The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 31, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Red Tag' CI
It is our ambition to leave no thumb prints nor
torn edges on this pew page. Therefore be it resolved:
That during the coming year it shall still be our con
stant effort to put out only the best g'oods and' thus merit
the continued patronage of our old customers who have
been loyal to us during' the past year, and as many new
ones as would appreciate trading at a clean,' square
dealing grocery store. Start right by giving us a call.
Phone 2381
Geoi'KO Neuner has received a let
ter from Tom Richardson, of Port
Wd, the substance of which Is to the
effect that Roseburg will not be hon
or tied by a session of the Oregon De
velopment Congress until such time
us the merchants co-operate And visit
the Bitrrotindincr country with n vhAv
A Merry Christmas and Happy New
Yeaf to Our Many Patrons.
Bud; "Say, Annie, give me another cup of Coffee."
i Annie: "No Bud, your mother doesn't want you to drink
more than onj cup." ;
Bud: ' Buf, Annie, mother !s now using Folder's Golden Gate,
and it's so good I am sure another cup wouldn't do any harm." ft
Folger's Golden Gate is the purest and best Coffee we know of.
'e sell it absolutely on merit.
Alton S. Frey
For Christmas Gifts
1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERFECTUS" Violet in elegant Bilk
lined box, 2.7 5.
. 2 ounce LAZELL'S VIOLET ELECT In handsome package
1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERPETUS" In beautiful package 2.150
2 ounce "LAZELL'S" In Bilk lined box $:l.7.-.
HUDNOT'S celebrated perfumes in odors Chrvsis.
VIOLET EAN DE ESPAGNE, White Hose, Hioliatrone, all Id
elegant packages i!."c to $1.."o.
HUDNOT'S and LAZELL'S Toilet Water 0c to
PERFUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes 2,"c to fiOr
CHILDREN'S PERFUMES in all odors, attractive 1 oxes ar.o.
SELECT aud fine assortment of military brushes liair,
brushes, mirrors, safety razors and manicuro sets and singlo at
:::..' .'.
Winnie Gaddis
Agent for Snell
Water Filters.
Removes all imparities.
of enthufrlnt; the inhabitants with the
spirit of progress. Mr. Richardson
sa'3 that Rcseburg ie hut an Incident
in the development of Oregon, there
fore he urges its citizens to get busy
that they may enjoy the benefits de
rived from diligent and conservative
Skylight Cornices
Heating Ventilating
Phone 2101
Paintings That Haye Done the
Work of Detectives.
Instances of WherV tho Canvas of an
Artist Led. to a Confession of Guilt.
A Woman's Portrait and .a Stolen
Diamond Ornament.
'Afa artist who had suddculy become
almost famous by his production of o
paint In j; exhibited ut the lioyul acad
emy was one day called upon by n
man whoso visit wan productive of tho
most extraordinary and undreamed of
Tho picture represented a lonely
stretch of beach, upon which the sea
was beating In long, creamy rollers. In
the foreground, bending over u dead
body, was a man with a wild expres
sion on his face and with a naked
knife iu his hand. A ship's boat, evl-J
dently Just benched, was also In the
picture, and by the side of the mur
dered uinn was a bag of gold. The pic
ture portrayed tho advent of two cast
aways upon a friendly shore. The one
had murdered the other so that the
treasure might be his.
The painter's visitor was a grny hair
ed, wild eyed man.
"Iu heaven's name, sir," he gasped
out. "how did you lenrn the dreadful
story that you painted? 1 see you
know all. I murdered my muto Hill to
get the money that was tils. I threw
(hls body into the sea, I don't know
wnat impulse leu me to tiie acnuemy.
Tho first thing I saw was your picture
representing the scene that took place
thirty years ago."
Needless to say, the picture had been
the outcome of Imagination. Vet mur
der will out. aud the guilty conscience
of the man who had killed his comrade
for lust of gofd had convinced him
that the painting was no coincidence,
but was Indeed the actual portrayal of
a dastardly and unwitnessed crimes
There is probably no ii-ruiv letter
known in Knglaud than "Jtn Doctor,"
by Luke Kilties, yet there are proba
bly very few people aware of the fact
that that selfsame masterpiece was the
means of bringing to light the per
pet radon of a crime that would other
wise never have been known.
