The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, January 03, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tllk KVR.MSd NEWS MO.VnAV, .tAXt'ART 3, III0.
jf 'I
The straightest and sur
est road fo good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by 1
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever we buy ia well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always hero.
These clothes are made for us
by tlia Stein Block Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. Every
Suit we sell is sold with -an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your M mey refunded or a new
cuit in return.
Remember quality ia the true
test of cheapness. By ojt good
Clothes you shall know us.
iah.m, m; s.
C. S. Jackson him rotuuicri from a
brftf visit with lii father at Cunyoii
vlllo. Jiillon J't!ihf-on anil wlf hnve
rnliirnd from thoir wadding trip to
Local woathor conditions Imvn boon
WMtK'whiit unplodHant during tho punt
twonly-foiir hours.
Try one of thono Rnoll flltors- will
flt any raucot. Soo Wlnnlo Gnddls,
iho plumhor. tf.
J. 10. Williams wan a h'islriosn vis
itor to tho city from LonkhiK Glass
today. Ho reports tho cold snap up
to tho standard In his seel Ion
lUHt rocolvcd not nor phlpmont
Ella Roadman finished a five
months' term of school In the Win
ston Jf strict Friday.
Miss Lulu Eddy returned to Cor-
vallls thin morning to resume he du
Ilea at the O. A. C. She spent the
past ten days in ino city, visltius
at. the home of her parents, 13. L.
Eddy and wife.
Most of iho teachers employed in
the local schools returned to the
city Saturday evening and yoster
day In order that they rnltfhi resume
their prospective positions In- the
fcchools this morning.
Mra. Lewis Kohihaijen, of Vst
TtoselnirK, left at The News office
tf tho famous "Last Korover" Iios- ( Sattirdiiy a beet weighing 111
KHiiitis which was grown in nor
homo garden. It Ih a flno specimen
of tho nbovo varloty of garden truck.
The local public schools resumed
work this morning after a ten days;
vacation. The enrollment Is said to
be very good for the opening day
coiHiderlnis the cold and disagree
able weather.
Tho Richardson's Art Embroidery
club will meet at tho home of Mrs,
Cora Good now on Wednesday after
noon, .Ian. fi. This being the first
meeting In the year election of offi
cers will be In order, and a full nt
tomlanco Is desired.
The Glendalo News: In the ilhutHH of Mrs. Pow
ers, her physician derided that a sur
gical operation would bo the only re
lief, and she was taken to Mercy
hospital at Uoseburg, where tho ope
ration will be performed today. Dr.
Kauf fman and M r. and M rs. P. E.
Roberts of this city, and Mr. and
Mrs. (litl 'Harper1 of Leinoine, Cab,
accompanied her. Tho many friends
of this estimable lady nnxiously wait
with sincers hope that she may find
recovery and health.
One of tho largest coyotes ever
brought to bay and caught was cap
tured Saturday near Frank Alley's
farm, a few miles east of this city.
The animal was started by Robert
niackley's dogs, at Oak Creek, but
they lost tho beast near Rile Dixon's
place. Shortly after Rlakeley's
hounds gave up tho chase Gene 1 la
nan's dogs took up the track and
captured tho coyote at Mr. Alley's
farm. He was a large fellow and
has ben giving the farmers In tho
Oak Creek district much trouble for
some time past and tils capture Is a
relief to owners of smalt stock. Mr.
llauan says his hounds have start
ed -S coyotes since he has had them
and out of this numhor have lost
but one, which Is evidence that they
are etr.i good dops.
Jerv A written guaranteo with every
p'lr. Hold only hy The Fair. tf.
i. L. JoneH and daughter, of t'oln
rttdo, arrived hero last evening to
iruike their future home. They report
past winter unusually cold In the
The officers report, few hobos pass
ing through tho city of late, presum
ably from the fact 'hat many of The
mills In Washington have resumed
l M, Hnhrlnrc, of Winchester, spent
Iho day In the city, attending to bus
iness mnt ters and visit lug at. 1 he
home of his daughter, Mrs. Leo 1)11
lard. The regular inonthlv meeting of
the Ladles Auxiliary will take place
in the parlors of the Commercial club
reruns this evening. A good attend
ance Is desired. .
