THE EVEN'lNfJ NEWS AVKDNKKIMY, JAXITARY 10, 1010. T.OCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. W. H. Bykes, of Drain, la u busi ness visitor in the nity tmluy. CioorRO II. JJest, of Looking Glass, Is r viKltor In the city today. Try ono of those Snoll altera will fit any faucet. Bee Wlnnlo Gaddls, the nlumbnr. tf. Attorney DoVore, of Drain, was a viHltor In the city for a couple of dayB ilila weok. v. F. HeynoldB. of Duya Creek, Klienl yostorday III thu city attending liiisirioss matlerH. MrH. Augusts, E. Stephenson went to Oukland this inornlnK to upend fw iluva vlsltliiK frlonils. Dr. Hourk was culled to Dlllard this niornliiK lo altend a county cliarno nt that, plaro. Krank Walte, of Suthorlln, return ed home this morning afler a brief vlxlt with friends in this city. Shoes at cost at the Cass street shoe btore. You should call at once os these bargain will last but a short time. Charles T. Nail, the Democratic "war-horse" of Glendaln. is spending the Uuy in the r.lty attending buslnuss Interests. W. K. Mann has returned home af ter spending flvo weeks visiting friends and rolallvoa at points In the "Willamette valley. Just received Another shipment if the famous "Last Forever" hos iery. A written guarunteo with every pair. Sold only by The Fair. tf. yiss SiiHle Walton returned to her homo nt Salem this morning after n brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Iliiinlllon In this city. If you are looking tor good service In the barber line call at the Maddl hnrbor shop. Catm rtroot, Koscniirg u,innl l,olr lililtf. Three chair shon. Tinth rooms in connection. TF w. S. MoKlhlnny luib sold his ranch which Is slluafed In Ihe vicinity of Dlllard, to a recent arrliel in Mils miction by the name of Dnwknr. The purchaser was fm-tnorly engaged In farming In Wyoming. Hay, onta or grain nro all right for the horse, but how about your wife. Wouldn't she be pleased to have some of those swell fixtures for her homo, now on display ut Winnie rinddls. tho n lumber The work of Installing tho decor ative lighting posls Is progreBslns nicely. Indications tending to snow (hut ihn work will bo coniplnted vlth- ln a few days. As coon pa tho poles nre Installed the nro lights will be abolished In the pnved district. Don't fall to got one of those sou venir calendars for 1S10. combined with a choice collection of select quo tations from your Koseburg friends, nrmnged by the ladles of the First Vrealiyterlnn cntircn ann now on sale nt the lioscburg book store, Bellows dry goods storo nnd Mrs. Huston's grocery storo. Prlco 35 cents. Bhorllt Fentnn recently discovered a BulteiiHO secreted under ono of the warehouses near (he Southern Pacific tracks. The cunlenlB of Ihe case show ed that It had probably he-ll stolen by hoboes, containing as It did num erous articles of wear'.nir nnparel. The tag on the suit ono uears the name of Cecil M. Ilornli. In iiiir of tho fastost and most in teresting bliskelllllll guinea ot Ihe season tho Klamath Falls team went down lo defeat at the bunds of Ihe lo cal aggregation lust evening by a scorn of 1(1 to 15. The game was wit nessed by a larg crowd, all of whom entoyed tho iport imme'isely. The Klnmnth Fulls team will meet the local aggregation In another ginno nl Rvkes' rink ill this city on Thursday evening, .lanuary 27. T BUILDER C. T). SLVTNAHD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Rosohurg, Oi'egon Phone 19H Nice Crisp Goods Tho kind that tickles your palate Buy your supplies of and broad from THE IMPQIIA BAKERY II. (HIKHT, Prop. Roseburg Restaurant South Side CassJSt , Near Depot. 6T.n,I'.TOX A- 1UT TK1SS0N-, Props. OPEN AT ALL HOURS Leading and best restaurant In the city. Nous but while people employed Nothing but tbo best In the market served. Give us a trial and be convinced. ShooB at cost at the Cass street shoe store for a few days. tf .1. W. Johnson, of Clendale, was u business visitor In the city yester day. V. II. Conrad, of Ten Mile, Is In the city attending business Inter eats. Special sale on snne during Jan uary. All lines will be sold at cost and below. tf Logan Suell, of Sutherlln, spent yesterday In the city atledlng busi ness mutters. Save from 50 cents to $1 on ov- very pair of shoes by calling at the Cass street shoe shop tf Until they are all gone we will sell 100 lb flour sucks for 25c Church Bros. Uakcry. ' TF W. K. Jordan, of Yoncalla, trans acted business matters Id the city for a fow hours yesterday. The MisBlofiary Society of the Bap tist church will meet next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. a. H Morse. A. 8. Iluoy, the local tcwler, return ed from Yoncalla this morning after attending business iutorosts at that place. Drs. Sethor and Stewart success fully operated on Mrs. U. W. Bates at Mercy Hospiuu tnsi morning, inn nutlent Is doing nicely. The Grand Jury Is still grinding nway, no Indictments having been re turned today. Indications tend to show that the body will adjourn on Friday evening or early Saturday. Fred Chapman Is moving his stock of drugs and sundries to his new store In- the Masonic building Ho expects to open the establishment for business not later man ncxi week. J. B. Bailey has purchased two One, lnrge lots from Oeorge Jones, and will soon commence the erection of a dwelling. The property Is Blunt ed on Second Ave., North, and over looks the entire city. Wlnnlo Gnddfs, the local plumnor. has Just completed laying 6,000 feet of drain t e for curt IB a uannoia of Edenhower. Those wishing drain tile, anv size or nunntity, should call on Mr. Oaddls without delay. Have a limited amount on hand. tf The Grand Jury canio Into court this morning for tho second time Blnco being drawn and submitted the presiding Judge a presentment. They then retired to consider oiner mut ters coming before their attention. The civil case of O. W. Peck vs. The Skolly Lumber Company, is at tracting tho attention of a Jury In the circuit court this afternoon. Tho plaintiff Is suing to recover the sum of J 1.389.30, alleged to be due on a pronilsory note. Arrangements have been completed for a county Sunday school conven tion which will be held at Drain on January 28 and 29. Delegates will ho In attendance from the various Sunday schools throughout the coun ty and a most enjoyable occasion is anticipated. n. w K oner, the ciennor ami pressor, has Just received his lino of spring simples from Ed V. Prli'e, Hilongo tailors, nnd Invites the pub lic, to Insnect them. The line Ib one of tho hnnclsoineot cVcr received by him nnd Includes nil the latest weaves made Into tho most fashion able attire for men. T I. R. Daniels, who Uvos on a farm Bomo six mllOB weHt of Ihe city was In town today on business. Mr. Daniels has been making some extensive Im provements upon tho land prepar atory to hiB spring planting. In the past few months he has accomplished much along tho ahovo line and brought unite a number of acres of fertile soil Into use Tho Blander case of Talitnh J. Fordnev va. Peter Hall attracted the attention of a Jury in the circuit court. Mils morning. Tho plaintiff, who Is 07 years of ago, alleged that, the defen dant, 1!0 years her senior, had uttered unbecoming remarks relative to her charm-tor, resulting In causing her untold mental anguish, The Jury re tired shortly after nonn nnd an hour Inter returned n verdict allowing the nlnlntllT the sum ot $ I . "i as damages. The case was Injtilitted to recover the sum of $2.1100. l.ale this afternoon, nftor Intro ducing Ihe evdence for the plaintiff n Ihe case of G. V. Peek vs. The Skolly Lumber Company. Attorney Long, of the counsel for tho defense, moved for a non-suit, alleging that the plaintiff had failed In his effort to prove a case, and further that ho larked In conneclon tho Skolly Lum ber Company as a corporation' with the execution of the pronilsory note, alleged to have been given the plain tiff by John Skolly. president of the defetulng oorporiltoll. ATter bref delb eralon the court overruled the mo tion and testimony Is being tnken nt the time of going to press on behalf of tho defendants. Afler a deliberation of nearly fivo hours the Jury empaneled to listen lo ihe evidence In the case of II. Mc Cbillen vs. K. H. I.nllrle returned n verdict awarding tho plaintiff Judg ment n the sum of $r,n shortly before noon today. McClnllrn brought the action some tinio ago, alleging that tho defendant was indebted to him In the sum of $510 for pasturage, teed and enro of certain atook. Upon coming llllo court the defendant pre sented a counter claim In the sum of $100. averlug thnt tho plaintiff owed him tho said amount for the use of certain farm machinery. It is said the case will be appealed to the Su premo Court. Tho rase of the State vs. Mrs. Wal ter Critesor. who la charged with sell ing Intoxicating liquors contrary to law. was continued until the May term of court this morning upon mo tion of Attorney John T. Long, repre senting Mrs. Critesor. Attorney Long presented an affidavit. Blgned by llr. Sethor, to tho effect that the defen dant Is in 111 health and unnble to stand trill! at the present time. Up on the court granting tho motion District Attorney Brown addressed Attorney Long and remarked: "Well, yon had better Inform your client that It will bo well for her to return home and refrain from violating the laws until such time as she regains her health." Judge Hamilton did not relish this proroodure respond ed: "Mr. Brown, there Is nothing to show thnt this Indy has violated the laws, she Is presumed Innocent uatU convicted." ' The ladies aid of the Bap tist church will hold a win dow sain of home cooked ar ticles at MUledge tt I'li kens Bros. i. tore u xt Sa:i.rday, January 1 his will be the time to get something nice for the Send dinner. Mthoiit the attendant preparation. to i'i;irr food tkust lloyrott Will lie Placed Priced Goods, on High WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The Na tional Food Trust League has been organized here by more than -50 residents In proteBt against the ex horbitant prices charged for the nec essities of life. Dr. Emll Schnrf Is president and John Milton secretary of the league. It Ib propoBed to gather' up a million subscribers from every sate and ter ritory in the union. The women heads of households will he appealed to es pecially. 1 here will be no dues and no tux levied. It proposes to institute national boycotts agulnnt all food truBtB that raise the price of products beyond a p.-.lnt of reasonable prjur State organizations, Btiusiaiary io the league with stute directors, are to be organized. The national boycott will begin in every state on the same day and hour. PItOl'ESSIOXAL CARDS. ATTOItNEYS. i CKAWFOHD & WATSON A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson Atrorncys-At-Laiv. 4 it Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co. (t Bank Bldg Koseburg, Oregon. 4 COSHOW & RICE Attorneys-At-Law. tf Taylor & Wilson Building. & Roseburg, Oregon. $ J. A. BUCHANAN Attorney-At-Lavr. 4 Notary Public. Abraham Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. MYRTLE CREEK S. Ben Hunsaker, the Dlllard mer chant, was In town Monday. Mr. Samuels, from Da"ton. Wnsh- nlgton, Is a guest ot our Mayor S. Johns. A big Bale Is on at Nate S -llir's with large number of extra clet-Ka slating. St. Anthony b cnnpei enr was siae- trackod here Sunday and services conducted by Father McGce. Mrs. John Hall returned last week from Roseburg, she having been in Mercy hospital for over two months undergoing a serious operation, mrs. Hall's many friends are more than glad to welcome her home again once more. The ladles' aid Boclety of the Pres byterian church met at the home of Mrs. E. Bond Friday afternoon. Those present were. Mesdanies Lyons, jonns, Drake, Bond, Davis, Beam, Dunnivan, Ham, JoneB and Fisher. Two cap tains were selected, Mrs. Will DavlB and Mrs. Alice Beam. They chose momhers fos their side. At the next mooting Mrs. Benin's Bide will charge with a urogram. It was also uociaea to make UBeful garments and articles for a bazaar late in the year. Delicious refreshments concluded a . pleasunt afternoon. January 13 was the 78th birthday of MrB. Griffith who celebrated It py qulte a "stunt" for an old lady, climb ing lo the top ot lied Mountain. MIsb Bessie Bond from the Rosel burg high school spent Saturday and Sunday home. The revival services at tho Metho dist church will continue this week. An old man named Warner was found dead ill n cabin by Mr. Barlow In a bend of the river beyond can vonvlllo. Ho was a miner, nnd no doubt died a natural death from old age. Ills notty waa nrougni 10 iuyi tie Creek for hurtul Alonuay. There are boiiio boys lu this town who have no respect for luiythnlg not even the dead or why should the very grave stones in the cemetery be marred bv scratches, fences around church property bo taken down and erosslnca on Ihe now Bldewnlks be torn up nt night. All sucn tilings are acta of hoodlums nnd grave respon sibility rests somewhere, perhaps on parents who do not provide proper outlet for overflowing youthful nn- Imal spirit. TREBBIN. ' J. O. FULLERTON Attorney-At-Law. 8 if Will practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office In Marks 4 Building.. Roseburg, Oregon. JOHN T. LOXQ 4 Attorney-At-Law. 4 if Rooms 7 and 8. Douglas Co. Bank Building. it Roseburg, Oregon, 4 i 4 Mnnv a wife bus demonstrated that she is Indeed the "better half. For a good clenn shnvo, nair cut or bath, call at tho .Mtiddii barber shop. Cass street. TF Wo often pardon in ourselves the frnllltles of life that we condemn In others. The Bonnotity of marriage is dese crated when It is bartered for weaitn and foreign titles. For Men. Thero Is no beter Bhoe made than the celebrated "J. E. Tilt," which Is to be found nt the Mllllkln Shoo Storo. And for heavy wear there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoo." dt-f. Carnegie says millionaires have nn nwlful load to enrry. Andy will find plenty of people willing to obey the scrlptura Injunction: "Bear ye cue another's burdens." HOUSEMAN S.-WR M-.XKY OX MOKSESIIOEIXC. Horseshoeing nt the Em pire Blacksmith shop Is now from $1.50 to $2.00. Por ensh only. dswfl8 S. T. SMITH. LOCAL MARKET Cereals. WHEAT $1.00 OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton; grain. $12 to $14: alfalfa. $17. ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton. l.lvi'Ktcok. STERRS -Alive, 3c lb. COWS Alive 2 He. VEAL Dressed, 5c lb. HOGS Dressed, 8ci Alive 6c. SHEEP 3 He POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 12c: dressed, 12c; ducks, alive, 9 ip 10c; dressed, 14 16c. Turlteys, nllvo 17c and ISc; dressed 20o and 21c. BUTTER Creamery, 4 2 He lb. country, S7Hc lb. EGGS 40c dos. v POTATOES New, lc lb. WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c; year clip. 24c. HONEY 12 He CABBAGE 14c, lb. ONIONS 2c lb. It. W. MARSTERS Attorney-At-Law. t! Notary Public. Rooms 6 7, Marsters Building. Roseburg, Oregon. 4 4 4 and 4 4 See the Cook's beaming face as she gazes on a can of Folger's Golden Gate Coffee. She knows her boss will like her Coffee. She will grind Folger's Golden Gate 'herself, so that it will be at its best "and give that finishing touch so necessary to a good dinner. Folsrer's Golden Gate Coftee is the best we sell and izives our customers more satisfaction than any other coffee we know of Alton S. Frey jiy.44MMM444 rHYSICTAXS. SEELY, S ETHER & STEWART 4 Physicians and Surgeons 4 Office Lower floor Douglas Co. 4 $ Bank bldg., corner Main and 4 H Oak streets. Phone 771. 4 4 Roseburg, Oregon. 4 4 , MHI444S44 HM44aiiM4 ELMER V. HOOVER, $ 4 Physician and Surgeon 4 5 Office, Main St., One Door South 3 4 of City Hall. Phone 341. 4 4 Roseburg, Oregon. 4 4 4 :4444 4 ;iis?f4444 DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, 4 4 Physician and Surgeon. 4 ' 4 Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31. 4 4 Roseburg, Oregon. 4 4 . it UK. IiUUETTA HIHITH 4 4 ' Physician 4 4 Women's and Children's 4 4 Diseases. 4 4 Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. 4 4 m. Phones Office, 1711, Res. 4 4 1721. Marsters Block, next to 4 4 Douglas County Bank Bldg. 4 Roseburg, Oregon. 4 fe'H!: 44fel44444 11. E. STEEL, 4 AtUncy-nt-Lnw 4 Lognl advice free. Collections 4 Solicited Room 1, Marsters Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. I DR. ,1. L. CALLOWAY Osteopatliis Physician & "t Chronic diseases a specialty. 4 Graduate of the American 4 School of Osteopathy Kirksvllle, Mo. Undor-founder of science 4 Dr. A. T. Still. f Office Abraham Bldg. Phone 1691 Roseburg, Ore 4 4 Hi MHt44444444444I.JIt ftlWHMIc 44444444-- A. 4 4 S. HUEY, Optomctlst 4 4 4 Cass Street 4 First Door East Telephone office 4 4 DENTIST 4 4 4 R. M. BRUM FIELD 4 4 Dentist 4 4 Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg. 4 4 Phone 1361 Roseburg, Or., 4 4 4 4444444444444444444444444 44444444444 4 4 4 F. W. HAYNES 4 Dentist 4 4 Roseburg National Bank Bldg. 4 Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 4 4 Phone 1283. 4 4 Roseburg ... Oregon. 4 4 44444-44444 444444 4 4 J. B. CHAPMAN. D. D. S. 4 Dentist 4 Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tel ephone 1141. Abraham Bldg. Resldeuce Phone 1406. 4 Roseburg. Oregon. YOUR FAMILY WASHING ' DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-FAR EASIER- -, TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT OVER. . . , ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. ' Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Our Representatives will explain our methods or handling- this work. HOUSE CLEANING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE And when it comoB plan to have the work done in a thorough nanner. THE VACCUM CLEANER does away with all druggery for the women, besidcB does not iojure your carpets or rugs in tiie least. When you are resdy to take up this Important part of the household work call up the ROSEBURC STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. Baker, Prop. Phone 701 Office N. JackBon St. D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP, f Plumbing', Sheet Metal Wortt, Tinning and Heating : : North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. Worb Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. Big Reduction Sale Now On at The Fair Twenty per cent off on all articles except Guar anteed Hosiery, ic post cards and 5c, 10c and 150 bargain counters. Everything in our store is new and up-to-date nothing old or shop worn. For real bargains see us. This sale will close Jan. 22nd. 44att4fe44tamr4 4 O. J. UAl ltKlt, V. M. IN . Dentist . 3 Abraham Roseburg, I t Building. Oregon. GENERAL JOBBING REPAIR TORK HOWARD & MAHAN The PLUMBERS and TINNERS Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe . ROSEBURG, OREGON Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods In the City