A certain doctor in n large towu com
m it ted suicide, and among his papers
was a letter which ran as follows: "I
have today seen Luke Tildes' 'Doctor.'
The picture represents u medical mau
watching by the bedside of a Child. It
has so haunted me that 1 am going to
take away my own worthless life aud
make a coufessiou at the same time.
When Arthur's" bis brother's "boy
died 1 came into money that my dead
brother had Retried on him. lie died
as all the world .thought of acute pneu
monia. Yet Ids life might have been
saved had I acted, ns Tildes' 'Doctor'
is so evidently doing, with the use of
.all thet skill that lay In my power. I
hastened the boy's eud and so got the
money. I can bear It no more."
A well known artist was commission
ed to paint the portrait of a lady In ex
alted circles win li 'stcd the posses
sion of a 'mo-TUi.; ,ue ewel In the
form of a pom.. i. it. The lady was very
anxious that liiio heirloom should be
included In her portrnit. The nrtlst, of
course, compiled with her request,
Shortly after the painting had been
completed u daring burglary was per
petrated, with tlie' result fhat the lady
lost her heirloom, and no trace of tho
thief or thieves -was forthcoming.
Years passed by, nnd the lady gave up
all hope of ever seeing the precious
heirloom again.
Now, It so happened that tho artist
who bad painted the portrait of tho
lady mentioned had occasion to travel
in India.
In the course of IiN wanderings be
t came to Bombay a .d. us every visitor
I to that place does, strolled through the
i native bazaar.
I Suddenly his .mention was riveted
' by a piece of wi-iry in a Jeweler's
j shop that UiniVar to him. It
' was a diamond and ruby pendant
i Where had he seen it before? Ho run
i sacked his brain, but could not remeui
' ber.
lie returned to his hotel and hap
pened to take from his portfolio a
sketch of the portrait he hod mado
years ago of the lady with the petulant.
In a moment the enigma .was solved.
The piece of Jewelry he had seen was
the peculiar-pendant that his fair sit
ter bad been so anxious he should lu
cludo in his portrait. , .
lie hurried off to the chief of police
and told that worthy what he suspect- j
ed namely, tlmt the bnznar ho had
visited contained the long lopt jewel )
of the English lady. Inquiries were at
once set on foot with extraordinary re- i
suits. The Jeweler in the bazaar con- j
fessed to having given years ago a
quite Insignificant sum for the Jewel, j
which he had bought from a stable- '
man In the employ of a neighboring I
rajah. The stableman was sought for ,
aud turned out to be none other than j
a famous English cracksman who had
apparently turned honest but who. i
nevertheless, confessed to having been
the thief of the Jewel jjhat had been
bo miraculously discovered. I'earson's
Money In Moving Picture.
"I am going to embark In some sort
of business and want to know wbetber
you think tlicre Is much money In
moving pictures?"
"There was for a fellow who moved
a. half down of oors." ald the Hot
dweller. ''He charged us $10.M St.
Louis Star.
Genius begins great works; labor
alone finishes them Jcrabert.
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;
grain. $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.
ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton.
STEERS- Alive. 3c lb.
COWSAHy 2&c. t
VKAL Dressed, 6c. lb.
HOGS Dressed, 8c; Alive 6a
SHEEP 3 c.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,
10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; ducks,
alive, 9 OA 10c; dressed, 14 15c.
Turkeys, alive 17c and 18c; dressed
20c nnd 21c.
BUTTER Creamery, 42 Q lb.
country, 37 c lb.
KOGS-MOe doz.
POTATOES Now, lc lb.
WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c;
year clip, 24c.
HONEY 12 He .
CAB1J AGE 1 Jic. lb.
ONIONS 2e lb.
TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms
Inquire at 603 Mill street. tf.
FOR RENT Store room on Jackson
street. Inquire Mrs. H. Easton. tf
"OR SALE Three choice lots on
North Jackson street, set to fruit.
Inquire at this olYice. d-swtf
TO RENT. A very desirable seven
rocm house. ' Inquire at No. 345
Pine street.
LOST. A fountain pen was lost to-
day, Monday, December 20, on
' Sheridan street. Finder will please
leave at Tho News office. d-tf.
FOR SALE 10 acres fine land,
mile from town; 2 acres orchard;
all under cultivation; small house;
barn 20x30; poultry, team und a
wagon Included. Only $2500. Ad
dress N., this office. d31-sw-d
Legal advice free. ' Collections &
Solicited ,
tt Room 1, Marsters Bldg.
Roseburg, Ore.
Osteopathia Physician &
i'? Chronic diseases a specialty. &
Graduate of the American
School of Osteopathy Klrksville,
Mo. Under-founder of science i'?
Dr. A. T. Still. .
1 Office Abraham Bldg.
it Phone 1691 Roseburg, Ore &
A. S. HUEY, " ' " ' 1
: , Oiitomctist '
ft Cass Street
Fl,rst Door East Telephone office "
X , '
With the Dawn
of the New Year
wo wIbU to take time to extend to
all our friends and customers, who
lnwe helped to majte tho closing year
(he largost buninoH8 year we have
ever enjoyed, a Happy and Prospe
rous, New Year.
the Jeweler on Cass St.1
, . e l
AfliT Jnn. 1 our store ill ( lose ut j
. Restaurant
South Side Cass St., Near ;
, Depot. j
Learilnff and ht refttsurant in the
city. Nooe bnt white psopla employed
Nothing bnt the best in the market
served. Give at a trial and be con
At the Roseburg Book Store
The Ideal Gift Store
i " '
Our large stock of useful articles must be reduced
by January .ist. to make room for new goods. Every
thing marked with a red tag at greatly reduced prices
i:xcvcix)Im;iia i.:u ri:n voi,.
Wernor'B Rnryclopedin, 12 vols., full
leather binding; mKulnr $2.50 nor
volumne, red tag salo only Ifl.ill
l.t)l!l liV'ITOX'S AVOKKS
Lord Lytton'H Works, & vols., cloth
lilndlni!: rcBiilnr 60c per vol., red tK
salo only 1 -t'
Wm. M. Thackery's Wurkrf, 10 vols ,
cloth binding, regular $1 per vol.,
red tag salo. only HI He
N'ew Cenauai Edition, full leather
bludliig. 5 Inches thick, 174 pages;
regularly colli- at $8, red tag Bale
only r $:i.25
John Ilusliln's Works, 5 vols., cloth
binding; regulnr 00c per vol.; red tag
mln only '. IW
Regular f.1.00 Military Set, red tag
sale only -.
Uegulnr $2.00 Military Sot, red tug
salo only t.i!5
There will be no let up to the aggressiveness
of this store.' Sale begins Tuesday, Dec. 28th. and
continues until Saturday night, Jan. 1. ' ' '
Near the Depot . Cass Street Telephone 451;
Should be in every
( ,
Registered Druggists.
We Will close All Day
January Ist.
Wc desire to thank yoit for your liberal
Patronage during the yc;ir just closing.
Our aim during the New Year will bo to
supply all purchasers with the best
goods for the leaBt money.
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Roseburg' Rochdale Company
Toilet sets Beautiful Craft
Wood, Mirror, Brush, Comb
Regular $3.00 Bet, red tag snlo '
only 1.50
lingular $5.00 Sot, red tag sale
only ii.50
Regular $6.00 Set, red tag sale
only iii.s.00
Regular $7.00 Set, rod tag sale
only ,. 3.BO
Regular 25c doll, red tag Sale
only IBc
Regular $1.00 doll, rod tag dhle
. only 150c
Regular 65c doll,' red tag Balo
only i...;il)o
Regular $1.75 and $2.00 dollB, red
tag salo only 08c
Regular 7 Go dolls, red tag nalo
only -l-c
Regular $3.00 doll, rod tag Bait!
only 1.50
Regular $3.00 Military Sot, red tag
salo only...-