The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 29, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here.
If you frequent any of the "hy
paths" you'll be apt to Ioho your
self in the junijio of misleading
Whatever we do is well dono
whatever wo buy is well chosen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and effect.
There are many other places to
tuy Clothes, to be sure but you'll
find that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the Stein Mock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the world. Kvery
Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of Satisfaction
or your Money refunded or a new
ruit in return.
' RfimAmliar nimtitv is f,h trim
V.Sjf tout of cheapness. Jiy oir good
Clothes you shall know us.
I hn Alexandra, tho (illde nierch
nut friending the iluv i tho city
iiiij-clum i a nierch iuih-j : ; tils Htme
County Clerk Edward Lenox re-
reived notice thin afternoon to the ef
fect that road districts No. 17 and
37 hud voted a special road tux. The
former district voted 1 mill and the
l.t!er district 3 mills.
.'John Hnll, of Myrtki Crock, In
spending a few dnye In the city.
K. Nimiimin, of Wut Kork, Hpent
yesterday in the city attending bnst
uuhh mutton.
Itov. B. W. Ruhr rctiuncd to bin.
homuatoud a short distance from 1)11
lurd thlu morning.
Cad Harmon pmiiio over from Onk
lund thlu morning to upend a few
days with frtundu.
MrH. L. C. Pctltt, who lin boon
very 111 at her home In thin cUV for
BPVoral weeks, Ih now on the nmd to
Architect Straw pnd wlfo returned
rom Wafhlngton points HiIh morning
wiioro i hey spent the pat two weeks,
! IH'.V report a most ontnjnbln trlj;
MIhb Lulu WIHIh nnd Miu B. 1).
Kvuiib went to Cnlew Vnlley tills
morning wiiero they will spend about
wn days viHtting rrlends.
Just received Another shipment
.f the famous "Lnst Forever" hos
iery. A written guarantee with every
pair, hoki only hy The Kulr. tf.
"1 Hi'iiM'iiftM. oroiirietor of
mo uregon rooming house. Is conl'ln
Md at his home with IUiu-hs, He Ik
Ueing nttendPd hy Dr. I-J. V, Hoover
Jack Honth left for the "Cntriier
Jack- mines this morning where he
spend about two wenks in nink-
lug a nuuiber of improvements about
ino property,
Tho Colonial Club entertained n
number of Invited Knouts nt an Intiir
inal dance at. the Armory last even
ing. All who attended report a must
cnjoynitic time.
Ooorgo Ileal h returned from Port-
luna this morning nfter Hitendine ten
days nt that city attending business
maiierH. tie reports the Oregon me
tropolis apparently prosperous, work
being plentiful.
George C. Zimmerman nnd family,
of Park Hapids, Minnesota, ari-lved
In the city last evening. They ex
pect to make their future home in
ttoseburg, having become disgusted
with the long and cold winters In
the east.
V. S. Woodruff nnd wife spent
Christmas with the hitter's parents
nt. Cleveland. They returned to the
city Thuestlny and were accompa
nied by Airs. Morgan who will remain
here for some time to receive medi
cal treatment.
Dr. K. V. Denver, who vlslled Otnl
la on professional business yester
day, reports Ibe Haines surveyors
Imslly cammed in making the rail
road survey In that vicinity. Tweutv
four men are emplnvrd and tho wn k
Is progressing rapidly.
1an Ituunell, (he popular Southern
Pnririe engliuM r, relurned Ibis morn
ing from points in NYvudu and Chi
cago, where he spent about two
verbs. Mr. Uunnelt reports business
pood In the east, prosperity being
evident ( n evi ry tin nil.
Count v .Indue U'nnacott has re
ceived oMIff'U not he 1o efr.M'l
that the fulbiwlm; " i. : Uive
i m ii it mit'i i,n i - n loses;
nistrict o. :;o. : ! -v. niiis:
uisirici riti. '
Irlet No t'. (I! n
Irlct No. .10, K.i-t
Several other i .
'up h"tii todav.
will be filed wltl- r
A ver.i q-tlet wr
be home of th"
the corner of ,I.n
Ft reels, shortly
: dls-iu-
I It
111. I I'
) 1' milt
viKlanil. ''
;.(tb ris
urns of I 'eh
clerk tomorrow,
"it: occurred af
mil's pavMits at
"II and ltont'Ias
Vim k last
--iMim. wnen .n.nn Holinau w a un
Pcd In mnrrin-e to Maigaret Arthur
.Tiwllce of the IVai lobn T
orflelatfne,. The bride reeeiitlv ar
rive.! here from Colorado, her eatlv.
