The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 30, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Rain Tonight and Friday
Warmer Tonight Brisk South
erly Winds
Will rimlThu Kvt-nliiir Nw
tlio lMt ntiHlluui to roiiclt tho
I)tHt)l(if HoH'biirtr A wltln
awnko puhllctttluii lirliitlnr
all the new tlmt' fit to print
NO. 50
Sheriff Fenton Has Received
Numerous Descriptions.
Officers Ih-lirvo Tlmt tho "Forged
C'lH'ck" Artists W ill Show l'p In
Knseburg Sooner or Later
Play (in. ne Witii Sue ess.
That Oregon, and especially the
western section of the state, is now
In the clutches of a forged check epi
demic could be no better Illustrated
than by the numerous circulars re
ceived by Sheriff Fenton during the
past few days.
From Sheriff Brown, of Eugene,
Sheriff Fenton has received three de
tailed descriptions, each of which
asks for the arrest of forged check ar
tists who played their game in that
city recently. Among those wanted
at Eugene appear the names of Klpier
Hay and vife. These - parties, like
the shady couple who recently fleec
ed & number of local merchants, work
t.heir game in co-operation, the man
preparing the paper, while the-wife
passes it upon the unsuspecting.
Another fellow wanted for forgery
at Eugene is an "unknown." This
man worked In the guise of a logger
and succeeded in securing in the
neighborhood of $100.
The Eugene Register hns the fol
lowing to say regarding the late for
gery: A fellow who used his wits and his
nervo in good shnpe last Friday aft
ernoon, succeeded in getting about
$100 out of Eugene merchants very
easily. The Register might have giv
en tills story yesterday morning for
it was prettv well known Monday,
hut in deferenco to Sheriff Hro-vn's, we did not publish tho news,
hoping he might be better able to
catch th( slick pen artist, but he now
has no hope of doing so, as the fellow
has succeeded In getting away nicely.
He evidentls has been In the neigh
borhood for some time perhnps
worked on the Mnlinwk as his know!
edge of nnmes indicates and he put Ills
nlans Into execution in the most op
portune time.
He was dressed In the guise of a
woodsman and represented that he
'ived at Donra and worked for the
Mohawk Lumber company of which
R H. Martin is manager. He got hold
or some blank checks of the First
National bank of Eugene where the
companv does Its business and prob
flblv took his time In writing out a
number of checks to Ross Hill, four
nf which were for $32. '.0, and forged
the name of R. M. Martin to them..
With absolute nonchalance and
..i..,-! hi. nnrt like a veteran he
went to each of four stores In the
citv and bought a small hill of goods,
representing that he lived at Marrola
nod worked for the Mohawk Lumber
company and wanted the goods ship
ped out'to that place and tendered his
nav check in payment. At George T.
Hall's store he bought a hill of gro
ceries amounting to between $10 and
$11 and endorsed his check and got
the change back. At Manville ft
Hempy's store he purchased a large
nnd small rocking chair for $S for
Christmas presents for his wife and
daughter and gt $24. B0 In coin of
the re,alm. He ("nnde the snmo pur
chase exirtly at I 'lint & McLaughlin's
nnd got. the change. At the Ax
Billv store he bought a bill of gro
ceries amounting to $10. SO and got
his coin again. I At Munroe's furni
ture store he attempted to mse anoth
er of these checks, after buying a
heating stove and chair, but Mrs.
Monroe, who was attending store
while her husband was at supper,
would not cnth 'the check and the
fellow said he would go out nnd get
the check cashed elsewhere nnd come
back and pay for the goods, but he
did not show up, and this is probably
whore he got leery and quit. It Is
also stated that he worked the Hoff
man House with a $13 choik when
paying his hotel bill.
Most of the merchants packed up
their sale3 and some sent 'them to
the depot to be shipped, but on 'Mon
day morning learning that the cheeks
were forgeries, they wore hauled back
to their stores again.
The fellow had timed his acts in
the afternoon of the busiest day of
the year, when merchants were off
their guard and when the checks
could not be taken to the bank for
two days to determine their genuine
ness, and he was thus able to gel
clear out of the country before the
forgeries were discovered. Sheriff
Rrowr has sent circulars describing
(he fellow to points nil over the coun
try, but he has no hope of cntchlng
Mr. Martin always signs his checks
In tho name of the Mohawk Lumber
company by himself as manager, but
the forged checks were mado in hlR
Individual name and were not a good
counterfeit of his signature either.
If merchants would use tho same
nrecautlons in nc-'eptlng checks from
a stranger that balks do. requiring
absolute Identification before paying
them, there would be less of this,
work done.
(Special to The Evening Newt?.)
New York, Dec. 30. A wedding at
which whs represented the upper so
cial life of the country occurred today
at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Waters Tuft, the occasion being the
marriage of Miss Louise Tift, a niece
of tho president, to Mr Gorge Hock
Snowden. a wealthy lumberman of
Seattle, Washington. Among the no
tabJa guests piesent at the ceremony
vas President Tc.ft. Mr. ?obert and
Hiss Helen Tuft, son ami daughter
if tho president. On account of ill
ness Mrs. Taft was unable to attend.
