The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 29, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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. Nov. 6, 1109
ih Becond-claaa mutter
at HoHOburir, Ore., un-
lcr act of u.umh 3, 187i.
Bubacription ItnU; Itilly
Per year, by mail .$3.00
Ier mouth, delivered.,..., .SO
. H-in J -Weekly
Pr year $2.00
six months 1.00
Poultry hu i-iitidry ! one of the
Important huUUh-Ah tuken up Id the
vrlntor f-hort cojiwif at tho Oregon
Agricultural collet-, comrmmcliitf in
J tin nary. Thoro ouht to he greater
InlorcHt takon In IhlH most Important
indiiHtry by the people of our Htato,
sinrt Hie rolti'Lo Ih fjiidoavnrliK to iih-
f-'lst. the jjood' worlt along. Oregon
should lend In poult rv products
nnd while irkh at from 25 to 40 cents
n rlnzon m:tv wnm a Kinull business,
thnre Is "minimis In It."
During an iiniiHindly severe Btorm
which visited New Kimland the early
Dart of the wpefc, a tidal wave swuiit
Into Host 'in nnd left ruin and destruc
tion In IIh wnhn ns It receded. It Ip
t8tlinited that, tho property loss will
reach $1,000,000. Other sectloim
of the Middle West and the eaHt ex
perienced most destructive storms
1 living tho mnin period, nnd loss of
tlfe Is reported In many places. While
ihotiff HtorniH wore raging over tho
onntry entitwnrd, we of Southern
Oregon were enjoying fair weather,
Ihn tsmperatiiro ranging about 32 to
35, nnd no wind, rain or Blent, and at
-we.wrllo theao Miioh the bun is shin
nrt brightly. Oregonlann ought cer
Inlnly to bo very happv that they live
In such a favored unction.
Morn Ihnn ten thousand children
from the poor families of San Fran
rlsco yonngHterd who might other
'wlse not bavo known any of the Joyp
. of this Christmas iioanon wen the
TiiieHU of the charitable people of tint
;Uy on Christmas ovo. The St. r'rai-
cIb hotel wh the scene of tiilH good
"work, and not one of tho ten tlnm
wind or niopo children who passed
inrougn mo court or tho ramous nop
teltv wer.t away empty handed A
lft. wns there for evnry ono. nr.-. Iinn-
fled to the recipient, but the child was
t Tormlt(pd to seh'ct his own gifi from
1he tboiunnds that were displayed. It
certainly was a remarkable nffnlr.
nnd one which hi characteristic n! tile
linn Francisco spirit.
The past few weeks of murkey
weather has not been nndiutlve to
very Kood health In our vicinity. Mrs,
Curtis,; Mrs. W Lite. (Jmurl: m Lam-
sun, and Beveral ntheid bolus some
what afflicted.
Mrs. Thompson lias of laltv ad "d
a much needed porch to her residence.
Mr. Curtis also has bten linking
some dubrftantlal lmpi vouitji-U to hip
lit. use.
Mr. Harry Clark and the Jackson
brothers contemplate engaging In the
huilthiul and muney producing bus
iness of wood cutting for tho CJmp
juc Light & Water company.
iiev. C. C. Hughes Is recovering
from his attack of lagrlppe.
The smiling face of the genial
capitalist, Mr. A. J,. Mellows, was seen
on ono of our main streets lately.
The gun shot wound of Key. Percy
Lea Is healing quite fast, he belnej
able io resume his dally labor.
Airs. Rose lb recovering from he
late illness, she having been seen on
our streets.
It has been announced there w
be watch services held In the Free
Methodist church on New Year's eve.
Grandma McClellan Is still Improv
ing in tier general health.-
I rapper Johnson was seen on our
streets with a fine large mink whl
was fooling around one of Mr. John
son s traps and got his foot In It,
Said mink hide Is valued at 3.00
Pretty good Mr. 1 rapper.