Mate. 'Die gloom is welt known In
'"' ''' hr-.i Tiiiinv iriends
who wNh (he ronple a bun; and pr .s
pernui future.
Lie (roubles of Walter Lmther
wood. of Wilbur, who recent''
nrrested on three rlriri'-n. came to
a sudden end la Justice I.ouvi s couit
yesterd-tv afternoon, when HMtrb t
AMornm Ceorre M. Itio,i nun-ed to
tllsmlss the larrenv ehnrue should
the der.-udrnt plead gulliv to the
crimes (,r nssaulf and b-nt .rv .,, fnc
ise of pvofanc hingmme. s-icb pro
endure m-t with the aiu-reval or 1 ea
therwooil and aceordliu-h- he n
lined $:" on the assault and baiteiv
charg and on (be charge of us
Mig profane language. He paid the
'm,s mo, wnH lormallv dKharged
fitm custody.
C. L. Martin, of Portland. Is rmend
lug a few days visiting frlonds Jn the
Mrs. Kdwaid Weaver, of Myrtle
;reoK, was a visitor in tho city yea
tei duy.
... '..-iM10n nf " i) M" In
the city today attending business
n. 0. Oulnn, of Oakland, spent
vesterday In tho city looking after
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. John Veuch. of Port
land, are spending a few days In the
city visiting friends.
Jasper Palouso, of Peel. Is spend
ing a coitplo of days In tho city at
tending business mutters.
Dr. 10. V. Hoover removed several
growths from the neck of T. K.
Woodruff yesterday.
W. C. Harding, of the W. C. Hard
ing Land company, has returned from
a brief bushier trip to Portland.
W. H. Hlack vr Clendale. was a
"IsKor in the city yeslerday. He
registered at the McClallan hotel.
Mrs. Grant Hover will arrive In tho
city this evening to visit with her pa
rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C.eo. W. Hlopor.
Miss Alice King and Miss Lizdel
Kinzer, who have been In chargo of I
the dining room at tho lloso Cafe for
some time past, have resigned their
The tolophono company Is getting
ready to Issue a hew directory. Any
one wishing to cliango the present
llstlqg of their telephone, should call
the mauagor's office, Main IM!H, at
once. d:!l
Phoobo Parks and F. C. Mellrlde
the former a sister of Mrs. Thomas
Cobb, of this city, were ma-rled at
Spokac, Washington, on H u.emher
2d. I'M)!).
The pew operating room at Merer
hospital Is nearly readv for occupan
cv. The former operating nparlmeat
will hn converted Into a dressing room
tin same to be at the disposal of the
I he lecture "In His Steps, nt the
Ilaptlst church last night was Iilg'ilv
enjoyed by all who attended. The
bouse was crowded bv eager listen
ers, and all were delighted. It van
a high grade lecture and the pictures
as flee as skill can produce.
Mfss r.maline Harrows, of Spokane.
Washington, arrived hero this morn
ing to spend the nevt few weeks with ;
lattves. Mbs Harrows Intends to.
visit points in the vtrnie southern
art of the state before returning
lieturns have been filed with the
rnii my clerk nnnonHim the marriage
or .1. w. NowiniHi. or Ten Mile, to
Ardllla M. Hall, of finhl Hill; n'se
Men Koi'leslnger and Miss llnxv Air-
Craw, both of Itoselmrg. Jtev. Mc-
Conuell, naslor of the local ChrNHan
hurch officiated In eiu h Instance.
His' iv Throshe-, who nt en.-
lime ( ployed ,t th- Weatherfnrd
!iaiherefp n ih). rl'v, his accepted
4 p. lie-, nt the m hMv shop and 111
assu.c" bb i'nt oi n.vr Monday
n. . i g. For the past f-
Mr 'I in, her hn n emplorod at
points In the southern Mart of the
The roc); crusher recently purchas
ed l- t V coent v arrived veslerdav
md ulll be insfalled in North ltose
bui c at t he (jiiarrv, formerly used
bv i'e W.irri-n Coti'JtriKMion com
"1'iiv. as soon as possible. It N the
lui.'iit'on o the county officials to!
criib within the pet few
eeks that the same may be used In
Inim-ovim: 'be stnets cailv In the.
