The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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EVENING NEWS CHUK be litlnH,ly itoatfd.
that the two tsrvm eourcos of Idhh to
SL'XDAV J'1" iotal rr vomica are second ciubh
man diiiikt ana rural delivery.
Th loss on second vu mutl n-at-tcr
has hfn IncrcaKiiif? for miuiy
vciirH. until It ii off amounta to f(34,
000.000. The Iowa from "iiral ilHIvr-ry, a
servlco bff.'iin hardly r dozen vcar
ano and of unpreredtMiU'd Krowtln
rcacl'fH as hlirli an ll'S.OOO.OOO.
In Iheue two Items alone the pontnl
Bervke now Biiffum an anniinl Iohh oi
more than Die r.ntire national deficit
of th luat fiscal year.
The most striking fart disclosed hy
refent Investigations Is the tieiii'jn-:
doiiB loss nn account of second clans
mall. While thih class of mall pro
vides n revenue of little more than
1 cent, a oound the cost to the kov-
Judge Wonacotl Is authority for -r.nmt'nt for its handling and traus-
the statement that out of HUout 4.i portallon avera-s W.t'A cents a
road dlHtrlcrs In the county having : pound. The annual loss thus Incur
under consideration a special lux; red, as ah-ady Htated. Is about
OOO.OfO. The growth In the quantity
of second class matter sMit through
Entered as second-class mutter
Nov. 5, 1909, at Kuscuurg, Ore., un
der act of luarch 3, 1879.
Hubscriptloii J tit tew Daily
Per year, by mail
Per month, delivered
Per year $2.00
Six mouths 1.00
'lilt liSDAV, di;( cmiii i; ;n, moo.
Yea, Oregon has again come Into
her own. It Is raining todiiy. and the
lorg dry spell of two weeks la broken.
The "I'nlron Halnt" of HcoUjkIi It He
lew. iirnlinlilv I'orW ut iItimii would I
vole Bufi'dent '' to give ihcm n !
neat sum lor roue' liupv o t tnf :tt Thai
in In-.- right talk The News belfoves
la h( t i : i am) a an 1 lot of them
Payable highways put the. rural dis
tricts In toucii with, t ho cllle.-t, the
schools and kindred adva.ilageH, arl
makes farm life more attiacilvo for
the young people, besides pulling the
farmer next to markets, and conso
iueii!y increases the prices on his
products, It Ik indeed gratifying to
Fee the Douglas county fai'iier com
ing to the front In this most itnpctt
Uunt matter.
The gentlemen who have under
taken to raise, a publicity fund for the
piirpone of adierlfsiiig the resources
of Douglas ceii at y and the attractive
features of Hoseloirg, have been at
work on the proposition this morning,
and report that they are meeting with
excellent success. The business men
are taking hold of the work In an
appreciative way. and It Is expected
thai an adequate sum will be pledg
ed to accomplish the work pl.-inmwl
for 1910. The mere fact of hu'lng
a salary guarantee will-not nearly
bo Hut'flclnnl, hccuNSO the publicity
jiiuimgf'r must have money to work
with. Printers' Ink In large quanti
ties will he necessary for carrying the
enterprise to a successful conchi- ;
slon, and good grades of printers' Ink j
nro expensive, and besides this f-ere
nro other sources of expense, an al
logeiher a fund of from JHUKW) to
$ 1 2,000 cm do vei y profitably ix
peuded In this publicity rampalgn.
Wo are Informed by the originators
of Ibis campaign that In event M .
Rlchntdson Is employed to undcrlnke
tho rnaangement of the proposed n'l
vertlslng, that he will also act us
or rotary for the Commercial club,
and will, though not perhaps regu
larly employed as publicity manager
for the orguniyiil Ion, work In har
mony with the club for the general
good and advantage of this city and
T,oouixfi ;iash m:vs.
We are atlll enjoying winter wea
ther. ChrlHtmns Is passed, the event be
ing appropriately observed In this vi
cinity. The Christmas tree was ;?reat
lv enjoyed as was the musical and
literary program nrranged by those
in charge of the occasion.
Most of those who have been III In
111 In locality nro Improving much to
the delight of their nniny friends.
, The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs
C. Wilson, of Iteston, was burled here
on Tuesday. Tho bereaved family
hnvo tho sympnlhy of the entire com
munity In their day of sadness.
Ity a vote of 20 to S the voters In
this district levied a 3 mill special
road lax nt. n meeting heW recently,
.lack Williams was elected road su
pervisor for the coming yenr, receiv
ing the unanimous support, of tho ns
nernbly. Conn Donning of nosohurg, was
n visitor In this city for several days
last week.
Arthur Woden, of Ttofebnrg, nt
tended the funeral here Tuesday.
Oliver Allen has accepted a posi
tion nt Deer Creek and will leave for
that vlclnltv within a few days.
T. Tt. Stokes Is busily encaged In
clearing several acres of land.
A deal has been closed whereby the
citizens of this lnrali'v will have n
much belter road to Hosehurg than
enjoyed heretofore.
It Ip the Intention of the Looking
Olass citizens tn Improve Heveral or
the main traveled roads during the
summer. Crushed rock will ho used
lit building the foundation.
.1. T. Good inn n has sevevnl men
plowleg on his farm near tills city.
Till-: l . S. pus ,., SKIM It I
the dihIIs hut- boon extraordinary.
Since the passage- of the tct of 1879
proscribing con d it tens under which
public at Ions may bo mailed nt sec
ond 'tlass rates the weight of such
matter has increased more than i:;00
per cent. Last, year It amounted to
over 7on.d')0.00e pounds
lnctilrles are being Instituted for
Iho purpose of determining whether
ny reductions can he made In the
losses on account of third class nud
rrcc mall. The annual loss on third
'lass mall Is something over $3,000,
000. The mail matter carried free
under franks costs the
government annually about 1500,000.,
A greater loss, about $!!,i;50.000 an
nually, results from the free handling
of official mall fur executive depart
ments other than the postofflce de
partment. The annual cost of hand
ling the free official mall of the post-
offlee department is estimated at.
about, $3,000,000. If the several
branches of tho federal government
were made to bear their proper share
of the expense of transporting and
handling official mall, greater cure
would be taken no doubt In the ex
ercise of the franking privilege and
some saving to the government would
accordingly result.
Value of Itiiral Delivery.
The rural delivery system has de
veloped in 12 years-from an experi
ment renuiriug an appropriation of
$40,000 to one of the largest brunches
of the postal establishment, with nn
annual expenditure exceeding $:",
000,000. The postage on matter mail-j
ed on rural routes Is estimated at.
about $7,000,000. 'The Importnnce
of this service to a large number of j
neople Is fully appreciated It brings 1
the farms and villages Into closer
cormiunlcnlion with commercial and
educational centers. It encourages
i he Improvement of country roads.
My making rural life more attract Ive
tt stimulates agriculture. No doubt
it Is partly responsible for the In
crease in farm values.
Itailroad Mail Transporhitlon.
In fo far as tho rates of payment
for t rn asportation of the mails are
fixed by contract based on romped
live bidding, there ran he no doubt as
to their fairness Tho larger part of
this Item, however. Is for payments
to railroads at rates fixed by law,
The charge of this service during the
past fiscal year was nearly $50,000,-
Washington. Dec. 29. Scottish
Itite Masons everywhere united today
in apying junior to memory ol
(JeneraH Albert Pike, known as the
patron saint of Scottish Rite Ma
sonry, on the one hundredth anniver
sary of his birth. Plans for a wide
spread observance of the centenary
were per'etted at the meeting in this
city last October of the supreme coun
cil of Scottish Rite -Masons for the
southern jurisdiction. In further
commemoration of the anniversary
the supreme council distributed
among Us members 200 medals, bear
lug an Image of the head and bust of
fieneral Pike, with an approj rlate In
scription Though General Pike Is best re
membered for his service to the Ma
sonic fraternity, these do not by any
i means constitute his only claim to
fame. In tho course of his stirring
career he fought with distinction in
two wars, attained national promi
nence as a journalist and was known
as one of the mopt able lawjers of
his day. Ho also found time to write
much creditable history.
(Jeneral Pike was a product of
Massachusetts and in his youth at
tended Harvard university and svh
senuently taught school at Newbury
port. At the age of 21 ho went west i
and engaged in exploring the conn-j
t-v. In 1832 he located in Arkansas
where he taught sehool for a time
and then engaged In newspaper work.
In 1 S :i r he was admitted to tho bar.
ITpon the outbreak of the Mexican
war he recruited a company of cav
alry, which he led at the battle of
lluenn Vista. He returned to his ex
tensive law prarrlre In 1849, and In
1S53 transferred his effire to New
Orleans, returning to Arkansas In
1857. As attorney for the Choctaw
Indians, he obtained tho award of
nearly $3,000,000 from the United
States government.
At the beginning of tho Civil war
he was appointed Confederate com
missioner to negotiate treaties of al
liance with the Indians. Ho was np
oolntd a brigadier general In the
f'onfedereV nrmv and took a lend
ing part. In the battles of Pea Uid'xe
and Rlkhorn. In 1899 he removed to
Alemphls whore he edited a nowspa
ner, and twej years later he came to
Washington to practice law.
General Pike was grand conimand-
Amos W. Hiester, violinist at
Star theatre, will accept punlld
for violin. Especial attention to
juvonils. Inguire at Star theatre
or phone 885,
er of the supreme council of 33rd de
gree Masons, and was also grand
commander of tiie royal order of
Scottish Rite Masons. He compiled
numerous Masonic rituals and also
wrote a famous reply to Pope Leo
XIH's bull against Masonry.
NO TltOL'IlLK WITH MbXl'tt).
Hays Mexican fonsiil-ut-Larg'
Xoiv In Port In ml.
Do you want to build you a home and pay for 'it in small
monthly payments and low rate of interest?
Do you want to pay i.lf your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in?
l)e you want to buy a home in Koseburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
cality? Do you want to sell your property?
Do you want to insure your building in one of the best
and cheaj est companies in the U. S.?
If So See WALKER $ PERRINE, RoseburgOre.
Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public
I'o Accept Contract of Ibinkci
Pinkerlon's National Detect Ive
Agency hns Issued n statement con
cerning Its recent break with the
American Hankers' Assoclat Ion in
which tho Plnkertnns claim that the
break was caused by tho refusal on
(heir part to. further attend to the
business of the association for which
i lie unency had been the private de
tectives for the past 1 fi years. A
prediction that crimes of all classes
iiralnst banks will Increase because of
this break is made in this statement,
which sava;
"We did not renew the contract
because the one which the association
tried to make us accept was not favor
able to us. I heir business Is only 1
per cent of the work we do In the
course of a year. That our efforts
for tho American Hankers' Associa
tion have been of treat benefit to its
members Is shown in that for 15
years there were hut 1!M burtrlaries
nnd attempted burglaries of banks,
members or the association, netting
the criminals only about $117,000,
as fiKulnpt 10(i2 bunks not members
of the association, netting the crimi
nals about $ 1 .nOO.Ouo.
Annual Heflclt (.rewlim to AlaiinliiK
Wash In i;t on, Ii. t. tVc L'f. Few
people reali.e I lie immense amount
of business transacted by the postal
department annually. Imt ,ve figures
iiiin II i;
I -I, mm. i
1 mimlicr t
: i 00, H I. " -re
tr:tilNpoi i loil
1 I VMS miles In
i'!ual travel of
delheiv sei v-
rovided on'S
below nlxv sumo d'
and show lluil t :
(100 employes. : mi
ployes handled du
cal year in ai tv
pieces of mall. Tl
of I ices in operat! mi
are mi.iiri dmu '
routes, num'onatiu'.
length. Willi nu i:'t initio
Ice by currier iw
rural routes atul in 1 l 10 cities and
towns. Ordinary postage stamps to
the number of S.7 I ',!tn T.o:: 1 were
fcold during the year and domestic
money orders to iho value of $!!!.
U74, N-H were Issued. The total ro
relpls for the fiscal car r.iu;i were
H'oa.IitiiMtsa.OT. an increase of ii ;i 1
per cent over the leceipts of the pre
vious year. The iota' expenditures
nniount.', to ,oe I, l 0- s;t, an in
crease of ti p; pi- vein ,
In its early days the postal serv
ice was self supporting l-'or ;i0 veins,
from 17S!i to IMS, t tailed oul once
to yield an annual profit, but In re
cent years almost without exception,
there has been a deticit amounted to
only a few million dollars, and did
not increase in proportion to the!
Km win or tho service. It attracted
littlo attention: hut when, In the lust
few years. It leaped to upward of
$10,000,000. and final Iv in lonj
exceeded $17,000,000. ordinary bnsl
uor prudence suggested that the
nui.v i:THi:it iikpout
V. 8. Weather llureau, local oftico.
HosebuiK. Oregon, 24 hours ending
5 a. in.. Dec. :;o, liMtti:
Precipitation In Inches nnd hun
dredths: Maximum temperature
Minimum Temperature ... "
IMvcpKation 0
Total precip. since first of month ! IT til!
'":l," ti.H
Avjr. precip. f(,r this month for :12
,,. J '1;11" 15. 1 4
lotnl precip. from Sep. 1, mo!) tn
t liJ.11
Av. predp. from Sep. 1. 1S77 13. S3
Total excess from Sep. 1, l'luil U.L'S
Ave. precip. from Sep. 1, 1S77 1231
simons (Sep. tn Mnv Inc.) 3300
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193
Dr. E. L. Greossman, Mexican
consul-at-larse. Is in Portland on
business, and lie declares that there
will Ue no trouble between tho Uni
ted States and his republic ever the
fugitive Central American dictator,
Zelaya, saye the Telegram.
"While Mexico desires to be
friendly with the Cent.Mi American
republics to the south, t-ha also de
sires to remain on the hist to rind
with the United States." ,i . Dr.
GreoBmaii, "and will not place any :
difficulties In the way of Washing
ton lu carrying out any plans vhe
state department may have in the
matter. Speaking as a Mexican cit
izen, not as an official, I says that
the Zelaya tangle does not amount
to anything anyway."
Dr. Greossman characterized as
"all nonsense" the charges of bar
barity now being made against Mex
ico by a series of articles in the
American Magazine.
"Mexico Is not ft tyrant," said the
consul-at-largo. "We have the peon
system and we have peon laws, laws
that wo found necessary to keep the
peons from actual starvation. The
only way peons can be kept from be
coming public charges Is under the
contract system. If you nay him by
the day ho will work until he gets
$1 and then run off to get drunk.
Hn will Ptay pway until he has spent
the dollar nnd probably stolen much
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Flue
roasting pieces of beef from 8c to
12c pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street MarRet
107 West Cass St- Phone 101.
Free Delivery.
County Clerk Edward Lenox re
ports 4,286 Instruments filed at his
ofllce during the past year. During
a corresponding period In 1908 there
were 3.688 Instruments filed, or a
d ec rea se of 598 Instruments w hen
compared with the present year.
of every description
to any part of the
Prices .reasonable.
Sheridan Strert Near The Depot.
We don't setl for cost or below
cost but we will sell riuht at cost.
If you don't believe it, try us and
see. W 1th each dollar's worth of
goods purchased' you nro entitled to
a chance on a nice set of silverware,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
See them in tho window. Come and
see for yourself, don't be misled by
uny one for you will miss It
Clearance Sale
Tailor Made Clothes
Commencing December 18, and
continuing lor two weeks, in order
tp reduce my stock of high-grade
goods, I will make suits at the
following greatly reduced priceB:
$35 Suits $28.00
$33 Suits $25.00
$30 Suits' $22.00
For two weeks only. Call early i
while the stock is co omlete. i
The Reliable Tailor
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods in the City ROSEBURG, OREGON
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cem en
Sewer Pipe, Mill WorR and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save you money.
A Temperance Saloon j
l'hon? main f2.11
Oilico l'hono Main 3209
Properly Conducted'
Opposite Passenger
Depot - Roseburg
Parcrawf Secret
Service Agency
Wo nrt t'ropi'vod to do all legltl-
mute D i cii. i Work (both civil
mid CV ::; l In nil iarta of
tho Un:.:.-il ;:tn: 3 - - - -
('. I IWKIvKU SiiiH-rliitcmlt'iit
. . . .Ul 1-21(1 llrniv lildi!
l'OltTL.VMI, OK.
..v ,..01. iu Limn, mi; punnc ior ineir noerai
t patronaRO accorded us during the few months our
I establishment has been open, and solicit a further
continuance of your pRlronage for tho ensuing year.
OUR MOTTO: "Good goods at right prices.
This Is Your
. to tho LADIES NOW
The Holiday Work is before you
1 i nl there is the Xmas dinner to plan
for. We can relieve you of much
worry and work, which is economy,
too, you know. You'll find all our
Pastry, CaKes and Bread
to be unexcelled. Orders delivered
' o 1 : 1 .r
A 1 owiiii uiueipurn irumni attention.
f ; Place your Xmas orders now.
j J A C K S O N S T R E E T
To Out Friends
and Patrons:
We cordially thank you for the
ever increasing patronage of the
the year 1 909, and trusting to
merit your continued favors for
1910, we wish you a
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
Roseburg Furniture- Co.