sympathizers. The treas
ury Is emnty. public, credit low. The
arsenals have been ravaged. The ,
armv Is but a little guard, distributed 1
at distant points. The navy Is small
and scattered. Timid tomrues clamor
for pence at any price. Congress cm
harassed htm. bis party deserted him.
The cabinet, gives him scant respect.
Politicians scheme openly for his
downfall. Everybody but Lincoln
miss the real issue, and while all Am
erica Is tu a panic, the north crying.
"Lo, I here." and the outh crying.
"Lo, there." he comes forth and takes
his plac" In the Pantheon of world
heroes bv singling out from the wild
confusion of the time the central idea
and never relaxing his grip upon U
until his hold Is loosed bv death.
"My paramount object In this .drug
gie." be said. "Is to save the t'r.lon."
And In saving tbe Tnlon be saved for
his country and tbe world at large
the peace which Washington had es
tablished In the western hemisphere.
And when be fell in whirlwind he
went down as when u kingly cedar
green with hough goes down with a
gro'it shout upon lb'' bills.
Washington and Lincoln! The one
glorifying his country through n
whole generation of public service:
the other piloting her detlnles
through tbe fearful storm and ron
f lift of n great civil war, lifting him
self from the status of an nbseur
politician tr the full mnlmity and
splendor of foremost statesman of his
age. Devotion to duty nnd awful re
sponsibility solemnized the face of
one' but the other remained to the
InsMaughtcHovhig. gniial nnd boy
ish, but the laugh gi'ftW 9 boister
ous and less frequent.
The sorrowful eyes looked out more
sorrowfully, from their ravernous
depths fls vast responsibilities nnd
suffering did their fell work. And
vet as we look upon the portraits of
Washington and Lincoln, we see
brooding over the stately crivlty of
tbe one and over tbe profound solem
nity of the other that peace which the
one established and the other snv
for America, nnd It is not the pence
of death, but the pence which indi
cates Hon energies harnessed and sub
dned, and which Is. In reality, powci
in repose
is ci,iii:i,i:ts kuom ;i.iiv:.
We nre hnvlnu some lienutlfill
weather In our vicinity nt present.
Mrs. Charles Watson and d.tnehter
Mda were seen on the streets of Olide
one dv this week.
Mr. Ttert Siuneue Is some better
nt the present wrlttmr.
Mr. Tteeklev, of Elkton. Is the
iruest of his brother. Charles Tterk
lev ,
Mr. Tt. Vt tlnlnes Vns een on the
streets of Htlde one dav this week.
There will b n dnnre clven nt i'1'1
nilde hall I'rldav. F.-hninry 2S. Ev
eryone cordially Invited.
iiosi:itiw;, ohk.
4 Population, .",."00; IMS Wt
Imw sea, on Southern I'm. tic
railroad, in heart o I'liipinta
villi:')'. Viirivitlled for fruits.
Kleetrir ami water works 8.vtei
and Jimiienw water power from
I mHtia river. Iiiwd street
and electrolier street lights, Two
fruit pnckiiiK plants, two floui-
jng mills, two pinning mills,
brick factory, Hnf Soldiers'
Home, county court Iiouse, city 4
hull, two hotels, b reiver v. t'tc. 4
4 ltlllliess (iHMllllt;M. 4
Furniture factory, saw milt, 1
box fnctory, woolen mill, can-.
nery, coiuiiifHslon h:t'rcliiiit. 1
t or Sale. a: naiuwiu, grocery ami
furniture Mtiiv. liimncial inter-
est (Jtken Willi right, party.
-Now Is the lime to buy I'lnn-
(ln valley fn,t bmds, which
will trel)(. vni,H. i ,f (ow
years. Kvceptinnal fpporluulty
.for (jjy H.'utrH. For detailed
, tnformation nud prices write the
4 Kosebiirg t'ommerchil CI til),
ltosetnirg, IMiglas county, Ore.
'OR BALK My household goods;
purchaser can rent house. Inquire
557 l'itzer. tf-d
KOK SALE Show caseB and count
ers for sale, inquire at MarsterB
Drug Company. tf.
FOR SALK Three-year-old colt;
make good work horse. Inquire
4 'Hi I'.H'ler street.
FOR RHNT Fine new 5-room
house, all conveniences. Apply at
31S Woodard street. tf.
Two nice cockerls. Price $1 each.
"(inquire at News off lea.
VO R R ION T R ma 1 FTi o use and five
lots; ten minutes from citv.
Apply North Side Planing Mill, tf
want plowing: or hauling, phon
3!t7, or ee Wm. Shaughncssy,
1212 Winchester street. f -24
''OR SALW About of an acre. SO
bearing fruit trees, good house nnd
other improvements, fine garden
land. A bargain. Inquire of own
r. K?2 Mosher st. d-sw-tf
NOTICK ah persons Knowing them
selves to be indebted to F. Long,
will please call at the harness shop
In the old stand and settle their
nccounts. F. LONG. F-21-sw-d
V A XT R DtoTe"ii t" 3 to 5 years, wlbh
option of purchase, about f acres
Improved or unimproved land; full
particulars. Address B, care of The
Xowa. d-f-2Sp
FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, y
mile from town; 2 acres orchard;
nil under cultivation: small house
barn 20x30; poultry, horse and 2
wagons Included. Only $2,600.
