The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, January 03, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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It is our ambition to leave no thumb prints nor
torn edges on this new page. Therefore be it resolved:
That during the coming' year it shall still be our con
stant effort to put out only the best goods and thus merit
the continued patronage of our old customers who have
been loyal to us during' the past year, and as many new
ones as would appreciate trading at a clean, square
dealing' grocery store. Start right by giving us a call.
Phone 2381
Old Settlers' Reunion a Most Enjoy
able Event.
Glendnle, Oi, Jan. 1. The lr.ost
successful event In the history of this
vicinity was the first annual New
comers' and old Settlers' Union, giv
en by the Glendnle Commercial Club
here today. Practically every fanW
ily in Cow Creek Valley was repre-
crowded the big auditorium to Its
standing capacity.
The seats were arranged In sec
tions representing the pioneers, the
old settlers and the npwoomers. As
each person entered he wns request
ed to register and was given a badge
representing the year he came to
Glendnle. Every year between 1850
and 1910 was represented.
The program consisted of addresses
by member3 of the Commercial Club
and responses In behalf of the old
settlers and newcomers, muslo and
telection by children choruses. Prizes
were awarded to the oldest settler,
youngest settler, and to the fattest,
shortest, tallest and thinnest among
the native born men and women. The
largest family of old settlers and the
largest family of newcomers were
also awarded nrizes. Dinner wns
served to all and everything was free.
The club plans to make the reunion
an annual event.
Hundreds of Veal's Refiiru the White
Mnn Thought Smli Methods Wise.
Tho American Indian is the craft
iest, most reasoning and deepest stu
dent of nature ( u 1 1 hnrbaris or fli.l
barbft'lh p.iunlo.
'lie Knows in. ire nbrnii ih ... r'"R
of ni'-tli'-". h. i history sh'.'ws :i rli.-or
ton' h -if nti!''?-ai '-7.. than even the
legends of the Syran or Caucaslon
race '
Esneclally interestinB Is the study
of tho Indian and his methods for
curing his sick. In addition to his
ivcnttei-ful knowledge of plant life
and the mixing of it to urine forth
health concoctions, the Indian Is said
to be the first race to study tho val
ue of mineral water baths. Long be
fore the chemistB and nlchcmlsts of
Europe had analyzed the waters of
their famous springs and found medi
cinal properties there, the .North
American Indian was curing his slcn.
at Paso Robles Hot Springs.
The old Franciscan monks, while
making their wonderful Journeys.
building their missions and teaching
Christianity nlong tho California
const, frequently sat at the Indian
council camp fires and heard there
he tales of a wonderful spring where
in to bathe wns to be cinde free from
These tales seemed unholy wor
ship and nonsense to the holy fnth
era. but at length they too caught the
enthusiasm of the Indian and their
sick began the pilgrimage to Paso
Robles (The Pass of I he Oaks), so
named by these holy men.
Then began a series of reports to
the papal home of the church and to
the King of Spain, so that early In
the rslgn of Cnstlle over California
these springs were regarded as the
Ideal spot sousht for by ponce de
But aside from the romance of the
Indian and from holy reports of the
Franciscan mrnks, Paso Kooles today
Is making fr-me for her waters by re,T
son of Its wonderful cures.
Rheumatism, gout, kidney and
stomach, troubles disappear before
the Inth treatments at Paso Robles
so quickly that the citizens of Pnso
Robles claim no case can be
enough to defeat the waters from
making a cure. Tuberculosis and un
Carries a full line of School books aud School
A big stock of Office supplies and Blank) Books
Drawing Material.
Typewriter Supplies.
Agent for Moore's Office Methods.
Newspapers. Magazines.
Rosebunr Book Store
. .
clean diseases are not permitted treat
Nervous women who have been
cured f all manner of female ills.
form a continual series or testimo
nial proof of the beneficial effects of
Paso llobles springs.
Hero one meers ine wern am Hi
borer praising the waters for their
gifts to him, while at his side perhaps
speaks the clubman irora mo cuj,
whose living has worn down hbj sys
Many health pilgrims arrive a
Dncn UnhloD iv i I h (.nmiiinir OlirfltS and
livft in tents while being cured, be
ing unable to afford tue luxury oi a
boarding house.
Here also are tno ricn in rueir uix-
hnlnl with ni'lvDlD hftttl hOllfle
and nil the especial attention they de
mand, i no air or ruso nuuies ia no
rich and as perfect as Its water, this
fact alone being of greatest benefit
to its curing power.
A small oook, nenny iiiuiui-meu,
has been recently published by the
mnnnMn1i,nl tolllnp- Mi etnrv of the
Hot springs In a most interesting man
ner and giving complete mmrimiumi.
Send for It, either to Wm. McMurray,
general passenger agent of the O. R.
