THE KVKNISO NEWS TIU'HSIIAY. HKfKMHKK SO, 1 1)011. WE ARE READY TO BEGIN , AT THE TOP OF THE NEXT PACE IT 13 OUR AMBITION TO LE WE NO THU.B PRINTS nVR TORN EDGES ON THIS NEW PAGE. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT DURING THE COMING YEAR IT SHALL STILL BE OUR CON STANT EFFORT TO PUT OUT ONLY THE BEST GOODS AND THUS MERIT THE CONTINUED PATRON AGE OF OUR OLD CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE BEEN LOYAL TO US D URING THE PAST YEAR, AND AS MANY NEW ONES AS WOULD APPRECIATE TRADING AT A CLEAN, SQUARE DEALING GROCERY BTO RE. START RIGHT BY GIVING US A CALL. PHONE PASTOR FORSAKES HIS FAMILY. Loves a Pretty Girl More Than Wife and Children. Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 29.-Minister of the gospel, embezzler and deserter of his wlfa and chil-.lren for a fjirl 20 years old, Rev. Edward O. Tiluurn, said to be unde- arrest at Los Angeles. Is wanted at Linton. Ind., to be tried on an Indictment charging the embezzlement of $2i)i. of church funds. A requisition ar rived at Governor Gillett'a office this morning. Tllhurn wag said to hnve actively 1 ." " WK OPERATE OUIt OWN DELIVERY A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Our Many Patrons. ' THE ROSE We believe Folder's Golden Gate Coffee, gives mote comfort and proper stimulant to old folks than pny otier drink. People who have a knowledge of good Coffee won't drinit any other. We drink it ourselves and are always glad to recommend it to our customers. Alton S. Frey For Christmas Gifts 1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERFECTUS" Violet In elegant silk lined box, S2.73. 2 ounce LAZELL'S VIOLET ELECT in handsome package $3.75. 1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERPBTUS" In beautiful package $2.50 2 ounce "LAZELL'S" In silk lined box ijus.TB. HUDNOT'S celebrated perfumes In odors Chrysls. VIOLET EAN DE ESPAGNE, White Rose, HIeliatrope, all in elegant packages 25c to $1.50. HUDNOT'S and LAZELL'S Toilet Water 50c to $1.50. PERFUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes 25c to 50c. CHILDREN'S PERFUMES in all odors, attractive l.oxes 25c. "" SELECT and fine assortment of military brushes liair. brushes, mirrors, safety razors and manicure sets and single at ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. Winnie Gaddis THE PLUMBER vat w Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Roseburg engaged In the raising of fjinils for a new .:hurclt home for ti e Church of Christ of Linton and to have secured $1(100. In the alleged indldment ho is accused of retaining 5.100. Aft erward Tlllmrn Is said tn hnvo iilmn donad his family and to have been seen with Mary Smith at Bloimlng ton. 111., subsequently in Chicago nnd again in Portland, Oregon. Recognized by a mall Hull at Pasadena, his arrest followed when Hell communicated with the church trustees. The girl was said to hnve been with him at Pasadena. Officers to take Tllbnrn back to Indiana are looked for within a few d;".yc. FUME'S Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Oregon THE POIlrilY YARD.. Gather the eggs Beveral times a day. Clean out the nest boxes and burn the old ttruw. Start right by gelling better hens; end right by keeping them bettor. A good grain mixture for winter evening ioedlng is two-fourths whole :oru, one fourth wheat and one-fourth oats. Increase the supply of corn In the evening feeding as the weather rcrowj cohler. Corn is an excellent heating food. Ventilation that comes in every where through the cracks is not ven tilation nt all; It is c ld shivers up and down the back and lots of dis comfort. Don't lot it be that way In your houses. , ' I never crowd too ninny Into one house; six Equine feet of floor space for each bird Is about right. I have found double-board floors, up olf the ground, the best. I keep plenty of straw on the floors and throw the grain in this so they must work to find it. Changeable weather this month Is apt to develop colds. Keep a close watch on the stock, and at once re move nn nlllng bird from the flock. .warm, dry coop or cage nnd a one grain quinine pill ench night for three nights In succession, will soon bring the bird back to good health. I kept close watch of my flock, and the hens that began to lay first aftor molting I put into separate pens. From these pens I gathered my eggs for hatching, and by so doing I have wonderfully Improved the laying qualities of my flock. This muting has also been the meats of rearing 'jlrds with stronger constitutions more hardy and vigorous. In cold weather I feed