Address N., this office. d-sw-t-28
of fine land with a nice 8-room
bourn ; everything In good shaon;
adjoins town of Canyonville: price
$2,000, or will rent. For particu
lars. Address Box 693, Roseburg.
FOR S A I . E 6 RR E NT 7-room house
and half acre of flue garden land,
mostly set to berries, In West
Roseburg; nlso house and lot on
Washington street, close In. Both
for sale or rent. Enquire at 325
Washington st. d-tf
Aut'iicj' Is iireimrecl to do nil 1
KitiliiHte ltetectlve work, both Ci
vil niul Criminal. In all pnrts of
the I'lilted Stlf. C. F. Pnrkor.
Supt., 214-:i6 Ilonry I)ldE Port
lnnd. Orppion. Phono Vnlu 6231;
Ofllce phono Mnln 3209.
F0U8ATB-Vhlt Slberlun Hiniiip
outs, B grait elook'f nnd stands tip
well: fins yielded ns high ns 145
bushels per ncre: hrlnus more mon
ey !n the Tertlnnd market tlmn
nnv other onts. This Is no drenin.
Vrire. $1 per hiishel. Address E.
A Kruse, ltosibiir?, Ore.
NOTICH KOK MPS Notice Is here
by Riven that sfnled bids will he
received by the board ot directors
of School nistrlct. No. 4. nouelas
countv. Orecon, until Saturday,
the day of Mnroh. 191(1. nt 2
o'clock p.m.. of said day. for fur
ntshltiK nnd Installing a fan and
furnace pontine nnd ventllntliiK
svslem In the l.nne School House
In the City of Rcwebiirs. county
nnd state nforesnlil: ench bidder
will be required to submit plans
'nnd soeclf lent Ions with bid. nnd
the bidder thnt Is nwnrded the
contract for installing said sys
tem, will nlso be required to furn
ish n good nnd sufficient bond In
the sum of three thousand
onoi dollnrs. Indeninlf inc said
plstrlct No. 4 for anv loss that
mlclit be sustained bv reason of
snld svstem not siinolvlne suffic
ient beat nnd ventilation for said
bulldlnc The bonrd hereby r.--serves
the rlitht to relin-t any or
nil bids. Tinted tills 19th day of
Febrmirv. 1910. .
rl-iw Clerk School Tlstrlct No. 4.
At Your Service
Koseburg, Oregon Phone 193
I Goods
1 The kitid that tickles
your palate
Buy your supplies of
pastry aud bread from
II. (iVEST, I'niii.
has done more for civilization nnd
battle than nny one thing.
Sickness and death have ol'en resulted
from the pipes Iwing out of order.
Perfect sanltury an-aiiKemeiits are es
sential to health. Have ail work done
liy responsible parties. Cost Is less
important than results. A hluh price
may mean economy in the end. Our
work aud our rates defy adverse crit
elsm. Howard '& Mahan,
The Plumbers and Tinners,
The Day of
Re-covering Old
Umbrellas Is Past
Hull Ilrothers Umbrella Co. lmve
nimoiinred through Saturday Even
inf Tost nnd Women's Homo Com
panion that they will convert old
umbrella Inuxlles into Hull handles
with tho detachable, feature,
Tliejr nro enabling us to supply
yon nith new Hull base (rod, rib
nnd cover) nil at the mere price of
recovering your old umbrella.
If you have an old umbrella in
your home thnt needs recovering
bring It to our store and In a few
weeks wo hand you the new
stylo Hull with detachable and intcr
chnnRenblo handle.
When you have exchanged your
old umbrella for this new style, the
Hull umbrelln, you will liegin to en.
Joy uses and advantages which no
other umbrella has ever given you
In fact, the Hull is going to make
you discard the old umbrella for all
time, so take advantage of this of-f.-r
and bring your umbrella to our
store Immediately.
Jeweler and Optician
I And You Need
I Garden Seed, Flower Seed
! and Grass Seed
We Have Them to Sell You
Also Full Line of
Groceries, Fruits
1 Alton
H ::
if SI1 ffli
a Mr mwL tmu?
Staple and Fancy
and Vegetables
S.Frey j
We're in a Position
to offer yon the best the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity aud quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beC from 8c to
lc pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do tatter anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street
J 107 Went Cass St. Phone
Free DellTery.
We Repair Everything
i thnt needs attention as well as T
sell you apparatus. Furtnermore Z
we attend to repairs promptly
(on 'phone order if you like) and
you won't need to sound your
burglar alarm when you get our
bill. Need anything in our line.
15 N. Jackson St.
Roseburg, Or
lfrfrff-jMI ft t