Mi'H. S. M Kelly will entert".(n
nl'out twenty young folks at. her
heme on South Jackson street Friday
nv"!iliHT, (James, music and social
-onverno will form the chief enter
tainment of the evening.
Michael O'Dntin, of Kllensburg.
V;Hhtni:ton, arrived In tho city this
morning to spend a few dnvs looking
over the country. Mr. O Dunn savs
h Im demisted with the eold winters
iti Wushtngton, and will locate in
Oregon should he bo able to find a
Hiiitalilo ranch. .
Marsh field Sua: The mall has
been nrrivlni at "any old time" with
hu h rof.ula' ltv P nt our per.plo are
growing acc"istonud Ih-i miserable
Hrvtrn we havp li-li to ?ndlite since
chinning ih ro it.' fro mbte Coos
Pnv wagon road lo tie11 '.lytic Jvtnt
line. All r-cor-ls fn debiv. tuu with
H'"ntH ntlv i;n valid i ue, li.ive be n
bro.u n. an our n'op',- 'iv Mtbmit
tlug to !t all with o.n-e!v a em
ie Ml' or iip'test rb-"-e is lini bing
IP'e ne(. lap Hitel t. ihlni;-! -is they
a - nml .uv b-ar It
UR AL NKU'8. '
will be missed ,by those contemplat
ing the erection of buildings..
John Spatigh, the Looking Glass
farmer, is a visitor In the city today.
C. U. lirooks, and Mr.. Mullor, of
Dlxonvillo, wtro vit-itora to tho city
Attorney Wutson has returned
from Portland where he spent the
holidays with hiH parents.
Scott Morrison left this morning
for his home above Pool after a ten
rdavs visit in this city.
! Charles Hoover, of Medford, Btop-
l ped over here Saturday while cn
j route from Medford to Portland .
- William Cobb, of the Cobb Real
- EMate company, went to Glenbrook
I this morning to attend business mat
j ters.
r Maurice Hendorson returner! to
(Portland this morning after a two
-weeks' visit with friends and rela
! tives In this city. .
i' M. B. Smith and daughter. Jessie.
! snont yesterday In tho cliy onET-vld
I spent today In the city on business
and pleat ure.
j George Hoover, of Portland, who
has been visiting at the home of Dr.
i Hoover during the past ten days, to
j turned home last evening.
I C. T. Colt, manager of the Ruther
j lln Commercial club, left with his
I family yesterday for Sutherlln where
- they will make their future home.
Edith Clemens has returned to
Rrockway after a brief visit with
; friends In tho city. Miss Clemens
i will teach at that place during the
i coming term. t
1 t The management of the Rochdale
! store entertained the clerks employ
i ed at that institution at a dinner at
' tho McClallen hotel Saturday. N'eed-
less to say that the occasion was en
I Joyed by all present.
Architect Straw expects to leav&i
;RosebMrg within a few days, haying,
been offered flattering Inducements j
,jnt WasMngton points Mr. Straw
has given, good satisfaction here and
Oregon IIoIiIn Her Own In Stock Huis
int; Ih(1ii iy.
Receipts at the Portland Xlnion
Stock Yards since September 15, at
which time biiKluoss was comrnehced,
have been 23,026 cattle, 32,016 sheep,
34.32S hogs, and 609 hordes. The
ready s'lpport given by the live stook
nil.'ier a'ld shlpi er of the Pai lfic
noithvps. to the mi.ik?t est-ibliBh-ed
at put i land Is an evidence f the
utility and ii'-ed of tncit ,ui Institu
tion as the Portland Union Stock
Yards. Established along open and
competitive lines, this healthy young
market will continue to grow until it
will take its place among the big live
stock centers of the United States
The selection of Portland as a Uve
stock center was made after due
constderptlon by men whose success
In tho meat industry h: a result of a
lifetime lu the business and the peo
ple of the northwet are to bo congrat
ulated that they have at hand a place
where they can find at all times a
ready sale for tho animal products of
thir farms and ranches. j
The approximnte value iif the 1,490
cats of live stock received since the
stock yards began business has b?en !
