TIIK KVKMNO NEWS SVH lilHV. IIM UlV 1, 1KIO. CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. LOCAL NEWS. . 'i for ' m x' Lx sty r 10 '1 The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by paths" you'll he apt to lose your Hftlf in the tangle of misleading "liurgainH." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality is the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein l!lock Co. and Duvid Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the world. Every Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your M iney refunded or a new mit in return. ABRAHAM V. ""' Remember nunlitv is the true V tert of cheapness,' By o jr good C'luthcs you shall know us. George Ilrliltfe, of Cleveland, Is a visitor in the city today. G. I,. .IafiiitiH of Cleveland, has a vinitor ri the city today. William Kump, of I'm junta Kerry, Ih n visitor in the city today. , Air. HimpHon, of the Alt. Alto I ranch, Ik in the city today. CharicH Ilroekwuy, of Uiockway, is a vhlor in the city this afternoon ; Hen Herlntf, ho Went Poin mining , man, la a visitor in the city th'.a ait ! 'iinoon. A. J. Flint of Oakland was a vlftiftjr ! in the city Friday, lie wiih acconi- i pan led by hid wife. PoHemuHlr Inspector S. H. .lnrne wli! leave Alonday for Hpokar.o on foil-miens. I lck llutter, wife nnd fon. of Gnr- j den Valley, ur( in the city attending l hiiHhwss tniltet'H today, j Alary Hrockway, who has been spending the nast few days in tJie city, leaven for home at liroekwuy tonight. I j Frank Long, of Cleveland, Ih spend ing a few darn In the city. Air. Long spent yesterday ut Uruckway, return ing here thin morning. County Clerk Kdwnrd Lenox re ceived official notice this morning to the effect that road district No. 14 levied a 2 if) i 1 1 special road tax at n Mi"ting !jHd vsterlav 1 C IRItCII XOTICKS. St. Joseph's I'i-o-CIiiiitIi. ItDlt.V. SCIIIOItMFltHOii.V At Merry hoa pital Saturday. Ian. 1. l!:i, to Mr and Alia. Geo. S'-lierr.iti horn, a hon. JAiVAh XKW8. Mm. IC.lledrick, or ln-nl.t, Fpent jrealerday In the city vi.iiting fi iciiiln Mr. and Mr. John It. Chapman are ' -spending the day al I he home of (lie lutler'fl parenta at Wilbur. her Ireland left U.r Seattle this r 'irnlng whore ho will attend school tlinlng the next, few nioniliH. Lou Is ltel,mnlein and wife are ' -ending the day at the home of Lhe IsHI't'h aiv tils on Leer Creeh. Mim, (). H. Garner has ret urn mo" t -trr h une In Ashland after a brief with her parents. Air. and Airs. a v r .mil .iui.it it. t u .div fmtt nwlverl Aniiliir,r Hhlnmn.it 11,0 plumber. if inn famous "Last Forever" una-! Joseph linrt holoniy has returned J"rv A written Muarant'(. wll every i ''"' Portland where lie spenL several Mr. Sold only by The Fair. tf. days attenillig business matt--rs Joe Tom Hunt. at. one time employed 1 p:i'a ,H in -icn heller in LOCAL KVS. .1. V. Xewiand and wife, of Ten -Mile, were isitors in tie- ciiy yester day. The barber shops closed at noon today (hat ihe employes migut enjov a half holiday. Kdwurd Hillings and wife went to Cottage Grove this morning to spend Uio day wll h relallvf s. . .Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Booth went to Garden Valley I his morning to spend the day with friends. Try one :)f there Snell filters will fit. any faucet. See Winnie Gaddls, tf. STORMS CAUSE DAM AGE OF $50,000 finder the teipervlslou of the local for r-tt v office, lefi for Al'i-lta a l"v flays ago, at which place he expects lo remain indefinitely. It. II. Ilalhuwiiy returned to Mnn TT'oulh this morning after spfinitmr a T-w days at the home of his parents. Vr. Hathaway Is attending college at that city. Proprietor Hargar, of t he New Y"rlt store, entertained his force of ''"ilfs :( a dinner nerved nt the Mc Clnllen hot. I llils noen. Hufflce to H'tv t hat. the occasion was enjoyed Iv the guests. "'Dint v CliM'lt Leno h's recel vd T'oiic to 1 h el'feet that Camas Val 1"" hr.s levied a Kpccinl H) mill road In. It is estimated (hat ihis levy heallh than for some time past. Charles Mahu, accompanied by his mother, .Mrs. C. AI. Alalia, Fred ami Alicp Mahn, and C. Kriise, went to Oakland I his morning to spend the day at Ihe home of I. mils Kiuse. Lrs. Nom-k and Ihjover operadM1. on l-ii'd Swaiiz. an employe of the Dyslnger mill, for gangrenous appeti-dlr-ti is nt Mei-cy hospilal yesi.-rday al'lernoon. Tlw pat f cut's condition today is verv satisfactory. Airs. II. Faton. wife of .v F. II. Fa I on, pastor of the Itaptist church, entertained her Sundav M'hoo! class at the church last even ing. Ab'iiii twenty giusts were pres ent, all ol whom were delighted itli the evening's entertainment. V til vol... In t I... iL.ti.tllwn lmiwI r.r yin.litHi. a sufficient fund to greatly Grafton Wnrthlngton received i -.'M-ove the roads In Ihe Camas Val- word this morning Uta' li e iS-I'-Mou -;eetfoii of Hie eounU. ! monilis old son of Mr. and Mit J. A. " C. Caveml 'i- entertained 1 Worlhinuton died las-, evening at C - members of her Surdnv school - Hays Cre.-k. The funeral will ne l eid - rums at lur home In this ciiy yes- flomorrnw (Sunday) ;it Caayeiivill (Special to The Evening News) Pomona, Cal., Jan. 1 . Damage amounting to more than $50,000 has resulted tr.xu torrential rains that have fallen in this section of the slate during the past twenty-four hours. The storm which is by fa" the worst ever to visit Pomona continues un abated today. At Camp Haldy, hlt ualed fn the mountains near Azusa, fifteen pleasure seekers who ascended Ihe canyon for the purpose of watch ing the old year out are marooned. Should the storm continue for imy length of ilmn the damage will run well into five figures. New Year's day Is th feast of the f-irctimcihion of Jesus Christ. It Ir a holy day of oblfgatlon for all Cath olics not. rxeused hy the general rea sons that the church allows. Masses will be as on Sunday at 8:15 and 1H-30. After IfMt mass there will he benediction Xo evening devotions will take place in the church on Xw Yeara Sunday is the octave of the mailt of St. Stephen, the first mar iyr. AI asses will be as usual and the Sunday school classes will be regular. At the high mass at 10:30 the choir will render the beautiful mass thai whs sung on Christmas day. On Sun day evening at 7:30 the vespers or official evening office of the church will