The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 19, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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How About Quality?
To you whether or not
you have the BEST of
You are entitled to the best and will get it if you
Phone 2381
William H. Abeer.e, (he car repair
er, has been olf duty fr several days
on account ot throat trouble.
Miss Hattle Noah and Mrs. D. E.
Noah, who have been in town visit
ing Mrs. George Noah, returned to
Dlllard today.
J B. Bell, president of the Lane
County' Abstract company, of Eugene,
is attending the county division con
vention in town today.
Mrs. J. M. Davison, of Oakland,
who has been in the city lor several
days, the guest of Mrs. W. E. Cling
enpeel, returned homo today.
F. Cornutt, who has been em
ployed on the county rock crusher,
' loft Inst evening for Myrtle Creek to
spend Sunday with his family.
Miss Murrell Staley, daughter of
George Staley, has returned from
Portland, where she has been study
ing the millinery profession, prepar
atory to accepting a position with
G. W. Sloper, the cleaner nnd
presser, has Just received his line of
spring simples from Ed V. Prie.
Chicago tailors, and invites the pub
lic to inspect them. The line is one
of the handsomest ever received by
him and includes all the lateBt
weaves made into the most fashion
able attire for men. TV
Fred R. Waters, a brother of Hon.
. George Waters, ex-mayor of Salem,
is in the city today with the Eugene
delegation to the county tlivsion con
voitlon. Mr. Waters Is new connect
ed with the Northwestern Corpora
tion which Is erecting a million dol
lar electric light and power plant
near Eufrene.
George J. Stearns, the good gray
Clav Smith Is a city visitor today.
C. Davis, of Remoto, 1b a visitor,
W. T. Emery, of Coles Valley, Is
In town today.
William Voorhies, of Looking
Glass Is on the streets today.
Belle Teague went over to Suther
lln today.
sage from Oakland, la In town to
day. Mrs. A. N. Orcutt returned from
n short visit to Oakland last even
ing. , .
Mrs. .1. R. Richardson, who nas
been visiting in the city, returned to
her home In Drnin today.
,Miss Jennie Johnson, of Brock
way, who has accepted a position
with a Portland business firm, left
for that city this morning.
Miss J. Johnson, of Brockwny, who
was formerly employed lu the Bell
Sisters millinery establishment, left
for Portland today.
Mrs. M. C. Ruckles came up from
Ruckles today where she has been
since I he death of her son there sev
eral weeks ago.
Miss Rhoda Watson went to
Springfield today to visit her grand
father, the Rev. W. E. Thornton.
who Is 111 nt, that place.
John Spaugh, of-l'.Qoking Glass,
was in the city today.
John Bates, of Happy Valley, was
a business visitor to the city today.
C. L. Parker, editor of the Drain
Nonpareil, !b among the Interested
attendants at the county division con
vention today.
Mrs. Mosher, of Yoncalla, a niece
cf I. Rice of this city, was operated
on for abnormal tumor at the Mercy
hospital today.
, County Commissioner Ryan arriv
ed In the city today trom Drain to
take part in the county division con
vention. Mrs W, S. Brosl, of Winston, loft
for Springfield today to visit her
fnther, the Rev. W. E. Thornton, who
Is ill at (he present time.
W. C. Moran, colonel of the Ore
eon Natlonul Guard, Is among the
Eugene delegates to the county di
vision conference today.
Mrs. .1. R. Richardson, of Drain,
who has been visiting in the city for
several days, the guest of Mrs. I.
Abraham, returned home today.
Mr. G ' ge Parker certainly made
a good fountain pen when he made
the Parker Lucky Curve Pen. On
sale at Roseburg Book Store. f-l-tf
Robert Connors, of Prlnvllle, Ore.,
who owns a farm near Melrose, Is in
town with Iho Intention of purchas
Inr; more land In this vicinity.
