THE F.VBOTN'fl NKWS MOXDAY, JANUARY 31, 1010. THE EVENTING NEWS II V B. W. BATES 18HUK1) IHAtKI'T KUXDAl entered a second-class matter Nov. o, 1909, at Koneburif, Ore., un der act ot j.arch 3, 1871). 8ulwiriillim HaU-a-SPnlly Per year by mail $3.00 Por month, delivered 60 WE MAKE PEOPLE WELCOME AT YOUR SERVICE DAY A D NIGHT Marsters Drug Co., Inc. REGISTERED PHARMACISTS PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY ' TELEPHONE 81 and have anything in the drug line delivered to your home promptly and without extra cost PROMPTNESS IN F.LLING 0RDEES A FEATURE OF OUR BUSINESS METHODS Kcml-Wiekly ! Per year $2.00 Six monthB 1,00 MOXDAV, JAMAHY SI, 11)10. OccaHlonally we meet with people who are like Homo ot the modern bedsteads all brass. A man has Invented a clock that needs to lie wound hut once In 10,000 years. Unfortunately, however, one Is apt to forget In that time where he put the key. The beef trust comes back nt the neonle In the large cities who are ad- nne cent ner pound on meat, ulke vocatlnK lower prices with a raise of the tariff revision, the price has been lowered upward. January clones with considerably less than the average rain fall for the month, which for 33 Januarys has been 5.79 Inches. With the closo of January. 1910, unless there comes an unprecedented storm tonlKM. there Is a shortage of nbout two Inches of rain. For the entire season, how ever, the rainfall todato Is a trifle above the average. Crop prospects are excellent and providing no late .,,,,.1,,, the fruit. OollKlan county may well look for a most prosperous season. There are, It seems, decrees oven In the vegetable world. Kor instance, most men would rather be considered "some pumpkins than a mere Bqnash. To Mr-t TohIkIU The publicity recently appointed' will meet In their first regular senslon at the ItoBcburtf Commercial club rooms this evening. I ho work for the com ing year will bo outlined and several propositions t Interest to the club as well as the citizens at largo will be discussed. Tt roillv looked like winter In ItoseburR today, and the beautiful ffdl almost continually from B a.m. ti.ia r-vmiinir It was a warm pnow and melted nearly as fust as it fell. Thts Ktorm rather put us In a Imd predicament when our good weather bnoHlhig Is considered, but when It "lookrt like winter" h'-ro, what must bo happening In other states? Wo venture to renews that conditions are worse than bad. Within the Inst few weeks sev eral experienced poultrymen from the east have located In Douglas ponntv in the vicinity of Hoseburg. and will doubtless ndd materially to the Industry In Southern Oregon. There Is room In this Hectlou of the Ptnte for many more such people, and the onporluiiltlea here along thai line are unenuiiled. Douglas county 1r a natural poultry country. The climatic' conditions are Ideal for the fowls, and with a very orulnary enre and small expense for colony houses the birds can bo kept at egg produc tion throughout the fall and winter when prices are highest. Aside from that the feed problem Is of little mo ment becniiHo corn and grains necos nary for feed thrive In our hoIIs. I' or n market we have Portland and Se attle on the north and San Francisco on the Bouth. There Is no qnlckor way to take the life, growth and energy out of a town than for its citizens to be con stantly holding up the dark Hide of the plcturo to the ga.o of the In quirer, remarks and exchange. The word "If" keeps everybody In doubt, and doubt keeps every man from go ing forward with tho improvements ho would otherwise make. There Is nothing like confidence to make a success of anything and If you bavo not got any of it, don't communicate tho fact to your neighbor, much lens to a Btnmger, and If the bent of your mind Is to continually go agattiHt ev ery Intercut of the town In which you t.'.n f,it tint u.i lii nf tho town net out of It and go to some plnco that Is ul-, ready lifeless and has no Interests nt 1 stake, where yon, like the old lady's) root beer. If yon don't do any good ! you won't do any hurt. j To Open Inig Store. Fred Chap man, who was forced out of business at the time the Douglas National bank enlarged their quarters, ex pects to open his new drug storo In the Masonic building on Wednesday this week. Mr. Chapman's Btore faces on Jackson street and will be among tho finest In the city, the fix tures being strictly up-to-the-minute. ew 0t(nKe .1. G. Mollis has ar ranged with Messrs. Gilinoro and Ware to build two nice cottages on bis fine residence Jots situated on Second avenue North, and Just east of Mr. llollls' present home. The cottages will be erected with a view to renting, as for many months there has been a scarcity of houses of any sort In Koseburg that could be had by people coming In to locate. Mcdford In Itoomliur Attorney Reuben Marsters returned from Mod ford and Jacksonville yesterday where