THE EVEKINO NEWS SATTHDAY, FEBRUARY B, 1010. News of the City Briefly ToldM No Inn- The HiiHoliurK orchestra will ivt) no dance at (ho Armory tlilH evening. To o to Ior(liml An effort Ih heiiiK made to mrnuuU) a number of ItoHi'tnirB'H htiHfncHH imm to ko to I'ortlnml next Wedm-mlay cvcniiiK, at which tiniH It Ih expected the trial of tUnm't Hermann will reach an end. ThtiHO who hnvo attended the trial state that they anticipate a verdict f neqiiittai on t tic? flint ballot, con tendliiK thu mate haa utterly failed In I ruining Ua chho. Shoes Polished Have opened up a tit and at Maddlx Barber Shop, and will Bhlne who t-a la flm cIubb man ner. Try ub. 1-2 8d Ih Appointed! Adniliintnitor At lorney W. W. Cardwoll Iiuh heen ap pointed admlniBtrator of tho estate of the late hnrlmn HrocUway, who paKHed away lit IIiIh city a few dayB nlnco. The total eHtate hh fur as Iiuh heen ascertained comdHtB of Home thltiK over $400 in money which Ik on d;ponit In a local hank. Mr. Brock way divided li Ih property IntereHlH &inonK his heirs several yvava ago. To Hell Moid a deal is now on foot whereby J. K. Kalbe, for the past year proprietor of the Rnseburg ho tel, expects to dispose of his business to a recent arrival from the east. At present Mr. Kalbe refuses to divulge the name of the prospective purchaser. Price Ik Advanced The News Is In receipt of the following from Peter Applegate, state land agent at Port land: "The price of base Indemnity selections hus advanced from f 10 to $13 per acre. The same takeH ef fect on February 4, 1910." Teuin ItmiM Ahhj A lively run away occurred in the city this morn Int?, when a team hitched to a lumber wagon nnd owned by (leorge Kohl tiagen. the local butcher, became frightened and dashed up Jackson nnmt at a rapid pace, rtiariing irom In front of tho Cass street market the team ran up Jackson struct to Mourn1 treet. when I hey turned and pro- reeded to Kohllmgen's barn. Aside from a broken axle little damage rv. stilted. IH'iil Ik Pending It Is said that the deal whereby McClallen Bros, expect to dispose of their hotel holdings is still pending. Mr. O'Brien, who is negotiating for the purchase of the hostelry, will Bay nothing regarding the transaction, simply inferring that (he deal will be closed as expected. Citizens Tell Many About Gohl Tales AUTOPSY IS HELD IIOK.V. HALE In Roseburg, Friday, Febru ary 4, 1910, to Mr. and Mra. H. M. Hale, a 10-pound daughter. Mr. and Mtb. E. Westerfleld, of Sutherlln, are visitors In the city today. Mrs. B. W. Bates, who has been confined at Mercy Hospital for the past two weeks, is much Improved ind will be able to return to her home the first of the coming week, XFW TODAY. Iliithiirtf Wat Murdered While Hack Was Turned to lrfMiicr Other frillies are Charged to Fiendish Assassin. Hlioued llnlr Hull. Homer Ison aid Bister, Mm. Gilliam, were tn the city today from their homo near Wll tour. The former waa a visitor to Tho News office and left for exhlbl lion what Is termed n "hair hall,' "which measures eight Inches in cir cumference. The rare fipelment was taken by Mr. Ison from the throat of one of his cows and constats of packed mass of hair, shaped like an KK and has no doubt been gathering In the animal's throat for many wmnthR, being caused by the cow llrking h.rnrlf and swallowing par tides of hair. This is a new "wrln- Ib" In row d oni and ran be seen in The News show window. I'll C0"rli4Hf tM IS. . Two Spiny Out fit k S. K . Sykes disposed of two International spray outfits tills week, one of which was sold to Watson Davis, of Etlenbower, ana the other to L. B. Skinner, of Brock way. The outfits are said to be strictly up-to-date in every particular and will tin doubt serve their purpose tor some time to come. To Return This F.vciihig The get together Ilosehui g business men's ex cursion will return this evening after a four days' junket throughout the county. At every town visited the boys havo been entertained royally and needless to sny the compliment will he returned should the opportun ity avail Itself. Is Much Improved A number of improvements have heen made In the Novelty theater during the past few days, among them being the re-arranging of the seats. At present the theater has two aisles and six exits. thus assuring the patrons of the house ample nunortunlty to make their es cape in time of fire or other danger. Move to KonpIhii'k It Is reported that Robert Hedden, who has sold out his drug store to Schad & Hubbard, has accepted a lucrative position with one of the leading, general merchan dlso stores of Roseburg and will as sume his new duties at once, Mr, (Idea's family will remain In Elk- ton for the present Drain Nonpareil (Special to the Evening News). ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. 5. The citizens of Aberdeen and vicinity are terribly wrought up today over one of the most sensational murder cases ever to attract the attention of the officers of Chehallls county. Through fear of being murdered or otherwise harmed the citizens of Aberdeen remained silent as long as Gohl was free, but now that he is safely behind the bars they are tell ing tales which tend to show that his past life has been that of a bold crim inal, his crimes ranging from arson to murder. i Charles Jacobson, formerly Gohl's friend, but now embittered against the prisoner because of an alleged "double cross," told the officers to day that Gohl started a big fire here about eighteen months ago by touch ing off an infernal machine in the Alaska saloon, conducted' by a for eigner. It Is said that Gohl commit ted this act In hope of getting even as he termed ft with the proprietor of the saloon as well as other persons owning property In the block. With the disappearance of Jacob Miller, formerly a deputy sheriff, who left his wife living In a cabin belong ing to Gohl at Laid taws Island, an other crime has been laid at the door of the prisoner. An examination of the remains of Charles Matberg show that he met death when his bark was turned to the murderer, this fact having been established by physicians todav. The autopKy showed that the bullets which caused death entered the brain back of the skull and ranged upward. Phy sicians say that Hatberg was dead he fore the anchor was tied about his neck, prepartory to throwing the re mains In the river. HOUSE TO RENT A tr room house centrally located: $10 a month. Inquire 419 Pltzer street, d-f-5-tf FOR SALE Ten-acre tract, five room house, two miles from cltv. Price, $1,700. Well Improved. Ad dress "Z," care of News office. f-5-d-sw-tf LOCAL MARKET Cereals, c WHEAT $1.25. OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton; grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17. ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton. Llvestcok. i STEERS Alive. 3 lb. COWS Alive, 3c. VEAL Dressed, 7c lb. HOGS Dressed, 8 to 9c; alive, 6c. SHEEP 3C. POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; ducks, alive, 9 (a 10c; dressed, 34 15c, Turkeys, alive 17c and 18c; dressed juc nnd 21c. BUTTER Creamery, 45c lb. country, 40c. EGGS 25c dozen. POTATOES $1.10 to $1.25. WOOL Spring, 25c; fall, 20c year clip. 24c. OXIOXS 1 H to 2c lb. HONEY 12 c. CABBAGE lc. lb. TO FRUIT GROWERS: Fresh Roach Harbor Lime 'on hand at THE STORE FULLERTON RICHARDSON Near the Depot Druggists Roseburg, Ore. CLASNIFIKD ADVERTISEMENTS A Handle Factory The new axe handle factory promoted by Mr. War ner, Is engaged In turning out ma terial to be converted Into commer cial form next summer after he has list ailed his turning lathe. Several men are employed and work is re ported progressing steadily. This new ndustry for Etkton 1b a commend able one and should receive tho en couragement of all enterprising citi zens. Drain Nonpareil. 00. JN former days it cost a lot of money and a tedious delay to obtain first-class tailo red-to-order clothes.Today master minds and a perfect organization liks Ed. K Price es Co. MM. CHANT TAILORS CHICAGO EMREZZLERSENTEN- CED TO HARD LABOR (Special to tho Evening News). MASON CITY, Mich., Feb. 5. For I ho embezzlement of nearly $700,000 of slate funds former State Treasur er Frank Glazier was today sentenced to serve an indeterminate term of from five to ten years In the state penitentiary. The court. In passing sentence, recommended that the con victed man serve the maximum term provided by law at hard labor. MINE EXPLOSION IN INDIANA '"Oil SALE Three ciioice lots North Jackson