A ctuntv ehu-ge imtecd Coats eass-
Stat of Oregon, County of Douglas,
Wo, E. If. Lenox, County Clerk of
Do.iglas County. State of Oregon,
una 11. Kenton, Kheriff of above men
Honed County, do hereby certify that
on the 2'Jlh day of December, A. D,
1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m., of said day we met at the office
of the County Clerk of said County,
In the Court House In Koseburg,
Douglas County, Oregon, and public
ly proceeded to draw the jury for
the January term, lyio, of the Cir
cuit Court of the State o fOregon for
Douglas County, as follows, lo-witr
; Wm, Ilremner Civil Bend
2 R. C. Arnold Locking Glass
3 Pen Butler Scottsburg
4 C. K. liicker Gardiner
5 C. P. Tot ten Glendale
(i L. H. Morgan Melrose
7 W. H. Gray Pass Creek
8 J. L. Clough Canyonville
9 R. S. Johns Cow Creek
10 F. G. Hatfield ...Roseburg
J 1 J. C. Gibbs Perdue
12 John McKeen Roseburg
13 T. R. Stokes Looking Glass
14 8. C. Miller Civil Bend
1 ! G. V Shrum East Umpqua
16 M. V. Hampton Olalla
17 T. A. Turnridge Comstock
18 G. W. Cox Deer Creek
19 Geo. Carllsln Oakland
20 C. M. Herman Myrle Creek
21 J. W. Johnson Glendale
22 S. Jacques Glendale
2.1 Lee Choever Elkton
24 Grant Levins Cow Creek
25 Ben Huntington Yonenlla
2(1 A. B. Melvin Gardiner
27 G. W. Dlmmlck Kallogg
28 J. W. Thomas Cow Creek
29 S. R. Elmore West Roseburg
to W. B. Lamb Wilbur
31 S. C. Henry Calapoola
That fach nnd all of the above
named persons were regularly drawn
in accordance with law a "id :hat no
other namcij were drawn to act as
Jurors for said January tjrni. jf'10
of said Court.
Witness our hands this 2.'Uh day
of December, A. D., J 90!).
County Clerk
- Deputy.
What the East lias Discovered Is
(food for Oregon.
Hundreds of Years P.eforo Hie White
Man Thought Such Methods Wise.
Tho American Indian Is the craft
iest, most reasoning and deepest Klu-
deu; of nature of all b'arbarid or feu,:
Dnrb, ih p. tuple. .
lie knows uure alinut th re s
of itiuir-i. hn history shews a ciu-er of mil.': rat 'a;:, than even the
legends of -tho Syrau or Caucasion
Especially Interesting Is the study
of the Indian and his methods for
curing his sick. In addition to his
wciHierful knowledge of plant life
and the mixing of it to bring forth
health concoctions, the Indian Is said
to bo tho first race to study tho vaJ
uo of mineral water baths. Long be
fore the chemists and alchemists of
Kurope had analyzed tho waters of
their famous springs and found medi
cinal properties there, the North
American Indian was curing his sick
at Paso Robles Hot Springs.
Tho old Franciscan monks, while
making- their wonderful journeys,
building their missions and teaching
Christianity along the California
coast, frequently sat 'at tho Indian
council camp fires nnd heard there
he tales of a wonderful spring where
in io oaino was to do maiie tree rrom
These tales seemed unholy wor
ship and nonsense to the holy fath
ers, but nt length they too caught the
enthusiasm of the Indian and their
sick began the pllgrlmnge to Paso
Itobles (The Pass of the Oak), so
named by these holy men.
Then began a series of reports to
the papal home of the church and to
the King of Spain, so that early in
the rlgn of Castile over California
these springs were regarded as the
Ideal spot sought for by Ponco de
Met aside from the romance of the
Indian and from holy reports of the
Kraneisenn me nks. Paso Robles today
is making fame for her waters by rea
son of Its wonderful cures.
Ith.Mimatism, gout, kidney nnd
stomach, troubles disappear before
the h'lth treatments at Paso Robles
so quickly tint the citizens of Paso
Itobles clc " no case can be severe
enough to i 'eat the waters from i
making a r re. Tuberculosis and tin I
clean disc:; s a e not permitted treat-1
How many cows belong to the
Cow Culture club?
In other words, how many Indiana
cohs are really aristocrats, or mere
ly members of the common herd if
an Inoffensive pun is permitted?
Without pausing to answer the
question abruptly, it Is safe to say
that more butter for the bread slices
and better butter, too is being
produced in Indiana now than ever
before, while a much better quant)
of milk is being consumed bv the
'.fin It and infant, cays the Indianapo
lis Star,
It is only of late years that far
mer or slock raiser of the Hoosler
state has awakened to the possibili
ties found in the raising of blue
blooded stock. He could see the ad
vantage in better horses and occa
sionally better pigs, but as a general
thing he was content to keep his "old
cow" as she was. He was Indiffe
rently aware that his cows made
enough milk and butter for his im
mediate needs and wasn t that
enough? He had no time for fooling
with cows his farm always needed
his attention.
Gradually there has been an awak
ening and today some of the world's
best dairy cows have oeen bred and
raised within the confines of the
state. No longer does the nondescript
"family halfer' stroll down through
the winding road of an early morn
ing, after yielding her two quarts of
watery milk, and sitend the day In
tho stalk field or wood pasture clip
ping ihe hcrbago to the clank of a,
brass bell that tells her owner where
the boy with the stone bruise on his
heel can find her when It comes time
to "fetch the cows home." The In
diana dairy herds and the herds of
the well to do farmer; now, are clas
sed among the best in the world. The
Irwlifinn enw nwnpm hnvn hpenii'o nin.
bitlousand nowadays every cow must CHURCH SOCIETY INCORPORATE
show a certificate of "culture or be
Ignomlntously Ostlerlzed. 'ihe "oul- rua T?niii T.utWnn ttdnn
I tiro system" Is absurdly slmplo and I Cnurch of Melrose, has filed articles
.-uiitHBLti u f no e uook una pair oi ot incorporation with the secretary
scales yet by their use Indiana has ; of Btftte at Salem The corporators
Licmeu ii urn. uiiLiJuui 111 ihi o the orRanUat ion are G. A. Kocken
decade. In fact, the movement for j A We8terland, and A. J. Lund
better cows Is country wide anc- It is ren
nroposed to double the nation's pro- b ' 9
already of more value than anv cron you are looking for good service
except corn and equal to one third of, ln the barber line call at the uaaaix
all cereals all the states barber shop, Cass street, Roseburg
and territories ' National Bank Bldg. Three chair
Everv 12 months the A mrlcnn ' shon- Bath rooms In connection, tf.
milch cow adds 1800,000,000 to the
weaitn or the nation, and Indiana
contributes more than Us share to
this wealth.
Of course, weighing a cows milk
will not make hor give more, hut It
will make her owner put a better
one in ner place, ir she Is found want
Ing. Good results from such a meth
od are not slow In coming, es many
an Indiana farmer has found. For
example. It was found that one cow
In a herd gave 10.183 pounds of
milk at a cost of $63. while another
of the same nerd gave only 4,089
min'U nt a ce-- oi f0. The moral
was obvious. The lrtter cow had no
right to membership In ihe "4')0
and was fit only for sausage. Indl
ana, Vis has been said, was slow to
learn these lesson, but it finally did
so. New York learned them, as did
Iowa and Illinois and many other
states that did not Imagine there
were riches ln tho blue blooded dairy
Men who really know the game
do not any more subscribe to the
philosophy that "cows Is cows." Fig
ures will not lie whether on a note
book or a pair of scales and nowadays
It Is results that count.
In one culture club In a section of
a dairy state It was found that POO
cows averaged a yield of 3578 pounds
of milk per cow a year; while in an
other section two herds, one of 45
and the other of 43 cows, averaged
'1771 pound nnd 4 469 nounds per
Ww. respectively, a difference of
07.152 pounds oi nniK in ravor oi
tne smaller herd, or 1 98 pounds per
cow. in another section a oairyman
was getting something over 127,000
nounds of milk from 26 cows and a
ighhor mllklnc 4 5 cows, but a lit
tle more than 124.000 pounds. The
cost of the feed nnd care was the
same. The moral Is that tho herds
to be nrofltable must bo weeded out
and the non workers sent to the
slaughter hom.e.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning
' and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marbl
Works. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice
A. 8. HUEV, if
Optometist i'l
Casa Street -
FlrBt Door Bast Telephone office i't
Din tlst
Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg.
Phone 1361 Roseburg, Or.,
it Roseburg National Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4.
it Fhone 1283.
Roseburg ... Oregon.
J. U. CHAPMAN, I). D. S.
tt DenUst
if Hours 9 a. m. to o p. m. Tel-
i epbone 1141. Abraham Bldg.
Residence Phone 1406.
Roseburg, Oregon.
a. 3. BACI1ER, D. M. D.,
Abraham Roseburg, B
Building. Oregon.
Osteopathia Physiciun r
Chronic diseases a specialty.
!e Graduate of the American
School of Osteopathy Klrksville.
M Mo. Under-founder of science it
Dr. A. T. Still.
Ofllce Abrahnm Bldg. i'f
Phone 1691 Roseburg. Ore
1. it Vi frftti SMfc
Fill Your House
with light no house is modem
without electric lifehts. Though we ',
can wire "rdv old" bulldinu. the
M best work is when the house is being
constructed, we are alwnyB ready ,
lo give an accurate estimate and to '
guarantee the beat work.
olo JN. JacKson cK. Koseburg, Vt
f Physicians and Surgeons ft
Ofltco Lower floor Douglas Co.
Bank bldg., corner Main aud
Oak streets. Phone 771.
Roseburg, Oregon.
$ lMiysician and Surgeon.
Ofllce, Review Bldg., Phone 31.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Physiciun and Surgeon ft
Ofllce, Main St., One Door South ft
of City Hall. Phone 341. ft
ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft
NYrvou" wn T.'lm liavp horn
riiivd f r I a of feinalo ftls.
furui a m li-i' 'i ;-rls of tosllnin
Mlal proof of Hit' belief li'inl effects of
I'aso llnblM spriiv-s.
Here one meets the wern out Pi-Ihm-it
praising tho waters for ll'.lr
ifts to IHm. while at his sMe perimits
bleaks tho chibmnr. from the cilv.
wliose living has worn down his system.
.i , , .M.-niv neinn pimrnns nrrtve n
this en,-'shonlv S o Ylo W l hi, I ):x' " ,H"'U w.ll, eamplnr; onlfits and
,o,nll,L- .lea, I, ,-.wl,l,, I, , .I "1- "n"r r"r,,'l-
ns'elveil l,v rallln
sieve. I hp ,( , was 7,1 vears of
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish LuniV er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
Yards on Lower Oak Street.
'Phone 1411
ft Pliysiciun ft
ft Women's and Children's ft
ft Diseases. ft
ft Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. ft
ft m. Phones Office, 1711, Res. ft
ft 1721. Mar 8 tors Block, next to ft
ft Douglas County Bank Bldg. ft
ft R gfihurg, Oregon. ft
ftftftftft; ftftftftftft
ft A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson ft
ft Atlorneys-At-Law. ft
ft Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co. ft
ft Bank Bldg. ft
ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft
ft H. E. STEEL, ft
ft Attoney-nt-Lnw ft
ft Legal advice free. Collections ft
ft Solicited ft
ft Room 1, MarsterB Bldg. ft
ft Roseburg, Ore. ft
WftWftftftftftftftftftfti ftftftftftft
Attorney-AtLanr. ft
ft ' ft
ft Will practice ln all State and
ft Federal Courts. Olnce ln Marks ft
ft Building. Roseburg, Oregon, ft
eftftft'!ftftrtftftftft '
Attorneys-At-Lnw. ft
ft Tayior a Wilson Building. ft
ft ftftftftftft
M r nuainst 11 re. I hot I ,,,.'.,.,,, . ,UXIM- ,l "
aire ami had resided nt the home r
William liuslmell. at Ten Mil... Tor
some time. ,t the m,, ,,
ed met wit', the necident w ill, h re.
suited le death the Uiishnell r.nelh
were atisent from lioine. therefore the
exaet naluie of the tnu;edv will nev
er he known. It Is presumed, how
ever, that he simply stiiuil.le.l nnd
leu. ins ho. ly mining u eont.'i
neie ,so are me riru 111 ineir lu-l
ilrlous hotel with private hath hhuse
and all the sp,flnl attention thev de-
na.ul. ih:' nlr of I'aso HoPl,-s Is as , ft
rich and as perfoel as Its wat"r. this j ft
fart alone being of greatest heie-fit ;
to its curing power. j
A small hook, neatlv Illustrated 'ft
has been reetlltlv puhllsluil hv the! 9
n.Miagement telling the rtorv of the , S
the heated t..v... The f ineral will hoi Z IK. 7. I'T"""" "V,n
M'liu lor It. either to v,. MeMurrav
held tniponow afternoon with inter-
nient at the I. O. O. P. cemeterv. The
deeeaseil lias ,,c L-i-.....
' this section of the west.
general passenger agent of the O. R
.v. rortlnMi, Or., or rir. P. w. !
rviwycr. nianaRer. raso Hollies. Cal. , W
This is the claim made by all who send their
washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get
this result no chemicals are ustd. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the most approved
manner all the latest aud most n I i
ery is at our command to do your work in a mos
trorough manner.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson S.treet - ROSEBURG, ORE.
Bftft ftftftMft&
Roseburg, Oregon, ft
ftftftftftftftftfrftftftftft irftftftftftjfcjfcjfcii,
ft 'Attorncy-At-Law. ft
ft Notary Puhllc. Rooms 8 and ft
ft 7, Marsters Building.
ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft
Attorncy-At-Law. ft
ft Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co ft
ft Bank Building. a
ft Roseburg, Oregon. ft
ft and
ft Notary Public.
"" ? . .. Oregon, ft
asw-..... ..- mnn-- iri '
ft Attonioy-At-Law. ft
ft Notary Public. Abraham Bldg.
ft Roseburg. Orarnn it.