Will soon say good bye to the old
year and what will he tho record of
1910, may West Ropehiirg mnke
greater advancement along all lines
pertaining to the welfare of all our
people. So let It be.
nrtinnd Ih confronted with the
vifvYiinm nr how to get rid of 70.000
Tionr itH of cold storage, turkeys, ntanv
of wMeh were killed for the Thanks
Rivi'r J md hut for which particu
lar Thrtnkiglvlng the birds were kill
ed no one sms willing to vouch. A
tmrt oT the lurkts were shipped from
ttm rnst. some wore, plaughlered in
Oregon and shipped to California,
nnd not finding sain In the 0 olden
MMn, were rehllled to Portland, and
Mill nnother consignment went to
VJniblngton points and back. The
lonlerH want Portlanders to use the
Mnhnlrnd fowls for food hut the crit
ical houpewirej in manv Instances, Is
rr the birds are "over ripe." It
would seom lo any disinterested on
IrHiknr. who expets to neither buy nor
nil nnv of half decayed stuff," that
th only thing Ih for the health of
Ttorq to condemn the meat and sop
to It (hit It Iu destroyed.
nouglns Walt.o and wife lo K W,
llndgpeth, W', of SI-JV4 of sec. 1 K
twp. 27, S It 4 W; also certain Innd
lying north of couulv road hi sec. I
and H3. Consideration $1000,
dviia ui;im;ic ui roitt
XI. S. Woathor Bureau, local ottlcu,
llosuhiirg. Oregon, H4 hours ending
fi p. m., Dec. 29, 1 !loi:
Preclpltatiou iu inches and hun
dredths: Maximum temperature 34
'Minimum tenipui u I tire 31
I'rocpltatinn 0
Total prucip. since first of month 2.d
years C..1-I
Avg. ;reclp. fcr this month for 32
years ti.14
Total preclp. frnui Sep I, litiin. to
v date l
Avg. preclp. from Sep. I, 1 877 13. (.1
"Total excess Hum Sep. I, lit Oil 2.T.0
Avg. preclp. from Sep. 1, 1X77 12.31
Hcnons (Sep. to May inc.) 33.00
tt yon in nut doliiff n much
business as you should
There's Something Wrong
with your method ot attractlnf
Try a Campaign of Catchy
Advertising In This
Then KICK US it your business
doesn't Improve.
I)r. and Mm Knott Hpent Chilsl-
mus Willi rrionda lit Axhltind.
Jiib. McQuuld. of I'oitnluiwl, who
linH bepii vlMlting with friondB at this
inaio ror several days, went to Hose
burir lust Monday for a few days
visit nfter which he will return to
this place.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Caloy spent Christ
mas with friends at Central Point.
Miss Ruth Swlnney visited with
rolatlves in southern Oregon during
the holiday week.
Ous Peret visited with fi-lendB at
Kugimo the first ot the week.
Miss Ruth Powell, of Oakland. Is
visiting with relative hero this
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Steams spent
Christmas with lolaUvns at Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Long, who have
linen visiting with relatives at Klk
head for the past month, rein rued
to their home at Portland last Tues
ICdgar naugherty, of Salnm
speiidiug the holidays with relatives
:iL nils place.
Miss Suslo Applegate, of Portland
spent l nrlKtmas with her parents,
.Mr. anil mib. Aiinlegale at this 'nace
I he Misses It mil and Lena I lolll-
well, of Portland, visited with their
linrems. Mr. and Mrs. Win. llelll
well, at this place dining Christ
mils festivities, returning to Port
land last Monday.
, Mr. and Mrs. 1). Crouch, wh have
neon vlslllng with Mrs. Crouch's pa.
rents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Applegate.
or some time, left last Monday. Mr
Crouch going to Springfield where ho
alien,! to business afWIrs, while Mrs.
Crouch goes lo Portland to be Joined
liner by lier nushumt.
.las. Ultima, of Mlkhnail, left Inst
1 ucsday for Portland to remain in
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mlnzer left
last week for California, whore they
will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Uelllwell of
Portland are visiting wilh relatives
at this place. They contemplate re
luming to Portland tho Inst of tho
Dr. f!eo. 10. Ilouch, of Roseburg.
was attending tn professional busi
ness In I his vicinity tho first of the
W. 0. Hurt and wife, of grants
Pass are visiting with relatljrcs here
tills week.
The Modern ltrotherhood of Amerl
ca lodge met In regular i-esslnn last
Monday evening and Initiated quite
a class of cnndldnlcs Into the myste
ries of "goatllood" after which n "big
feed was spread to which all did
Ulnple Justice.
Uev. K. O. Eldrldge Is holding a
scries of meetings at the M. E. church
tills week.
Christ mas was duly observed at
this place. There being an excellent
tree and program at tho M. K. church
on Christmas eve and a delightful
time was enjoyed by nil. Christmas
night festivities were further carried
out at. the Presbyterian church, there
being n nicely decorated tree and ft,
large audience listened to an exten
sive and interesting program at the
cimi'luslnn of which old Santa made
ills appearance, much to tho dolicht
of the youngsters and after a brief,
explanation as lo being a little late.
Th? mai.y presents were distributed,
after which tlie audience was dismis
sed wlille general good feeling pre
vailed. MRS. McGINTV.
obtaining a husband If they would
remove the hatpin before setting
-neir caps.
Never wash flannels In water , in
which cotton clothing has been wash
ed, as there Is lint always left In the
water that "fulls, the flannel
When making boys' punts. If moth
ers wiil put In a large piece of the
same matorlal in the knees between
the lining and outside, it will be
there ready when needed.
it Isn't safe to buy eye glaasea of
pedlers. . If . your eyes need glasses,
go to a reputable occuliut or .optician
in some nearby .own or city. , Eton
only is fulBe wisdom when It comes
to eyo troubles. . ,
Books, music and good lights may
not Increase the corn crop, but they
wonderfully increase the heart crop;
and that is worth a good deal more
when It conies to keeping the boys
ind girls on the farm.
If your oven does not bako, don't
get mad about it and think that the
stove is a nuisance. Just clean out
'he top and bottom of tho stove. You
will be surprised at the amount of
soot you will get. and how much
'letter the stove will bake.
It Is heaiy worlt lo carrv up a full
scuttle of coal, but If a grape basnet
is kept at the head. of the oellar
italrfi, and If each time a trip Ib
made to the cellar it is filled and
brought up, the scuttle may be kept
supplied. Even life children can
help do this.
A week tilled up with selfishness
and a Sabbath stuffed full of reli
gious exercises will make a good
"harisee but a poor Christian. There
are many persons who think Sunday
is a spongiie with which to wipe out
the sins of the week.
It is natural for c.hrdrn to like
candy and good candy Is wholesome
.or them, tnken at the prcper tlpie
which is not between meals. A good
plan Is to servo It fur dessert several
times a week; a few pieces .are
enough for each child. Used In this
way It Is not extravagant, as It saves
Ihe making of other desserts.
There are too many people who
are like my now teakettle. You can
pile flro under it, and polish It all
you please, but it won't sing; nil it
w 1 do t to grant a iiiiib, aim it
you tako the lid off It will scald the
hand. Isn't that a picture of grumpy
surly people who don't appreciate
kindness? Give me the old Iron ket
tle that can sing, and the old Jolly
people who can sing, also.
From January farm journal.
Her llabr Dies When Only Few Hours
At Your Service
Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193
MerdceiV WaBh., Dec. '23. Where
!s H. Clark, lugger.
Tint- U the a u oh t Ion that a girl
wtfu, homeless, friendless and pennl
'esh, repeals to herself each hour of
the day In her bed at a local hospi
tal, while the form of a child, born
Sunday morning to die yesterduy, lies
awaixlnx hor. recovery to be burled.
. ftomeiblng over a year axo, the
tsirl says, she .married Clark In Ore
eon and came to Aberdeen about a
month rko. Hore tho husband ar
ranged for her maintenance for a few
weeks, .and, promising to return by
the end of that time, went Into the
woods to work, so she believed.
The weeks sped by, and the pirl
barely 20 years old, grew moro anx-:
ions, and worried. At last the day
tame when the advance rent had I
been exhausted and the landlady aHk-
ed for money. There was no one to
whom the unfortunate girl could ap
peal. She rt'aiH an orphnn and there
was no home to which she could turn
In Oregon and being here but a short
- nrt no Mends In Aberdeen
Forced out on the street' she sought
another hotel and with faith In her
husband- still firm and unshaken,
she secured a room In another lodg-
ing notice upon telling the propri
etress, whose heart warmed toward!
tho girl, that the bill would be settled
wbn Clark returned. '
Then ugaln commenced the dnys of
vaiting. The little woman, exnectlne
it anv time to become a mother, put
nit hour by hour, going to a hosnltal,
firm In tho belief that Clark would
r.ome back as he promised. Christ
mas came nnd passed, but stlU she
ielayed until at last at 4 o'clock Sun
day morning sho packed her ucanty
belongings and applied at the Aber
deen general hospital for admittance.
t 10 o'clock her child was born.
Her first words afterwards were to
isk for her husband. Perhaps it was
"he worry and care of tho p-eeeritng
-lays of the privations she underwent,
but In any event the tiny ,babe clung
n its weeping mother but q day when
death called it.
Mrs. Clark still believes In hor hus
band. She Insists that i?otne harm ,
must have come to him to keep him
away. Efforts to locate her hucband
have failed.
tt Do yo(i want to build you a home and pay for it in small .'
monthly payments and low rate of interest? J,
Do yilu want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
tt easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? tt
tt Do you want ti buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract '
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- ;
H cality? Do you want, to sell your property?
Do j'ou want to insure your building in one. of the best
and chea est companies in the U. S.? '
If So See WALKER S PERRINE, Roseburg Ore.
Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces, ot beef from tks to
12 He pound. First class mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone ua
your order. We deliver to any part
of the olty.
Cass Street Market
107 West CasB 8t. Phone 1(1.
Free Delivery.
Douglas County creamery liuttoi
the best on the market a home
product, 85 cents a roll. Patronize
home industry and get the best. tf
Goods of every description
moved to any part of the
city. Prices reasonable.
ft . i
fUearance tale
I Tailor Made Clothes
Slicridiin Street Ncnr The Depot.
We don't sell for cost or below
cost but we will sell right at cost.
If you don't believe It, try us and
see. with each dollar s worth of
goods purchased you are entitlod to
a chance on a nice set ot silverware,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
Seo them In the window. Come and
tee for yourself, don't bo misled by
uny one for you will miss It
ConiniBDi'inK December 18, and
continuing tor two weeks, in order J
io reduce in stock of hitch-grade i
KOods, I nil! make Buita at the
following greatly reduced prices:
$35 Suits $28.00
$33 Suits $25.00
$30 Suits $22.00
For two weeks only. Call early 3
while the stock is complete.
B 0 D G El
The Reliable Tailor
-Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods la the City
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Olflce: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main 3431 or 311. -
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
'Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
Give us a call. We will save' you money.
To Out Friends
and Patrons:
Phona Main 6231
Olllco Phone Main 3209
Parcrawf Secret
Service Agency
""'lie vii.iiu: wifn: "This r.ihhlt (soli)
I'm I)p,mi pliukliiK It (soli) all the
nftoninmi, nnd It isn't half cluno yet."
Crlnil mi the meat that. Is left over,
stir II up with potatoes mill mnke
rrnquntka ft.i supper. Niee as can
Some Rlrla would he sunvssful In.
. .
We are prepared to do all legltl-
mate lletectlho Work (both civil
and Criminal) In all parts of 4
tho United States - - - -
I'. P.VltKi:lt Superintendent
. .214-210 Henry Uhllt
roiiTU.vii, on.
We wish to thank the public for their liberal
patronaRo accorded us during the few months our
establishment has been open, and solicit a further
continuance of your patronage for tho eusuing year.
I OUR MOTTO: "Good oods at rteht Drices"
X ml m m. n. - '
im lemperanceaioon t
Properly Conducted'
Opposite Passenger
Depot - Roseburg
IP R 0 P R I E T O R S
This Is Your
: The Holiday. Work is before you
and there is the Xmas dinner to plan
for. We can relieve yon of much
worry and work, which is economy,
too, you know. You'll find all our
Pastry, CaKes and Bread
to be unexcelled. Orders delivered.
We cordially thank you for the
ever increasing patronage of trie
the year 1 909, and trusting to
merit your continued favors for
1910, . we wish you a ,
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
Roseburg Furniture Go.
I ii a
tt tutttttxt
Special orders given prompt attention.
Place your Xmas orders now.
Telephone 135'