$2.2:15,000 and there have been sev
eral features worthy of notp In the
short lifo of the market. One of
these has beer the uniform bieh va
lue of grass cattle .which have brought
prices that have been higher than at
markets east. Portland has led the
United States In the matter of hirh
prices for hogs and the sheep market
has maintained a high ramre. The
pale of Christmas cattle on December
14 attracted a great many visitors
and the prices obtained for tho pre
mium cattle wero sensational.
Tho rallronds havp granted a spe
cial reduction of 25 per cent for feed
er cattle purchased at the Portland
Union Stock Yards to be fed and re
turned to the market. This applies
Charles Hallard Is moving his fix- where the regular rate Is $22.50 and
Attorneys For IJoth Sides Headed tor
Portland Oregonlun: Attorneys for
the prosecution and defense of Rin
ger Hermann, whqte defense Ib set
to begin in the United States court
January 10, will all be In Portland
by next Tuesday. Tracey C. Hecker,
who secured conviction here In the
Los Angeles conspiracy case, reached
Portland last night. He will he as
sociated whh Francis J. Henoy and
District Attorney John McCourt in
the prosecution.
Mr. Heney has engaged a suite of
rooms at the Portland and will ar
rive this afternoon. He will be ac
companied by Mrs. Heney. Offices
have been fitted in the Federal build
ing for the me of the Government
officials. .
Attorney Worthlngton will arrive
In Portland Tuesday from Washing
ton , D. C. He conducted tho defense
of Mr. Hermann in the District of Co
lumbia in the Blue Mountain case.1
His associate will be ex-Senator Gea
rin. - . .
If you are looking for good service
In tba barber line call at the Maddix ,
barber shon, Cass street, Roseburg '
National Bank Bldg. Three chair
shop. Bath rooms In. connection. tC.
. . f ...
Physicians and Surgeons
& Office Lower floor Douglas Co. A
if Bank bldg., corner Main and .
N Oak streets. Phone 7Y1. ,
Roseburg, Oregon. -
$ A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson
, Attomeyg-At-Law,
-If Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co.
Bau!t Bldg. .
Roseburg, Oregon.
ff i'liysician onu , burgeon w t
Office, Main St., One Door South
of City Hail. Phone 341.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Physician and Burgeon.
" w
Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Women's and Children's
w Diseases.
, tures and stock from his erstwhile
quarters on Cass street to the Troxe!
building on Sheridan street. He will
occupy the Htoro room formerly oc
cupied by Harmon & Son.
Lyle Marsters returned to Salem
this morning to resume his studies
at the Willamette University after
spending tho holidays with hip pa
rents, Hon. and Mrs. A. C. Mar
tters. County Clerk Edward Lenox has
reeoiv?d officlnl notice to the effect
that road districts No. 34 and 6 lev
led special road taxes nt a recent
meeting, the formei levying a tax of
2 mills and the latter a levy of 1
mill. -
Mrs. Henry Oliver, of West Rose
urg, had a severo hemorrhage of the
lungs late last evening and is in a
very critical condition. The lady has
been 111 most of tho winter, and her
friends entertain grave doubts for
her recovery.
Mrs. V. T. Colvln and daughter,
of Eugene, have l.en spending a
few day.i vlftlting T. P. Simpson and
fnmilv at the Ml. Alto ranch. They
left for points In louthern Califor
nia this' morning where they will
spend the remainder of tho winter.
The preliminary hearing of Hank
Smith, charged with bootleimintr. U
nftntcMng the attention of Junlb-e of
the Peace, John T. Long, this after
noon. District. M.torney f!p iwn ap
pears for the Htnto while Attorney W.
W. Cardwoll represents He defend
George Langenberg, formerly a
rnsldent of this clt'. but for tho past
two years u resident of Marshfleld.
snont the pnst ten days In the cltv
visiting friends. lie left for Los
Angeles this morning to spend the
winter. Ho was accompanied bv
his wlfo.
