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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
A-. ADVERTISERS Will find The Kveninr iNowi I ho bs( iiiwlluui to wach tha IHMipleuf litiiburir. A wldo a-wnko iutt lent Ion prtntlnr all tlio nuwi tliafa ftt to print THE WEATHER . LOCAL FORECAST FAIR TONIGHT AND SATURDAY. . VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1900, NO. 51 Allilil So Says Zelaya to Press Rep resentative. HAS LOTS OF FRIENDS Wlio Will Alwhys lk-lli-ve the Anion of Knux Was Nut In Aci'ord unce With iood StntON miiu.sliip. ' (Special to The Evening News.) Mexico City, Dec. 31. Americans have been misled by biased reports which have been constructed out of whole cloth concerning alleged crimes and defalcations and the like in Central America, but feel that Blnce I have been given a chance to state my case that they will bejzin to understand the true Plate of af fairs, " said Zelaya to a United I'n-sa representative tcday, "I have i'n emins, but also many frknds in the United States, and the latter (Irmly believe, -no matter wnat fault may be found jith my nolicv, that the notion of Knox was far from a proper diplomatic course.". Zelaya laughed at the story that he had plundered the treasury, and declared that iin the contrary he hnd pnid a $50,000 emergency claim out of hlB- own poc ket. Zelaya was equally undisturb ed by the rumors of the plan to as sassinate him. A sub-secretary of foreign affairs dented today that Ze laya was virtually a prisoner, and said the deposed president might do as he pleased, and that he . might spend millions in building palaces, ' talk, gamble, be merry, simp and live In Mexico without fepr of molesta tion. , PASSING. OF AN AGED PIONEER (Special to The Evening News) Medfoid, Or., Dec. 31. With the last day of the old year Sllns J. Day, the oldest pioneer of Jackson county, passed from this life Into the great beyond. Death came to the aged pi oneer at his homo in Jacksonville at on early hour this morning. Mr. Pny has lived on t'le place where he died continuously since ljj49, and was :iie of the very first men to reach Jack sonville at the time gold was discov ered ihere in that year. Judge Day was one of the best known men in southern Oregon, and at the time of his dsaih was S4 years of age. J'PUTIjANI) HAS KvUITIiyUAKU Two Distinct Shocks Occurred Harly Yesterday Morning. Two slight earth tremorB were felt in Portland at 4:23 p. m. yesterday, vays today's Oregonlan. The Inten sity of the shocks was not great enough to dd damage. Residents In various sections of tho city reported that they were somcwhafc alarmed by the consecutive tremors. The compass of the disturbances was confined to Portland and its suburbs In tho Wtln mette valley. Heports from Ashlmd. Mnrshfield, Salem, Astoria, linker City, Or., and Hnnuiam, Wash., were thnt no disturbances were felt at those points. " John McN'ulty, nautical expert In charge of the local branch of the United States Hvdrographlc service assigned the quakes to "gravitational attraction." The highest tides of the ea3on will be registered today. Thi" fact, combined with the proximity of the earth to the sun and the distance of the moon, add probability to the 1 henry. , The shocks were felt with greater force bv the occupants o' the upper lofts of downtown office buildings. A few seconds intervened between the tremors. The second was more force ful and continued severel seconds. Many who t.-cre observant of the phe nomena assorted that the buildings swayed to and fro. Others averred that the buildings "bounced" upward and downward. Occupants of dwel lings on Portland Heights apparently felt the vibration fce-nK. nisbfs clnt tored on sb'dvs and the Ftntd coun tenances' of family relatives that adorned the walls of the homes re sponded to the antics of Mother Earth. rou mix vn:i: lynvwt tx. Sum Aggregating X:irlv &!.(() Will be Kealized. Salem. Or.. Dec. 31. Pecs nccre ating pearly $2r,00 will be collected II. i I1U f under I he Vfat- witiitn the next few davs act nr the legislature or las -.vtnlr which iinl.o' l a 1'. etiV- on all fcrproi-riated w.t'r-r powers, ap propriated for beneficial i?c. on streams in the stale. Aecr ling to the art. npprnprlators are liable to a tax of from 25 cents to $ ! for each and every horsepower of water yT ' ' perond of time for earn foot availnhie v fall. For the purpose of the act pounds of water per second are to nd.'nrlcn a horsepower. The board may levy any fee it l at deem proper, so that It keens wiiWn the satrtory llmitatl ins. bjt sine the members cf the board have been unable to Inspect etch of the appro- prlations, the minimum fee of 25 cents has been Imposed this year, which will brbJg the fees up to $2500. The water board of control huB received within tho past few weeks more than $3000 in fees for adjudi cation of water rights on streams in different parts of the state. The ad jncations have not been nnnounced. Fees from adjudications of rights are large, those from the adjudication of Rogue River alone will reach $15,000. CHURCH OTICKS. St. Joseph's Pro-Church. New Year's day Is tho feast of the circumcision of Jesus Christ. U is a holy day ift obliRntion for all Cath olics not excused by tho general rea sons that tho church allows. Masses will be as on Sunday at 8:i5 and KT:30. After last mass there will be benediction No evening devotions will take place In the church on New Years Sunday is the octave oC the feast of St. Stephen, the first mar tyr. Masses will be as usual and the Sunday school classes will be regular. At the high mass nt 10:30 the choir will render the beautiful mass that was sung on Christmas day. On Sun day evening at 7:30 the vespers or official evening office of the church will bo sung and there wilt beln a se ries of discourses concerning God, Revelation, the Bible, the church and kindred theological and philosophical subjects. We are glad to have our friends with us. Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday Preaching morning and evening by the pastor; excellent mu sic at the regular services by the large "and well trnined choir; always happy congregatfonnl singing. The morning sernicn nt 1 1 a. m. will be the first of a series of four sermonB on the life of Joseph, ' covering t lit? most thrilling chapter in the annals of Israel. , A large compnny of repre sentative authors once took a vote as to the best story, considers.! as y. literary product in all literature. A very large majority voied for this story of Joseph. The first subject of the series Is: "Sold Into Fgypt, or the Fruit of Knvy." At 7:"0 p. m. the seraion subject will be "Proof of Miracles.''" This address is d?st:::i.d to strengthen faith In the worder working Christ,and brine men into a proper attitudp townn1 him. All are welcome to a "homelike" church. Union Prayer Services. The week of prayer will "he observ ed by the church of Roseburg next wepk. Tho following program will be carried out: Monday evening, at h npptist church. Subject. "Human History, a Witness for God," J. N. McConneil, leader. Tuesday evenlnir at th Christian church, Uev. Mears, leader, subject, "The Foundations, Unshaken, Immovable." Wednesday evening at the M. E. church. Rev. Burkhart, leader, subject, "The Church of God on Earth." Thursday evening at M. E. church, south. Rev. Hawkins, leader, subject. "Missions the Necessary Expresfnn of Christian Devotion." Frida-y evening at Prea bvterfcin. Rev. Eaton, leader, subject. "The Things Within the Klmrdom and Without." All are cordially invited to these services. Presbyterian Church. J.E. ttnrkhnrt, nasti". Morning worship at 11 o'clock. At this service Hie Lord's Sunner will he observed Evening worship nt 7:30. Tho ser mon will bo appropriate to the New Year. The Bible school meets at 10 a. m., Hon. B. U Eddy, superin tendent. Junior C. E. at ;t m.. Miss Kate Fullerton, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. E. at G: 30 p. m. Union ob servance of the week of prayer nt va rious church next week except on Saturday evening. You will find a cordial welcome awaiting you at all of our services. Come and bring a friend. 4 St. George's Church. Corner Main and Cass streets, the Rev. Charles Wilson Baker, rector. Snturdnv, tho Circiimcl?lon of Christ, (New Year's day). Holy Commu nion at JO a. m. Sgnday. the first Sundav after Christmas day. holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at !) n. m. holy communion and sermon at 11 a. m., evening pray er and sermon at 7:30. Thursday. .Inn. 6. the Eniphany, holy commu nion at 10 a. m. Methodist KpUcopitl' Church, South. K. M. Mears, pastor. Regular ser vices nt II a. m. and 7:30 n. m., con ducted by the tinsior. The Sacrament at the inornlpt; hour. Sunday school nt 10 .i.'m., nro. W. T,. Cobb. FiiPcr intendent. Kp worth league services nt G:"0 Sunday evening at which time the oCfir-rrs for the enquire vear will h intnlld Special evangelical sr-vic-'R at the evening hour The pub lic is cordially Invited to all of the services. VMte operating a planer at the W. I,. Dysini-'er mill this morning, Q. It. Stein, a wHl known rsl'mt of the city, nW with n very unfortunate ne r;lden. the result of which' will, necs dltatn him rmainine nndr the care of a phvpirian for som time. Tt ap pears that, the unfortunate man's Hnthine bvame tangled In la pullev in such a menner as to Inflict a d"ep ??h in the left should'T. Dr. Houck dr-'s-aod the Injury nnd the pntlent Is now Improving as fast as could be expected. NB 11 PASSES Great Northern Loses $600, 000 in Passenger Fares.' TWO ARRESTS ARE