oats and bran mixed with milk or warm water. I allow the mixture to stand over night nnd feed in the morning. In the afternoon I feed corn. I keep ground bone in a box where the fowls can have free access to It. Occasionally I nlso supply oyster shell. The chill is taken off the drinking water. The floor of the coop Is bedded with straw or other litter. I have pullots Ihat were hatched In July that began laying In January. One pullet In par ticular began December 20th, and lu still laying. Before scalding the chicken cut off I the soft, downy feathers about tne I tall. Separate all feathers in picking and nllow them to dry. Mpk5 the ' amount of lime water required to Im merse the feathers by decanting the mlyture from a pound of quick lime to a gallon of water, stir tne tentn ers well In this for two or three days. Then skim nnd lift them out upon a sieve for draining. Rinse in hot water,- and nllow to dry. Spread on the floor in a warm room with mosquito netting covering. Once a day tap the cover with n stick so the air Is chang ed. The dried ones will flutter, nnd can be collected after a few days. Fiom the January Farm Journal. NO l'UXI) FOR nURIlAXlf. Trustees Are Said to Have Withdrawn Aid. San Francisco. Dec. 30 Commer cialism, alleged tohave been display ed bv Luthlir Burbnnk in his expert-' meflts. was given tolnv as the reason for the reported witl'drawav of the Carnegie institute's financial support or the plant wizard. Word was re ceived hfre yesterday that the triii teosof the Institute, who recently met In NewNYork. had decided to cut nurbnnk off from its benefactions, charging that his creations were be 'ng exploited fcr ' l-nierclal pur poses. It was nnn- 'A recently that Herbert. Law and his brofher, Hart 'and Lll'.v, hart formed a corporation to handle Burlnnk's products, and it was reported that tills was tho nrg" mcnt used ngblnst the coetinunnce nf 30. Cfnrn the $10,000 annuity whicii tne insti tute had awarded Bnrbank. At his Santa Rosa ranch nurbnnk leclered he had heard nothing what ever nf the matter, and added that he nd been Wormed that Carnegie's support would be continued. THE HE W.IXO STHKXGTir OF MINERAL WATE" III Cases of lyspr-w. TthetiinntiHiu, Gout nnd NYr-v it-akdown, Is iM:u vrlt us Upon recent iv.'ps'lgalion by emln etn physicians, :h Mists and scien tists it has wi ' mionstrated that natural, earth f: 'vng mineral waters are the most bouulirinl means for the cine of organic maladies. PaHo Rubles Hot Springs are at this time tho point of interest to most Investigators, as rectne occurences have attracted tho attention of the thinking world to these springs . One of their chief points of Inter est to medical men Is said to be that which proves that a pre-eminent ac tion rests In the waters which flow from tho earth at Paso Robles, Cal ifornia. Paso Robles Hot Springs aro mak ing cures daily of rheumatism, gout, stomach trouble, neurotic, diseases, kidney trouble, and gnneral break down, which proves almost beyond question to medical men that then- Is sonio quality in theso waters su nerior to any In this country and probably In the world. It Is also claimed for Paso Rohlv that the air condit-rons are perfect. H lies In a small valley protected by mountain ranges; Is 720 feet above sea level and Is not assailed by too much sna moisture or an abnormal temperaturo from the hot land winds. This air condition is thought by some to have1 almost as murh to do with its cures as the waters them selves. Thfl town like all health resorts, Is filled with boarding houses of all kinds, so that every purse will be pleased. There are hotels for the rich, whero any luxury may be had. Private baths for exclusive patrons who wish to be to themselves. These springs have boon known for centuries, for they wero used by tho Indian to euro his sick and latei the Franciscan fatherfl performed wonderful cures bore, but it Is only recently that tho really marvelous powers of these waters were made known to the world at large. Nearly evf ry form or organic trou ble la treated at these hot springs for the authorities welcome nil ex cept those who have tuberculosis or unclean diseases. For the man who suffers from overeating or from alco holic excesses there is nothing in the world to equal a week spent at Paso Rubles. !t straightens him out with a rapidity that l wonderful, and the best recommendation Is that they do away with the nerve-craving for stim ulants because of their peculiar soothing effects upon the nervous hyestem. Truly speaking the study of Paso Robles Hot Springs is one which is giving the medical fraternity abroad j nnd at home much interest, ana is probably directing more attention to California thun any other of her natural gifts to man. A small book, neatly illustratod, has been recently published by the management telling the story of the Hot Springs In a most interesting manner and giving complete Infor mation. Send for it, either to Win. Jlc.Murrny, General Pnsenger Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Oregon, or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, California. tf. Have you discovered whether the pole has really been found or not? CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TO KENT Two housekeeping rooms Inquire nt 603 Mill street. tf. FOR RENT Store room on Jackson stroet. Inquire Mrs. H. Easton. tf VO R "SAL ETh roe "choice ioiti on North Jackson street, set to fruit. Inquire at this office. d-awtf TO RENT. A very desirable seven rocm house. Inquire at No. 345 Pine street. LOST. A fountain pen was lost to day, Monday, Decomber 20, on Sheridan street. Finder will please leave at Tho News oiflce. d-tf. FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, mile from town; 2 acres orchnrd; all under cultivation; smnll house; barn 20x3P; poultry, team and a' wagon included. Only $2500. Ad dress N., this office. d.11-sw-d PItOl'KSSIONAL CARDS. 11. E. STEEL, AtUney-nt-Lnw Legal advice free. Collections Solicited Room 1, Marsters Bldg. I ltoseburg, Ore. DR. J. I. CALLOWAY Osteopathia Physician Chronic diseases a specialty. C- Graduate of the American p i'f School of Osteopathy Kirksville, Mo. Under-founder of science & Dr. A. T. SHU. Office Abraham Bldg. ft Phone 1691 Roseburg, Ore A. S. HTJEY, 'lie Ontoinetist Cass Street First Door East Telephone office the Dawn of the New Year wo wish to tnke time to extend to all our friends -and customers, who hn-e helped to make the closing year the largest business year we have ever enjoyed, a Happy and Prospe rous New Year. A. S. HUEY the Jeweler on Cass St. After . (l:l!0 p. 1 our Slero will H"e nt Roseb u rg Restaurant South Side Cass St, Near Depot. 8TAPLKTON & PATTKKSON, Trope. OPEN AT ALL HOURS Leading and best restaurant fn the city. None but white people employed Nothing bnt the best in the market terved. Give as trial and be cod rinced. Red Tag' Clean up Sale At the Roseburg Book Store The Ideal Gift Store GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Our large stock of useful articles must be reduced by January ist. to make room for new goods. Every thing marked wijtli a red tag at greatly reducod prices ENCYCLOPEDIA $1.81 PER VOL. Werner's Enoclopcdla, 12 vols., full leather binding;, regular $2. CO per vulumne, red tug sale only $1.31 I.OKI) 1ATTO.VS WORKS Lord Lytton's Works, 5 vols., cloth binding; regulnr OOo per vol., red tng sale only 25c TIIAt'KKKY'S WORKS Wm. M. Thaekory's Works, 10 vols , cloth binding, regular $1 per vol., red tng salo. only 37 We WKIISTEK'S DICTIONARY New Census Edition, full lenther binding, 5 indies thick, 1574 paces; regularly sells at $8, red tag sale only $3.25 JOHN KI'SlilN'S WORKS. John Ruskln's Works, 5 vols., cloth binding; regular OOu nerSrol.; red tng sale only ...j. 25c MILITARY I1RUS1I SETS Regular $1.00 Military Set, red tag sale only DNr Resuinr $2.00 Military Set, red tag sale only $1.25 There will be no let up to the aggressiveness of this store. Sale begins Tuesday, Dec. 28th. and continues until Saturday night, Jan. 1. ROSEBURG BOOK STORE FULLERTON&RICHARDSON Near the Depot Cass Waterman's, Ideal) f FouhtSiftPenl Should be in every FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, Registered Druggists. We Will close All Day January Ist. 1910 We desire to thank you for your liberal Patronage during the year just closing. Our aim during the New Year will bo to supply all purchasers with the best goods for the least money. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year Roseburg Rochdale Company Toilet sets Beautiful Craft Wood, Mirror, Brush, Comb Regular $3.00 BOt, red tag sale only $1.50 Regular $r.00 Sot, red tng sale only ... $il.30 Regular $6.00 But, red tag Bale Only $3.00 Regular $7.00 Sot, red tag sale only $3.B0 DRESSED DOLLS Regular 25c doll, red tng Salo 18c only Regular $1.00 doll, only red tag sale BDc Hogulnr 65c doll, red tng Bale only 3l)c Regulnr $1.75 and $2.00 dolls, red tng sulu only DSc Regular 75o dolls, red tag ualo only -8c Regulur $3.00 doll, red tag nalo , onlv L50 Regulnr $3.00 Military Set, rod tag sulu only $1.50 Street Telephone 451 - " POCKET