W. E. Row. of Seattle, arrived fn
the cliy Saturday morning and will
remain hero for a wot It, the guest of
his old time friend, Wm. Hull, the
local weather observer. Brother Bell
over and extends to a distance of 150
miles. This is an imnortant con
sideration. Live stock shippers from
S. P. & S. points can route via Port
and instead of via Vancouver as
The Transit House, a new hotel for
ho accommodation of shippers and
visitors, hns been opened at the stock
ards and good accommodations are
provided at a reasonable cost.
The Portland Union Stock Yards
extends a New Year's greeting to
the feeders, breeders and shippers
of live stock In the Pacific north
west ond Invites their co-operation
to the end that 1910 will be suc
cessful nnd prosperous to those who
take advantaefe of Its facilities for
the sale of live stock and the de
mand that exists for greater sup
plies. - ,
. -
Taylor & Wilson Building. ' tt
tf Roseburg, Oregon. Of
' ' . .
Notary Public. , Abraham Bldg.
. Roseburg, Oregon.
Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p.
m. Phones Office, 1711, Res.
1721. Marsters Block, next to
Douglas County Bank Bldg.
t Eseburg, Oregon.
i : . a
? Will practice In all 8tate and v
Federal Courts. Olilce in Marks
Building. Roseburg, Oregon.
In Cases of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Gout nnd Nervous Breakdown,
Is Marvelous
Upon recent Investigation by emln
otn physicians, chemists and scien
tists it has been demonstrated that
natural, earth flowing mineral waters
are the most beneficial means for the
cine of organic maladies.
Paso Uobtcs Hot Springs are at
this time the point of interest to most
Investigators, as rectne occurences
h:ive attracted the attention of the
thinking world to these springs
One of their chief points of Inter
est to medical men is said to be that
which proves that a pre-eminent ac
tion rests In the waters which flow
from tho earth at Paso Robles, Cal
ifornia. Paso Robles Hot Springs are mak
ing cures daily of rheumntlsm.'gout,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases,
kidney trouble, and general break
down, which proves almost beyond
Ib "showiiiR" Mb frl,.n'l the Bights nf j.nftion to medical men that there
HAIL 1910
And may you bring to all the
readers of The News a cup full to over
flowing with health, peace and pros
perity. Thanking one and all for their
support and favors in the past, I
sign myself.
Yours for another year,
F. H; Churchill
HosilinrB and hns nllnnst convinced
111 in that he Bhonld invest In a red
npide farm In Duimliifl county.
Helen, tho 1 D-months-old cinnshler
of Mr. and Mrs. I.nn's Corveil. of
North HosehniR. died Salnrdav. Jan.
1. 1910, of pneumonia, the funeral
was hrdd this morntne nt 1ft o'clock
with ioivIccb at the residence. Rev.
K. Hawkins, of the Methodist church
officiating. Interment took nlace nt
the I. O. O. K. cenieterv. Tho sym
pathy of nil la extended to the fam
ily 111 their hour of bereavement. The
mother of the little one who passed
away, Is quite III at the ramlly home.
A very (inlet weddlni; occurred at
the home of Sheriff Kenton shorily
after R o'cIock Friday evening, when
Nnlhan Kullerton. of the diui: firpt
of Kullerton & Richardson. llld Miss
Marie Newman, a sister-ln-'.r.w of
Sheriff Kenton, were mlted In ninr
liase. County Judso Wonocott offl
cintlnc. Iloih parlies are -.ell nnd
favorably known In this city v here
they have a host of friends -vim wts.i
them a loin: and prosperoiiB future.
Henry Wright, nllns Hank Smith,
was arrested late Saturday evenlnn
hy Officers Wright. Huffman and
Wilton, charged with selling Intox
Ica'ing Honors contrary to the local
option laws of Oregon. Smith is ac
cused of selling "booze" to Glen Nog
ley, n local plumber, nnd J. H. Moore,
an Inmate of the Soldiers' Home,
both transactions having been con
Bumnrted Sntiird.iv. When arralcn
cd before Justice of the Veace .lohn
T. Long this morning Smith entered
a plea of not guilty in each cotintv,
isserilne that ho would stand trial.
