The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, January 01, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE EVENING NEWS SATl'ltnAV, JANVAltV 1. 1010.
is our ambition to leave no thumb prints nor
torn edges on this bew page. Therefore be it resolved:
That during the coming year it shall still be our con
stant effort to put out only the best goods and thus merit
the continued patronage of our old customers who have
been loyal to us during the past year, and as many new
ones as would appreciate trading at a clean, square
dealing grocery store. Start right by giving us a call.
Phone 2381
We thank our many cusromurs for
their liberal natromtKe l-i the past,
nnil will annreciate and uttuinnt to
merit your confidence in the future. I
bpeclal sale beslnning Jan. 4. Five
or six patterns of rockers to clime out '
A Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year to Our Many Patrons.
Bud: "Say, Annie, give me another cup of Coffee."
Annie: 'No Bud, your mother doesn't want you to drink
more than one cup."
Bud: "But, Annie, mother-is now using Folger's Go)den Gate,
and it's so good I am sure another cup wouldn't dq any harm."
Folger's Golden Gate, is the purest and best Coffee wc know of.
We sell it absolutely on merit.
Alton S. Frey
For Christmas Gifts
1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERFECTUS" Violet in elegant silk
lined box, $2.73.
2 ounce LAZELL'S VIOLET ELECT in handsome package
1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERPETUS" In beautiful package 2.50
2 ounce "LAZELL'S" In silk lined box Sc:i.7.'.
Hl'IJ.NOT'S celebrated perfumes in odors Chrvsls.
VIOLET EAX DE ESPAGXE, White Hose. Hieiiatronc, all Id
elegant packages liTc to $l.5.
HUDNOT'S and LAZELL'S Toilet Water 50c to
PERFUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes -Joe to 50c.
CHILDREN'S PERFUMES In all odors, attractive 1 oxes 2.V.
SELECT and fine assortment of military brushes lialr,
brushes, mirrors, safety razors and manicure sets and single at
Winnie Gaddis
f tfCvy- Skylight Cornices
1 Heating Ventilating
Agent for Snell
Water Filters. Phne 2101
I Removes all im-
I purities. Roseburg Oreg'on
at greatly reduced prices, "watch our
window." All remim;its r.f wall pa
per 1-3 to 1-2 of? to make room for
new stock. A few remnants or car
pets at very low prices. On all for.r
gains the first to conn- will be the
first served. Just (jet lm-y. H. V
Strons, the Furniture Man.
II 1 A "TEKHlllI-E" T1MK.
Hut Finally Made the "Itifflu"
Uivr I'rwk Itrlilt-i' Causi- of Miu-li
"Did you abnntU'ii the idoa cf
changing Jackson at i cut In its dneu-
limi at advertised in ysiorduy a
I News?" asked our represi-iuativo of
I Ono Who Was There.
"Why, no," The One Who V'ns
There answered in -.iiiiise. "we
en Milled u uu nun 1 1 w is (, i rni .
Why wasn't you there? A real ilvo
reporter would have heon."
O u r rep resoi t a 1 1 ve i -1 u i in n ro d
sonu'thlni; about slekmj. in the tain
ily, und then asked i-r: d.-'atls.
"Do you know." The One Who Was
There besan. blow In c a thin blue curl
of tobacco smt,ke fnt 'ho air. "there
Is more to a proposition like rhat than
one would at first blush think for,
very much more. Tiuie wero things
ihat we had never considered but
I'll tell you aboiW. that as we no alontf.
The reason f-ir oi want ins1 to
change the direction of Jackson fitn-et
was because of the sheer monotony
of having It run north and Bouth
without making; much headway in ei
ther direction. It is true it did make
a little jog In another direction when
it hud to pass Mr. Merman's barn,
and for a while our hope beat high
only to be dashed to the ground again
for no sooner had It cfrcled the barn
than it went off again in a southerly
direction like a northern zephyr and
got lost somewhere out by
where the base ball park
used to he Then It could
n't go timet farther north even with
all of Mr. Creason's Alaskan expe
rience brought to bear upon It, lie
can't get it over the hill that still
blocks the way.
"So with those things In mind and
the forever monotony of seeing the
McClallen House bug make its way
up Jackson and down Cass, we
thought It best to change it.
"We had arranged to change it
with the beginning of the New Year,
as it would probably cauro less dis
turbance dining the general melee.
And as the streets are usually desert
ed at night It would ho far easier to
do when Old Man Time was hnndlng
the Little Fellow the pass key to the
j front door.
