The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 30, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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The Store that VkJ TLr Satisfaction Or
Serves You Best. ij I OFll 3lOFG Your money bach
'r If
The straig'htest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" you'll bo apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatever wo buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
lind that the best is .always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the .Stein Mock Co. and IJavid
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Kvery
Kuit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of .Satisfaction
or your M ney refunded or a new
luit in return.
"V,.' test of eheapnwts. By cur good
Clothea you uhall know us.
JiiHt received Another phipmont
tf thti famous "Last Forever" hos
iery. A w-ltton Ruunintfo with ovury
pair. Snld only by Tho Knlr. tf.
lira. II. .1. Ilnwitt ami mm rotimfl
to their homo fit. Ciinby 'bin morniiiK
ftftoi. a brief vIhK at. the hrmo of tho
former's consul, Mr. It. 1). (Jr)iit.
J. A. Snyder and wife returned to
their home at Hays ('reek this uiorn
litK. Mrs. Snyder has been oniiflne'l
at Merry hospital several weoUs dir
iiiK which time Kite underwent a avc
ceHHful oporatlon.
Misa Horn lteen.i frir tlm past year
itinm;raiher In ih" bral forestry of
fice, left fir Portland this morning
whoro she will remain permanently.
Her removal to the Oregon metropo
lis was wcihhH tiled by a transfer In
Die department In which 3 ho was
U. A. (tooth, of KniT'-iie, arrived
"hero last, evening and left thhi morn
Iiik Tor the vicinity of Coles Valley
where be will Hpend several days
liiinliiiK coyotes, lie wis accompa
nied oi I he trip by Scott 1'eury and
W'llliim Fnmry, both of whom reside
vest of the city.
A beautiful souvenir calendar for
the year I 'MO, compiled and arranged
by the ladles of the Presbyterian
church of ihht city, linn just been
M'lnted In tho lob department of the I
News off i. e. ThiH work of art. car
ries half tore photographs of the new
church hulblfnir ami of prominent
members of the society. It Is arrang
ed In booklet form and has an ap
propriate quotation for evry day of
Iho year. The mechanical work of j
Ihn edition H also of the highest or-!
der, and rtltnirether this souvenir eal- j
endar reflects much credit on (he la-i
dleM who are responsible fur Its erea-1
tion. Copies ef the calendar are on
Rale nt several business, places in the i
rilv, ,'in it those tlosivhn to secure one
should leok to the matter early, as I
the edition Is limited.
(Jit It o a numb"! of local clllzens i
are mitlutini; the roposilloti of jmik
tntr Itoseloud a Henarate road district. I
inasmuch as they believe the tax paid i
by (he properly owners in (his city!
should la evpi tided In improvint; ie
HI reels. It Is alleged that this money
has been yeeut. In the county hereto-1
fore with llltle benefit to the town.,
We learn from County Assessor Calk
in that n little over $M,ni)0 would
ho realized from a Ci mill tax levied
on the tanhle nrop'Miv fn Itosehurir
toctlwr with the 1 mill proportion
received from the t-tate and counlv
lav. With t his amount of cash at
'and It Is needless to nsierl that
liosebtit'LT's id i eels would soon pre
sent a metropolitan appearance.
John Huron, of Wilbur, Is a vlsllor
'n tlie city today.
Andrew lJoole nni wife, of Drew,
are visitors In the city today.
Andy Restul baa returned from a
bi'tef business trip In Coos county
.!. F. Barker spent the day at points
In the southern part of Jig county
John Alexander, of Glide, ret irn -d
homo this morning after attending
business matters in the city
I Ion. Dinger Hennr.nn returned
from Portland this morning where he
spent several days with friends and
rtilul ives.
Going, going, not quHe gone! Poul
try men come for free copy of Con
key's Hue 1'ou It t y Dook. Marsters
Drug company. 1 Usiv
Luther Page has accepted the po
sition of local correspondent for tho
Portland Oregoulan. He entered upon
bis dutks this morning.
Mrs. John It. Sutherland nnd
daughter left for Portland this morn
ing where they will remain for sev
eral weeks vbitlug friends.
State Secretary of tbe Oregon bap
tist Conference, Parke", arrived here
last evening to attend matters con
nected with his official duties
TVliss Klorotiee Aiken went to Sa
lem this morning where she Is em
ployed as Instrtielor in the p.iblle
schools. She spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken.
Dr. James Wlthycomb, director of
tit e Oregon Agricultural college at
Comillf:, was In the Hty for a few
hoars today. The doctor is at his
best, and as usual is boosting for the
farmets of Oregon. Th college was
never In better condition, he savs.
and n large attendance is looked for
at. the winter short courses which be
gin earlv In lanuary. )r. Withv
nniili complimented this city on the
great strides It is making in the way
of paved streets and now business
hlocVs, and Is firm in the belief that '
Itosebur- has a great future before
Mr. Kenedv nnd wife, of Canada,
nrrlved !n the cltv this morning en
route to Pacific City. Curry county,
whro the former expects to engage
in tlie hotel business. Mr. Kenedv
says that Pacific. City -.vns represent
ed to him ns being tho metropolis of
Curry county, nnd that a force of 500
men were now engaged nt work in
that vicinity. From local citizens Mr.
