THE EVENING NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRl'ARY IS, 1010. THE. EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES ' IHHUKU DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Watered an second-class mutter Nov. 6, 1 U00, at Kosebnrg, Oro., un dfir act OC iuarch 3, 1879. Subsvritiuii IttiUs Dull Per year, by mail 3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Scuil-Wt-ckly Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 FRIDAY, KKHUl'AltY 1H, UMO. The man who catches a sucker with u gold brick, Is nlways on (he lookout for a new victim. Strange how tliey will bite even In cloned Hoauon. Albany Democrat: Not a person In the county jail this year, nor a suit begun In tho circuit court for 18 days. Is the report sent out from Ai bany. But wait, our day may come. Olondule News: Douglas County Day allioseburg Inst Wednesday was a big success. A large number of people from ail parts of the county nttended and without exception all are loud In the praises of litisobtirg and her hospltnblo citizens. AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT WE MAKE PEOPLE WELCOME. Marsters Drug Co., Inc. REGISTERED PHARMACISTS PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY and have anything in the drug line delivered to your home . promptly and without extra cost TELEPHONE 81 PROMPTNESS IN FILLING ORDERS FEATURE OF , OUR BUSINESS METHODS "On bnhnlf of Urn Hewing circle of this' .church," Bald tho imntor nt tho conclusion of the morning Hurvlnj, "1 df mire lo thank the congregation for f7 hiittons placed In the contribution hox during tli prist month. If now the phllnnthro)l( ally Inclined donorn of thi'Bfl oliJurtH will put a half dozen under shlr'tH mid threo pairs of other Htrlctly secular giirmentB on the plate next Sunday morning, bo that, we may have something to flew these buttons on, we shall he additionally grateful." If tho government wants to do away with the postal deficit, a par cels post would relieve the situation ho mow lint, and would he a great help to all those now adding their mites to tho express companies' dividends. The express companies havo been having a hard timo making hoth ends meet of late, dividends have dropped to 300 or 400 per cent, and 1hey might be pleased to have th! government relievo them of a burden which they have home up under bo long with Christian fortitude. "OI K HIS iiivm; Cottage rive I-Mitnr "fines Wrong" ou "Aemitn m-lit'ine. I jioifSKMiiv MVR mi;y OX HOliSKSIlOKINfi. The Coqullte City Herald offers tho following suggestions for Its city and which, by the way, would be good thing for Hosoburg: "The idea has occurred to some of our most progressive citizens that with the corning of spring would be an Ideal time to start a movement for the betterment of the appearance of our rlty, and suggest among other things the fixing up In a m o re u n I for in ' Btylo tho awnings on tho front of many of our buHlnens houses In other towns their entire removal is being demanded by the city councils, but owing to excess! vo rains here, this would not he advisable, however, a much neater appearance could be given to many, The largo swing ing signs across the sidewalks are be ing ordered down In the valley towns and signs written nentlv on the glass fronts, making It possible for n tail man to walk orert without endanger ing his derby. These are offered as HUggCHtlonH for our people to think nver and net upon ns improvements! Riiggest themselves. Acting ntion these suggestions might save Minn j nnd trouble ns tho council may In tho near future see fit to enact an ordinance In accordance with these Ideas." We're mnklng laws with tots of noise, to keen from harm our pro clous boys. The curfew hell booms out nt. eight, and warna tho lads to Villi their freight for home and hod ii nd balmy sleep, while wary cops their vigils keen. Tho cheap toy pis tol's down nnd out; we won't have things like ttiat about ; and hoys who'd hear the pistol's toot must sit nnd watch their parents shoot. The rlgnrette at last Is canned; the chil dren of this happy laud can buy such coffin units no more, whtcb some times makes tho darlings sore. Knch year new laws and statutes hrln-js, to Hhtclrt them from corrupting things. It's strango that we should overlook the scream In g blood-and-thumlor book, tho wild and woolly, red-hot yarn, that .Johnnie rends be hind tho barn The tales of bandit who have slain a cord of men. and robbed a, train; of thieves who break iiwnv from jail, with punk detectives on their trail; of long haired scouts nnd men of wrath who nothing fer except a bath. Such yarns ns these our .lohnnlo reads; they brace hint up for bloody deds; and when he ran he takes the trail, and ends his bright enreei In Jail. So, while we're swat ting evil things, and nutting little boys ou wings, 'let's swat tho hook that leave a stain upon the reader's soul nnd brain HKAIj KSTATK TltANSKI'ltS, M. Knvorlte. 77 ocres Kvltl, an 21 1 tirrs It. fi Also t V A. Taylor nnd wife to V. O Hi Id pes, lots 1, 2, It ami 4, lu block t, Itallroad add. Oakland. Clarence Leonard to O. J. llange berg. lota It and 10, block 14, Yon calln Henry M. Kvltt to A. K. Wnlts. 