be sung and ihero will begin a se ries of discourses concerning God Revelation, the flihle, the rhurch and kindred theological nnd philosophical subfects. Wo are glad to have out friends with lis. 1 question to medical men that there CELEBRATING NEW YEAR ALMOST FATAL (Special to Tho Kvening Xews.) Xew York. Jan. I Mis. Clias. Fllis who. with others was welcoming (lie coming of the Xew Year last night at the Cai'e .Martin in this ciiy. and in doing so was using a liberal supply of sparkling wine, the lights being turned out during the fesi ivitii s, in some manner her gown caught fire and the lady was frightfully burned. The attending physicians say the wo man may recover, but will he horri bly starred .Methodist L'piscopal Church. Sunday Preaching morning nnd evening by the pastor: excellent mu sic at the regular services bv the largo and well trained choir; ahvavs happy congregational singing. The morning senncu at 1 I a. in. will br ibe first of a series of four sermons on the life of Joseph, rnv'-'rintf fe niot thrilling chapter In tho n?tn:t.1 oT Israel. A large company of repre sentative authors once teok a vote na to the best story, consider?.- as t Mleiarv product In all literature. A very large majority voted for this story of Joseph. Th0 first subject of the series Is: "Sold Into Fgvnt. or Ihe Fruit of F.nvy." At 7:"0 p. m. the sermon subject will he "Proof o Mlraclea." Tl.ls nddresn Is d?sI:i.-' to strengthen faith in the voidn working Christ, nnd bring men into a proper attitude towan' h i in. All are welcome to a "homelike" church. Is some quality In these waters su perior to any In this country and probably In the world. It Is also claimed for Paso Robles that the air condltf jus are perfect. It llej in a small valley protected by mountain ranges: is 720 feet above yea level and Is not assailed by too J Maximum temperature mucn aea moisture or an nnnormai temperature from the hot land winds. This air condition is thought bv some to have almost as much to do with Its cures as the waters them selves. Thy town like all health resorts. Is filled with boarding houses of all kinds, so that every purse will be pleaBed. There are hotels for tho rich, where any luxury may be had. 1M1J.Y U h VI HI.K HI I'lHi 1 U. S. Weather Bureau, local ofnee, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. ni.. Jan. 1, 1910: Precipitation in inches and hundredths: 41 .Minimum temneratjre ..29 Precipitation 1.06 Total precip. Inee first of month 3.8ti years C.14 Avg. precip. fcr this month for 32 years 6.14 Total precip. since first of mouth .. .0 vears 5.70 Avg. precip from Sep. 1, 1S77 14.23 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1909 2 94 1909 3.1-1 Private baths for exclusive patrons Avg. precip. from Sep. 1, 1877 12.31 who wish to be to themselvc, These springs have been known for centuries, for they were used by low iiiuuui io euro uib hick nnu later the Franciscan fathers performed wonderful cures here, but it Is only recently that tho really marvelous seasons (Sep. to Alay Inc.) 33.00 WILLIAM ItELfL., Onset ver. date 17.17 If ynu are looking for good service In the barber line call at the