Kenedy ascertained that Pacific Cltv
was of little consequence, few people
having cast their lot in that vicinity.
Accordingly Iho gentleman nnd his
famllv have decided to remain here
until spi'ing when they will Investi
rate the location mor thoroughly.
To make a quick clean up ot every suit ia the bouse,1 buy any one; there are a few left.' You can
not nor will not be able to get such a bargain a'gaiu. Suit values that would easily bring $25 to $35
5c White Handkerchiefs
Extra Rood quality white handker
chiefs, j 11 ;U the kind that cost vim
5c. fJuv all you want, sold hero,
85c Black Taffeta
Fin0 grade black taffeta In 1 ! Inch
wide, beautiful lustre and excellent
quality, tpceial
Women's 25c Burson
Hose 19c
Women's Burson stockingfi, they are f
absolutely beamless. special clearing
price J
Suits 39c
Women's Kray cotton union sultH, In
5 and (i slz?.i, special cleaning up. Do
not overlook these values
27c Unbleached Sheet
ing 20c
Unbleached sheeting 10-4 wide, F-p-peril
brand, cornea In remnant lengths
yards wide, extra heavy grade,
upecial clearing
7000 Yards Calico 5c
The best calico that is made. Do not
bp deceived, they usually sell for 7c Tf
and 8c elsewhere. Buy all you want,
10c Toilet Paper 5c
Extra large roll fine grad tissue.
Vou always pay 10c for, or 3 for 25t
liuv all you want. Boarding houses
look to your wants
!0c Outing Flannel 5c
New pink and blue stripe effects, an
excellent Krado at the special low Tff
price -
$3.98 Net Waists $2.19
White and colored net waists In all
sizes.- You cannot - duplicate these. fif 10
Silk lined, beautiful waist at the very
low price
I2c Bleached Muslin 9c
Hone brand muslin. You nil know it.
Made by the Lonsdale Bleachery. sells
everywhere for lil'fcc, 10 yards to
customer ..:
20c I
$1.00 Kimonas 65c
Women's Flannelette Kimonos, in f mm
fancy patterns; a snap at the unusual ff
lowpriqe, special at only J J
$1.50 Umbrellas 98c .
Umbrellas that retail at $1.50, In tho
newest ebony and walnut handles; q
good quality American taffeta cloth; JrC
very special price
$1.50 Table Cloths 98c
Table cloths In mercerized and linen;
finished damask iii
cloth; special low price .
$2.00 Hand Bags 98c
Great special ladies' hand bags nnd
purses, in a great assortment; they
usually tell for $1.50 to $2.00, a
very low price
Tomorrow $1.50 Sateen
Percaline and Moreen
Petticoats 98c
Percaline, Sateer. or Mr.reen petti
coats, some with hydegrado label,
some have embroidered flounces; a
great petticoat sale; an opportunity q
to get a groat value at the verv low Lff
price yvt
$1.50 Blankets 98c
Good heavy blankets; full size, a
Kenulne snap at the low price, per
(7.V Iil.A.VKHTS 30c PA Hi.)
no.i.s i:ioa Aviv :iii:ioi,k miiqa was miij. muoa .was hmo.i.s ?mtn iviv nn mmois i;ioa ;iv mii.i. m;ki,i.s miioa .wax
Many Inexperienced Men are
Being Hurt Daily,
Fatalities Occur Mostly Among the
Men Who Are Taking Places Va
cated lty Striking Switcluueii
Iteport to iveinor.
I have it now, a sweeping compound that will
in vt tho most exacting requirements. It is cheaper
than you have liecn using as it has less sand in it
and consequently lighter. It will not harm the
finest iig or carpet. It will take up all dust from
wood floors or covered floors. Unless floors are very
dirty it can he used more than once, again reducing
cost. Retails at 5 cents per pound Bat that you mny
know how it docs its work I will give you a sample
package if you will bring this adv. with you. "The
man wilh an axe to grind," and this timo 1 want to
know how many of Mr. Hates' readers see my adv.
F. H. Churchill
(Special to The Evening News)
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 30.
Death ia reaping a rich harvest in the
?vitchpien'p strike. It has been less
than a mouth since the beui lining of
tho trouhtn in' t ween tlie railway coin
panlei and tlie switchmen, but in that
short thirty days over 'birty ni"ii
iiave Jont thetr lives In the various
railroad yards of the roads effected
in tills state. This condition has be-
come public through a report that has 1
lust tieen made to In governor, and;
(he fatalities nre said to have mostly
been among the inexperienced men
who nave ttied to do the work of the
st nkint; switchmen. Accidental
dealb3 nveiauo almost one each day
from this source alone since the be
diming of the strike, and there is
nractienlly no change in the n tun
lion at this time. Itnilroad officials
say that so far 11a they are concern
ed tho incident ia closed, and t hey
will operate- the lines without union
labor. 1tbor leaders assert that vi
tnl'intorestfl fire at. stake and that un
ionism will fight, the matter to the
end. Tho report of tho death rato
mav. cnue the governor to take sump
action toward a final adiustment of
the diffi'tilty, and friends of the la
bor cause hope tlie executive will not
pass (he matter lightly by.
nrxT von m itii:i TKK.-wrui-:
Vinnily of lereasel Farmer Find
$12,000 ill Garden.