17 1-2 acres In Sec. 34, township 24. R. R. Henry M. Kvltt to K undivided 1-2 Interest In Township 24, It. 5. TO. U Knvorlte to U. undivided 1-2 Interest to In Sec. I! 4. Township 2 4, Sfi acres .in Sep. ;t3. 11. M. Kvltt to K. I. Favorite. 1u0 acres lu Section, ;t4. Township 21, It. R. Mary Nuita nnd Jose Nurre to R Ii Favorite nnd M. M Kvfit. c'atin No. 40, in Township 2 1. It. r.; claim No, 40 In Townnhlp 2". Kuiigo 5; ST. ncres In Section lirt. Township 21. Itanue E (excepting i herefrom seven acr s sold to Kobel K. Hunt). Mary C. Drain to Sam .Tone, lot 1 tn Section IS, Township 22, U. fi. C. A. IVnxra to W. O. Uildges. no u tli west quarter Sec. 21. norlh bnlf northwest quarter Sec. 2S, Township 24. It. 5. 'Editor News; .Klltor Connor, of tho Cottage Grove Lender, la "off" his bearing. He nay 4 there are about three citizens residing In the North llmpqua valley, In tho terri tory proposed to be taken by Ne smlth county. And then ho asks how many mlnrrs residing In that part of the Hohcmln camp were forced to come out to Cottago Grove and travel f5 miles to Roseburg to transact bus iness and then adds that misrepre sentation, duplicity and exaggeration don't go. Wo agree with vou. Brother Con nor, that exaggerations must not go and you have missed tho mark fur ther than you used to when you were with us. I have no doubt that It Is because of your associations, ns we have always maintained a very high regard for the editor of the Cottace (trove meaner. Now let us see about this mattor. Of course the number or inhabitants residing In tho pro posed territory of Douglas, is much larger than "three." It takes In about 1-10 of the assessable property of Douglas county, and n. the same time tho lines of the proposed coun ty are so drawn that they get hut a few miles of our county roads to keep up nnd no bridges. Tho pro posed territory Includes many thou sands of acres of our agricultural and timber lands, and mines, owned nnd tinder taxation, and tributary to itoseourg. now tnen about the pro position of getting from tho Bohe mia mines to Hosoburg ns their county seat. Wo know and so does ottago Grovo know, that the great er part of the Bohemia mines Ho to the south of the summit of Bohemia mountain and on Umpnua waters east of Roseburg, which forms the dividing lino between Lane and Douglas counties, and that some of the mines He even to the south of the head waters of tho North Umpnua. nnd that, there is a nntural water grade from these mines to liosoburg, a distance about equal to that from tho mlii's. up over tho snow clad summit, of tho Bohemia mountains, and down on tho other side, and thence on to Coltngo Grove. It Is much easier for the people to come to Hosoburg from the Bohemia mines on the Dnipqun water shed, than it Is to Cottago Grove. The new railroad which Is under wpy will pnss through the disputed territory on the North Vinnoua Into the Bohemia country and thence on through eastern Oregon. It would be a rank Injustice to owners of property which lies pouth of the sum mit of tho Calapooia mountains to leavo this railroad. In front of their doors, nnd climb tip over tho grent summit of the nohemla mountains and the divide of tho Calauoola mountains, and down on the other side a distance of many miles, which must he traversed on foot, to reach the promised land. Cottage Grove". And If Pdded to tho new county they will have to tnko the railroad at their own door and come to Hose burg, the county seal of Douglas, and then transfer to the S. P. system and go north a distance of 55 miles to Cottage Grove. Counties in this state, particularly ihoso in which mountain ranges are situate, must be laid off more or less with the natural water shed1, be cnuse railroads do not cross divides excep' whei e necessary. Tho new county of Nesmlih. whleh takes the south slope of the Callpooln water Horseshoeing at tho Km Blacksmith shop Is now from $1.50 to $2.00. For cash only. dswfl8 S. T. SMITH. Mr. Woodward and wife of Riddle are In the city looking for a house to rent. shed. Including a large portion of the North Umpqua river, east of Hoseburg, and Its large tributaries. Steam Boat, Rock Creek, Elk Creek, Callpooia Crek and others, would necessarily put the owners of that territory to great trouble and incon venience In reaching their county seat, as above stated. It Is wrong. And because of these same wrongs, these snme people, the; Cottage Grovo enthusiasts, and office seek ers, have been thrice defeated In the Orgon legislature in their attempts to so divide Lane and Douglas coun ties. Douglas county will never he divided on those liens, because of the Injustice of the absurd proposition. Cottage Grovo assumes that no rail roads will ever be built In Douglas county, but they are again mistaken, and the rich fertllo valleys skirting the North Umpqua and Its tributar ies, which are proposed to be taken by Nesmith. will obtain railroad fa cilities and- thus put them In immed