"Whita wo awaited thn birth of the
glad New Year, the little bunch of us
that could get awav fron our work
iraihered within the slnub's nf even
ing at the club, and wnilo we waited
we consorted with kings und nueens
and kept ourselves awake with va
rious trials of skill and strength one
man held a full house he was the
uost envied prize winner of (ho even
'ng. At 12 o'clock we hnd all the
vood. even to tho Inst chip, put away
when ths bells rang merrily.
"This war, our signal for changing
Tnckson street, around the compass
and every man hastened to the sta
tion assigned him. At the crack of
a pistol every man bent to his task.
At first the street moved very slowly
but. once loosened it was an easy mat
ter to put It wheie we wanted it. At
first we turned it so that the North
Jackson end headed for tho Soldiers'
Home, but much 10 out' annoyance the
Deer Creek bridge would only reach .
half way across the IJmpnua. For
tunately thosp whri Were crossing and
fell off In the middle of the river
didn't get wet."
"Didn't got wet?" our correspond
ent interrupted In surprise.
"Why. no. ' was the answer 'How
could they in a dry town?"
Then hp con'i' d: "So.. of the
bunch met so- i - f the old veterans
going out to i : Home and they ask
ed the old bo; s if they were not sur
prised to see tho streets turning
round. They pnid no. they were usc-mI
to It sometimes the street would
fly up and hit them In the face.
"You ought to have seen the fel
lows that wo sent out to guard the ex
treme ends of thy street they com"
in all covered with mud and dirt.
They said tho street went so fast that
they were dracged along much after
the manner of a can to a dog's tail.
Oh! it was a great time, everybody
enjoyed It."
"Hut the street is lust the snme
this morning as it. always was," en
representative remarked tentath -iv
"Sure, we had ' 1: It back. You
see there were so - i: things we hnd
not counted on. Mm who got in the
hnbtt of rolllii" ih . n bill home of
uigbts couldn't iv :e It. up tho new
hi'ls. and lhrr -ro lots of niln-r
kicks like tbr e might have ov r
come these ol ;- ! ms had It not been
for opm thing. One change we niiide
brought the lady who holds down the
W. C. T. 1. fountain at Main and Cass
down where the brewerv usually
staiuhi. This brought, a curious phe
nomena instead of pouring forth the
cold, raw, unstilled. uncheerful North
Jinpqun, there was a nice, rich, foamy
almost near beer flowing well you
can imagine what the consequences
would have been had we left it like
that, so we had to change poor old
Jackson back as she ran In the days
of her youth."
Then thP One Who Was There
started away, he said over his shoul
der "Say, It was great; you really ought
to have been there. Jackson Ukv
ever so much better east and west."
Hundred of Venc liefure the White
.Man Though. Such Methods W.m,
The American Indian Is tho craft
iest, moht reasoning und d -cp'ht mi
di'ti: of iKiture of all barbaric or -n.:
barb-, is p.:iplo.
lie Knows 'ii.iro nhrut ih ' re ft
of nnUir-. h 11 hiftory fli':w a r i - or
ton' h .'f nitfeiai than even the
legendp of tho By ran or Caticasion
Kspoclally interesting Is the stinly
of the Indian and his method for
curing his sick. In addition to his
wc -iiderful knowledge of plant "life
and the mixing of It to ii-iug fTtl
health concoctions, the Indian Is raid
to be tho first race to study the val
ue of mineral water baths.. I-ong tie
fore the chemists and ah hemlstH of
Europe hnd analyzed the waters of
their famous springs and found medi
cinal properties there, the North
American Indian was curing his sick
at Paso Rob Ion Hot Hprlnqs.
The old Franciscan monks, while
making their wonderful journeys,
building their missions and teaching
Christianity along the California
coast, frequently sat at tho Indian
council camp fires and heard there
he tales of a wonderful spring whenv
in to bathe was to be made free frum
These tales sonied unholy wor
ship and nonsense to the holy fath
ers, but at length they too caught the
enthusiasm of the ludiau and their
sick begun the pilgrimage to Paso
nobles (The Pass of the Oaks), so
named by those holy men. ' '
Then began a series of reports to
the papal home of tho church and to
tho King of Spain, so that early In
the rMgn of Castile over California
1 these springs were regarded as tee
ideal spot sought for by Poneo de
But aside from the romance of the
! Indian and from holy reports of the
I Franciscan minks. Paso Routes today
Is making fume for her waters by rea
son of Its wonderful cures.