C. P. Barnnrd, formerly engaged
In business In Roseburg, is among
tho-Eugene delegation to the county
division conference at the court
house today.
J. J. Thornton and S. I. Thornton
left for Springfield, Ore., this morn
ing where they are going to visit
their brother, the Rev. W. E.
Thornton, who is 111 at that place.
Circulating Library at Roseburg
Book Store. 1.000 volmns new fic
tion, paper cqvers, only 10c each.
After readong one exchange It for an
other for only Be.
F. T. Reynolds, of Days Creek, who
has been visiting his mother nt Cor
nelius, HSUIllKtU" I'Mllll.Y, uirim,
for the pnst four weeks, returned to
Roseburg last evening.
Miss Gertrude Clerk, who lately
resigned her position as teacher of
languages In the High Snhool, will
Jenve Mondny with her people for
points In California. Miss Olivia Ris
loy, who was appointed her succes
sor, has taken charge of her classes.
Charles H. Usher, editor of the
Eugene Guard, D. C. Freeman, pub
licity manager of the commercial
club, and Col. John M. Williams, llen-tenant-colonel
in the Oregon National
guard, are among the notable dele
gates from Eugene today.
(Continued from page 1.)
Miss Ellen Gertrude Har-
ris, teacher of vocal and pi-
nno. Studio at Oak and
Kane sts. Care of .Mrs. A. C.
Marsters. f8
V 1
t :
No doubt you are aware of the existence ot the
r You cannot appreciate their value until you hear them play-
Jv ed. True In their production will last forever. We also guaran-
tee they will not harm your reproducer. We will cheerfully re-
Place you with a new one If they do. Come and hear them.
Indestructible 4 and 2-Minute
They don't cost any more than a wax record. Each one
, "mm a uu(.cu w ua ictui us.
.-) If
1 Roseburg' Furniture Company f
Authorized Agents for the C olumbia Phonograph Company
is .
Winnie Gaddis
SRylight Cornices
$CJ: , Heating Ventilating
Agent for Snell
Water Filters.
Removes all im
purities. .
Phone 2101
And when it comes plan to have the work dona in a thorough
Banner. THE VACCUM CLEANER does mr with all dnmnery for
the women, besides does not injure your cirpeta or ruis In tbe least.
When you are ready to take np this important part ol the household
work call up the
O. C. Baker, Prop.
Pbone 791
Office N. Jackson St.
)St $ ft ft & ft ft ft
Christ liui Church.
Come to Sunday school' at 10 n.m
Preaching nt 1 1 a.m., subject, "Tho
Great Salvation." Endeavor at 6:30
p.m. Union services In the Taber
nacle at 7:30 p.m.
t J. N. McCOXNELL, Pastor,
Itanlist Church.
Services ns usual Sunday. Morn
ing sermon by the oastor, W. H. Ba
ton. There will be no evening ser
vice, except Young Per.nlo's meeting
from 6:30 to 7 o'clock. A cordial
Invitation Is extended to .visitors.
Christian Science.
Services Sunday morning at 11
o'clock' nnd Wednesday evening ex-
nerienee and testimonial meeting at
8 o'clock. Southwest corner of Main
and Lan- streets. The subject for
Sunday morning, February 20, is
Presbyter in n Church.
J. B. Burhart. pastor. Bible school
at 10-a.m. Morning worship at n
o'clock. Junior C. IS. at 3 p.m
Young People's meeting at 6:30
sharp, lasting only for one-hair hour.
No evening Rousing meet
ing nt the big tabernacle. Come ev
ery one nnd bring your, friends.
Saint George's Church,
Corner Main and Cass streets. The
Rev. Charles Wilson Baker, rector.
The second Sunday in Lent. Holy
communion nt 7:30 a.m.; .Sunday
school at 10 a.m.; morning prayer
nnd sermon at 11 n.m.; evening pray
er and sermon nt 7:30 p.m. All are
cordially invited to thes4 serivces.