There were also present many promi
nent persons in the government serv
ice. Mr and Mrs. Snowden will
spend their honeymoon in Kurpo
and Egypt, and on their return to
America will make their residence in
Starts Panic in Theatre and
Then Robs.
Evils to ltuildiug Were Jammed nnd
Children Were Trampled Vpon
, Dc .ens Itinlly Hint The
l'limtlcivrs Escape.
(Speclnl to The Evening News)
Butte, Mont.. Dec. ?.0. All strik
ing Northern Pacific switchmen In
tliia ollv i-l-t iii'iiAil In unrlf in Hie lo
cal yards today and their nctlon prac
tically breaks the strike in tins local
ity, since tne ureal iNorinern em
ployes have already gone to work.
blizzard weather
(Special to The Evening News
Indianapolis, Dec. 30. A blizzard
is sweeping the state and everybody
13 shivering from the extreme edd
that has hung over The county for the
past wet-k. Many telegraph nnd tele
phone wire3 have snapped on account.
Tf the cold, and wire communication
is seriously interrupted.
(Special to The Evening News.)
Mexico City, Dec. 30. Eormer
Preidmit Xelnya called unofficially
upon President Diaz. ,Tho event was
purely social, and the statement was
given out after Zelaya's departure
that political mntters rror the Nicar-
oeuan question were not discussed.
(Special to The Evening News)
Lemburg, Austria, Pec. 30. A
gang of pickpockets nnd sneak thieves
who did not hesitate to Jeopardize the
lives of hundreds of people, are be
ing hunted for by the police today.
These men pntoied a theater whore
moving pictures were being shrwn
and while the performance was un
der way exploded fireworks nnd caus
ed a panic. Tho hundreds in the au
dience hecHme stricken with fear and
a rush for the exits was mnde-. and
In the jam of frenzied people to es
cape, dozens wore trampled upon and
Injured, some perhaps fatally, and
five werP killed. Taking advantage
of tho confusion which prevailed the
thieves robbed scores of people and
their work was scarcely noticed by
ho crazd mob fighting to escape
from what was thought ti. be a burn
ing building, and to add to the real
ism of the situation the cry of fire
was given by confederates, who also
continued to throw lighted fuses Into
the room. The axils were blocked
with a struzgllr.g mass of human
it v. and children were trampled to
death during "he wild olsordor which
followed the explosions. It. Is not
nossiMo to ascertain the amount of
plhnder that was secured by .'.he gang
who originated nnd carried to suc
cessful conclusion this remarkable
pir-ce of criminality, but the total
value must be very largo. A vast
quant'ty of jewelry was secured In
addition to the cash that was taken
from the pockets nnd hand bags of
the people In attendance at the thea
ter. Officers ore combing the city to
day In the endeavor to locate the des
peradoes. .
(Special to The Evening News)
Vancouver, B. C, Dec. ;J0. Anoth
er victim of football lies uncon
scious in the city hospital as a result
of a game at the park. In this city
yesterday. Basil Sawyers, the star
fullback of tho Vancouver rugby
team, sustained a fractured skull In
the match with Berkeley lor ihe
Keith cup and championship of the
Pacific coast. Tho injured man was
operated upon this morning, and It
is announced that he stands a good
show for recovery,
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
Chicago, Dec. 30. Tho Intense
cold that has prevailed throughout
the Middle West for the last fow days
has resulted in four deaths in this
city, which all occurred night, ac
cording to the police reports this
mornnig. On of tho victims was a
boy only twelve years of age, Henry
.lolly, nnd the little fellow tramped
about the city for hours, with appar
ently no homo to go for shelter, and
finally becoming exhausted the lad
fell I p. the street where his frof-n
body was discovered this morning.
Chas. A. Johnson, another victim of
the cold wave, foil to the pnvnniont
Make Your Purchases
Store Closed all Day New Year's Day
within a short distance of his home
sometime during the night and being
unable to rise soon froz to death
The third party slipped on the walk
and In falling fractured his skull, and
It was from this injury and the col 1
combined that caused his death. Ai
mldentffled man was tho fourth vic
tim nnd was found dead on the side
walk. The mercury registered six
degrees below zero here this morn
ing, nnd many tralrs are delayed on
account of tho cold and storm.
Juvlsy, Prance, Dec. 30. Leon de
l.nllranso hns established a new rec
ord for aeroplanes by the perform
ance of his machine this morning.
havliiK sailed 127 miles In two hours
and thirty minutes. Tho previous
recprd was held by nierlor, who
crossed the English channel.
Held at Baptist Church
I'lim-rli Is Apparently in Very (looil
Financial Condition Kvcniiig
1'rou.i'niu Listened to hy u
Jrfli'Ke Audience.
$300,000 FIRE
Galveston, Tex., Dec. 30. Eire
which started yesterday and has al
ready caused damago aggregating
$U25,000 is still raging among the
wharves along the city water front.
Great quantities of cotton are stored
in the warehouses there, and unless
tho department gains control of tho
flames before they reach tho build
ings where the product is housed, In-,
estimable damage will result
Late, this afternoon the flro had
crowded so close to the warehouses
as to make heroic nction necessary,
and tho buildings intervening were
blown up yith dynamite. By this
means the department gained con
trol of the conflagration.
The Baptist church of Roseburg
held Its annual rally and business
meeting yesterdny. The aiternoon
session was devoted to receiving re
ports from tho various departments
of the church work, and to the roll
These reports showed splendid
progress In all the church activities
during the year. Neany $2,400 hrve
been recnlved ni-d disbursed during
the year In the current expense of (he
church, a considerably larger amount'
than baa ever been handled before
In current expenses.
The clerk's report showed a torn!
present membership of 340, a net
gain of 40 members during tho year.
The recess between tho afternoon
and evening session was greatly en
joyed in social fellowship and in par
taking of the fine supper spread in
the church basement by the ladies.
The evening program consisted In
throe addresses, Interspersed with
three solos, and tho election of offi
cers for tho new year.
Hon. O. P. Coshow gav an Inspir
ing address on "Is It Worth WhUe,"
dwelling on the opportunities and re
wards of service.
B. W. Stroi-g spoke for tho offi
cial board of the church and clearly
outlined the business plans of the
church for the year.
Kev. Dr. P. C. V. Parker, of Port
lard, irei.erdl secretary oi the Ore
gon Baptist convention, gave a splen
did fddi'.sH ou "Tho Laymen's Move
ment." No feature of the whole program
was more delightful that the musical
numbers by thife members of t,ha
choir. Miss Hlack sang "The Holy
City," Miss Lucy Ilrfdges rendered
"One Sweetly Solemn Thought," and
Miss Arrie Black's Lumber was "Tho
(ireat White Throne." Altogether
tho occasion was inspiring and thor
oughly vnjoynble. and the whole
church rejoices In its prosperity and
promising f-ituro.
(Special to The Evening Nows)
Cincinnati, Dec, 30 It 1b an
nounced today that tho differences
existing between tho train dispatch
ers employed on the Big Four rail
road and the officials of the svstem
had been amicably settled, and that
the-proposed strike of tho telegraph
ers would be dropped.
Try ouo of thone Snell filters will
fit any faucet See Winnie Onddts,
tho plumber. ' tf.
Just a call at my studio
will convlrco you wo are ar-
tlsts and can make you every
kind or size photo you may
desire. Frames mado to or- v
der. Clark'B Studio, Koso-
burg National bank building.
First Annual
One-fourth Off on AH Clothing
Our window is a mirror of what yoiv will find inside. Every suit marked
in plain figures. You cannot afford to pass this sa'e of strictly high-class, hand
tailored suits. It means money to you. DO IT NOW. BUY, SAVE, STOP,
THINK1 Every suit and overcoat' must be sold. These prices must appeal to
you. This is the store that does tilings. No fiction.
Think of nn nil wool, hand tailored
suit, nobby, up-to-the-minute In stylo
and pattern, cheap at $15.00, now ....
NOW $11.25
Now $13.50
All wool fine worsted sulis, fancy
cashmeres and Scotch tweeds, cheap
at uu, now
All the special high grade strictly all
wool .materials, the latest fashions, it &4C A A
greei.s, olives, brows and dark grays, AA S llfll
all sizes, cheap ut $20,000, now .
y worsteds, top notnh- ! fri np
proud of. strictly hund WAA Wt
ain at ?22 50, now .... vff ylV.UU
Now $18.75
Imported fancy worsteds, top notnh
ers, soils to be
tailored, a bargai
Suits that you cannot reclst wanting
to wear. pprfetion, height of tailor
ing, and materials, sold ovnry where
for from $J5.00 to $30.0t now
1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off
Manish Hand-Tailored overcoats, Military collars, large prominent
shoulders, Priestly Craviuetted, Blacks, Grays, fancy worsteds, Scotch Tweeds
and unfinished worsteds. You cannot resist these money saving bargains.
Overcoats Sold Eyerywhere from $15 to $18 Now $11.25
Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $18 to $20 Now $13.50
Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $20 to $25 Now $15.66
See Our Hat Department For Attractive Prices
All Negligee Shirts to You at Attractive Prices
This is our first annual sale and we want you to gee aud appreciate that we do
what we say, and have confidence in the store that dot;s business in alogitimate
way. If you have never been a patron of llarth's Toggery, commence now.
Let us prove to you there is merit in high-class goods, a saving to you in this
sale and a satisfaction that wifl be a pleasure.
Harth's Toggery