THE EVBVIXO KKWH SATI'ltHAV, HM AllV 1, 1010. THE EVENING NEWSi" HV B. W. I1ATKS INMJ HlTj ) A IL VJiXC I'T Kt'XD.A Y Bn lured uh second-elaBS mutter Nov. 5, 1109, at HuKolxirK, Ore., un dor net of jfiruh 3, lHlii, HuhucTljilion Itaton Dnily Per year by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 H-mJ-Weekly Per year... 2.00 SIX inonthB 1.00 8ATI KIAV, .l.Xl ltV "Koep mulllm;." A haj)py Now Year to you. Don't writ'j ft iy(!i any more. It's time T.orld. to get Hq tiare wi I li t he Moro jmvt;d Htiocta this year Is the stuun. Don't mule rt a dozen rcmdiitions and keep none of them. I letter make only one and stick in It. HohoIvc lo be a reader of Douglas county's UiiuUnr, nowHpaperH during 1U 1 (I Th( Kvening and Twlce-a-Wft'jk Mown, nosebui-g h.iH made a wonder fill growth In nianv wujh f'niintt the your jiiKt cloned. TIi'b I not duo to the efrortH of any hIiihIo jk'ihoii ;ia s n a would havt you belfcve. hut to n uni ted effort on the part of all the rliy's wide-awake and proKieHHlvi poi In, Let the good work bo on mid the re nulls will be even greater during 1IH0 than in the pnHt. 99 Continued from page 1.) Th'j t'mi)(iia Valley News and Uh evening edilfeu Hokph the most proH iiurou year in Its hlHlory under the proKcnt manHc.einent. Kor this fhit- teriiiB condition we owe much lo Ito'-ebuiB and Douglas countv. It will bo our effort In the future to Klve our patrons even brtler service in all IIiih than in the past and hear the banner of superiority over all other competitors fn the local field. IIK.ADKO I'OK ItOSKIU H;. 'Jo Claim Hie list ate of Her I-'athei From Tillamook. Coos Day Times: ImtlH King, n former resident of Marsh field but now of Tillamook, arrived hero today enroll I e tn HosehurK where ho noes to claim the estate that his father lias promised to nlvo him and his sister, AIIhh .May Kim;. Tho details of the offer were told fn tho Times a week or so no and tho preps accounts of it wore dm mm Intimation to reacn Kin? and Ills sister, who had thought their father was dead They havo been residing with their motlwr and step father, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. KIiir has but a faint rocollrct ion of bin rather and since he has learned that the latter Is alive in the Soldiers' Home nt Uoschuift, is i.lniost nuious to Hee his parent,- ns tho latter Is to meet Wn children. Ho will leave In tho morning for Koselxu'B. ih sim;ss ;ti iij:ki iti:. In isf inn ( linn It ( loses the Old Venr in an Appropriate M. inner. Tho lust qinrterly hiiKlntvjs meet iiiR nr tho Clnlstlnu church for .ho vnar 1flu! war, held last evening at ho church, and aside from the va rious ofl'lpiH' reportR heliiB suhmlt ted and tho Benernl condition or t lie church, from every standpoint, thor oughly discussed, officeis elected tor tho new year a progmm of unusual merit was rendered and a social time and much nienlmenl prevailed until the old year was wrung out and the new one usluMed In. After the business f evening and the program were dlHpoKed of h lunch twin seiveil In the paiiftrf of the church t'cmtrarv to the us ual custom or lenving this Important part or the evening's pleasures In the hands of the lndy nienilu-rs. it had been previously decided that the gen tlemen of the church Humid luindle this purl of the program. That thev done so In n royal manner is- evident by 111,, many expressions of satisfac tion or those who piiittelpated. Tho reports submitted show (he church to be fn excellent condition. uiiim i in it roiiMuerni inn iin mam clstanco of Jl rot her Marker ami Dro then Guim. Kor more than a year H rot her (Jtilm conducted the school at this place, both lo the satisfaction of the children and their pai-en';;. Percy Dawn, one of our lay preach ers, has succeeded Urol her Guliu and Is also meeilng with good success in I his grand work. Through all, means ahovo mention ed our church has not only changed rank in ItoKohurg, but also in the Oregon conference. The following comparison will make this clearly evident. In 1!M8 we wen; in a class of the following charges , viz: (iron wsvi lie, Gardiner, Independence, Marsh field. Klamath Kails, LaurcL vood, Woodhurn, Lents, Sheridan. In l!M)!i, we find our charge rated with