street, sot to fruit. Inquire nt this office d-swtf FUk 4aLE Show Cttaus and count- era for sale. Inquire at Marsters Drug Company. tf FOR KENT Fine new 5-room house, all conveniences. Apply at 318 Woodard street. tr. FO RR E X TS mall house and five lots; ten minutes from city. $6. Apply Xorth Side Planing Mill, tf PLOWING OR HAULING If you ivnnt plowing or hauling, phon 397, or tee Wm. Shaughnessy, 1242 Winchester street. f -24 (Special to Evening News.) INDIANA, Pa., Feb. 5. An explo sion occurred today in mine No. 2 of the Jefrerson Clearfield Coal and Iron company, at Ernest Pann. It le stated by the superintendent of the mine that In the neighborhood of one hundred and fifty men went to work this morning, but tho loss of life Is unknown at this time. LOCAL NKWS. Valeut lues Some very handsome one .and some little more so, at the Roseburg Rook Store. f-l-tf Mrs. John Jennings, of 318 Milt street, who has been seriously ill for the past four weeks, Iw reported to dny much Improved, being able to I nit up a greater part of the time. J. J. Raker, W. C. Winston and L. ii. hKiuner, all or instnns. were business visitors In the city today. The genteb'ineu were here to arrange for the purchase of smudges and have made arrangements to receive 1,100 smudge pots each. Ernest, Pa., Feb. r. It is now feared that between -10 and 70 men have lost their lives In the explosion which occurred here today In the coal mine. So far only one man has ap peared from the shaft house since the accident, and he was almost over come, but managed to explain the way he found exit from the tunnels. In coming out he stumbled over heaps of objects which he believes were the dead or dying bodies of fellow min ers. I no explosion was caused from the accumulation of mine dust, The rescuers nro hampered this afternoon 1" their work bv the frantic members of families of ;he entombed men who are gathered around the entrance and actually struggling with the officials. '-'OR SALE About of an acre, 30 bearing fruit trees, good house and other improvements, fine garden land. A bargain. Inquire of own pr, 822 Mosher st. d-sw-tf NOTICE ah persons Knowing them selves to be indebted to F. Long, will please call at the harness shop In the old stand and settle their accounts. F. LONG. F-21-sw-d FOR SALE OR RENT Five acres of fine land with a nice 8-room hou?e; everything In good shane; adjoins town of Canyonvllle: price 2.000, or will rent. For particu lars. Address Box 693, Roseburg. Oreeon. GIRLS JUMP FROM FLYING AUTOMOBILE par- malie it possible for ticular dressers to Becure clothes satisfaction within a few Jays, and at prices no higher than are charged for ready-made clothing. you their Let us show hcautiful Spring woolens i . i and take Today if your measure, you will. SUITS $16 AND Ul For Sale. A fine Needham organ at n snort-) fire. Terms enn be had If desired. I Address A. C. Pattinioie, general de-1 Ivry, Roseburg dtf j DAILY WKVntKIt ltlTOHT V. S. Weather Rnrenu, local ofllco. Roseburg, Oregon. 24 hours ending ' ii am... rVhrnary ft. 1 !' 1 u. Precipitation In Inches and dredths: Maximum temperature , Minimum temperature I'nM'Ipltatlon Total" Precipitation since first mnnih 03 Ave. nrecip. fi r this month for 32 years 4.88 lo-'ii nrecip. trout Sep 1, l;0it tn date 20.93 Average Precipltallen from Sept 1S77 20.R4 Total excess from Sept. . 1009 .34 verace precipitation for 32 wet sen-ons, tSept. to May Inclu sive 33.00 WILLIAM HELL, Observer. hun- . 3S . 3!t . .03 of (Special to levelling News.) SAN FRANCISCO, Keb. 5. Lured Into an automobile driven In the di rection of Ocean Reach resorts, two sisters, Josephine and Mat ha Jenson. employes In the custom house in this city, leaped from the machine at the risk of their Uvea today to save themselves from Insult. Josephine. ntil IS years, sustained a fractured ankle, while her sister, two vears old er, escaped uninjured, in the excite ment that prevailed at the time the would-be abductor escaped. The plrls were waiting for a car to take them 'to work when the unidentified chauf ' fepr drove up. When Informed by 1 the nirls that they were on their win to work the driver of the automobile offered to carry thrill to their destln i aMon. The youni: ladles accepted the offer and as soon as the irirls were "nted In the automobile the driver tnni"d his machine hi the opposite dl ciion and at a rapid "ace haded for the beach resorts. The girls be came alarmed and tin hrini; refused t permission to leave the automobile. lutnoed while It was In motion with ! the foregoing result. FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, mile from town; 2 acres orchard; Mr unHor enltlvnt'on: mnll hoime ham 20x30; poultry. horBe and 2 wagons Included. Only $2,500. Address N, this office. d-sw-f-28 PARCRA WF SECRET SERVICE Aeencv Is prepared to do all le gitimate Detective work, both Ci vil and Criminal, in all parts of the United States. C. F. Parker, Sunt., 214-216 Henry Rldg., Port land, Oregon. Phone Main 6231; Offlce phone Main 3209. FOR SALE 20 acres for sale at once; No. 1 fruit land; $50 per acre; Joining a 15-acre orchard one mile from city limits: half cleared: one creek; good . spring water; Ideal poultry farm; good terms; will trade for stok. Address Mrs. H. Graham, box 88, Roseburg. Ore gon. d-nw-f-21 ! ATTENTION 1 TO OWNERS OF CYLINDER PHONOGRAPHS S No doubt you are aware of the existence of the if w Indestructible 4 and 2 -Minute I Records You cannot appreciate their value until you hear them play- ij J ed. True In their production will last forever. We also guaran- tee they will not harm your reproducer. We will cheerfully re- place you with a new one If they do. Come and hear them. DO NOT BE DECEIVED They don't coat any more than worth a dozen wax records. wax record. Each one Is FOR SALE 40 acres of land, all fenced: good gnrden spot; house and barn; road through the place; also telephone line; on the mnln Umpqua river; good fruit land; part has been farmed and is well wntered: large creek through the place. Price. $26 per acre. Terms easy. Inquire at 325 Washington Btreet r BUILDER JO. T. JAYJstAHd! I GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Y' Roseburg, Or i'nur Sorvice Phone G. W. Sloper ACENT lfull line of samples to make selections from. VIOl.IX l.KSSONS Amos W. Hipster, violinist at Star theatre, will accept pmills for violin. Especial attention to luvcnils. InKuIre at Star theatre or phono SS5. LITTLE GIRL RUN DOWN BY TRAIN (Special to Evening News.) TROPTPALE, Ore., Feb. 5 Sadie PttinR. 12 years of nse. was run down and Instantly killed at 10 ' o'clock this morning by the expressl trnln on the O. R. & N. railroad. Eye witnesses say the girl's body was hurled sixty feet In the air when struck by the train which was speed ing along nt the rate of sixty miles an hour. The body was badly bruised and mangled. Prof. O A. HouRer, of tho Dlllard nubile tfchnol. Is In the city to remain Nice Crisp Goods The kind that tickles your palate Buy your supplies of pastry and bread from THE UMPQUA BAKERY It. GUEST, Prop. Roseburg' Furniture Company I Authorized Agents for the C olumbia Phonograph Company You Don't Have to Go to Sea to See PA T For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to , 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worb of any kind. I have five or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other busslness. See my burglar proof window lock, its O.K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER YOUR FAMILY WASHING DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-FAR EASIER TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT OVER. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - v - ROSEBURG, ORE. Our RopreflontntivoR will explaln our methodR of hftnllin??thl9 work. OPENING THIRD UNIT OF U. S, GOV. LANDS UMATILLA PROJECT Hermiston, Ore., Feb10, 1910 For the above occasion the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co, and Southern Pacific Company Lines In Oregon will make an open rate of One and One-Third Fare for the ronud trip from all points In their lines to Hermiston. Tickets on sale February oth and 7th, with final return limit February 20, 1910, . If - -n Free Booklet Issued by the Government, containing fnll Information u to cost, how to flic, water rights, etc, may be obtained from any O. It. N. or 8. P. Agent or by writing to Wm. McMurray . '. J Ei GEXEllElj PASSENGER AGENT 1 V" vj over Sunday.