XT Dn.ili,,.il fir nr Fir V V
Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, Cal.
Henrv and' Wm. Ireland of Olnlla
were business visitors in Ten Mile the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin are vis
iting Ihe latter's sen, James Bnrnes
and family at Camas Valley a few
days this woe.'
.Miss Bertha Coates lert woflpea
dnv for Grnnlu Pas.3. where she will
atlend i-chool She will make her
hun-.e with ner n- x- Chshiri?.
matron "f the ! -.' i Pass hospital
Mrs. Mart Bushnell left Monday
for Portland for a visit of some
length with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Newland
Chas. M. Slegel of Canins Valley,
and Mrs. Mne Newland-Cnrnes wenl
to Roseburg Thursday. Mr. Newland
goes to Portland Friday on a brief
business trip, while Mrs. Newland
will leave for Gold Hill, Oregon, to
visit her father, Judge C. C. Gall.
The civil engineers for. the Coos
Bay railroad have established a
"Tent City" nt the Tn MIlo school
house since Monday. Tht-y seem to
be so very aetlce that we are "almost
afraid ' test there w ill be something
doing in this part of the country
someone of these days.
Mrs. Guy Lawson Is visiting this
week with her parents, the Scrant-ns
at Camas Valley. REX.
- "
WHEAT $1.00
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;
grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.
ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton.
STEERS- Alive, 3c lb.
COWS Alive 2itc
VEAL Dressed, 5c. lb.
HOGS Dressed, 8c; Alive. Gc.
SHEEP 3 tec.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,
10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; ducks,
alive, 9 sp 10c; dressed, 14 loo.
Turkeys, pllve 17c and 18c; dressed
20c and 21c.
BUTTER Creamery, 42 c lb.
country, 37 tec lb.
EGGS -40c doz.
POTATOES New, lc lb.
WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c;
year clip, 24c.
HONEY 12 tec.
CABBAGE Hjc. lb.
ONIONS 2c lb.
To Get Keeling Toward Tuft and
Members of Cvngrvv.
Neither Representatives Hawley
nor Ellis is giving a satisfactory ac
count of himself In his support, "f
"Uncle Joe" Cannon, according to
a straw vote taken by Success Mag
azine. The periodical has been tak
ing a straw vote of the country to
discover the feeling of Itl llfo sub
scribers toward Taft and toward the
members of Congress. Here are the
three questions which parliculniiy
affect the case of tho Oregon repru
sentatlves: . v
"Do you approve the position of
your representative in C"llgrcs.s In
the speakership eont'wi Inst spring?"
"Would you vole Li- Hm if there
should be nnother Lieetion this
month, provided that ho were op
posed by a reputable mar of th- op
posite party?"
"Is It your desire that ho support
the administration and policies of
Speaker Cannon, orvotild you prefer
that ho oppose them?"
The result of these lucstions In
Oregon wero Inlcrestfi-g and Cau
nonism found few supporters Out
of 02 Republicans. 4 2 answered that
they would not vote for Pawley. In
the case of Ellis 25 out of 35 R"pub
(Icans announced that they would vote
against him. Both EIlu mid Hnwley
have steadily supported. Gannon and
at on time have they side-! with the
"Insurgents" or "Progressives" who
have opposed the spealte.-. In mak
ing the straw vote, the magazine set
forth tho interrogations ti. Its lite
subscribers and then published the
questions nnd the results, without
comment. In 0"egon tho ma'ority
of tle readers overwhelmingly favor
the Progressive Republicans as
against the Cannon crowd witn
whom the two Oregon Congressmen
have aligned themselves.
Both Ellis and Hawley want to be
re-nonilnated and re-elected next
year. Each of them will go Into the
state convention and ask for the In
dorsement and It Is generally admit
ted by the men who are frani'iig up
the assembly that Ellis and Hawley
will bo given the backing of the as
sembly. In fact, aspirants who would
like to go to Congress and who have
expressed themselves as willing to
try for tho convention endorsement
have been notified that "the Is
nothing doing" except Tor Hawley
and Ellis, and that none others need
We find attractive Bueclal features
in this number. A double page of
pictures shows some of the n:,8i fa
mous work of modern Euriipeun
masters; there Is also a large full
pnge painting by Mary Sl';'.te Ker
of "Young 1910" waiting if. the
threshold of tha New Year. Sev
en photographs of that most popular
actress, Ethel Baryinore. plcure her
quick rise Irom amateur to leiijlng
lady; and the music, "Onvotte-Ma-diigal,"
Is by Francis Thome.