Suisun. Pal.. Der. 30, T'e entire
Hayn family of Maine, n little town
mir here, nre busy todav dtegtng up
their front garden in the hope of un
earthing more of tVe fortune burled
by Cyrur. Ttayn. a wealthy farmer,
hefnre be died "lx weeks ago. Al
M'H'iv $ll.nno ims been found.
When Hayn died Inquiry at the
b:iks resulted In the unexpected dis
covery t tint the presumably wcnltliy
'armor had not n cent on deposit.
One da v. a week latr. one of ho
sops, digclng In the garden, stripk
a tin enn .vmtaininc more thnti fr.eno
In gold piece:. A few days nfter that
another member of the feiullv fumid
n smaller sum nt the foot of an nld
tree. Kate yesterday n covered sauce
pan win unearlhed. partly filled with
!ller coins. Ttnvn was supposed to
have been worth $r0.0 0.
For Men. There is no beter shoe
made than the celebrated "J. K.
Tilt," which ?s to bo found nt the
MlHikin Shoe Store. And for heavy
wear there la nothing equal to the
'United Workman Shoe." dt-f.
( PourIjis County Creamery Mutter
! the beat on the market a home
, product. 90 cents a roll. Patronize
1 home Industry and got the best. if.
S. C. Miller returned to Dillard
last evening after atteuding uusiness
liiat.terH in this city.
"Judge" Harris has returned from
C'atiyonville. where he spent Christ
mas with his parents.
Child's while fur neck piece was
losi. oiMaln or .Jackson streets. Fin
er please leave at News office.
Jas. II. Batty, of YoncalW, spent
several hours In tae city today on
business. Ho Veports his home city
A young man by the name of Car
penter underwent an operation at
Mercy hospital this afternoon. Prs.
Houck and Vincii acted as surgeons.
During the jnst few days County
School Superintendent Tb'irman Cha
ney has distributed several hundred
book with the various school libra
ries throughout the county.
Prof. A. M. Sanders and wife, of
Albany, who have been In the city
for the past few days visiting at the
home of the latUr's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. It. P. McLendon, will leave
Sunday for their home.
Tlie members of the Richardson
Art Embroidery club will enternln
their friends nt a watch party Friday
n-enlns. Dec. 31, at the banqeet room
of the I. O. O. F. ball. 'A taffy pull
"111 be rne of the grend features of
iho evening and a good time is con
templated by all who will att"jid.
During the past year there have
been issued from the county clock's
office 1,875 resident hunting licences
and 17 non-resident licenses, aggre
gating a total cash consideration of
$l,M.r,. The resident licenses nre H.
white the non-resident licenses are
$10. Tbero have also been 594 resi
dent, anglers licenses. The amount
received from tlie lust named licenses
brought the state the sum of $i.fnt2.
In all the ptate has received $li,-lii!
from anglers and hunting licenses
from Douglas county during the year.
County Clerk Lenox has received
notice to the effect that the follow
ing road districts have leied a spe
cial tax for road purposes at. meet
ings held during the past few davs
Hoad district No IS, Hapnv Valley.
10 mills; district No. 9. Kellogg. 1 l
mills: district No. 17, Riddle, t mill:
district No. 24. Scotts Valley. 5 mills;
district No. 4, Gardiner. 3 mills; dis
trict No. 35. Glide. 5 mills; district
No. 12. Looklne Class. 3 mills; dis
trict No 33, North Deer Creek. 3
mills; district No. 2S, Wilbur, 3
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
X North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marb I
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
z " ' ft
WorK Done on Short Notice R0SEBUKG, ORE. f
Fill Your House!
with light no house ie modern
without electric liiihte. Thonvh we
cn wire "any old" buildinu, the T
beet work ie when the house is beine
constructed. We are always ready
to jive an accurate estinmie and to T
guarantee the best work.
-fg 315 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or
j Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luuitcr
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Vnrds on Lower Oak Street.
Phone 1411
IE Pil l
Will soon be here. Can you afford
to let It pass without getting that
orchard started? A. L. Kltchln will
give you tho best value tor your
money In all kinds ot Nursery Stock.
Phone 2020.
B. F. Nichols
Stock Inspector for
County of Dougla
Riddle Oregon
if you are looking for good service
In the barber line call lit the Madilix
harbor shop, Cass street, Koseburg
National Bank Bldg. Three chair
shop. Bath rooms In connection, tl.
This is the claim made by all who send their
washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get
this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the most approved
manner all the latest and most modern machin
cry id at our command to do your work in a most
trorough manner.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
I Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE.