TITO RVKiyiyQ VKWB TH1'RHIA Y, JANUARY SO, 1010. THE EVENING NEWS HY B. W. BATES C Q L A Ft I, S B O T T L E .S At Marster's Drug Store Keeps Liquids Hot 30 Hours Cold 84 Hours IHHUKO DAILY KXCKl'T SUNDAY (Qnttirnd ah Hc?r.nnd-rlnHH matter Vnv R 1 U ft 0 . at Itnuohiirir Ora tin.' lies! i 5 fltl tho' "ny 1)111) 1 t 1 , till Oil e.l' vitj eh i dor act of inarch It, 1879. Subscription Kates Daily Per year, by mail.- $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Hrinf-Weekly Per year...".. $2.00 Six months 1.00 TIIUItSOAY, .JAXL'AHY liO, HMO. Human nnturo 1b u funny thing, and about the funniest and strangest people tnk to Kfft their, IiIh or hor af tbinK of all la the, trouble that soma fusions "endorsed." tlij I u j toj frl "1 it; lol "1 hj n ! Mi I In Nl H w I) M pi it I f hi h a i n! n t. 11 n Thq elty of Medfnrd In Jackson county 1b paying Interest on I lie neat nun of $4liS,G21. This money- has been tiont In paving streets and oth er public liM m oveniontH. And after all Modfnrd Ih Meowed with no greater population thin). lloBehurir has, but tholr indebetpiiK'BS is about four llmeB ub groat. Tt 1b announced from authoritative sources that a wholesale grorery firm will establish a business in Roseburg within a short (Imp. The fact Ih ap parent (hat this city Ih booh to he roine a Jobbing center for the whole of southern Oregon, and ihe firm in (ItieHflon Ik going to be in on the ground floor. Knllwuy building front tho count will be under way before many months, and with the comple tion of that road thingH will be doing In old Hoseburg, and tho fellow who Is here on the ground to take advant age of these good things as they come Ih tho man who will come into his own. mu.s Ai,i,o i:i) Thorn hits Im-om n Int. of mmiil lalk nmoiiK it ctu'laln ellfii of win1 pon tile fn viirlmiH pnrfH of Urn country, conc.drniiiK l)m fai'l. that n film lot. of polulouH ImlollKlnK lo W'iilltllllliof le , Vallny fnriiMM'H was not din? ami llOtlHf'fl lli'forn tho frnczhm WrMlthel' fiwiipt ovr iho country, wliii-li ro nilltoil In tho Iohh of tho Kpudx. Tim followx who havo had nioHt. to nay nvor Ihiit iiiallor would not bnov a polntoo frmn a Hum hoan, nor wiiplit or tho "frull" grown on a troei hush nr vino, or In tills roBpoot Ib nldn lo tho peiinut, Karlv Hiorms and bad oiioh, oflon ovorlukp Iho hot of us, find provont lnirvpHtiiiK of vnhuililo rropH find that Ik alt that raum'd tho Iohb of thono potatooH In tho valloy tills limt fall. Followng are tho bills allowed at the Januury . term of the County Court for Douglas County: (Joncral County I'mi(l. II. K, linker, road Blip dlst No. 49 $145.00 W. I). McClay, road bud. dlBt No. 8 43.00 Simon Caro, Indigents 41.00 W. l' Hi'lKBH, Jr. uupt. dlat No. 411 125.00 Hay A!ffi, Bllpor district 28.... 50.00 T. Ij. Itrewor Bun. dint. 41... 72.50 Win. Coals super district 13.. 05.00 Karl V. KiikIob, circuit court.. 15.00 Victor riiipiia, over paid tax 2.20 73.50 Tim piosldout of the Wnnliliii;ion Slate Fair Association, bo It 1b fluid. Ib roBiionallilo for the statement that hereafter no saloons would be per mitted on the grounds during full lime, and that Kamlilint; utid horse .TnrlnR would be cut out. That the first two should 1 dlspensee! with ttoes without Kiiylni;, but. uond clean liorae raclnn Is a snort fit for any one to wllness. and Is one of the at tractions that ko towards muklnt; n fair lnlrestltiu. More pivmle will ako keen Interest In a tiood racliiK proirrum tbiiti any other one feature of a fair, and to cut the sp.rt out will nrove an inlury lo tho Washtaqton filnlo Fair. Oreiron has nrohlhlted Ba lonns and tiaiiiblliiR at the State Fair for the pnst two yoarfl. and those two noasons have also lieen tbo most suc cessful events in the; history