The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 31, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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7 if
'"f if
, iy a
J. L, fvfii i cl, of Lnlrd, Ik ri visitor In
tho clly today,
Mr. K. P. ItntMii'iH, ttS Glendnio,
1h a viKilnr In tliu flly.
"Alf. and Mrs. F J. I-'rear went to
Portl. ind thin ninmliiK to upend about
ten days with frii itds.
: HiirilH Hull, cif w.yrtlo Creek, spent
u fuw dfiyn In the elty this week at
tending btniinusH matters.
Arthur .lenkinti, of Tiller, spent a
rouplo or days In ttui clly this week
uLtonding huslnetm inuM.ei'H. (
Churlcs ItnliertH, cointy aurvoyor.
went to Myrtle Creek this nwrnliiK
where he will do considerable work
for the clly.
M. C. Miller, secretary of tho Lane
Ij'ind St. I ti'veleitnu'iit. company, has
returned from Lob AiiHou whro he
&pent Christinas with his wife.
Just ivrelved Another shipment
t.f the fnitUHiH "Lust Kwover" hos
iery, A written Kunnmto with overy
pair. Sold onlv by The Fair. tf.
County School Hiip,rlntend',nt
Thunnnr. Chaney returned Inst even
rK Trom Myrtle Creek where he
nuiit the past, few dnya visiting
S. ,1. .foiea Iuih returned from n
week'i visit wilh relatives at Med
furd find Knulc polnfr. Mr. .dnia
nH Alcdfoi d is on I he boom, bntld
inn nativity being evident on every
.lor Keimllt, nl one time nluht clerk
nt the KonelmrK hotel, panned through
Mere liiis inoinlnt; enronle from Port
end to Medford. where he iw em
doyed. ,loe has been Bpen.llnn mIh
fMyflHtnnm vaeation at pofills In the
northern part, of the hIhIo
A mw time Inlde has -wnn Isnned
bv the Southern I'uHflc rnmpuny. .the
same lo jro Into el
effect tomorrow, .Inn-
uii iv 1.
The most Important eh nice
vurs In the running time of the
"SluiHla Limited " The limited will
nrrlve here northbound r.t 7:35 a.
m., hiMlend of nl l!-:t p. m., at hits
not Bilie.lnle, No change Is made In
the 'Miention of the train nonth
!ionnd Train No. 1 I will arrive nt
'2:1 ft o'clock In the moinhm ami
leave at. 2:ItO o'c'oek, " minutes Inter
than r.l prent, Train No. If. smith
limmd. will arrive at ! o'clock n. m.
nnd leave at 4:20 a. m. Train No
III. Bontlibonn I, will irrlvo at 9 o'
rlnrk n. in. and leave at ft: 15 n. in.
Under tbe pre-t.-nt schedule this train
arrives nt S:-I5 a. in. and leaves nt
U nVleck a. in. Train N'o. I". smilh
Imtind, due hero al a::i!i p. m. will ar
rive pre at fl: 10. o'clock In the after
tiotm and l"ptirt DO mlnnles later.
Trains N'o. Hi and IS will operate the
wamo as under tiie iircsenl schedule
I have it now, ;i sweeping compomul that will
in ct tin." most oxactllig requirements. It is cheaper
tlmn you have leeu usins; as it has loss sand in it
ami consequently lighter. It will not harm the
finest rug or carpet. It wilt take up all dust from,
wo. id floors or covered floors. Unless ilos are very
dirty il 'in 1,0 sei' ore than once, again reducing
cot. Itetails at 5 cents per pound Hut that you nuy
Know how it does its work I will give you a sample
HirliKO if you will bring this adv. with you. "The
man with an axe to grind," and this time, I want to
know how many of Mr. Hates' readers sec my adv.
F. H. Churchill
The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll be apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do ia well done
whatever we buy ia well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes 8atisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
lind that the best is ulways hdre.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein lilock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. Every
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your M mey refunded or a new
r nit in return.