South Methodist Church.
Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday,
W, L. Cobb, superintendent. Preach
ing by the pastor, K, M. Mears nt
11 a.m. It Is declred that all of the
members of the church be. present, nt.
the services Sunday as there are mat
ters of great Importance to the church
to come up at that time. Junior Lea
gue at 2:30 o'clock. Senior League
at 6:30 o'clock.
Methodist Kplscopnl Church.
Sunday school at the regular hour,
10 a.m.. and preaching by the pastor
at 1 1 a.m. Morning subject, "Christ's
message to tne untircn. special mu
sic. Professor Lotz will render a foIo
entitled, "O, Lord, be Merciful."
There will also be a special -mixed
quartette. Happy singing by large
Ihoir and congregation. All are wel
come to a rousing service and a home
like church.
Mr. O. W. Williams of Eugene, whom
he said he would like to give way to.
Mr. Williams responded with an
able address. "This proposed county
Is an arbitrary division of the two
counties, fostered by office-holders,
would-be office-holders, and town
site boomers of Cottage Grove." He
then wei.t on to explain why after
tnklng out the heart of Lane county
they drew their lines In a zig-zag
course, taking out the fine timber,
belt of northern noughts. "Why 11(1
you do that? 1 apke a Nosmith boos
ter. 'Why, said he, 'when the United
Staos soils the timber in the state
every county in tho stuta will receive
25 per cent of the net proceeds."'
At this time It was announced that
the on resolutions were
ready to report nnd Chairman O. P,
Coshow instructed the secretary to
rend the findings of the committee
to the assembly, which wero ast fol
lows: , '
"Resolved, That wo nre unalter
ably opposed to the creation of tho
county of Nemnlth, and among the
many reason for said action offer at
this time the following:
'First That the lines on the north
of the proposed new county reach
within 4 1-2 miles of the City of
Eugene, leuvirg the remaining por
tion of Lane county but 17 miles
wide, north and south in the Will
amette, valley, while the proposed
county will bo 2fi miles north nnd
south In the valley, thus leaving
Lnno county 40 miles wide at each
end nnd 1 50 miles long It n!so
leaves a large portion of Douglas
county west of the proposed county,
the inhabitants of which would be
compelled to travel the territory of
the proposed county in order to
reach the county Beat of Douglas
county at Roseburg
Second The lines are so formed
r.s to take In a large territory of
Douglas county lying east of Rose
burg and that, nil the luhnbltnnts of
thnt' ten itory In order to reach the
new county sent would have to go to
Roseburg or Oakland and from
thence by rati to reach the new
county sent.
"Third The bill for the new
county appoints two commissioners
from tho new county to not with xne
from Lane county to apportion the
county property between the two
cointfes nnd a like nnangement has
been made in the bill for tho division
of the property of Douglas county.
Fourth Tin t the lines of the ter
ritory embraced in tho bill havi been
so arranged as to give the new coun
ty a maximum of asserable property
with a minimum of expense In main
taining county roads.
"Filth That the lines are fo ar
ranged as to take In the largest
quantity of standing timber that
could possibly be reached following
the rldnes between the rivers so ns to
leave the old counties with a maxi
mum of county roads to maintain.
"Sixth Thnt a large number of
the people In the northern part of
the new territory object to being
tnken into tho new county.
"Many other reasons exist against
he formation of the new county, but
the time given your committee In too
short to formulate them within the
given time. Respectfully submitted,
The nlove resolutions wqre unan
imously ndopted. ,
Another resolution rending ns follows-
was then introduced by the com
mittee: "Resolved, Thnt a committee from
each county bo appointed, consisting
of fifteen members, ns a campaign
committee, to take charge of the campaign-
against the formation of the
new county."
The resolution was adopted and
Chairman O. P. Coshow, of the Iloug
Hs countyloegntton, and Hon. C. S.