of the association, lint the rnroB wore a great drawliiK card and plaved a larwe nnrt In mnklnir the fair spicy and In tensely enjoyable. , 0. C. I'o'well, sup. dlst. No. 53 Chns. Wilson, Biipt. dlst! No. 110.47 Arthur Church, sup. dlst. No. 0 171.25 Chas. Franklin, sun. dlst. No. 7 110.00 D. W. Hunks, Blip, district No. 44 100.00 Geo. K. ,Qulne, sup. dlst. No. 17 507.50 John Dicks, sup. dlat. No. 42 104.15 w. l'j. I tiouipson, sup. dlst. No. 21 : 81.25 T. H. lliirnett, sup. dlst. No. 58 " 110.00 Henry Ireland, Blip. dlst. No. 14 77.50 J. F, O'Marra, sup. dlst. No. 50 195.00 J. W. Spaldini?, sup. dst. No. 20 : 327.50 K. .1. Harris, sup. (list. No. 40 100.00 Hoy Woniu'ott, tax rolls 70.00 Oilvia Itlsley, work on In dexes 40,00 Mess A. CloiiKh, work on In dexes 46.00 .Minnie Shtipe, work on In dexes . 44.00 Hlta T. Cobb, work clerk's ollico 30.00 Ultu K. Cobb, work clerk's olllce 33.00 Guy Cordon, deputy . usses- sot- , C7.60 C. A. McNahb sup. dlst. No. 27 160.00 Jeiome Smith, sun. dlst. No, 172.00 M, F. Wright, Juvenile court 4.00 F. A. McCall, fruit Inspector 120.97 Alex Sawyers, ferries. 32,2.1 D. C. Hlgglnbotham, ferries 16.00 J. A. Sawyers. feTles , 149.00 T. K. Hates, ferries 8.00 H. B. Dixon, roads 31.40 G. S. Clayton, same 30.00 J. Wr. Trayior, same 7.50 R. K. Harris, same 7.50 O. It. Ounter, same 8. B0 Arthur WooWiy, same 5.60 C, B, Robei'lB, same..f 50.00 C. W. Roberts, same.. 11.50 G. Hughes, same '. 2,00 M. B. Germond, same 5.00 G. S. Clayton, same....: 34.00 M. II. Germond, sumo....' 49. 60 Frank Wade, same . 4.00 Henry Muifson, sunjo 4.00 J. F. Andrews, same 4.00 Andrew Munson, same . 4.00 Canyonvlllo Echo, printing.... ' 0.00 I. II. Smith, sume ' 9.00 Douglas l'rint Co., flame........ 4.25 j nuview run. uo., same a. 00 W, It. Vinson, indigents 180.40 A. Aiatnews, sup. dlst. No, W. H. Wells, drawing jury.... H. Z. Lreland, same , 10. 10. Wells, same .' Mllledge & Pickens, Indigents N, M. Schaoffer, sup. dlst. No. 38.: Roy Fisher, sup. dlst. No. 9 56.87 3.00 2.00 2.00 22. ' 177.50 77.50 4.2 7.50 E. A. Winkle, Blip. dlst. No. 48 35.00 H. D. Connlne; sup. dist. No. 35 135.00 A. Callahan, sup. dlst. No. 11 113.75 Morris Weber, Blip. dlst. No. 30 110.00 M. I). Smith, sup. dist. No. 40 130.1)0 Andrew Jucques, sup. dist No. , 19'.. 19912 Peter ilalft,' 'V7.""dY6tV'No! 37 160.00 Jesse A. Tiller, Blip. dlst. No. 31 .' 143.7lj Grunt Taylor, Blip. dlst. No. 54 51.25 John T. Long, State vs. .Wright 1 14.20 S. J. Jones, same 1.00 S. F. Suffron, same 1.00 I, . Kohlhagen, same. 1.00 Dick Unfiles, same 1.00 John W. Wright, name 1.00 H. F;nt)n, same 1.00 James Moore, same . 1.00 Geo. Protnian same 1.00 I). O.-ffogley, same 1.00 C. D. Palm, same ' 1 00 Letter headB, bill heads, envelopes, cards, invitations, everything that pertains to a first-class printing es tablishment can be had at The News office. If. CLASSIFIED AIVEimEMKNT9 FOh bALE- Show" cases and count ers for sale. Inquire at Marsters Drug Company. , tf FOR SALhl Three choice lots on North Jackson street, set to fruit. Inquire at this office. d-swtf FOR RENT Fine new 6-100111 house, all conveniences. Apply at 318 Woodard street. tf. WANTED A Hie representative in this vicinity, good salary. See Hez ' zeldenz, at the Hoseburg hotel. d2t FOIt KENT Small bouse arid five lots; ton minutes from city. $6. Apply North Ride Pinning Mill, tf (Continued on Page Three.) Lafe EiiKels, Iho Pool man, was in the city todiiv. business NEW TOKAY. WANTED Teams and men to culti vate orchard tracts the coming sea son at. a Minted price per acie. II' you have a good team ami wish lo work Tor the summer write fur full piirtlciilni's. Sutherland Land & Water Company, Hulherlln, o-o- .." ' j-3 1 .FOIt SAI.IO i'O acres Tor sale lit once; No. I fruit land; ?r0 per acre; Joining 11 1 5-ncre orchard one mile from city limits: half cleared ; one creek: good spring water; Ideal poultry farm: good lenns; will trade for sto'k. Address Mrs. II. Grahiini, box SS, Pnsoliurg. Ove- koii. d-KW-l'-:M iiexall -': A. U. Leo, Blip dist. No. 25 A. j. Black, sup. dlst. No. 1 1 Itobt. Anlauf, sup. dist. No. 1 A. J. Dear, Blip. dlst. No. 26 C. llaniillon, sup. dist. No. 65.62 31.00 270.00 W. Wonacott, Indigents J. Hughes, same II. Harlow, same Hennlnger, smile II. Lenox, indigents, c?tr... Sellg. Indigents Hi. 25 1.9 5 3.0H 5.00 0. W I. E. 10. X. T. J. Atcliison, same Dr. li. l CautTniau. same.... II. L. Worley. same Hamilton Drug Company, In digents and C. House D. 1'. McKay, Indegenls K. It. llrlsbtn, same .1. F. Darker & Co,, same N. T. .lewelt, same V. it. Haniiiiitle, same .1, II. Yollllce, same Mcculloch ii liuanl W. .1. Hughes, prisoners board 45.30 2.50 3.00 8.85 1 1.00 9.75 00.20 24.5(1 2 9.50 7.5;'. 5.110 2 1 .no Hi 00 Introduction Tho I'mted h'u-A Co c unposed of members seK'cti'd tiom the -A drug hloro in each import ant cit f the Vnlted Sluti'M. luih established u per fect chemical and pharinannitU al lab oratory .ii Most on, M.iss., and therein Is made the Hexall remedies. Kvery Kexall remedy tnunt h: pnssed upon and judged superior to any competing medictro of its class before being plared on the market Kvory sleckluddnr in ihe rni'ed llniK Co. known tho exaot formula for each preparation and la author ized to refund tho ptuvhast. price to any ono not fully saltsiled. !:, V. 1 loover. Indigents I ). li. Marsters, court house repairs T. A. Kind lay, rouit house re pairs Hubert tf ram-h, court house IVIK'lll S Churchill Warner Fixture Cuim.;i;i, court hoii'U MrH. B. Collins, Indigents.. Mercy Hoapital, namo W, 13. Hiimmitte, mime 21.00 B. J. Bovlngtlon, J. P. Tees.... 27.44 A..J. BuniB, drawing jury.... H.00 C. R. Hasard, mime ' 2.00 8. Harlun. same 2.00 Pomal Tel. and Cable Com pany, services J. J. Thornton, sup. dlst. No. 34 45.00 Frank Cain,, roads ' 6.00 W. H. Hackler, roads 2.00 H. A. Hazfir, roads 2.00 K. A. McCall, fruit Inspector.. 109.15 B, R Nichols, stock inspector , 25.00 Phoebe Ke.tehell, Indigents.... 97.00 II. A. Moore, Ideu. Warrant 35.00 V. H. Rose, suj). dist. No. 33 44.00 N. P. Wheat, sup. dist No. IS 40.00 Simon Caro, Indigents 12.30 W. 3. Booth, sup. dist. No. 45.... G5.00 J. W. ThomaB, sup. dist. No., 55 45.00 A. Bullock, sun, dist. No. 577 ' 42.50 B, C. Arnold, sup. dist No, 12 v : 100.00 Henry Munson, sup. dist. No. (t i 215.00 W. A. Smiley, sup. dist. No. 3 277.50 T. 10. Singleton, sup. dlst. No, 29 , 151.39 1. Abraham: Indigents 30 S. T. Smith, livery hire 10.50 M. T. lewett, indigents 5 00 Itohert ilercher, Blip, dlst No. 15.. 4 Y. II. Brown, sup. dlst. No. ;12 A. A. Bellows, Indigents (ieo. U. Malderree sup. dist No. 5 72. 0 Ira Ueldler, sup. dist. No. 1 97.37 S. S. Morrhon, sup. dist: No. C.OO GENERAL DRAY1NG floods of every description moveJJo any parts of the 4,'ity, Prices reason- H. S. FRENCH LOST On tile streets of Hoseburg ll double strand gold rope cliain with 'ocket. Kinder will please leave at News office. d-j-31 StflXGW A XTE D A Ckmiiieteiit seauuress will accept engagements to do sewing at the homes of ladies desiring services. Mrs. Eilett. Phone 1414. j-32 FOR SALE About of an acre, 30 bearing fruit trees, good house and other improvements, fine garden land. A bargain. Inquire of own er, 822 Mosher st. d-sw-tf WAHNING. The publie Is liereby notified that trespassing with ve hicles or otherwise Is Btrictly pro hibited on the lands of the Curry Estate. N. CU Rlt-Y ESTATE. tf FOR SALE. Ten-acre tract, 5 room hoi.se, two miles from city. Price $1700. Well Improved; on good gravel road, 8 aires good gar den land, city water jn place. Ad dross "Z" care of Nowa office. J-23 FOR SAI.EOR RENT Five acres of fine land with a nice 8-room house; everything in good shape; . - adjoins town of Canyonville: price $2,000, or will rent. For particu lars. Address Box 693, Rosoburg, Oregon. PARC'HAWF SECRET SERVICE Agency Is prepared to do all le gitimate Detective work, both Ci vil and Criminal, in all parts of the United States. C. F. Parker, Supt., 214.