iate communication with Hoseburg, their county seat. The nntural wa ter shed of the North Umpqua east of the present line of the S. P. rail road, must mark the boundaries of Douglas county, Editor Connor, nnd your boosting friends, whose spirit I admire, but whoso judgment I de plore, should. In tho modern phrase, 1 take a tumble to themselves and let ! thrice defeated suffice, because vou will meet again the same defeat, and you know the reason, you are WRONG. If you would submit a sensible proposition and a just, pro position it would be different, but as It Is, and much to our regret, we must now, as In tho past three oc casions we have opposed you In this wrongful purpose. KOS12HIJUO CITIZEN. -BUILDER C. D. MAYNARD GENERAL BUILDING CONTHACTOt At Your Service Hoseburg, Oregon Phono 19S Nice Crisp Goods i SPRING IS HERE And You Need Garden Seed, Flower and Gra$s Seed Seed We Have Them to Sell You M.llHli:i AT DAYTOX. I''nrim'r Hoseburg (,'irl nnd Pniightei of II. I. May. DAYTON. Wash., Feb. 18. Tbe niarriaue of Nina ljorene .May, daughter of II -11. May. nt Hoseburg, Oregon, and Earl B. . llurnham of llavton. Wash., took place Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. Hannah Klder, the Uev. V. H. Harris officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hurnham will live on ranch near Dayton. The bride Is tho granddaughter of Thomas May, one of tho first settlers In eastern Washington, nnd Mr. llltrnhnm Is a son o b. w. Hitrnnani, u pioneer farmer. If you are looking tor good service In the barber line call at the Mnddlx barber shop. Cass street, Roseburg National bank bldg. Three chair shop. Until rooms In connection. TF VIOLIN LKSSOXS Amos W. Hiester, violinist at Star thentro. will nccept pupils for violin. Especial attention to Juvenlls. IiiKulro at Star theatre or phono 885. CHURCH BROTHERS'! BREAD I IT'S TT 9 n BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR CASS STREET y. v ti a it it tt PHONE 351 The kind that tickles your palate Buy your supplies of pastry and bread from THE UMPQUA 'BAKERY II. (iVXST, l'rou. NOTICE the beautiful fixtures all sanitary and structly up-to-date. Improved sanitary plumbing In homes has low ered the death rate materially In the last few years,- and those who appre ciate health do not fail to have their plumbing refitted with open fixtures of nil kinds. In bath rooms and k Itch- In the fitting up of homes with new open plumbing, heating and veutelntiug we claim to be masters of the trade. Howard & Mahan, The Plumbers and Tinners, The Day of Re-covering Old Umbrellas Is Past Hull Ilrolliirs Umbrella Co. linvo nnnotuiccd through Saturday Even ing Vast and Women's Homo Com panion that they will convert old umbrella luuidlcs into Hull handles with tho detnchuble feature. FREE They arc enabling ns to supply you with a new Hull btue (rod, rib and cover) all at the mere price of recovering your old umbrella. If you have an old umbrella In yonr homo that needs recovering bring It to our store and In a few weeks we hand you the new style Hull with detachable nnd Inter changeable handle. , When you have exchanged your old umbrella for this new style, the Hull umbrella, you will begin to en Joy uses and advantages which no other umbrella has ever given you before. Iu fact, tl:e Hull Is going to make you discard the old umbrella for all time, no tako advantage of this of fer and bring your umbrella to our store immediately. W. E. CL1NGENPEEL Jeweler and Optician Also Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables PRICES RIGHT J Alton S. Frey j J Rev. Smith, pastor of the South Methodist church at Myrtle Croek, who has been in the city since the booster rally, left for Hound Prairie this morning where he will hold a series of special services. IF YOU WANT A PERFECT COMPLEXION Free of wrfnhh- with the fhih of youth, tlii'i-e innotliinir wore helpful than CREME ELCAYA . n toilet cream thnt MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET I'OUDRE ELCAYA (Three SIimIuh) vury fino and Adherent, fftvinirthe skin a nnturnl miiicar ance and the F.IX'AY A frnirrunce. Sold by MARSTER'S DRUG CO. Inc ItOSEHUKli, OltEGOX al2 For a good clean shave, hair cut or bath, call at the Maddix barber Bhop. Cass street. TF" 8 II. M. BKUMFIELD Dentist Rooms 6 and 7 Boll Sisters Bldg. Sis Phone 1361 Roseburg. Or., B. E. STEEL. Attoney-at-Lnw Legal advice free. Collections Solicited Room 1. Marsters Bldg. Koscburgr, Ore. . GENERAL DRAYINC Goods of every description moved to any parts of the city. Prices reasonable H. S. FRENCH Clark's Studio Makes Photos That Reproduces the Real Expression True to life We Guarantee You Satisfaction lor We Give Metallic Work Carefu At- tpntinn 0 Tr Rniebnrg National BanK Build ii Copying and Enlarging" Photo Post Cards We Repair Everything Electrical j that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore e attend to repairs promptly on uhone orderjf you like) and yon won t need to sound vour burglar alarm when vou get' our bill. Need anything in our line. G. L. PRIOR 315 N. Jackson St. ' Roseburg, Or