Aladdix uowers of theso waters were made j barber shop. Cass street, Roseburg known to the world nt largo. I National Bank Bldg. Three chair Nearly every form or organic trou-: shop. Bath rooms In connection, tf. bio Is treated at theso hot springs. ! Zaa for the authorities welcome all ex- " cunt thnatt i-lin l.n-a InUul, nlD 1 ' unclean diseases. For the man who suffers from overeating or from a! co hollo excesses there is nothing In the world to equal a week spent at Paso Roliles. H straightens him out with PltOl'KSSIOXAL CARDS. rnion Prayer Servfrrj. TWELVE MEN RE PORTED EEAD Tho wpnk of prnypr will !)n obHprv "tl liy tlio chun-h of Uo.Hobui'K nexf wook. Tho following program will bo curried out: Moml-iy rwnlntr, al lio lipptist churrh. Snhlrot. "Human History, fi Vitnoss for Ood," J. X MrConnoll, londor. TnoHflay ovonlnp at (ho Christian rluirdi, Uov. MrarH, leader, sulijoet. "Tile Foundations, Tnslirken, Immovable." Wednesday evening at the M. 1. rhurch, Ilev. MurW-nrt. leader, subject. "The I'biireb of Ood on iCarth." Thursday evening at M. K. church, routh. Rev Ibnvkins. Under, subject. "Missions Ihe Necessary Kxnroslon of Christian rtevotlon." Friday evening at. Pres- bvterinn. Key. F.iton. b ader, subieet. 'Ti:e Things Within tho Kingdom and Without." All are cordially invited to these rorvlces. u rnpldlty that la wonderful, and the best recommendation is that they do away with the nerve-craving for stim ulants because of their peculiar soothing effects upon the nervous syestejii. Truly speaking the study of Paso rtohloB Hot Springs Is one which is giving the mudlcal fraternity abroad and. at home much Interest, nnd Is probably directing more attention to California than any other of her natural gifts to man. A small book, neatly Illustrated, has been recently published by lhe management telling Oie story of the Hot Springs In a most Interesting manner and giving complete infor mation. Send for It, either to Wm. McMurray, General Pasenger Agent of tho O. R. & N., Portland, Oreaon, or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso Ilobles, California. tf. It. IS. STKEL, Attoney-at-Law Legal advice free. Collections Solicited to . Room 1, Marsters Bldg. & Hoseburg, Ore. i 1)11. iT. h. CALLOWAY ' Osteopathis IMiysician Chronic diseases a specialty. Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy Kirksville, 5Io. Under-fotmder of science it Dr. A. T. Still. s Office Abraham Bldg. i'? Phone 1091 Roseburg, Ore ff ii A. S. I1UEY, For Men. There Is no beter shoe Onlometlst ft made than the celebrated "J. B. I Tilt." which is to be found at the Cass Street Mllllkln Shoe Store. And for heavv : First Door East Telephone office O wear there Is nothing equal to the ' i'f 'United Workman Shoe." dt-f i IS1II D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP, j Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating Presbyterian Church, .M irriintr i f his service j j obfrvod ' :i fti rnoon Si vl"i-n u'iumIc '''nt, and n ! Ii-hs to juv tin i vr.y.i fiiovcd imnit'ii'dv . ni ic :'tnl Ki'-ial .-(HTViT:?! .Mr. ami Mrs. Won h i )!;( m. of (his cit) leave for t'e- la'..1:- ( i:n-.- in i ii ! inn: ii in i; tc attend 'lie f i ii 1 1 of i !i ir 1 bv a lioiiiih .1 hv the bo.;l'-:-t. I. (t. I!n..'li ;4 ta1 'M-nilii-Jv ill i ' h In n boi.-l. on Mmoi.-iv t t f n 1 1 -ti f . I 'I'll'" Anionia. Junior Amiomui j luncheon i Au;;a cla.--.? of Hi,. I !: mi i - t Sun. I ;tI;hoI sp.'ltl lhe la--l hours of the -nJ- 1 -!! in a sm-ial in t he he ill 1 t f . Tin- tv.o n: .... i bo li-i1:. ' ,-. - ' ' 1 :,! :: ii in : !'o a I itirui f Special to The lOvnins Xev s It-.Itlmn-.- l-in I T-.i-i.l men are imported' to have 'lost lv'lv 1 (',',Ii' welremo nwnlthuf lives .n an e.ilosioti vhlh occurred on the sie;rnslii); I .uvenhack, in the llaliimore harlior today. J. 1. Huiklinrt. ni worship at M o'clock. At thii Mm Lord's Supper will lie Kvnlni worstiip at t:;!it. Ihe ser mon will ho appropriate to the Xew Year. The Itible school meets at 10 a. m., Hon. II. Kddv, Kiiperin tendent. Junior K. rit ;! p in., M'ss Kate FuUerton, Kiinrint endeut. Y. J. S. C. K. ut ii: no p. m. 1'nion oh ;ervance nf the week of nrayer at va rious church next week except, on Saturday eveninur. You will find a u at all f our s-'i'vlces. Come and hrintr n friend. North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. ' WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG. ORE. I on:i:iE itkms. ehil-ludy. 10 and I i l int ii MiOKin - Im v ii I'ouiiil in an nn-'MU j ' . n .11! ion I n Mim In! Ii r i. i vis nol euMl Hi.' m niu-: nf , .!'e.-hl. .1 n " I ! ' :t;t n'eloi I;. whmi 'i ni' -::nd' l.-ln-it. ml ed. AMT 1 1 A n 1 n diana nm yor a-ve th difit of his tiiwu threi ions of A l'i oy Cii ma distrain pern: r.:;victt'd map shooter'; to pay Mi. nip's in wet'kly hiritallments. A l issjichtiset Is pian wot Mt $ i "'". is tlK(oU'r..d to ha.- llidd ; a1! ion $:.i!ii.iihii : :1 -n mini;. The pi-.'s .. iii oi i. s Mnim s c ! -,v is i'Ik'.'.ivdiuiii o stop ;i i rtp-r St. fienrije's Cliui'.'h. Corner ';iln nnd Cn;is streets, tho Rev. Charles Wilson linker, reftnr. Sntnrdav. th.. Circumcision of Christ. 1 (Xew Year's day). ihdy fo-,,nm (lion ;tf to a. in. Sunday, the firs! S .Til to, ay nfter Cl'ii-tmns da v. li-dy ! '"innn!nion at Tio a. m. Sum ' a ' '-rhoo; i'1 a. ni. hoiv co".i!Miini(n . (! -: rnion ;',t 1 1 a. ni.. "v:"'!:it r-:iv- "V and ;-"i-iU'in :it :'.C, 'I'lntr-d:' v .f:n. '!. M'f I'-'iphany. lmlv i 'i;i inn- mo!i ;;t i u a. m. I i 5 mmW-l-lSZM-WYin'Xn Fill Your House witli h'tihl no house 1 modern without elfctnc liulite. Though we can wire "any old" hniiilini;, the heflt work ia when the honee ih heinn confltru twl. Wo are always ready 2 to ttive an accurate estimate and to J iiftrintL-u the be-t work. V G. L. PRIOR VZ!f si-, v T.,..i.,.. . n,, ua-j ... MHttiiiwu in,, iLi'prouiLTi Or tstvrrirsr fUf)iH),i,Jl er3m t Mrs. rr .l. ri. k V. rr!tt.r.l. a Ulrlhodit Kplsu i.,l Clmr.-li, S.inHi. I ttltttttJtf tt?tt '"I'T 1,1 ' Hi. At.li.T.I"H.v ! J5i ; Jil JJ JljtJ JM t iml lo Ins -n K M M.v,r I ist..- I(..n..r mw. I X2 1. :.l I luv i- iimi. Ii i i .i ,i; . ' r Mil. Ii. I'. .-.Hi. I:..' ul I .--.. v II- a' l''ii'i' 'i " . i '" II' li'iHI"'! ;. Ifl.'.l II" " I " Ki'.-i r-.i r ! - All t '" I si I .1 '. . iv. SI... , . M l n: in-".! ' ...i i... .i "i" i . . . ! i :-.-::in uivi ink- l, ,' mil r.,l,.. 1 ' fl.-, -'f .;...',' ni" "ivnr. S',- ' U '- ..!! j MM r.- " - i'l. C:.... 'I".'-. ' , , , ,v ,. r.,., U ;l!i niiillii "'1 tin' hirl ll . '.,n m." ml .I. .VI.. n ho : iM,.,n ,,,, '..;,,., ; ,,,..., I- hi. in:. ,.f llir old i , ..... ,,i I" I. lirif, S:ii'.lli..v:ill, r -i f..rt., r . ....,... ....... I. . : IT M.'M.l.ri. Mill... l,i....i; ..n .1. n.. ir . nl.,n.,llv il.il lo .nil of I In ; m ..! -.ni - . . 1 1 x ... 1. 1 r..ii ... -ii-. i... t t..i...iil..in in i-tn h l.: i!i'.. r Ih.i! Iii:- !..: " ticlnul'v lirnki-n. I ltapt i-l t l.ur, li. V1 . ii (!.-.. i (lsl.orn. n . bv-I.t ..I - It l.;,.i.,. mlt.M.-r. i-'.il r. V-- l'i..-n f..;m.. Iih.K !1mii.-i an i.i.l . view nl 11 n 1 7 .V ... . I . " '"' r. . .11 . . icivmiur V. II h I '-Mr!' ol' M.. -.i 1910 ..1 : LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY gles ;iuil Di Doors and Windows of all Kinds. I. , l,. I.i' .i.-M in .ivl ni .V y j :m bring to all the rr i J'.m's o!' Till News a cup full ta over- ilmi:',; with h.:..'.! jhu:!' anil pros- i i N.'ii'v; tin.' ,-11 Tor their vi-i!-1 t i.l uvcrs ia the past, I i : . '!. V'i ;rs for ;i:ir.'.!i;T yu.r, i ' ll ;:il .! I.M fivlt.-i! : yr-nrbii'S nl M :. in. T 'i.l i. JJ in i'"' I. ii It of H 1 in. Morninc s' L. . . I. ';..t: V mi I .'.'-..!. I. I.t I. ..'on. 'in.: In rs i I'rosj.iM l ." Kr.'tiiiiff tnl.I.vl. "Th .' M. ill. II V.i:i,.y rf 1 1 ,. ;,! I n . i I .. Kv., I ThriH.ff.lt! A;..l i.r III. t ! .' ' -' I ' ' 1 . " '! ' H 1 l-l ll li.".i" "' '' in lilih i hri' : I'lmir will h:i.' .--,;. r -. . ..fill,. I".'"' :'. . ;.IM t'l'l ! "Mi.lil! v.nrs liOI-.h:- ; r . ' :l "1 . S i''.''"' Yurdpon Lower (lk Strei t. Thonc Mil ROSEBURG,. OREGON Zt ii. .'. Y.. i U v I .1 ' . . rl, ! .1-....I al 1" a. I'm. .!... r r WHITE AS SNOW ; in. u ini ; ri .-;tii Oi' ',ii:,;.M. H.-ri.i:v 'I ..! In :!! of P :-,.vi i. Kli' . i; n ...lit anil . ni . .l:;''al. !..i:t. I . V. .:-..! -lis a r-''.'i r ,'. rl ia' ,; .I-. a -v ,-, ir i ' . (. ..r oi.- ir. :. iv.-.. l ; . - I . .. 'his 111.'.. III.' p. .1. i il'.v. ..lia.all V , Ihini.i'.m- v I '! III'1 I . ' In III. 1 i'l'.. . ' l,, I- l i'' , 1... ,.: This is thi chrin m:uk- bv all who send their S w.ialiiiiic to the Kuscbun: U'Utn Lumitiry. To jt Ihis rosulc no I'li.'inicals arc ns.d. Your laundry ) i.; not t re.it .-a in a severe manner verv much to the O'li,! :,iry it is h.r,.lle in the r.ic.-t : '.H-.vel ?f ; ''' ail t!i httot. r.r.d ui-,t iiiijihi-i niaehin 5 I cry is at our ciniuiand to do your wotk in a most ? tioroiiiih mail nor. ' 1 e hL Vlilii. iiiilii THE IRONMONGER OF ROSEBURG 1 to in .' . a . ,ll- ; inn 1 '. ill ' V- : ' ; . v. h ;. '. !'-. from ''." t 'f r.t IM " ii. : l .i ' 1, . ii'm n!:t. . ;, V 1-0 II'. I ."in.-, a-,, .., ,1. I I nr ; .1.01 , f : h, int. li--i. t T i.iin.n. .... nil inn .... nt'r, HOW , KKIIlt'. IH'IIHI.-, ...Ill fa'lU'litl Ili.a.K- ft j down, which proves nlnioai bcyoinl j ttm&Wl&H&WtW ma'-r 1,1 Ian f a W I I'.. r-n '.I !..- a 1 hli limn.'. W a ' ia a- ,'- of ;:,.,.. V Y. d.-nd. I ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY .0. C. BAKER, Prop. S Jackson Street - - ROSEBUHG. ORP