Rheumatism, gout, kldnoy and
stomach, troubles disappear before
(he bth treatments nt Paso Kobles
so quickly that the citizens of Paso
Roblos claim no case can W sew. re
enough to dofont the waters from
making a cure. Tuberculosis: and un
clean diseases are not perndttMl treat
ment. Nervous women who have been
cured f all manner of female Mis.
form a continual aeries of testimo
nial proof of tho beneficial effects of
Paso Kobles springs.
Here ode meets Hie worn out la
borer praising tho waters for their
gifts to him, while nt his side perhaps
speaks tho clubman from the city,
whose living has worn down his sys
tem. Mnny health pilgrims arrive n
Paso Kobles with camping outfits and
live in tents while being cured, be
ing unable to afford the luxury of a
boarding house.
Here also are the rich in their lux
urious hotel with private bath house
and all tho especial attention they de
mand. Tho air of Paso Kobles Is as
rich and as perfect as Its, water, this
fact alone being of greatest benefit
to its curing power.
A small hook, neatly illustrated,
has been recently published by the
management telling tho story of the
Hot springs in a most Interesting man
ner and giving complete Information.
Send for It, either to Wm. McMurray.
general passenger agent of the O. R.
&. N., Portlai d. Or., or Dr. F. W.
Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, Cal.
WHEAT $1.00
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;
grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.
ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton.
STEERS- Alive, 3c lb.
COWS Alive 2c.
VEAL Dressed, 5c. lb.
HOGS Dressed, 8c; Alive 6c.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,
10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; ducks,
alive, 9 (fp 10c; dressed, 14 15c.
Turkeys, alive 17c and 18c; dressed j
20c and 21c.
BUTTER Creamery. 42 V&c lb
country, 37 c lb.
EGOS 40e doz.
POTATOES New,' lc lb.
WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c;
year clip, 24c.
HONEY -1216 c.
CABBAGE Uie. lb.
ONIONS 2c lb.
With the Dawn
of the New Year
wo wleh to take timo to extend to
all our frf'Mids and customers, who
have helped to make the closing year
the largest hnslnetiB year wo have
ever enjoyed, a Happy und Prospe
rous Now Year.
the Jeweler on Cass St.
Aflrr .Jan. 1 our More will close at
0:JlO p. in.
Ro seb u rg
South Side Cass St., Near
Lending: and bfst reitsnrsnt In th
city. None but whit people employed
Nothing but the beat in the market
erved. Give na a trial and be con
Red Tag' Clean
up Sale
At the Roseburg Book Store
The Ideal Gift Store
jOur large stock of useful articles must be reduced
by January ist. to make room for uew goods. Every
thing marked with a red tag at greatly reduced prices
i:xovct.orv:iii.v 91.34 vv.u voi,.
Werner's Knecloj)eilla, 12 vols., full
lenther binding; regular $2.50 pet
volumne, red tug sale only $l.;il
Lord l.ytton's Works, 6 vols., cloth
binding; regulur 60c per vol., red tag
snle only l!5r
Wm. M. Tlinel-ery's W.rU, 10 vols ,
cloth binding, regulitr 1 ; per vol.,
red tai? salo, only .' 117 H'
Xew Censtis Edition, full leather
binding. 5 Inches thick, 1574 pages;
regularly itellg at $8, red tag sale
John Ruskin's Works, 5 vols., cloth
binding; regular 60c per vol.; red tag
sale only 25c
Regular f 1.50 Wllllary Set, red tng
snle only HHc
Iteguiar J2.00 Military Set, red tng
salo only $1.23
(There will be no let
v iiua oivic iiaic ucguia I uruaj, LC v., 111. uiiu
continues until Saturday night, Jan. 1.
Near the Depot
Should be in every
Registered Druggists.
We Will close All Day
January Ist.
Wc deflire to thank you for your liberal
Patronage during the year just closing.
Our aim during the New Year will bo to
supply all purchasers with the best
goods for tie least money.
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Roseburg' Rochdale Company
Toilet sets Beautiful CrAft
Wood, Mirror, Brush, Coiflb
Regular $3.00 Ret, red tag snle
only $1.(50
Regular $5.00 Sot, rod tag sale
only 1(12.50
Regular $6.00 Set, red tag salo
only i(lil.00
Regular $7.00 Set, red tng sale
only ijia.SO
Regular 25c doll, red tng Sale
only 13c
Regular $1.00 doll, red tng sale
only HOC
Regular 6:c doll, 'red tng snle
only itthj
Regulur $1.75 and $2.00 dolls, red
tug sale only U8c
Regular 75o dolls, red tag uiilu
only .12c
Regular $3.00 dull, red tag sale
only $1.30
Regular $3.00 Military Set, red tag
salo only $1,150
up to the aggressiveness
Street Telephone 451