Albany, Collude Grove, Ashland, Fo rest Grove. Illllrfhoro, Oregon City and the following churches of Port IhiicI, Montavlllu, Selwood and Cen tral. We have great reason today for (banking our heavenly Father for his past blessings to us as a people, uud our hearts :diould beat with the joy of anticipation as we look out through tho doord of opportunity, upon the fields already white for the haivest. Wo should also be thank ful for the success ami outlook of I ho other branches of God's great army fn this field, for H. has other sheep that are not of this fold. Dr. Ilenery Ostrom. one of America's greatest evangelists, says that we should not have our denominational fence so high I hat wo can not roach over to shake hands with on- neigh bor on the other side. Let ns all be familiar with the closing paragraph of the historical statement of our church as found In the discipline, which Ik ns follows: "The sole ohpect of the rules, regu lations and usages of the Methodist FOplscopft! chinch is that it may ful fill to tho end of time Its original di vine vocation as a leader In evun gcllzathm. In all true reforms and In the promotion of frnlermtl relations among all branches of the one church of Jesus Christ, with whom It Is a co-worker In tho spirit mil conquest of the world for the Son of God," Let us show our appreciation for past bleHsimis by moro faithful work In the ful ure. Let us so watch ami pray that we may overcome the world, the flesh and the devil L"t us live such holy lives that wo will bj a rebuke to sinners and a comfort to faints. Let us so hear witness to tho puffer Ing of Jesus that many will be led o repeiilniue Ifnd salvation, during the year. This is tho New YedrV greet ing of (he pastor lo his peoplo. speetfully snhmlited, Jus. R. Haw kins, puKtor of the Itoseburg M. 10. church. The Ladies Aid Society will abo give a free suppi r to ihe public at 7:;til p. m. A new strlnfcd orchestra under the direction of Prof, ('has A. Lot., will make Us first ap'iearance mid render (wo selections. This will he followed by the enotellc business like puslnr of t he Collage ''rove Methodist. Kpiscopari church, lie will deliver his address on tl;o sub (n't. "The Message of Ihe Church tr. Men." This service will conclude the best day in tho history of the church. VlOUX IKHSOXS '' Amos AV. Hiester, violinist at 4 Star theatre, will accept pupils 4 for violin. Especial attention to Juvenlls. Inguire at Star thoatre or phone 885. MOXKY I'OH OHKGO.V. to-date way of speaking of the kind that can t stick to terra flrinu. This ideu ui inning a couple of thousand feet In an aeroplane is nearly as dangerous as playing foot ball. H Is belter to be a spoke In the wheel of progress than the driving power In a plant that Is getting no where. Secretary of Stato Knox's hat was stolen a few days ago and there are those who fear tbe Roosevelt policies were concealed under the band. The AValker Pilot man wants a yoke of oxen. He probably figures that's about the right pace lor a country newspaperman to travel. Scientists any that tho memory fs stronger In summer than In winter. We often noticed, when younger, that a young lady's memory retained with greater tenacity a promiso of an let cream soda than it did her own prorn Iso to have you In to a fudge party. t; m:dalk xkws. Congressman Haw ley Asks for Many Appropriation!, AVashlngton, Dec. 81. Represent ative Hawley had a conference with the chief engineer regarding the do sired appropriations for Oregon Im provements in rivers and harbors. Mr. ilawley expects a favorable re commendation from the department for an appropriation of $500,000 for Coos bay, $300,000 for the Willa mette locks, and sufficient sums for the removal of bars and obstructions in the Coquille river, and that the government will co-operate with the local Interests for the Improvement of the Sillslaw bar. Mr. Ilawley to day secured the promise of Dr. Wiley that an Investigation will bo made immediately of the practice of mis branding salmon. A" great injury Is worked upon Oregon fish Interests through the misbranding of Inferior products as Oregon brands. At a meeting of western represent atives held today to consider plans for the rapid completion