Octavo Thanet tells the story of
two lonely women in "in Place i.f
Their Own," and Myra Kelly sur
passes her own standard of -rentle
humor In "The Spirit of Cecelia
Anne." Anne Warner's "Susan
Clegg's Courting" is but on of the
series she is writing for the Womnii's
Home Companion, and "Room Num
ber Three at Three Forks Tavern,"
the grent dete"ti' i story by Anna
Kotherlne Grer-i, l i continued In tills
The articles n:o the kind that are
talked over for weeks. "Fifteen
Years With My Wife" Is a leaf out of
a life experience: and "Shall We Stny
In the Ministry?" and "The Music
Student Abroad" are earnest and
truthful articles.
A really delightful Innovation Is
the page of New Year's cards. In
fact, the whole magazine begins the
New Year In a manner cnlculnled to
more than satisfy itn readers.
The regular departments are re
plete with suggestions, help, and Ihe
best of obtainable ideas on tho s"h
Jeets of Fashion, Housekeeping, M"
children, the home, sewing and read
Farewell to thr i 100.
No more wo" I p -e of thee
Thou gavest us ' an' sunshine,
Which thou didst furnish free.
Thou hnsf the consolation now,
Of having done Ihr best,
fin' leaving men behind the plow.
For food not now distressed.
Thou hast left, too, 1300,
Proof that thou hast been hero,
In a new ring on ev'ry pine.
An' horns on ev'ry steer.
Tomorrow will be 1910,
Mankind's great swear-off day.
Who will nutle likely now an' then.
Backslide the same old way.
But don't "talk back." 1!)09,
They did it in thee, too
May pleasant dreams henceforth be
Adieu, adieu, adieu. Ex.
Tho mnn who would rather he rlfcht
than presid' nt ppnt'rally has his in
ference gratified.
Every litile sir. Is nnxtnus to prow
up, even If (t Is only so she ran wear
''er S'inday clothes ev;ry day in the
One man In a novel han greater op-1
Mtrtunltk'H for beinK a hero than J
come to a hundred men In ral life, j
When a fellow's mother thinks lie
Tirl he Is Rolns to marry Ik pood
-noiiph for lit in the Irl must tie,
nothing r.hert of an aiiRH. j
It Ih also true Uiat one-half the:
vorld doesn't know why the other j
half live-
The man who is aiflirted with Iohh I
of memory Is generajly a chronic j
That silence Is golden Is a enm-
fortln belief to the fellow who can
ever think of a good answer.
Nothing Is so annoying to the man
'ho Is fond of giving" advice as to
ave his friends succeed In going
contrary to It.
.Many a man who Is well bred
needs the dough.
The woman who tries to conceal
her age Is generally old enough to
know better.-
Prejudices are merely other peo
ple's opinions.
The man who marries for money
often has a harder Job getting It than
the fellow who works for it.
Tettrazinl nald $50 a pound for
a New York dog. He s a sausage.
third man seldom finds any i a
IUUII, Willi lllf IJMUlll? ui l "'
Some of our congressmen have
missed their calling. They ought to
be working In a salve fuctory.
Power In speech comes from pa
tience in silence.
Men seek for honors often be
cause they liave lost honor.
Forgetting self is the secret of
finding satisfaction In life.
Sorrow Is heaven's school, whore
we learn the alphabet of love.
A man Is to be known by his gonl
ralher than by his genealogy.
Tho best evidence of loving hea
ven Is endeavor to bring It here.
it Is easy for the man who amounts
to nothing to give himself awny.
' Deceit usually hail a good start
In the man who bousts of his diplo
macy. Ho soon loses all faith in the poor
who D'es to feed them with fine
No man Is uncommonly good who
does not help to make goodness com
mon. One of the blessings of being
needy is thtt there are always some
who are more so.
Some think they are standing by
the f ilth when they are but frozen
In their tracks.
Manv a man shows his faith In
the wisdom of his God by offering a
dime to covor a dollar nln.
It Is no use prescribing tho Gospel
to a sick world unless you' commend
it by a healthy life.
People who run around In a cir
cle usually hire a calliope to call at
tention to their progress.
Heaven Is going to be a strenuous
nlnce for some who, have spent their
lives running after rest.
There 1s a lot of difference between
the people who tnke a front row at
the feast and those hold It In tne
fight. , v
Some sinners do not repent be
cause they four there would not be
-nongh Joy In heaven over the event
to satisfy t.iem. From tho Chicago
An artist who wns employed to re
touch a largo painting 4n nil old
church In Belgium, rendered n bill
. ja rri.n .lt,,i'nh IriiRtees.
however., required an itemized bill,
and the following was duly presented,
audited and paid:
Correcting tho Ten Comamnd-
ments 5 5.12
Touching up purgatory and re
storing lost souls,l,m . Ihe flnmr-R of
miHUKii-ub e
stars 711
Renewing heaven. niijusiniB
hell, putting new tall on the
devil, and doing odd jobs
for the damned 7.17
Putting new stone In Dnvld's
sling, enlarging the head ot
Goliath ".13
Mending the shirt of the prodi
gal son and cleaning his ear 3.39
Embellishing Pontius Pllute
and putting new ribbon on
his bonnet "... 3.02
Putting new tail on the rooster
of St. Peter, and mending his
comb 2.20
Replumlng nnd reglldlng left
wing of guardian angel 5.18
-Washing the servant of the
High Priest nnd putting car-,
mine on I, is cheek 5.02
Taking the spots off the son
Tobias . 10.50
Putting einrlngs In Sarah's
oars B-2(i
Decorating Nonh's ark and
putting head on sneni i..n
Total ':7.30
AF.&.A. M. I.Hlltfli l.oin'1.
VA, Imlil retoilur mtellnm
on the necoinl Btlrt Inurtb
WclnRi.ilHys,of t'Bch month. Ho
.louruer lnvltert to llenil.
1IKXTKK Itl' K, W. M.
N. T. JKWKTT, 8-Jcrelary.
10. R. M Improved OMle' ol Heil Miii
mrotnln .M-At.e. TcmplR fl"t ano third
Mondays. VIMIlim rouf!- wi-ltomo.
W. 0 OA Hills, Saflifiu.
v. II. VINCIL.O. ol H
UNITED AttriHANM-TJm jMjna Amrmhiy No
0S, mwt dtuciml nini lourlh 1-iUlayn ol
cai-h monlh. la Mm-cn bct-lmll. VUtiiitt
iwrnhero will rTHvnrortJUl wt',,'"le' .,.
Sii'i. MKriKMMA KAUI.KNKH.8ccr
121., metat the Fellow Nl In
Roieburx, evTjr HrKl ami ttilni. Mon.iay
evcnliifta. Veiling nc-lehborB alwayn welcome.
K.N. KWAKT, Clerk.,
LILAC C1KCI.K. No. 49, Women ol Woolcraf
ineelB on flmt aitd llilfl Monday veii
itien ol each month in the I. O. O. K. biu
Vlallluir meiiioeralnnood ttnllrr are tnvlleo
to intend. MAltY O-.NKAU U. N.
i, O. K. Koel!in( LnrtKe. No iiir'- holrt
miliar riJii!iiiuHfalloni at tnolr Temple
on fccooml and lourth ThurHdayn ot each ,
month. All mi'iiit1" r(;i)ucled loaitend rej(
uarlyand all vimtlug brother are oonlially )
nriled.loalU.-ud. i
W. W CAItimwU., K. R. I
O W.HTAI.F.V, Secretary.
LO.T. M-, H.eirK Hive ro II- IIoMa re;
ular revU w on every TueMlay Bflerwoim
at i fi'i'lork In lh Mai'calrt-M ((nil. iMMera,
ofolhur Hive viMlttiif In the city are cord.aly
invited toaiieiid our review. i
K. H KoM'hurv Chaj.Wr No. h, hoLia thflr i
F-iilr mteliiiit on th! firl and third
Thurftday In earn month. Vultlnic mem-.
btra In Rood atandlntc are rentlully tuvlted
toattend. MaKY K. HoCCK, W. II.
yRKK JOHNrtOW, HeereUry.
FO, K hovtfiirff Aerie" "An JI37, rmt'ln 2n(l
and 4th Mondavi In I nor ball at S
p m, P. . M1CKM.I, W. P.
F. P.JILAItK.fecy.
10. I) F., Bi'lnf Hta Utrtgi. No. 174, meet In ;
Odd Fellow' lempleevery Friday evtDlUK
MsltluK brethren always welcome.
F. II. VIM !!.. N O.
W. H. POWKi.f., K, t.
M.riCKLK. t. 8
For All the Choice Goods In
Nor the Depot Cass Street Telephone 451
nouia oein every
Registered Druggists.
Winnie Gaddis
tfMm Skylight Cornices
. -i
Agent for Snell
Water Filters.
Removes all Impurities.
1 ounce LAZEIX'S "PKRFECTUS" Violet in elegant silk
lined box, $2.70.
2 ounce LAZELL'S VIOLET ELECT In handBome package
$;i 75
1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERPETIIS" In bountiful package 3.00
2 ounce "LAZIiLL'S" In silk lined box :l.7Ii..
IIUDNOT'8 celebrated perfumes in odors Ohrysls.
VIOLET EAN 1) ESPAGNE, Whlto Rose, Hlollatropo, all In
elegant pneknges li."c to
HUDNOT'S and LAZELL'S Toilet Water BOc to Vt.0.
PERFUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes iiilc to BOc.
CHILDREN'S PERFUMES In all odors, attractive ' oxes 25c.
SELECT and fine assortment of military brushes tialr,
brushes, mirrors, safuty razors and manlcuro sots and alnglo nt
Good New Year's
Trade at
Dry goods
.. . at ..a .. .
neating ventilating
Phone 2101
and groceries