THE EVENING NEWS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY , 1010. How About Quality? DOES IT MAKE ANY 'DIFFERENCE To you whether or not you have the BEST of GROCERIES? You are entitled to the best and will g'et it if you call fo ROYAL CLUB ROR FREFERED STOCK. Phone 2381 WE OPERATE OI K OWN DELIVERS rs iiwni.E Yont' imioi. rcrc. 4 CHURCH NOTICES. l.nptlst Church. W, H. Eaton, pastor. Regular ser vices tomorrow. The pastor will preach at both services. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 a.m.; B. Y. P, U. atfi:30 p.m.; ev ening service at 7:30 p.m. The ser mon subjects tomorrow will he: Morning. "Muscular Christianity." Evening, "Why is a Young Man?" At the morning service the Misses Black ami Bridges will sing, "Hark, Hurk, My Soul." The evening ser mon will he preceded hy an old fash ioned song service hy choir and con gregation. The choir will sing the evening anthem, and the pastor and Mrs. Eaton wilt sing the duet, "Hap py in Him." Come to these services. t ' LADIES' AUXILIARY. ( I , The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Rose- berg Commercial Club will occur Monday evening at the parlors in the club rooms. A good at- tendance is desired. ti LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish LumV er Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Yards on Lovver Oak Street. 'Phone 1411 xt :: ROSEBURG,- OREGON $ TIJ1T FA TP nas about 3 dozen Ladies' HIE and Misses' Hats, values up to if $6.00, which we must dose out ihis weeK to maKe room for Spring Hm OC stocK. Choice of any Hat in the store M v We also have some tempting' prices on Ladies' Sweaters, Gloves, Shirt Waists, etc. 8 THE FAIR 9 &j$$$$!HHK D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. ! Piumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble ! S WorKs. Telephone 2511. I WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. Fill Your House with light m hme is moleru without electrts liirlHH. Though we I can wire "'miy oM" buillin, the uoai wurit la wii'tu tut) uyntj is uohj constrmto.I. We are always ready JfiSpjftijrf o ivi An 4:jurtd tHtiui.u an 1 to I A. H QfiiarAntHfl the heat work. G. L. PRIOR 5 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or I Have It At Last The Perfection of All Motor Machines for Doing Your Washing in (I CD u a era CO fji What could be better? Will run on 15 pound pressure. That from an ordinary windmill tanK is sufficient. F. H. CHURCHILL IRONMONGER Pivk1) terian Chiirrli. J. R. Hurk hurt, pastor. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. At this ser vice the Lord's Supper will he ob served. Kvontni? worship at 7 : IU). Subject of evening sermon, "Some Lessons from the Life of Elijah." Fine music hy the eholr at both of those service. The Bible school meets at 10 a.m. C. K. at 3 p.m. Y. P. S. C. K. at fi:30. Topic, "The Model Christian Kndoavor.' John 1 ft : 1-8. Mid.woek prayer meeting on Thurs day evening at 7:30. You will find a cordial welcome awaiting you at all of our services. Come ami bring a friend. South MethiHllst Chimh. K. M. Mears, pastor. Regular serv ices Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted by the pastor. Morn ing theme. "Conditioned Blessings. " Evening theme, "Is it Well with Thee?" Sunday school at 10 a.m., W. L. Cobb, superintendent. Junior Epworth League at 2:30 Sunday af ternoon. All of the boys and girls of the league and Sunday school are re quested to ho present as Mr. Mears will preach a special sermon to chil dren. Senior League at fi:30 Sunday evening. The public is cordially in vited to all of these services. Christian Church. Mv morning subject will he. "Je sus Will Help You If You Try. On Sunday evening, instead of regular reaching, Dr. Smith, Mrs. J. V. Colt and Mrs. Ellis will each speak. There will also be songs and recitations bj other Endeavor members. J. N. McCOXXELL. Pastor. Methodist Kplcopal Church. Preaching nt 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. by the pastor, Jas. K. Hawkins. Live subjects, happy singing, special music bv the choir. Morning suh ject, "The Mighty Christ." Evening sermon, "A Vision of the Heart of God." All are welcomo to a home like church. St. Joseph's Church. The mission opens at 10:30, with high mnss. Father Chippla will preach and Father Offergeld will s'ng the mass. The Italian musicians will render Home beautiful music. TIih public is cordially Invited to attend the mission during the coming week. W. F. McG EE, Rector. Saint Ienrge'H Church. Main and Cass streets. The Rev. Charles Wilson Baker, rector. Quin nuigeshna. Holy communion nt 7:30 a.m. Holy communion and sermon nt 11 a.m. Evening prayer and sermon nt 7:30. Sunday school at 10 a.m. All are cordially invited to these services. , CLOSES FOR HERMANN Continued from Pago One. his best wishes for the holiday season to the members of Allen's family. It was developed that, an uncle of the defendant, Border, was employed un der Allen, as a supervisor. Heney also took up a line of Inquiry concerning a visit which Mr. Hermann made In the Fresno and Makersfield oil fields In litOO. Mr. Hermann first said that he went down there out of curiosity, having a tU sire to pee some of the great oil wells reported to have been discovered. Heney brought out the admission that several oil in vestors had met the commissioner r.t Albuquerque with a private car and had escorted him to Bakersfield. Mr. Hermann said thnt several contests were nending before, his office at tne time. Involving possession of the land which the "pcrippers" were trying to take nwav from the original riaim ants on the ground that the land was not mineral in character. The wit ness said that he was coming heme over the Southern route anywny and saw no harm in riding with the oil land owners. BIG DAY ASSURED (Continued from page 1.) which he is especially Interested, and plans have been carefully worked out to learn the particular opportunity each. inquirer seeks. The success of the big concerns that advertise exten sively Is largely due to the systematic "follow up letters which, at inter vals of about a week, they send to the inquirer pounding away fact and reason, logic and argument, un til the Inquirer becomes a buyi-r. That, the business men of Kosehiirg shall know more of the many oppor tunities existing throughout I)oimla county so they .may, themselves in vest or Induce Interest of friends. tin Douglas County excursion was ar ranged. But the chief purpose of the trip Is that the business men and far mers of all sections may gel togeMier and foater and promote n better fel lowship for the further development of every section of the county. On February 1 the Roseburg Commercial Club Invites the people ,of Douglas county to return the visit of her business men. All who come will he shown every courtesy. In the afternoon n special evangelistic ser vice will be held at the Xew Taber nacle for the visitors. At ti o'clock dinner will be served to the guests of the day by tho publicity department through t he co-opera t ion of t he Ladies' Auxiliary of the Roseburg Commercial club. In the evening open house will be maintained nt the beautiful club rooms, where music and games will beguile. The Ladies' Auxiliary extends a special tuvltutiim to tho ladles or Douglas county to attend. Gentlemen and ladies are requested to promptly advise Mrs. J. D. Zurcher, president of the Ladles Auxiliary Roseburg Commercial Club, of accept ance or tins invitation, so that exact arrangements can be made. Let me add, personally, that I earn estly hope as many Douglas county neople as possible will come to Rose burg on Wednesday, February lti. so that I may have tho further oppor tunity of knowing and making myself known to them. Respectfullv, DARBY RICHARDSON1, Publicity Manager, Roseburg Com mercial Club. 1 XT !; 1 1 KHT1 X G P W (J It A M. To bo Rendered nt the First Crhls tian Church. "India's Daybreak" Is the Interest ing program to be given by the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian church on Sunday evening. February 6, at 7:30 o'clock. Fol lowing is tho program: Song "True Hearted, Whole Hearted." Song "Tho Victory May Depend on You.'" Scripture reading. Prayer. Recitation Pearl Patrick. S.Mo Mrs. Geneviovo Saler. "How C. E. Promotes Eplrltuallty," Mrs. J. V. Colt. Recitation Fninces McGhehey. Song Choir. Sentence prayer - "How C. E. Promotes Sociability Dr. L. A. Smith. Recitation Frances Alley. Solo Mrs. C. G. Stanton. Sketch Orphanage ut Damoh Alice Mahn. Offering. Talk Mrs. Ellis. J. J. Devine, of Doe Creek, is visit ing friends In the city today. S. Lundburg, of Looking Glass, was in Hie city today on business. The News office was favored by a call from the gentleman. Resolve to be a reader of Douglas county's lending newspapers during 1 ft 1 0 Th0 Evening ami Twlce-a-Week News. Mrs. Mary Brock way has moved with her family to Ihis city from Brock way, having disposed of her property at the latter place. C. F. Watson and daughter, Vivian, arrived In the city today from their home near Glide. Miss Vivian Is on her way to Myrtle Creek where she has been engaged to teach school. Humor and Philosophy By DIACAA M. SMITH WILLING. AS for tho troubles of the rich, , 1 wlh It would occur To them to let mo help them At bo much per. I'd sit up with their worries jjj Until the hour wns lute And Ktadiy bear their burdens if they would pay the freight. J Why should a man of money J Let little Ills annoy And drive him to distraction When he could htro a boy For very modest wbrpr To sit and ate nnd frot And all the nerve diseases Thnt go the rounds to get? All round it would be better To hiivo It dntie for pny, It then could till be crowded Into nn eiKbt hour day. The owner of the troubles In sens of peace could swim, Well Knowing (hs-t an expert Was worrying for him. But here's a scheme that's better- I know It couldn't fail To found an Institution ,((, For worrying by moll, ' iJf. And then the man of money ffl.t .ouia inereuy De a ioi And dump his load of trouble All In the letter box. MIsb Kllnn Certnulo llnr- rls, tonrlior of vocal nnd pi- nno. Studio at Oiik and Kano Bts, Caro of Mrs. A. C. MurBtorK. 18 I I Don't Scold Your Wife if h. tnd, hilf th. fortnoon talking with her ntighbors ov.r th. bick f.ncfl. 8h. i. merely getting the newe. Hve the Home Paper eent to her regularly and her hunger for n.wa wilt be eatiafied. Then ehe'll have dinner ! ready on time and your hunger will be I eatiafied. The Cup that Fills a Longf elt Want Real Coffee Cocoa or Buillon Fine On These Cold Evening's The Rose Confectionery BLSSISSHCISCOHHBaHBBaOHBaslOLfaHl We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Moats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from Kc to 12o pound. First claBS mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your ordor. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street MarRet I.OU1H KOHU1AGKN, Prop. 107 West Cass at Phone 191. Kree DellTery. ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Carries a full Hue of School books and School Supplies. A big stock of Officj supplies and Blank Books Drawing Material. Typewriter Supplies. Agent for Moore's Office Methods. Newspapers. Magazines. Roseburg Book Store HOUSE CLEANING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE Anil when it enmefi plan to hnve the work tlona In a thorough D Anticr. THK VACCUM CLKANKU does nwny with all (IriiKftery for the women, bunidea doi'B not injure your cttrpHlB or rnn tn the lonst. When you nr ratly to tttke up thin important part of the household work cull up tho Phone 701 ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. Baker, Prop. Office N. Jackson St. FUME'S 1 ounco LAZELIVS "PERFECTUS" Violet In elegant silk lined box, $2.73. 2 ounce LAZEUS VIOLET ELECT In hnmlaome pneknso :i.7B. 1 ounce LAZEI.L'S "PERPWTUS" In beniitlful packngo $2.50 2 ounco "LAZULL'8" in silk lined box $:1.7n. MIlDNOT'S celebrated perfumes In odors; Cbrysls. VIOLET BAN HIS ESPAONE, White Hose, lllellutropo, all In olegant packages 2fic to $l.r0. IHJDNOT'S and LAZIOLL'S Toilet Water BOc to mi.fiO. PEItKUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes 25c to BOe. CHILDREN'S PERFUMES In nil odtira. attractive ' oxes S.V. SELECT and Ilii6 assortment of military brushes lialr, brushes, mlrrorB, safoty razors and manicure sets and single at ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. St'lISf.iltHK FOIl TlfK FVI'XI.Vfi NKWN, POI , I, AH (.OIMV8 LEAD ING NKWHI'APhll. The Peoples Store The The Co-operative Store BIG STORE With Tiny Prices The Only General Merchandise Store Carrying the Following Lines: Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Shoes We always aim to give the best g'oods at the lowest prices. We solicit a share of your patron age and promise you in return the best of service and values. Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY