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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
THR KVKNINO NKWB KltlUAV: ItWEMIlKIt 81, IfNMI. THE EVENING NEWS , , , 11V U. W. BATES Kutorod aa Becoud-claHS mutter , Nov. 5, 1D09, at Koseburg, Ore., uu dor act o i.arch 3, 187&. Huhscriptlon Hates Dull Per year, by mini $3.00 Pw mouth, delivered 60 Hcml-Wifkly Por yoar... $2.00 8lx mmitlm ;1.00 A I)(;i.k;u i i 1 1- twk. IKIMAV, IH CMIICK IIIOU. j Many men are rltit and Mill get Knoi-ltors Hhoiild he O-slIerized nny ngo. Whon a man kw tollins; wlijit ho Ib i(olni to di wj fori luclin (1 to Blurt )ii in on lh'! ua v.itu u UtirV asalHtajice In thj roar. Some di'lvora iiUn the jnyHtrii?i or tho evolution of man now tli:l:.i ui;it lh human rat'i oi'Irinally mu,nn '.lie hi ll'.r form of tn i. 'ihoifj are a (t-w "flileks" Iff to bear out the theory. An Oregon City woman lu aning nor husband for divorce, the principal reanon aHHftiiFfl in tiie complain bc-iiiK tliat the partner of her joya and sor rows refuses to talk, and la in no way companionable. It Jh not atnted. but perhaim the husband has had no op portunity of talking An excellent law, which (a belni; tried out for tho first lime thin year, is tho taxing of water power proper ties in the state The law permit h the levying of a two dollar tax per homo power, but thin year, an a stal er, a general levy of twenly-flve cents was made, and from this about ?2.r00 will be realized. Wo helleve lUto be an excellent measure, will bring the public fonio return for the uho, by corporations, of these utilities, An Illustration of the evil effects of uncurbed corporation power Is seen In the attempt of tho Washingipi Water Power company, of Spokane, to use certain overflow privileges ob tained from the government to the dc Iriment of farmers along tho St. Joe nntl Cotur d'Alono rivers. Hy rais ing the company's dam at Post Kalis, for the purposo of establishing m ire power fcr ealo to the public, thou sands of ncres of the finest timothy lands In the world will be overflowed and rendered worthless. And strange to say a penult for this nefarious ulece of work has been obtained from the government. Farmers are bend lug every energy to prevent the com pany from carrying on the work, hut it may take years to accomplish its defeat. Contractor Worthhigton Keen the Bights f Portland. Tho following communication was received by The KveiiJng News from a former HoBeburg citizen, George Onham, of Portland, yesterday. The article is a synopsis of Contractor Worth lug ton's trip to Oregon's me tropolis, giving in a concise manner a few of the numerous objects which presented themselves during hi brief sojourn. In explanation It might ho said that Contractor Oraf tou Worthlugton, at one time a mem ber of the city council, rind former City Attorn'-y Frank O Micelll spent last Wednesday at Portland, such be ing the former's initial visit to Ore gon's metropolis. In traveling about the city the enllemen met George Clrahum and the following poem , is the result : i I'h'Ht Time in 20 Yearn, lit. had mustered up great courage, ' he had banished air his fears, Me bid hfs loved ones all good bye, their eves filled up with tears As lit rttarted off for Portland, the fiist time in twenty years The train ride he enjoyed much more than tongue can tell And every two or three minute he'd say. "Oh Frank, this is swell; I hope- God in his wisdom lets me live to see (he day When we'll have a 'Shasta Limited' between Itoteburg and Coos Pay." They landed si fe at the Union depot, th crush whs Foiaething great. Ho held fast to Micella's hand when coming through the gate. There was a str lmr of autos; the chef- feitrs all nnde a fuss. Ho says "No th'ink you, Scott y, I'm used to McClallail's bus." VIOIJV LKBSOXS Amos W. Hiester, viollIsr nt Star theatre, will accept punlU for violin. Kspecial attention to juvenils. Inguire at Star theatre or phone 885. MUST EAT MOltK MEAT, Or Kboe Leather Will Ik-come Higher Priced. ' OAKI.AM ITKMS. Mr. and Mrs. fi. A. Taylor and Judge and Mrs. Frank Iteurx'tl and son of Portland, enjoyed a portion of the holiday season with relatives in and near this city, Hev. W. S. Smilh has soUl his farm near this city to William Arnold recent urivai from Idaho. Mr. Smith and family will remove- to Newport for the present. Wednesday evening a party was Klven at the residence of Hon. and Mrs. A. F. Stearns In honor of their son and daughter. Fdwin and Miss Esther Stearns. We are unable ulvo a list of invited guests, but. are pleased to learn this was one of the most pleasant events or inn season James II. Uearling as usual receiv ed n. lariif fruit cake from his moth or In llesnler, Ontario. She is now 70 years old and enjoying good health. Her mother ! years old. Is still uulte active and doubtless as- HlHled In making the Christmas cake for her Illustrious grandson. Mrs. Ivan Hope writes frhmds that. she hnd a narrow escape from drown lug while crossing a stream going to Alhanv. Sbo nays people near oak land are tint compelled to swim their horses lu order to go to town. Mrs. Hope also says the climate In houglas "on tit v suits Iter much better than the Willamette Valley. The Hop0 family will return home befoie very long. Monday afti rtuon,,l)r. P-vgc as In Ptalltng officer and Hon. Carl St verts, as acting grand master, Install ed the following of l leers of Oakhiml Masonic bullet James II. I eaiilii. worshipful master: A J. Hear, se nior .warden; 1. 'H. Vernon, .junior warden: ( I.. Chennworlh, secretaiy: Frank (lorrell, t renin rer : Dr. It. 10. Hunt, senior deacon: Grover Moore, junior deacon; lion. Carl Selverts, m iilon steward: A. M. Arms! mini:, lu ll lor Me ward ; J . .1 . For ber, t y ler. Owl. -- Henry K'Itjhi was fr 'r -n Oak Creek y.'.sientii . DONT liWGwK Come Right In and our templet of timely print hop thingi Chrittmaa Cards, Invita tion, Menu Card, Calendars, every thing you can think of for social or commercial use. THE NEWS OFFICE Telephone 135' He Ho wouldn't even lake tho car. said, "I'd rather walk. Then we o.-in take In all the sights and hevo a friendly talk." Ho started out right then to give me all the Uoseburg news When dowr ho wont," flop, on the ground, he had hob nails in hfs yhoes. He was Impressed with all the build ings be saw towering to tho sky, And remarked, they hadn't built any yet In Itos-diurg, quite po high He says If they keep building up the time is coming soon When we can communicate with the man up in tho moon. We took the car to Portend Heights and viewed tho council crest. lie ssivs, "This Is magnificent, but I'os"hurg Is the best i This does not beat Mt. N'ebo although lis unite a treat. And since you left. Itosehurg, 'Scotty,' we havo Improved our streets." lie fluid ho was horn In Maryland; he'd also t-on to sea. lie used to eat large ovsters raw in Washington, 0. C He had traveled all o'er Winchester, Myth Creek and Drain, Hut was always tickled half to death to see Uoseburg again. We wished all a merry Christmas, then started Tor the train, And Worthlugton was holding Frank Mlcell't's hand n?aln. We had had a pleasant visit, laughed sometimes until we d cry. And all w said was All Itevolr we couldn't say good bye. The banks, county and govern nent offices as well as a. number of ho local stores will remain closed all lay tomorrow in order that the em ployes may enjoy the New Years holi day. 11: 'j King of Spain, so that early In tha rrifcu of Castile over California these springs were regarded as tte Ideal spot sought for hy fonoo de Leon. ' Hut aside from tho romance of the Indian and from holy reports of the Franciscan mtnks, Paso Hoblcs today 'is making ftmo for her. waters by rea son of Us wonderful cures. Rheumatism, gout, kidney and stomach, troubles disappear before the bath treatments at Paso Robles bo quickly that tho citizens of Paso Robles claim no case can he severe enough to defeat the waters from making a cure. Tuberculosis and un clean diseases are not perteltt?d treat ment. -nHirn.,a KfAmnn litit.a V..,n cured f all manner of female ills, I form a continual series of testimo nial proof of the beneficial effects of Paso Uobles springs. Here one meets the wirn out la borer praising tho waters for their gifts to him, while at his side perhaps speaks the clubman from the city, whose living has worn down Wa sys tem. Many health pilgrims arrive a Pbk Uobles with camping outfits and llvfi In tents while being cured, be ing unable to afford the luxury of a boarding house.- Here also are the rich In their lux urious hotel with private bath house and nil the especial attention they h"e .liand. Tho air of Paso Robles Is ns rich and as perfect ns Its water, this fact alone being of greatest benefit to its curing power. A small hook, neatly Illustrated, has been recently published by the management telling the slory of the Hot springs in ft most Interesting man ner and giving complete inrormntlon. Send for it, either to Wm. McMurray, general passemrer agent of the O. R. Sr. N., Portlai d, Or., or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, Cal. Try one of those Snell filters will fit any faucet. See Winnie Gaddls, tho plumber. tf. HOW TMli INDIANS III AU U THKIIE SICK Hundreds of Years liefurn the White .Man Thou;.' Ill Such Methods Wise, Tho American Indian Is the craft iest, most reasoning and deepot, slu- en: of nature o all b.irbaris or it.; 1) M t'b'i. ' In people, ' lie Knows ni.ire iiln;ui Mt- res of ncur-', h. i blitoiy shows a cu.-er toil' It .;f nuii.'i.ii in::. Hum cwn the legends of tho Syratt or Cauaislun BUILDER CD. MAYNARD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR , At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 Thereyire six really big shoe fac tories in the United States. These turned out 25.000.UOO pairs of shoes last year. Shoes to Uie value of $10. 000,000 were sent abroad, and the re mainder, valued at $340,000,000, were used In this country. . Although the trade In rubbers increases every year, only $70,000,000 was bpent for such things last yea We are told that the preaching of vegetarirnlsm interferes greatly with the shoe busines. Last year Germans took a notion to eat less meat, and, according to the bookkeeper, the shoe manufacturers In the laud of the kai ser wore in despair. . It is eccssary to sell a great deal of meat In order that hides may he obtained without loss This Is another instance of the ned of co-operatfon between manufactur ers of a!l kinds. Unless Switt and rmour and the other packers are able to sell their goods the factories In the east must do with less leather. It is Interesting to know that the foreign bhoe rrrtdo is constantly in creasing. American salesmen are en tering darkest Africa and Inducing the natives to court bunions and corns by departing from their custom of go ing barefoot. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build yon a home find pay for it in Bmall n ,n, i ,.ic ami l.,uf r;it p nf interest? U.V......J f.Ju... . l,.,l t;m . XT Do you want to pay on your morvguKe ouu v. , easy payment und low rate of interest to pay back loan in.' Do you want to buv a home in Uoseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo calityV Do you want, tu sell your property? . Do you want to insure your building in on of tho best , and chcaj est companies in the U. S.? t PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. E. 15. PERRINE; Notary Public If So See WALKER Cor. Cass and Pine St. XO 1 -TltTHKll J'liOHia'lTIOX. iran(l .Jury Fulls to Indirt Women. Snlem, Or., Doc. 31. Tlio Marlon fnitnty grnnd Jury adjourned yester day until today without returning un lmllctmont. Not true 1)111 was ro turncd QKnlnst women allned to be ron(h;otlns dlsordevly houses in" Sa il m. Thi Fnnie wn'.vn wore indicted and ronv;rted nt Mm Inst term -'f tho' rlreint court. Ai:lil guntonce was ini- l'-.'fd. nnd the ensps or., npponled lo i the Ru;ironie co'ri t Thn i:i'nnd jury I reri'hod to repent tho pros 'cMlon afl ! tho Good Onverniroiit leaquo desired 9IK il 9 We're in a Position to offer you the beat the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock, yual Ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8c to pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street MarKet MmS KOHJJIAGEX, Prop. 107 West Cane St Phone 191. Free Dellyery. If you are looking Tor good service ; In the barber line call at the Maddix ! barber shop, Cass street. Roseburg j National Bank Bldg. Three chair ; shop. Bath rooms in connection, tf. I MOW TODAY. FOR SALE Cheap, a course of steam engineering in the International Correspondence school, l-'or partic ulars inn, iitm at this office. djG GENERAL DRAYING Goods- of every description moved to any part of the city. Prices icatcnable. H. S. FRENCH f Clearance Sale Tailor Made Clothes THE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Xenr The Depot.' We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't bollove it, try ns and see. With each dollar's 'worth of poods purchased you nro entitled to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, table nnd teaspoons. See them in tho window. Come and see for yourself, don't ho misled by any one for you will miss It D. J. JARVIS ! ' - jjj Commencing December 18, and continuing tor two weeks, in order ift 10 reducn my stock of high-jtrade . f goods, I will make suits at the & following greatly reduced prices: ft I $35 Suits $23.00 $33 Suits $25.00 $30 Suits $22.00 For two week? only. Call early while the stock is couplete. GENERAL JOBBING REPAIR WORK HOWARD & MAHAN The PLUMBERS and TINNERS . . Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods in the City CROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cem ( r Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. BODGE The Reliable Tailor Especially ititcrcstlUK 1h tho study of the Indian and his methods fur curing his silk. In uddiilcm in his " ritoI'ItlKTOlt. tvi'iiih'i hii u, :,r iiiniit :ir ml the mixiiiK cif It tn iiriu forth will opi-tate Uie lines witnniti union ilth cumiii lions, tho Indian Is said labor. Labor leaders nsser tnni vl- In be (he (list lace to studv the val- 'al Inlerosls are nt staKe aim inai un it mineral water batlis. l.ons be- ionism ill finlil tne mailer 10 ine lore the eluMiilsls ancl abheniislM cf-nd. 1 1'o report 01 me. ue.ui! r.oe KuroiHi had unulvz'-d tho waters o, may- cause tho governor lo lake some their famoiiK springs anil found medl-"ellon toward a final ndluslment or Inul properties there, tho Norlhiine ouil'linv. nnu in m i in- American Indian was ce.rlni; bis slcl: llr cause hope the executive wm not it I'aso Uobles Mot Springs. pass Iho matter lightly by. The old l-'iam Iscau monks, while i making' llielr wonderful i iiirnevs. in vr 1.1111 m l. II I) TUI'.XrltK ouiioiug uuir missions and teai-lilug THE IMPERIAL ! A Temperance Saloon I Christianity along tho Caltforiila coast, fieiieently sal at Iho Indian ouncil camp fins and beard there be tales of n wonderful spring where in to bathe was to bo made tree from INense. I'lu se tales s"emed unholy wer bip Hid nonsense to the holy fatli ts. but at length tlu-y loo caucht the iHliusiasm o( the Indian and their ick beiie.n tb nllmi.iiaite to Paso Huhlos (The I'ass of Ihe Oaks), so named by tln'se holv nu n. Then bT.tll it series of renor! In tlie papal hn (f ihe cbnreli nnd lo I'anilly of llifensed I'anncr Fiml $1S,000 ill fiaillen. ttT Sulsiin, Tab. Oec. 30. The entire Itnyn fanilly of Maine, a little town near liere. are busy todav digging up their front garden In the hope of un earthing more of tl-e fortune burled in- Oyriir. Rayn. a wealthy farmer, before be died ix weeks ago. 1 M.nnn has been found. When ltnvn died Inquiry at the b:nks resulted In the unexpected dis covery Hint the presumably wenltliy farmer bad not a cent on deposit. n week !nt"r. one of be f Tho Holiiiav Work is hoforo x i H ORDWAY & BOCARTf SjrPROPRIETO R S Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg' Jhis Is Your 3USV TlflE WE ARE TALKING tothd LADTHS NOW The Uolulay Work is before you and there is the Xmas dinner to plan for. We can relieve you of much wo! ry and work, which is economy too.Vou know. Yih'll'tind all our To Out -Friends and Patrons: We cordially thank you for the ever increasing pa.tronagc of the the year 1 909, and trusting to merit your (continued favors for 1910, we wish you a A Happy arid Prosperous New Year Roseburg Furniture Co. .,,. Pastry, CaKes and Bread We wish to thank tlie pil.lic for their liberal Iatton:if;tacooitlt'd us during the few months our establishment has been open, nnd solicit a further eontinuanee of your patronage fur tho ensuing year. QUR MOTTO- "Good goods at right prices." THE FAIR ii ! 4 to be unexcelled. Orders delivered. J .Special orders given prompt attention. l'lace your Xmas orders now. CHURCH BROTHERS' 1 BREAD IT'S 1 It j fit ' 1 I BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR lUMPQUA BAKERY CASS STREET PHONE 351 11 W;J AC KSON STREET