Mall was fixed In tho sum of t.100 In
earn case. Such he was unable lo
feeuro. thus his return to the con
fines of the countv Jail.
rXt'l.K SAM'S HKillKST PA 111
! At present the highest salaried
woman doing departmental work In
I Washington, D. C, Is Miss A. II.
ShortrUUe. of New York City. The
.state department recently recocnlred
i her services by promotion to n salary
i ni js.miii per annum, the highest
; p.iv ever given to any woman worker
by I'ncle Sam. Miss Shortrldgo he
nn wllh a position of 900 a year
nd has worked her way up by effl
tlent service.
. If you want to borrow trouble, go
to a money lender.
in some quality in these waters su
nerlor to any In this country and
probably In tho world.
It ifl also claimed for Paso Robles
that tho nlr conditions are perfect. It
Ile3 la a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; la 720 feet nbove
sea level and ls not assailed by too
much sea molst'uro or an abnormal
temperature from the hot land winds.
This air condition is thought by
somo to have almost as much to do
with its cures as the waters them
selves. The town like all henlth resorts,
is filled with boarding houses of all
kinds, bo that every purse will be
pleased. There aro hotels for the
rich, where any luxury may be had.
Private baths for exclusive patrons
who wish to be to themselves.
These springs have been known
for centuries, for they were used by
the Indian to cure Ills sick and later
the Franciscan fathers performed
wonderful cures here, but it Is only
recently that the really marvelous
powers of theso waters were made
known to the world at large.
Nearly every form or organic trou
ble is treated at these hot springs
for the authorities welcome all ex
cept those who have tuberculosis or
unclean diseases. For the man who
suffers from overeating or from alco
holic excesses there is nothing in the
world to equal a woek spent at Paso
Roblea. H straightens him out with
a rapidity that Is wonderful, nnd the
best recomniendntlon is that they do
away with the nerve-craving for stim
ulnnt9 because of their peculiar
Soothing effectB upon the nervous
Truly speaking tho study of Paso
Robles Hot Springs is one which is
giving the medical fraternity abroad
nnd at home much interest, and is
probably directing more attention
to California than any other of her
natural gifts to man. J
A Email book, neatly Illustrated. Si
has been recently published by the a
management telling IJie story of the i
Hot bprings In a most Interesting
manner nnd giving complete infor
mation. Send for It, either to Wm.
McMurray. General Pasenger Agent
of the O. R. A N., Portland. Oregon,
or- Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Robles, California. . tf
if Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. A
Bank Building. ,
?? Koseuurg, Oregon.
ft Attorney-At-Law.
?f Notary Public. Rooms 6 and
7, Marsters Building.
Roseburg. Oregon.
Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg.
ft Phone 1361 Roseburg, Or.,
Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
it . . . Phone 1283.
ft Roseburg ... Oregon,
ft J. K. CHAPMA.V, D. D. 8. ft
ft Dentist ft
ft ft
it Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tel- ft
ft ephone 1141. Abraham Bldg.
ft Residence Phone 1406. ft
ft ft
ft Rosoburg, Oregon. ft
ft ft
ft G. J. BACH EH, D. M. D., ft
ft Dentist ft
ft Abraham Roseburg. ft
ft Building. Oregon, ft
ftftftftftftftft ftl!iSft
8ftftftftft -ftft:i!sftftftft ,.
Fill Your' House
with liht no house is modem
without electric liehts. Though we ,
can wire "any old" building, the '
beat work is when the houee is being 1
constructed. We are always ready ',
to (five an accurate estimate and to'
guarantee the best work.
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or '.
TT 11IUUU LtVtlULflWVlll nil 1
H Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luml er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
- " Yards on Lower Oak Street.
it 'Phone 1411
This is the claim made by all who send their
washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry.' To get
this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the most approved
manner -all the latest and most modern machin
ery id at our command to do your work in a most
trorough manner.
1 3
For Men. There Is no beter Bboe
made than the celebrnted "J. E.
Tilt,"' which. Is to be found at the
Miillkln Shoe Store. And for heavy
wear there is nothing tqual to the
United Workman Shoe." dt-f.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE.