THE EVENING NEWS HY B. W. BATHS . 1HHU10I) DAILY KXCKIT BU.SDAV entered as second-class mattor Not. 6, 1909, at Hoseburg, Ore., uu der act of March 3, 1879. CO L A RIS B'OT TIES Huhscriptlon ltnti's Dully Per year, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Benil-Weckly Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 MONDAY. JA.UaUv"mi, HU. MOltK CO.VSTITITIO.V 'li.VKKItlNC; At Marster's Drug Store Constitution tinkering will resume activity In the next Oregon election and a crop of fads and fancies will bo foisted on the voters again. Al- ri-Rdv four amendments to the con stitution are slated for the election snhmitted by the legislature for reforonlum--and others will show thomselvea In duo time, hy Brace of the initiative,' proposing prohibition, womnn suffrage, sliiKle tax and oilier things. None of these changcB is needed by the commonwealth, nearly all of them mennce stability, and the public would be no better off with the best of them. Chief of tho dangerous changes will he the amendment authorizing the state to build and operate rail rnmlH There will ho two amend ments, cnrrvlng out the "new Idea" of assessment and taxation. In spite of the obvious truth that there ran bo no better basis of taxation than that now prescribed In the conntmi tlon for equal and uniform taxation of actual values. Least objectionable of the proposed "Improvements" Ip the one pilhstltutlng tho district rep resentation method of electing mem bora of the leglslnl lire In counties that have more than one member In either house for the electlon-nt-large method heretofore In hho. i-rom one point or view the legislature should ho commended, perhaps, for limiting to that small number the "progres sive Idens" that are rlnmorllig for place In the constitution. The Initia tive, howovor, Is still wide open. Preachers of political fnds. profes sors of what they call political uni on, apostles of multifarious re forms all think Oregon the most pro gressive stale In the union. So 'nr ns this slate allows them to "mon key" with the organic laws and lifts tho lid that other states hold down on cranks and enthusiasts, -they have the right Idea of Oregon's progres rlveness. There will bo someth'ng doing again In constitution tinkering next November, and the electorate will receive another visit from the in novating pest. Oregonlan. llOAl) AND HAIMMMI). I'd II ton for tft.-n.noo to be Ks-nt on Miil'slil'icld-ltoschiii'g Itimil. Mnt'Bhffold, Or., .Ian. 24. Mnrsh flehl expects to spend Mill). "00 this year In street paving. City Engineer Snndberg finds that improvements will nmount to more than 3d. 000 equnre vnrds of nnvlnc. nnd with (tie grading', will cost $100,000. The city will ndvnrtlsn for tentntlve bids to be opened In three weeks. Keports to the city council by an expert show tlinf" tho total value of real estate nnd other oropertv owned by the cltv Is $34.1 !!, nnd the debt Is a 000 bond Issue and $1,300 fdlll owed on a stenm roller. Work on the electric street rnr line for which J. M. Tllnke was grnnted n franchise In Marshfiold. hns been tasted In the so.lth part of the city with tho driving of test piles for the track. Tn North. Hend a cltv ware bouse Is rising, and the cltv has de elded to spend 30.000 on the plunk waterfront roadway which will con nect with the phmk elont-lon of Front street nftnr the countv hns built a short stretch between the lim its of the two cities. The countv comnitfsionnrs hnvo been petitioned to mip'hI v0.nnn for a first class read from Coos Hay to Itoseburg. Kxteuptve work li phtnned by the commissioners nf tho Port of Coos Ttav. Th.- conimlKxion alms to ipi'mit tho tide fists thet ttiev may be under the control or tho cnniinN'd'in Tb'odlTlm: of the rhcnncl lit also hcinc nrrenccd. tt o coiiiini'l"n i.linnhur tc ninke it 1 r.'et ('"oil f'-mn the I'M' to tho bend of the hev. Tt Is Mn the purpose of ll'o eotlllls:-inn to Tiiir e'iei sultalile sites for public wh'irves. Httico tpi v.icck of tlio juinn the coinMds?'oli bus urireit the iMlitite ptinco of a sciie.ine ltfe i-wln-: tur nch ns l eoi nn pi,r,,t Sailed oori mtivo M at Kniplre with ,l,'nlil up all the time. i:v toimy. WANT I'M - Cnnri port shiner, hnnilrn at Ivirher shop, t'ris s tl :-I..M' .M:uUl tl-tf FOU HAl.K Furniture for u- u-nium house; imrehnser 1ms the oppor tunity In rent 7-rooiu house with both hath, li.u'ht mul toilet: two acres nf groiuut; rim place for chickens; loniieil on bank of Oeer Crook. Small nnrilon, some fmit nn plan. liHiuUo at this of fice. l-tf IF YOr WANT A PERFECT COMPLEXION Krec f wrinklon wltti lti flnh of youth, llu'if i iiotliiiiK iihii-v lu'ltuul ttiitn GREME ELCAYA a toilet crt'itni thnt MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET VOl'DltK KM'AYA tThree Hhaile) very fine and mlliirrnt. rlvliurthe .kin n nntlirnl ftl'lH'ar anrconillli Kl.l'AYA friHfrmic. Sold lij MARSTER'S DRUC CO. Inc nosKitcmi, onKtitix t J Keeps Liquids Hot NKV COMKT ItlffcrfMit From All Odiers- Flagstaff, Ariz., Jan. 24. The luminous body now visible to observ ers in various parts of the country Is a new comet. It is known as "Comet A. of 1910." and photographic obser vations made ot It by the scientists of Lowell observatory show that its light differs from that of most comets, though it closely resembles tho great comet of 1882. The new comot was reported by Dr. R. T. A. Inness, of the observatory at Johannesburg, South Africa, on January 16. His name was given to It at first, but as the same comet is said to have been observed In the Orange Free State prior to that date scientists here prefer to call it "Com et A." Tlie newcomer has excited keen in terest among astronomers who are making close observations, but it has not yet been determined whether the comet will ever reappear again. An analysis of the photographic ob servations made hero .lio-vs that the now body dlfforB greatly from comets in general. The usual comet spec trum consists of a very bright series of hydro-carbon bands, hut the comet now visible shows very bright sodium lues. The striking orange color of tho comet head, as observed in vari ous parts nf the country, is said to bo duo to Incandescent sodium vapor. OI(IX;o. I'ATIOXTS. Granted tills we'ek and reported by C. A. Snow Ac Co., patent attorneys, Washington, IJ. C. : llary G. Brown, Uoseburg. combined pipe wrench and cutter; Unfits 11. Mallock, Portland, fountain pen; Omer Holmes, Clut- skaniu, table; Simpson AlcCaiucy nnd V. .1. Zimmerman, Portland, dumb waiter or lift. For copy of any of iiliove patents send ten cents In post age stamps with dtite of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. A Ni:wco.Mi:it's hika. F.dltoi' News: Rending a few days ago in your paper some items per taining to my neighborhood under tho heading "Sylmon Items," I can not refrain from expressing my Ideas concerning the name Sylmon," and believe others than myself think it anything but a pretty name, or that It suits our neighborhood, which is a most picturesque place, nnd ulso a pleasant placo to live in. but when one hoarB the name "Sylmon" ap plied to It makes nn think of Simple Simon. Now, to my notion, I believe the nnmo "Rivcrdalo Items" or "Riv erside Items" would bo more appro priate, as our valley from Kdenhower to Junction of roads to Coos Hay nil slope toward tho river and n view of the river can be had from most nil the farms In this Bectlon, and the name "Kiverdale or Riverside Addi tion" would, 1 believe, sound very pleasant to the ear. nnd what better time than now to change a name, when new people and new railroads arriving? What say you all? Khali II be "Rlverdale or Riverside Addition" or remain "Svlmon Dis trict. A NHWCO.MHll. AMERICANITIS WOMEN HAVE. IT SO DO MEN It is a uervous exhaustion caused by over working and worry. 1R EXALL Americanitis is a nerve food. It brings the buyaucy of health and the liveliness of youth because it restores to the body the elemeuu which nature intends shall be there. The Rexall store is the loading drug store iu every important city. No matter what ails you asd about Kexall. 30 Hours HORSEMAN HAVE S1J.VKV OX HQUSKSHOFIMJ. ' Horseshoeing at tho Km- plre Blacksmith shop Is now from $1.60 to $2.00. For rush only. dswfl8 S. T. SMITH. OI'KltATIO.N l'KKFOHMKI). John Alexander, of ;llde, I'nderwent Operation at Portland Today. A message was received thlB after noon by The News from Portland to tho effect that John Alexander, of Glide, who left tills city some days ago for a Portland hospital to under go an operation for rupture, which affliction has given him considerable trouble of late, was operated on this morning by Dr. K. V. Hoover, of this city, and the condition of the patient Is very favorable tor a speeay recov ery. Mr. Alexander's ninny friends In this city apd at his home will be glad to note he Is getting along nice- ly nnd will return home as soon as he sufficiently recovers to travel. FATAL ACCIDENT. Salem lloy Shot in