he spent several days attend ing legal matters. Tn speaking of Medford. Mr. Marsters said that the town presented n very lively appear ance, business being apparently good along all lines. Another thing that attracted the attorney's eye was the numerous automobile garages, all of which were well crowded with the horseless vehicles. To lliiild Four llinigulows -A .D. Uradley, at preset) t associated wit h William Hond In the real estate bus iness, experts to erect four five-room bungalows on his property situated nt the corner of Lane and Jackson streets early In the spring. The structures will face on Lane street and will bo strictly up-to-date in ap pointments. Mr. Itradley says that ho has three of the residences rented at. this time, evidencing In a measure the prosperity that reigns in this cltv. UOItKlvM W S.tVK M !'Y os 'KvisiMiiot:! v;. Horseshoeing at tl Kmi nire WackHinith tOiop is imw from J I .fin to $L' on. I'.tr crh only. dswflS S. T. SMITH. ..Higher Than for Years Local butchers who have been in business in Itoseburg for years report that meat Is much higher nt this time than for tho eight years past. The condition they nver is due to the scarcity of cuttle and hogs and not on account of the alleged beef trust. Speaking to a News reporter this morning relative to the high price of meats a local butcher sahl that be had been engaged in the retailing of meats for nearly all his lite, but nev er had It been as difficult to obtain marketable niea's as at present. In regard to the meat boycott tho butch er said that such procecdiire was pleasing to the large wholesale meat linns Inasmuch as they would t abb to bear down the price of rattle and hoKM on foot, fatten them and (hen hold for a strong market To Kngiige In Iliislness Letters received from Fred Paquatte, who Is at present in California convey the Intelligence that he is soon to en gage In business In that state. Mr. Paquette has many friends In this vicinity who wish him success. Work Is "Progressing Work on the new telephone exchange Is pro gressing rapidly, Indications tending to show that the same will be in read iness for occupancy within about four weeks. As soon as the building is completed the telephone company expects to Install a new modern and un-to-dato switchboard, thus facili tating tho work of the operators who are at present handicapped on ac count of the nntequated equipment. It is also said that several additional country lines will be Installed with a view of eliminating the present con gested condition of the lines. Many Favors Asked There are perhaps few people In the commun ity In which a newspaper Is published who realize the numerous favors that are asked of it during a brief period of thirty days. Just this morning a young fellow, smiling and apparently suffering from overjoy, visited The News sanctum, and in a peevish tone asked the editor to ex tend hltn a favor. Asked as to the nature of the favor the young man replied that he was soon to be mar ried and desired that the license be kept on the "Q. T." As usual the re quest was granted and the fellow loft the office Jubilant. The public, how ever, will be compelled to await the announcement on account of the gen-1 eroslty of the editor. Itailroad Commission ext The i members of the Oregon railroad com-1 mission will arrive In the city Wed-, nesday morning to entertain the pe-l t it Inn of the Kdenbower- residents j who nre asking that the Southern Pa cific company be compelled to estnb- lish a side track nt that place. 1 he petitioners also request that, the local trains stop at the Kdenbower cross ing upon flag, thus affording the clt-i izens of that vlclnitv Improved ser vice. When the petition . was first nresented to the railroad company they looked upon It with little favor. alleging that the freight tonnage from that suburb did not warrant the company establishing a sidetrack or even stopping tho local trains upon1 flng. Tho petitioners then carried the matter to the Oregon railroad j commissioners, who promised to meet here and entertain the request on the date above mentioned. Attorney Or cutt. has been retained by the peti tioners, while Attorney Fenton, of the Southern Pncific company, will probablv represent the latter. It is expected that the entire day will be consumed In going over tho matt that the commissioners may become well versed in the conditions as they really exist and act accordingly. The meeting will be held at the court house. WHAT IS THR CHEAPEST PHOTO MA THE II EST. The same applies to en larging, copying, frame mak ing, kodak finishing. Clark' Studio for the best. Roseburg Aatlonal Bank building. For Men. There Is no beter shoe made than the celebrated 'J. E. Tilt," which (s to bo found at the Milllkln Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-f. he anticipated considerable difficulty In obtaining the necessary options, in asmuch as many of the property own ers over whose land the railroad will THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. Special sale on snues uuring Jan uary. All lines will be cold at cost and below. tf We don't sell for cost or below pass appear lukewarm toward the ; cost but we will sell right at cost, proposition. "Several parties," said if you don't believe It, try us and option for moro than a year when , , , , . everyone knows that more than that Eods Purchased you are entitled to length or time will be required In a chance on a nice set of silverware, completing the grades." Others, It knives, forks, table and teaspoons. Is understood, nre holding their land soe them In tho window. Come and ;:,JS'Sb lywm 'IS: - if. b obliged to pay any sum they ask.t"1 oue or 5'" wiU mlsa Ifc Clenernlly speaking it appears evi dent that considerable -difficulty will be met before the necessary options are obtained, thus assuring the back ers that they will not be molested during the course of construction. D. J. JARVIS PROPRIETOR. For Sale. A fine Needham organ at a sacri fice. Terms can be had If desired. Address A. C. Pattlmoie, general de livery, Rosohunr drf GENERAL DRAYING fioods of every description moved to any parts of the city. Prices reason able. H. S. FRENCH MONARCi MALLEAB IE (Jet It f glit -of-Way F. V. Dillard. the local real estate man. has been employed by tho promoters of the contemplated Oregon. Idaho & Coos Hay railroad to get the right-of-ways from the Koseburg city HtrUts to Camas mountain. Speaking to a Xews representative relative to the task ibis noon. Mr. Dillard said that BUILDER cm mayxahh k n GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOitl t Your Service Itosoburg. Oregon Phone 1 !K. Pianos at Your Own Prices and Terms. This We:!; Will Positively Wind Up This "At Your Own Price" Piano Sale. Threo different piano firms aro ready to take up any pianos we have left at cash. So $5 or 10 nbovo cost Is that much to us. Wo have one Hush & Lane, four Victors, one Lmlwtg, one liailoy, two Werners to select from, also two (a) good orr.'ins. If you need an Instru ment, come In and make us an offer. If It Is cash It will be accented. Don't put It off, but como In today. If you don't need a piano for two years It will pay you to buy now. It will be many years beforo high grade pianos will be offered at such prices In Hone burg again. Call and you will be convinced that this Is not a hurrah fake iale( but wo are selling as ad vertised. Burr's Music House OPENING THIRD UNIT U. S. GOV. LANDS UMATILLA PROJECT Hermiston, Ore., Feb. 10, 1910 l'or tho nliovc occasion (lie Oregon Itniirond Navigation Co. nml Southern Purine Coinpnny Lines In Oregon will mnko an open r(o of One and One-Third Fare for the round trip from oil points In their lines to Hermiston. Tickets on snle, l'elirimry mil untl 7th, with final return limit lVluimry 20, 11(10. Free Boohiet Issued by tho Government, containing full Information as to cost, how to tile, water rights, etc., may he obtained from any O. It. A! X. or S. P. Agent or by writing to Win. McMurray . ,. (iKXKltl-X PASSKNGKR AGKYT The Stay Satisfactory RANGE Knngc buyers, do you realize that (he Monarch linage won the gold medal at the Lewis St ("lark centen nial lii 1II05 over all competitors. Do you know thnt it is impossible to rivet n cast range so that they are tight like a malleable iron range? Do you know that the air tight construction of a Monarch range makes it use kss fuel than any other range? When Iniying a range get the best. B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN, RCSEEURC. CRE THE IMPERIAL! I A Temperance Saloon I Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg ! I ORDWAY & BOCART Iproprieto r St Office: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main 2431 or.3tl. GROUGH & ALDRICH Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE it Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low late of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the besi and cheapest companies in the U. S.? :: If So See WALKER PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- -:- E..B. PERRINE, Notary Public I Winnie Gaddis f I THE PLUMBER Skylight Cornices t Heating Ventilating "V. I - jWe Bring Everything with us when we start on a job of plumhlng. No sending back (or a forgotten tool or an extra piece of pipe. The time we charge, for Is spent In doing your actual pi amb ling work, not sitting around waiting I for things we should have brought , iu the first place. Sounds good? ! .Make us prove It. Howard & Mahan, The Plumbers nnd Tinners, Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Phone 2101 Roseburg Oregon j; CHURCH BROTHERS' I BREAD IT'S TT 1 1 It CASS STREET BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR J J . PHONE 351 XX txtittttttiimxtnutittntitxxxxxitntxtimtttitis