of govern ment Irrigation projects, Mr. Hawley submitted the draft of a measure au thorizing the secretary of the Inte rior to continue to completion the un finished projects, and the secretary of trie treasury to Issue treasury war rants, bearing 4 per cent Interest In payment of such work, warrants pay able after five and within ten years. The committee will probably frame a measure along the general lines of Mr. Hawley's plan. iniws dv AT TSTATF INSURANfF ZX Vo you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay on your moriKugB aim nam iunB mm, , easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Hoseburg, a nice acre tract j nenr town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- ou want to sell your -property .' JJ r!tlitv' Fin vnll 1 j. , n. !,. IT Do you want to insure your uuuuing in uno ui vue ucou and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKERS PERRINE, RoseburgOre. Cor. Casa and Pine St. -:- -:- E. B. PEKRINE, Notary Public TKX MII.K MOWS. 'Slit-uts nn i ic out ftiiliNhinti.-tl ttnprnv uunilK (lie yen- Inst pIitimI. K:m-Ii ilcpnrlin.MH Is In a inis.,'inus w.iv mill KN'lll'T I'l'iisivss illlllni; mill Is risimivil. A m iilii'il Iiiiti'mko In nenv iiioinluT.i hut h to tin. Siimliiv m-lnvil mill Ihi' i-hiiirh uus iiiitiiiiiiiivtl In III,, puslnr, ucv. .1. N. Mif,,iii., , ,. rliiilinuin ..r III.. iii,.,.nKl . .:. . Ii'y. ii.-iil, .1 in., si 'ih:lilv tn- r 1 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 m,ini'r In huh the wink was In lim mill, m1 mi. Al n l;ilt' hour li:ilil. siri:il tlio .i.'lll' was I llonry iiiul Win. Iivlnnit nf Olnlln woro hnsliii'su visitors In Ton Mllo rirst of tho wi-ok. Mr. ntul Mrs. Win. Irwin nro vis- it I ii k Ilii; latti'r's .cu. .Iann'8 Ilnrni's and rainlly at Camas Valloy a fiw ilays tuls wot- .Miss llci-lha rnatoa lof. Wriljirs ilnv tin Uninta l'a:,s, vll"r fho will mlonil 'diuol Sim will maid' lior lining Willi no.- n. :... Cllshlro. inntrini or llio r I'nss linspllal Mm. Mart lliisinn u.ft Miinilnv fur I'lirllninl fur a visit or muni loimtll witli ro!:illvos. -Mr. anil Mrs. J. Woslov N'owliiml finis. M. Stogi'l of Camas -alloy anil Mrs. Mao Nowlanil-Canios wonl tn Itnsnlinri; Thnrsilay. Mr. N'owliiiii' Koos lo 1'nrllanil Krldny on a lirlof linslnrss trip, wlillo Mrs. Xowland will loavo Inr (lold Mill. Orison, lo visit hor ralhor. Indw C. C. Call. Tho civil onulnoi'is for tlio Cons liny railroad havo t'stnlillshntl n "Tom City" at tlio T.-n Mllo school hollso slnro .Monday. Tin v sooin lo ho so vory aolioo Hint wo aro "alinosi airani lost thoro will ho smnot hiiiB dohm In Ihis part of llio oonntrv snniouiio of ihoso days. Mis. (Iiiv l.awson Is visit itHT tills nook with hor paronls, tl'o Scranl at Camas Valloy. m.; . Mr. h. O. Davis severely Injured his right hand last week whllo work iiiK. laeeratitiK tlie flosli on the back of tho hand und fingers, but break Inn nn bones or Injuring the sinews.. It wus a close shave, and very pain- rnl. Tho clock piven nway by John P. Dlirfeo, to the nearest Kness, was Riv en to Mrs. Wroe. Her guess being 14 days. It ran 10 days lind 20 inln ntes. Tho nearest guosH to that was Miss Applogate, her guess being 14 days und 1 hour. Remember, If you want a long running clock: go to J. P. Durfee and get a Seth Thomas. J. .1. Brands, formerly our genial recorder, but now employed by the S. P. company nt Salem, spent Christ inns In Drain, but returned on Sun day night, leaving his wife here for a longer visit witli her friends. Joe is a littlo thinner tlinn usual, but had enough and to spnre. and Is look ing very well. lie couldn't help subscribing for the Nonpareil before he left, so as to keep posted on mat ters here. Nonpareil. MOW TODAY. 