Head With Rifle by Playmate. Salem, Or., Jan. 24. Carlton Eu gene Acheson, 12-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee V. Acheson, was shot through the head and instantly kill ed Saturday, by 1 1-year-old Herman Viesko, a playmate. The shooting, which was done with a 22-callbre rifle, was accidental and there will be no Inquest. The two hoys, accompanied by Leo lloppe nnd Lylo Page, about the same age, were snooting at a uirgei on Minto s island wltn tne rltie, wnien belongs to the Page boy. After shoot ing at the target, the Acheson boy ran forward to look at the target, wnen the ritle in the hands of the Viesko boy became entangled in the wire fence on which It was resting nnd in some manner was discharged. The victim of the bullet was dead almost as soon as his comrade reach ed him. NOTICK. All Odd Fellows desiring to attend the funeral of our late Brother B. Brockway. to be held Tuesday, Jan uary 25, at 2 p.m., will assemble at I. O. 6. F. hall at 1 p.m. January 25, 1910. F. II. V1NCIL, N. G. W. S. POWELL, Secretary. HOKX. oilMAN To'MrT aild'Mrs. Carl Oil man, on Saturday, January 21. a girl. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tavlor. of Winchester, on Satur day, January 22, a boy. PLOWING OK HAULING If you want plowing or hauling, pbosi" 397. or see Win. Shaughncssy. 12 12 Winchester street. f -2-1 VIOMV IiF.SSO.9 Amos W. Htester. violinist at Star theatre, will accept pupils for violin. Especial attention to juvenlls. Ingulre at Star theatre or phone 885. ADVKUTISKD LKTTKKS. Following are the letters remain ing In the Rosehurg postofflce un called for up to and .Including Janu ary 22, 1910; Ilrlggs, Mrs. O. T. Davis, Glea L. Davis, Ernest. Daly, A. D. Flschel, Joseph. Hume, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Matlock. Lee. Smith, Mrs. Dert. Winter, Joseph. C. W. PARKS, Postmaster. BUILDER C. 3D. MAYNARD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to v mi' parts of the city. Prices reason able. H. S. FRENCH MONARCH MALLEABLE The Stay Satisfactory RANGE limine buy era, do you realize that the Monarch Itaue won the gold medal at the Jx'wls & Clark centen nial in H0. over all competitors. lo you know that It Is impossible to rivet a cast range so that tiiey nre tight like a malleable iron range? Do yon know that tho nir .tight construction of n Monarch range makes it use less fuel than any other range? When buying a range get the best. B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE WAN, RCSEBURC. ORE 1N0BBY ITAILOR-MADE IT SUITS! All the Latest Weaves tolmaKe selections from at v?i ...... Tk.,d le nn hatpr shop made than the. celebrated "J. B. Tilt," which Is to be found 8t the MUllkln Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-t. THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. Wb don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe It, try us ana see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice set oi suvei wuio, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See them In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for ycu will miss It D. J. JARVIS ritOPJtlETOR. GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill WorR and ail Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low late of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay lack loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Uoseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good marnei ano in goou 10 XX cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best anil cheapest companies in the U, S.? If So See WALKERS Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- I Winnie THE PLUMBER gfg Skylight Cornices 1 y- ft Agent for Snell I Water Filters. I Removes all im- purities. Roseburg I CHURCH BREAD ' IT'S xx 111 xxxtttxtxt XX 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BREAD Cold 84 Hours Rneclal Bale on snoea during Jan- nary. All lines will be sold at cost and below. tf THE IMPERIAL! : A Temperance Saloon Prooerly Conducted Opposite Passenger X Depot - Kosenurg ORDWAY & BOCART; PROPRIETO R S Office: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main 3431 ork311. PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. Public -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Gaddis Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Oreg'on f BROTHERS' XX tt H txxxxxxxxx XX : S BODGE xx IT'S NEVER SOUR FULLERTON $ RICHARDSON H CASS STREET PHONE 351 H The Reliable Tailor S