-210 Henry PUlg., Port land, Oregon. Phone hi'ain 6231; Office phone Main 3209. 12 :lf. 1 MMNttMtMtMMtUUU THE IMPERIAL! A Temperance Saloon t 1(11.25 lilO.OO 10.25 11. It'll His EXALL Means King of All UKXAI.L 19 COMING 'JO ItOSKlll'liG R V. Su'oiin court, notine sup plies I''. 1 1. Chun-hill, ciiurt house uppth . Marsh rs Pint Co., court house supplies ... ! UoM'hui n itook Store, Cur rent K Irw in I lodson Co.. bno;s J. V. droves, S tli grade exam. '(llais ,; I'rudtr.nnme. supplier l'oslal Tel. Co., services WCst, I'liion 'IV'I. Co., services lu States Tel and Tel Co., tt'leplnmes , Midland Chemical Co., jail ... Wells Kartio K. Co., express.. KosePurjT Cold Storutse Com pany, Ice Kred Nanunore, over paid tax 1. 11. Miirsters, jail repair Rose Leaf Ciuar Snre, jail.... n. S llmiser. shei'ilT's otllce ... Keudiai lltiis., water & light Thurmau Cbaney, expenses.... S. T. Smith, livery hire .1. K. How, dia1im jurv .?. M. SiarK, same Itobt, Haney, same 10. H. Chapman, same,... (I. W. Sbrum. same O. E. Smith, same (Ieo. KJ. Houck, health otllcer T. A. Klndlay, juvenile court 1 1 ,j ;i I -lohn McKean, sup. dist. Xo. n; tui : 75. An O. Thlel. sun, dlst. No. . S7.rn 7.00 -'MONARCH :.;io HMALLfcABLtl IT.lie , I Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg I ORDWAY & BOCARTl fPROPRIETO R S THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near Tho Depot. CROUCH & ALDRICH-SsSsF i . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement BIocRs, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do yoU want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly pajraenia and low lateof interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay tack loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the besi and cheapest companies in the U. S.? tt tt If So See WALKER Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- PERRINE, Roseburg' Ore. :- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public , We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost If you don't believe It, try us and see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, tablo and teaspoons. See them in the window. Co'me and see for yourself, don't be misled by nay one for you will miss it D. J. JARVIS ' l'ltOPItlHTOK. till. II 0 H.V49 till. OH 5.15 (10 (17.5(1 :t.t;n The Stay Satisfactory RANGE limine buyer, do you realize that the Moiutrvh Kuntie vou the pdil medal ut the l,rtvis & I'lmk centen nial In l!Hn over till competitors. lo you know that it in tinpossihlr lo rivet a rust ratine so that they mv t f lit like n inalleatile him range? to you know that the air tight const met ion of a Monarch range makes It use U'ss fuel than any other range When buying n rangf get the best. B. W. STRONG i; HS.S5 ill. Ill 1.50 a. oo 2.110 2.0(1 :i.iiii 2.00 2.00 177 24 NOBBY TAILOR-MADE SUITS! Winnie Qaddis THE PLUMBER I rn:f : : : Skylight Cornices 1 - ' . Heating Ventilating Agent for Snell t Water Filters. Phone 2101 Removes all im- it purities. , Roseburg . . Oregon f All the Latest Weaves . toimaHe selections from at BODGE The Reliable Tailor I CHURCH BROTHERS' BREAD IT'S A fi Kii 111 Hi - BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR CASS STREET ttmtttttttmttftt PHONE 351 13 oo THE FURNITURE MAN, ROSEBURG. ORE tv?iHMifr4Hm 9 0 tt4Mt