Remember quality is the true
Ntest of cheapness, lty o ir good
'l,.tl,., l,ll ,, IIS
V. O. Hill, of Wilbur, wuh a vis
itor in tho city yesterday-.
John Rates, tho Happy Valley
farmer, is n visitor in the city today.
Km nk Chase,, of Wilbur, spent
yesterday In the. city visltliiK friends.
Howard Calkins, deputy county as
sessor, was confined at his home yes
terday with ItlneFfl.
D. B. Hunt, of Oakland,, In spend
Iiik ft few duye In tho city attending
business matters.
(iolnw. koIiik. "t quit Rone! Poul
try men come for free copy of Con
Key's fifie Poultiy Hook. Mnrstors
I)rn conipany. 1 1 Osw
Deputy Sheriff Andrew Marker is
spendhiK a few days at'Tortland vis
it ins friends. Ho will return home
Mond'iy evenlr.jf.
(Jiiy Neiiimr r'eturnod o Olendale
'his mornini; afler Bpendlng n few
davs nt. the home of his pareiTts, Mr.
and Mrs. Cieorse Neuner.
DoiiKlas County nreameryt Butter
tho best on the market ft home
piodnct, 90 cents a roll. Patronize
homo Industry and Rot tho best. tf
Howard (irnen nnd Alivn Weaver
wero mai rled at Ihe home of A. Wea
ver,. n-M'.r Mvrtle Crci-k, mi December
L'fl. J. L. ltovle, justice of tho peace,
W. A. Clark and wife, of Mlchlnan.
nrriveil here last-eveninK to spend a
few iluvs vIsiliiiK at the home of their
(humbler. Miss Cert rude. Clark, a
teacher in the local public schools.
County Clerk Kdward Lenox has
received a notice lo Oio effect that
road district. No. 54, "Winchester, lev
led a special mad tax of 3 mills nt. a
road eleclion held a few days since.
Th quarterly Inspection of local
Company D., O. N. (L. :jccund at
thi Armorv last evenlittc. Captain
Harrv T. Slocum acted as Inspecting
officer. A larue crowd was present
and all seemed to enjov the occasl m.
Demity Sheriff Mortenson, of
fJli-ndale. returned home this morn
iMK aTter attending business matters
in thf. city. Mr. Mortenson reports
C.lendale very quiet aloiiK criminal
lines, few crtmcs nf consequence hnv
Iiik been called to the atientlon of the
offlceiK durlim the past lew months.
The residents of Kdenbower have
petitioned the Oregon railroad com
mission for a sidetrack, the same to
be constructed by the Southern Pa
cific comnaiiv as r.oon as possible.
The netltloneia .allege that they are
entitled to the concession Inasmuch
:s considerable freight Is shipped
from that vicinity annually. In the
nast Ihoso wishliutn ship produce
htive been obliged (o haul It tn th
E E-
Frank Wing, of Deer Creek, Is a
I vlBltor In the city today.
I William ICmory of Coled Valley, 1b
a visitor in Ihe city this afternoon.
Mm. Fletcher has sold his resident
1 In the Grove to a party from tho Cali-
I Thv. officerB and clorkB at the court
I hoiiKo are reeeiviiiR their monthly
i checkH today.
I lohn I.. Itowo and Martha Haines
i 'vpre marled at FJkton on December i
I 25, Rev. W. K. Kldenour officiating, j
i Sheriff Feiilon Is bpendlng the dav ,
! nt points In the northern part of the !
; county, where he Is attending matters
connected with IiIb official dutfes.
Jack Wilson, of Canyonvlll, has
closed negotiations for the purchase
of tho DeVnnoy property, comprla'ng
lots numbered 1 f and If!, and Hltuat
ed In Railroad Addition.
MIbs Auuusta Hrown, of Riddle,
underwent vn operation at Mercy hos
pital this morninir. The operation
was performed by Dr. Seely nnd the;
patient Is now on the road to recov
ery. Mrs. G. Bowie, of Lelnnl, who has
been confined at M' rev lirspltaldui-
Ing tho past tew weeks will return f
home tomorrow mrr-Triasr. While aw
tho hospital sho was under tho enre
of Dr. Sothor.
Tho county court will .meet In reg
ular nuarterly session Wodnffdav
' morning. Considerable business Is
i slated for disposition owing to the
j numerous, road matters now liefore
j tho com t.
i J. O. N'ewlnnd has filed a suit in
I tho lo'tal Justice cdurt atrolnst Z. At-
Ion. The ncMcn If brought to recover
. the sum of $25,90, alleged to be dor
for merchandise Bold flie defendant
I by tho nlalntlff.
For Men. There is no bctor shoe
j made than tho celebrated, "J. 13.
I Tilt." which is to be found nt the
! MlHlkln Shoe Store. And for heavy
wear there Is nothing equal to the
'United Workman Shoe." dt-f.
.Mrs. Corr.utt. of Riddle, was ope
rated on at Mercy hospital this morn
ing by Drs. Set her and Stewart. She
Is now improving nnd will he moved
to the homo of Mrs. Oreen tomorrow
morning, nt which plnce she will ro
mnlu until able to return homo.
Mrs. T. .1 Powers, of Glendalo, un
derwent a very difficult operation at
Mercy hospital this morning. A large
tumor weighing in the neighborhood
of :tn pounds was removed from her
ibdomen. Drs. Sether and Stewart
performed the operation and the pa
tient is now resting as easy as could
be expected.
Don't fall to g"t on of those sou
venir calendars for 1910. combined
with a choice collection of select nun-
tat ions fron'your Rosobvrg friends. J
arranged1 hv the ladies or the f irs:
Preshvtertan cnurcn and now on sale
at tho RoseViurg book store, IJellows
dry goods r-tore and Mrs. Kaston's
grncerv store. Price 35 ct-nts.
Couutv Ch-rk Kdward Lenox reclv- j
nd mcss:i;es from Wilbur and Can-1
vonville late this afternoon, the sub- j
ptnnc- of which wns to the effect that .
the former town which comprhes
district No.' 23 levied a sneclal rond
tax of 2 mills, while Canyonvllh',
comptislmr rnnd (Ustrlct Xo. 4H, lev
ie1 a sltuHar tox. llros. who have conducted a
hnrher shop for tome time on North
Jackson slrcet. have sec u red the room
nt. i:; Sheddan street, where they
have op-'iid in for business, believ
ing that the latter place ,1s a nr'ch
better location for them. They will
be glad to greet all old friends ir
their new quarters, as well as many
new ones.
Everyone Is Invited to turn out to
morrow morning to witness the novel
feat of changing Jackson street, so
as to run east nnd west instead of
north and soufh as at undent. One
of the chief parties Interested In the
ovont said to a News representative
ihls afternoon. "We have nothing for
publication further lhan the fact that
we wl?h c veryoiie to.turn out and wit
ness the feat."
Dr. K V. Hoover wns called to
Olalla y'sterdav to attend W. I,. Wa
iroivr who is suffering from n severo
attack of paralvsis. It appears that
the patient was returning home In
company with his wife, when he sud
denly fell bv the roadside, apparent
ly dead. He was picked up and car
ried home- when he regained suffi
cientlv to show evidence of life Dr.
Hoover has hopes of a complete re
covery. II. C. Harris nnd S. O. Rrown. of
Portland,, jut comnleted a most
astonishing trip fVom Portland to
Oakland in a new lit 10 model Auburn
automobile of -10 horsepower capa
city. The trip' was mnde through the
nuid bv wav of Pass Creek canvon
and over Rice Hill. , This the first
time an automobile has operated
soulh of Salem during the winter
months. In connection with thelrln
it. also mlirht be said that tho roads
in the vicinity of Hice hill are worse
this yar than ever hefnre owing to
the road work duriuu the past sum
mer. In fact. It Is said that the roads
are in such n condition that mnnv
.teams have been unable to pull a
wagon, hut notwithstanding such fact
the automobile milled through in n
manner which not orlv astonished hut
ecitd Mie natives along tho rout.e.
No hreMi down was encountered en
route, but on the contrffrv the tonr
imr tar made the trip with apparent
enn. The machine will be shlpned to ;
Portland t'-is evenlnir wbeiv it will;
be exhibited at the automobile show;
which occurrs at that citv. wi'.hln a ,
few days.
ihii.v u I-: i iiioi! i;i:i'nii'
V. S. W'ciither Iturcan. local otlipe. :
llOBeluiru. Oregon. 24 hours Ending i
r. a. in.. Pec. .11. 1 !on : i
Precipitation in inches-and hun-i
Mavilnuni lenipernturt :.. ;
Miniintim temperature . . t "7 '
Precii'itMtlon 1.0G j
Total preetp. incv first of month S.Nti ,
years rt. 1 4
Art;, precip. f( r tills lr.onth for 3- !
yettts 6.14
Tnttil precip. from Sep. 1. 1:1119 to !
. dale 17.17 i
Vvk. precip. fnrtn Sep. 1. 1 ST 7 1.4'i4.j
Ttt'al excess deficiency from Sep. 1.
190i 3.1.1 !
Avu. precip. from Seiv 1. 1S77 13.31 ,
sensons (Sep. to May Inc.) 3.1.00;
Ohsoiver. i
Teacher Ktrnw Vote Proves Kugene
i'rofcKsur. favorite.
Salem, Or., Ic. 30. The teach
eu of Oregort have chosen L. tt. Al
dei'inan tor state buperimendent,
March ID of this year, Charles H.
Junes editor of the Oregon Tleach
ers' Montn.y. sent out regular lot
tors lo each of the county superinten
dents asking thorn to nominate candi
dates tor state school superintendent.
Th superintendents responded gen
erally and the following candidates
were named:,!.,. R. Alderman, of Ku
gene; K. D. Resslf-r. of Corvallis;
. J. Churchill, ol Raker City; R, F.
Robinson, of Portland; and P. I.
Campbell, of Eugene. Mr. Jones took
thesu Candida till as u basjs for u
'straw vote," and in the January
number of tho Oregon Teachers'
Monthly will make Ihe followli.g an
nouncement: "The Oregon Teachers Monthly's
ftraw voting confesc for state school
superintendent closed t December J5.
AKogether 1609 votes'were cast and
each county In the state was repre
sented oxceot Curry and Tko. The
votes were fairly well distributed and
the following are the results ohtuin
od: U R. Alderman. 91 tl; E. D
Reasler, 218; R. F. Robl'inm, 1S2;
P. U Campbell,1 139; A. J. Chirch'Jl,
101; Ecnttering, 53. The candidates
in no way have taken ny special In-j
terest In tho mattet. So far as we!
know,' no solicitation or pressure by)
them has been brought to bear uponi
any of the teachers. T!'o candidr-frs'
were all wcil knewn to 11"; taeh""i."
L. R. Alderman, associate rrofea- (
sor of education In the University of
Oregon, who wins in tho straw
votn contest by the teachers of the
itate, received over fon; times as
ninny votes as his nearest 'compel Uor.
The prevent siijierintendent., I. A.
Acltfrman, who will nav had 12
years of sncceF3f"l work fn the office
and is not n candidate for re-r lection.
Mr. Alderman w3 torn in Yamhill
countv 37 years ago of a pioneer fam
ily He attended the Davton public
school and later was p. nudent at Mc
Mlnnvllle college. While then he
represented his college in the first In
tercollegiate oratorical contest . He
entered the University of Oregon in
the fall of 1 Sy 5 and graduated in
June, 1818, with an A. .B. degree.
Me was a hard student, an able dona
tor ard, was honored by being elected
president of the student body.
Afteu graduating ho tanght school
in Hafsey and Brownsville. In Linn
countv, and was then elected vice
principal of the schools of McMinn-;
vllfe. Next year ije was elected prin
cipal, which position ho he'd for three
In 1904 he was elect d superin
tendent if schools for Yamhill coun
tv. While in this position ho started
the school fair, to bring the 8'hools
and homes closer together. Under
his lead(rshli) 15u0 children had
home gardrps and over 500 girls
made In cad every Sa tarda v under
the IrstrncHor of their motlKrs.
In tho spring of 1907 Mr. Alder
man was elct tetl super I liter dent o-f
the city schrols of V.ugeue. While In
this position he started many kinds
of industrial work and also got t ho
co-optration of his teachers, pupils
and parents, so that the school hoard i
raised his salary ar.d offered him a ;
three year contract, but two state i
schools offered him a position He!
iccepted the nositlon he now holds i
in tho stato university. 1
He n man of vigorous health and
has a strong personality, and broad
HAY UA.N'Cfl Bllo acres; all level
- nicndow; no st'inips. hrush. ir
" stlrkv soil; railway station, post
office, school and stores with HO
rods nf tho rnnph; cuts 500 tons
red top and wild hnv but has nev
er been 8( edod. ood cllmatp. nnd
ail fruirS do fine: 1700 feet elpva
tlon. and lies in Kootenai Valley.
'Idaho. Prico $30 the acre: will
accept Oregon property to $ r,0tn, :
cash and terms on bal. A. W.
firppn. News office. Rnpebnrc. I
' R. M. 15RUJIFIHM -
Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg.
M Phone 1301 Roseburg, Or., &
if Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12. 2 "to 4.
i Phone 1283.
Roseburg ... Oregon.
. '
J. R. CHAPMAN. I). I). S.
Dentist .
i,s Hours 9 a. ni. to o p. m. Tel-
:! ephoneJ141. Abraham Bldg.
Residence Phone 140G. a
Roseburg, Oregon.
Gl J. HACHKlt, I). M. 1.,
Abraham Roseburg. i
Building. Oregon. j
I II I ffl I .I ;i .if..
I'h.vsiiijuis nnd SurutMins
Ofttce Lower tloor Douglas Co
Pnnk lildp., cornor Main and
Oak streets. Phone 771.
KosoburK. Oregon.
Physician anil Surgeon H
Ofllre. Main St., One Door Souih
of City Hall. Phone 341. l
4 Uoteburg, Oregon. i1
t Physician and Surgeon. 4
$ Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31.
Rose burg, Oregon. .
. e
i Women's and Children'!
' DlseastiB. :J
it Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., t to 4 p.
01. Phones Office, 1711, Res.
1721. MarBters Block, next to
4 Douglas County Bank Bldg.
i R seburg. Oregon.
' - Attorney-At-Ijiw.
i! Will practice In nil State and
& Federal Courts. Office in Marks $
Building. Roseburg, Oregon. $
' .
Notary Public. Rooms 6 and
tf 7, Marsters BulldlDg. . i
Roseburg, Oregon
Now Done at the
Rochester Mill!
3 Miles West of Sutherlin and OaKland
I The Luse Land & Development Co., I
1 .LTD.
2 J. Herstein Miller Phone 26XX-5
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning'
J North JacKson Street,
WorKs. Telephone '2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
t Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finisb Lurul cr
Doors and Windows of all Kinds. '
Vrdson Lower Oak Street.
' 'Phone 1411
I .
This is the claim made by all who send their
!-S washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get
l thi's result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
:S is not treated in a severe manner very much to
1 1 the contrary -'-it is handled in the inost approved
: manner all tho latest and most modern macliiii
ery is at our command to do your work in a most
trorouj;h manner.
tS ,
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
5 Jackson Street - -
A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson
tt Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co.
3 Bank Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon.
ft -
f; Attorm-ys-At-Law. ,
ft s '
Taylor & Wilson Building.
Roseburg, Oregon.
iV Attorney-At-Iiaw.
it Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co.
; Bank Building.
4 Roseburg, Oregon. i
, ' w
Notary Public. Abraham Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Read The Evening News for news.
adjoining Peoples Marble
Fill Your House
with t iff ti t no 'houtae !b modern
without electric liiihts. Thotinh we .
can wire 4,auy old" building, the
beat work is when the bouee is beinx '
constructed. We are always ready ',
to give an accurate estimate and to'
guarantee the beat work.
315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or '