1' OK SALE Cheap, a course of stonm engineering in ti.o International Correspondence school. Por partic ulars Iniiuire at tills office. djO GENERAL DRAY1NG Goods of every description moved to any part of the city. Prices ica.'crable. H. . FRENCH CLASSII'IKI) AltVKRTiSKMEXTS '.'OK SAI.K Three choice lots on Norlh . Jackson street, set to fruit. Inquire at this office. c"tf LOST. Afoiiiita"in pen "was-lost fa day, Monday, December 20, on Sheridan street. Finder will please leave at The News oilic d-tf. FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation: small house; barn 20x30; poultry, tenm and a wagon Included. Only $2500. Ad dress N., this ofllce. d31-sw-d BUILDER C. D. j .A. Y1NT A. TVD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Rosebtirn, Oregon Phone 193 I GENERAL JOBBING I I ! I We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords in' the way of Meats; and our prices you know are alwayB lowest. We handle only prime Btock. yual-. ity and quitntity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8c to I'JHiC pound. First class mutton. Teal, pork and poultry equally low.; Can't do better anywbere. Phone us your order. We deliver to auy part of the city. Cass Street MarKet LOOTS KOHLHAGEN, Prop. 107 West Cass St. Phone 191. , Free Delivery. REPAIR WORK HOWARD & MAHAN Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods in the .City The PLUMBERS and TINNERS Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON ' lost a mm oit or tiik ;i(;i:it jail A dark brown tiiflo In the mouth is neor done In water rotors. telephone an awful Illic it can't keep anything to It- THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. Wo don't sell for cost or below cost but wo will sell right at cost. If you don't believe tt, tr us nud see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you aro entitled to a chance on u nice set of Bilverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. Soo them in tho window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by Qtiy one for you will miss it D. J. JARVIS riiOI'lUKTOK. Clearance Sale Tailor Made Clothes Commencing December 18, ami continuing lor two weeks, in oider 10 reduce my Btock of bib-srsde 3 j liood p, I will make suits nt the & foliowinu grHatly reduced prices: ; $35 Suits $28.00 ! $33 Suits $25.00 $30 Suits $22.00 : For two wseke onlv. Call early If while the stork is CDumlete. BODGE The Reliable Tailor GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale cud Retail Dealers in Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cem tr, Sewer Pipe, 'Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. the imperial! l A Temperance Saloon t Phone main 0231 Olllio 1'lioue Main 3205 The hearer, soil'. Don't Ft .nd Like A Hitching Post Got move on Let the world ! know you are awake. Push your business to success or your business will push you to the wnll. Advertise 1 a j.. 1 1 Tho only ro.iMon some women ilon't wear tho trousers is lieounse of thol' ilit'orn nimlesly. Some folks onlor tliolr limlies e'e iimiioi: .Inst lo keep from Rlvlni; the ilevil his iloo. Our to luhlior's t'roiililos never np I'oar Imiuo until o run up nanlnst llio samo t'llui; nursolvos. " V. lnn.iiillo iollt!eiins" Is the up- Parcrawf Secret Service Agency pr I, - . . . We nr mute I 11 llct ( Illv! the l'i:;ii,l noil to ilo nil login- no Work (both civil il 1 in nil parts of S,.uos - - - 4 I'AltKKIt Slllierilitenilellt I 1-21(1 llcnrv Itlilu. . . . I'lllt I I. AM). (). Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot" - Roseburg i To Out Friends and Patrons: We cordially thank you for the ever increasing patronage of the the year 1 909, and trusting to merit your continued favors for 1910, we wish you a A Happy and Prosperous New Year Roseburg Furniture Co. tnpnwAV & RnnABT: t uiiunni uuunui tPROPRIETO R s . X W'v wish to thank the public for their liberal I p!tionaj;(Jamml('d us liuring the few months our estiiblishinent has been open, and solicit a further continuance of your patronage for tho ensuing year. This Is Your BUSY TlilE WE ARE TALKING . to the LADIES NOW tt The Iloli.l.iv Wrtrlr tc l,nf.,M i and there is the Xmas dinner to plan J ! for. We can relieve you of much f I woiry ami work, whirh is economy, too, you know. You'll lind all our I : J , to tie unexcelled. Orders delivered. ? ' Special orders given prompt attention. Z Dl..a ,., V,a .,. Pastry, CaKes and Bread CHURCH BROTHERS' BREAD IT'S 11 Hf tt t II t II ' M II H II H II IJl II V tt 4 OUR MOTTO: "Good goods at right prices. THE FAIR BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR Advertise II! 1 THE NEWS OFFICE Telephone 135' ! I UMPQUA BAKERY XX CASS STREET v j PHONE 351 II J J A C K S O N STREET