MADE Wholesale Use of Stolen Pusses Cause Itulhvuys Great Ijoss Special "Offlrcr Out Year on the . v Case. (Special to The Evening Ncws Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 31. Fraudulent disposition of free passes as cost the Great Northern railway company upwards or $000,000 iu the past four years, so it Is claimed, as n result of an organized system sup nosed to extend-throughout the west. Tn order to ferret out this matter and 'dover the source pt this fraudulent ork, the railway people have had oecial Agent A. U Day working on 'he matter for dvor a year, As a "esult of his Investigations lt is he aved that he has secured evidence hat will lend to remarkable disclo sures and bring- to light tho necrets of a gang that has been colnlns mon ey at the expense of the Great North ern. . Two arrests have beeri mode, one of the alleged offenders being Paul Carbon, a St. Louis saloon keep er, and the other an employment agent doing business at Grand Forks, X. D. These men are charged with disposing of passes which were al leged to have been stolen from the mnintainence of ways department of the railway compnny. These passes were sold to laborers and others at a low, figure, and while the railway was losing largely on the deal, the parties who were Issuing the paper were also. making a Bpeck. . LEOPOLD'S OFFICERS ARE FORCED OUT (Special to Tho Evening News.) Brussels, Hoc. 31. King Albert seems disposed to swoop the "slables clean." and it is learned from au Ihorntlvo but unofficial coerces thi'.t tho king has aVcopted the resignation of the entire civil and military Btaff of the decensed Leopold, Including Huron WaliiH, governor general of Belgian Congo. This action Is ac cepted as the preliminary step to stamping out the regime, and will bring to a close the abuses that have ven heaped upon Hie people of Con go. youmWrks murder officer (Special to Tho Evening News) Constantinople. Dec. 31. News has Just reached, thin city of the as sassination, Tuesday, of Hassan Tl bim Pasha, governor general.. The murder was committed while the governor was enroute to the Sanalo red sea. Hansen recently charged the Young Turks with the responsibility for granting vnlunllle concessions nnd franchises to lorolgnors without suf ficient return to tho Turkish govern ment, and the assassination Is direct ly attributable to this squabble. There are no details of the crime obtnlnaiiio. EDUCATION NOT STRONG F0R- (Special to The Evening NwhJ Paris, Dec. 31. Jay DeCastell i on of Count Hon! nnd his fol J wile, princess ueaupuu, uiuukh 4 years old, can scarcely read or w i Is the story told by a bailiff in "ourt of appeals today. In set papers on the pr'hcess, charglnp with neglect of the children's "( Mon, and making her a partv t mpenl, the balif wr.s ins'ruetc watch Jay's writing exercise giv the governess. Tho youngster a few simple sentences, but was f.tantly prompted. The child's name was the only tiling ho wa to write unassisted. im:i stati:s jikkad sr Inniial KxporN of Wheat An Idly Decreasing. How nuch longer it will 'ink1 the; ronsump'ion of wlvat in the I 'tiitfl States to eatrh up with" the prndnc- j lion Is a qu-tion which Is His" now interesting f-xportrs and producers. Kignres . prepared l;y me bureau of Ftatlr.ttcs of the department of cm mercr and labor nhow that during the five year period ended Jure VK IfHI. t hro were produced fi 2 5 . 0 0 0, o 0 0 bushels in! exported, with Tlnur ex nrsd In terms of wheat, 1!2.000, 000 bushels nnpually. Vor the fol lowing five yearn, endd .liif-' 30, 1900, thre were prodncd, 000 bushels, and exported ordy 113. 000.000 bushels ennufl'ly. TMh shows a decrease of 4 per cent In nnnunl exports In the latest five r?ar period. AX.YUAT. MKKTIXO OF lllltlh'liAX Clll'ltCH On Friday evening, Dec. 31, we will hold our uiiuual meet- lug. All members and friends should be present. The men of the church-will furnish and serve tho refieshments. A good program will be given. Come and see what good cooks the men aro. J. N."" McConneil, pastor. with a production far In excess of any other like torm. These figures show plainly that there is on enormously increased con sumption of wheat In I lie United Stutow. but it will be neccssn-y to wait for the report of the coming census- before the percentage d.'c to tho Increase In population can be de termined NEW YORK BANKER KILLED IN WRECK (Special to The K"enlng News) New York, Dec. 31. Word hns heen received nt the office of the Ipenct-r Trunk Trask company, bank ers, that Spencer Trns was killed in a wreck on the New York Central nt Croton, thin stato. At least two oth ers were killed when the freight train rammed tho Montreal express. One was the negro porter, and the other victln. was unidentified. Trask oc cupied the drawing room rear sleep er and was Instantly killed when the heavy freight plowed through the car. 'Hie railway officials aro Inclined to hlamo tho freight crew for the wreck. CLEARANCE One-fourth Oif on AH Clothing Our window is a mirror of what you will find inside. Every suit marked in plain fignres. .You cannot afford to pass this sa1e of strictly high-class.hand-tailored suits.' It means money to you. , DO IT NOW. I3UY, SAVE, STOP, THINK! Every suit and overcoat must bo sold. These prices must appeal to you. Tins fs the store that dot things. No fiction. All wool cashmeres at $18.00, greens, all si a-a, Imported ers, suits tailored, Suits that .to wear, ing and 4 off L S. HUEY the Jeweler on Cass St. 1 I After .Tan. 1 our store ill done ut ):;!0 p. m. Rose burg This is our firstaiinual sale and we want you to sec and appreciate, that we do what we say, and have confidence in the ntore that docs business in a legitimate way. If you have never been a patron of Ilarth's Tocry, coninienco now, Let us prove to you there is merit iii high-class good, a Having to you in this Bale and a satisfaction that will be a pleaHuro. Harth1 DOMIC OK HV.GM,, SIIOKH Little Hebrew, Monte Attel Rightful Champion. 1 OUTCLASSED OPPONENT Three Thousand Portland Men Wit ness the Teu Hound Contest Be tween the Two San Kran eisco Men. (Special to Tho Evening News.) Portland, Dec, 31. The th-ee thousand Portlanders who saw last night's boxing exhibition between Monte Atteli and Jimmy . Curroll, both San Francisco men, today pro claim the llttlo Hebrew the rightful bantamweight champion of the world. Atteli Is about the streets today and Is in tho best of condi Mon. without a scratch on his face, while Carroll's right eye Is closed uul his face Is badly bruised from the battering ho received at the hands of tho formidable Atteli. Mad a decision been rendered Atteli would have undoubtedly been the fa vorou one, slifo ho wns the aggres sor all through tho ten rounds, and landed cleaner blows. Besides this fact the little Hebrew had plenty of steam hack of his punches, and mnde Carroll wince time after time as he sent In his telling body blows. At teli used straight lefts to good ad vantage. In the first session Atteli started the Hnret to flowing freel from Carroll's nose and partially closed his right eye. Carroll was First Annual Think of an all wool, hnud tailored suit, nobby, up-to-the-minute In style and pattern, cheap at $15.J0, now .... NOW fine worsted suits, fancy mi and Scotch tweeds, cheap AlAf now llUff AH the special high grade strictly all wool materials the latest fashions, : Now olives, brows and dark grays, cheap at $20,001), now fancy worsteds, top nnteh top nnteh- it rjct., hHnd NOW to he proud of, st a bargain at $22 5 you cannot reelst wnnMng FT -Now perfection, height of tailor materials, sold everywhere 25.00 tu $30. Of, now 1-4 Off 1-4 Off ERCOAT BARGAINS iilored overcoats, Military collars, ,large prominent luntted, Blacks, Grays, fancy worsteds, Scotch Tweeds . You cannot resist these money saving bargains. Jd Everywhere from $15 to $18 Now $11.25 id Everywhere from $18 to $20 Now $13.50 Id Everywhere from $20 to ent For Attractive Prices All Negligee Shirts to You at Attractive Prices Tog ROSEBURG, OREGON HO.MK UV ICKUAf. SIIOKS game to the finishing round and real ly put up a ciever battle, but It was plainly evident from the start that he was outclassed. la CiKXM'S PI HMC1TY MANAGER. I. O. Freeman, Portland Man, I'uit'N the Appointment, Kugene, Or.. Dec. 30.The Board of Ge vomers of tre promotion de partment of the Eugime Commercial club this evening elected D. C. Free man, of Portland, as manager of the club for 1910 to succeed John H. Hartrg. who leaves Eugene 'or New . York City tomorrow evening. Mr. Freeunn was the unanimous choice of the governors, who consid ered quite a number of applications. Ho was strongly recommended by prominent men of fie northwest. Mr. Freeman Is a practical newnpaper man but hiH work In the northwest hns been along exploitation lines, hnvlug r"presenled the Harrlman Hues n Washington and Idaho. He was secretnry and assistant to tlm Inte President Cioode, of ihe Lewis and Clark exposition. During tho Inn, year he was engaged In exploita tion work In connection with the A. Y. P. exposition nt Seattle. The man agrr will take up Ms work the first oif Janunry. County Clerk Kdward Lenox has received notice to the effect that road district No, 11 voted a 4 mill special road levy at a rocont mooting held In that vicinity; Just a call nt my Btudlo will convlrce you we are ar tists and can mnke you every kind or size photo you may desire. Framesfmade to or der. Clark's Studio, Hose burg National bank building. SALE $11.25 $13.50 $15.00 $16.85 $18.75 1-4 Off 1-4 Off $25 Now $15.00 gery HOMK OK IilXJ.W, SHOK.S 4 off