Williams, of the Lnne county dele
gation, appointed the following com
mittees: Committee for Douglas County
f. R. Ryan, of Drain; C. L. Cheno-
weth, of Oakland; F. L. Heard, of
Yoncalln; J. M. Tingle, of Kelloygs;
J. T. Spaugh, of Looking (lass; S. S.
Johns, of Myrtle Creek; B. F. Nich
ols, of Riddle; Karl O. Miller; Dr
A. C. Seely, B. W. Bates. Lee Wlm-
berly, W. H: Richardson. J. A. Buch
anan. J. H. Booth and George Neun
er, of Roseburg.
Committee for Eugene C. S. Wil
liams, S. B Eden. E. S. Rolfe, J. M.
Williams. I, If. Bingham. Fred Flsk
W. G. Oilatrnn. F. W. Osboiirne. C.
II. Fisher. Tk L. Boirnrt. D. B. Yornn.
F. M. Wilklns, C. 8. Frank, L. R,
Flint and E. Frasler.
A communication from Yoncalla
addressed to Chairman Coshow. w'ns
rend befajre the convention, protest
ing against any proposition to divide
Douglas. This was signed by a coin
nilttec of Yoncalla cli.lzens who rep
resent' the sentiment of that Bection
of the countv.
At this time the meeting ad
journed. -
Night Policeman Resigns.
Carl Palm, who has served the rlty
for .the pnst three years In the capac
ity of night watchman, today tender
ed his resignation to Mayor HayncH.
No renson Is given out by Mr. Palm
for nis action, hut It Is understood
that ht Is contemplating leaving the
city in tho near future to engage In
other business His successor will
probably be selected at the meeting
of the council next Monda yevenlng.
fio Down to Defeat.
The Hlch 8chool drbatlng teim
went down to defeat last evenfne be
fore the Grants Pass High School
team on the negative side of the
question Resnlvpd. That tho Cni'ed
States' should establish a system of
postal savings banks. The team, nc
componifd . by Mis Bessie KffM'-r.
returned today.' After the debate a
reception was tendered the vlsiti'ig
Hugh Miller, of Kellogg. Is In town
today to take part In the annual in
spectlon of the National Guard at the
armory tonbrht.
Notice In hereby given that the mi
derslgned will receive up to 2 o'clock
p.m. on February 2S, 1lU0,at the
office of A. N. Orcutt. city recorder
of Roseburg, Oregon, sealed bids for
the purchase of bonds of the city of
Itoseburg under what is known as
the Bancroft Bonding Act, amounting
In the aggregate to $12,r.lS.3K. Said
bonds are lu denomination of $200
each and drnw Interest nt the rate of
it percent per nnnum, payaoie genu
annually, nnd are dated the first day
I of February, 1910. The undersigned
I reserve the right to reject any and nit
1 bids. . .
Further Information may be had
upon application to the city recorder.
Dated this 17th day of February.
1910. K. W. HAYNES,
Mayor of the City of Roseburg.
Recorder of CHy.of Roseburg.
The Red Gross
Is Now Open for Business in the Masonic
Temple Building
Larger and better than ever. Drugs, pre
scriptions and Toilet Articles.
Call and see us.
Red Cross Pharmacy
Corner JacUson and Cass Roseburg, Oregon,
Carries a full line of School books and School
' Supplies. ,
A big stock of Offioi supplies and Blank Books
Drawing Material. 1
Typewriter Supplies.
Agent for Moore's Office Methods.
Newspapers. Magazinqs.
Roseburg? Book Store
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson Street
'Our ItoprcBontntlvps will oxpluln'our tnotlioilR of htimlllnjr this work.
1 1 11
With Tiny Prices
The Only .General Merchandise Store Carrying
the Following Lines:
Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings and Shoes
We always aim to give the best goods at the
lowest prices. We solicit a share of your patron
age and promise you in return the best of service
and values.
Roseburg Rochdale