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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1909)
THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Filr Tonight and Thursday Warmer Thureday ADVERTISERS Will ritidTlio Kvuuliiir Nuwk the tout uiwlluw to reach the people of Hnnotmnr. A wlilo-a-waku publication prlntlnir all th now tlmt'B fit to print VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER i!9, 1909. NO. 49 E But Fortunately no Serious Harm Resulted. ONLY WRECKED ENGINE Crime Is Laid on Union Labor or. Sym pathizers Structure Is a Mil lion Dollar Steel Frame Hotel. (Special to The Evening News) , Salt Lake, Dec. 29. Two unsuc cessful attempts were made today to dynamite the mammoth derrick steel structure that is being erected In this city. The steel work is being done by Don union labor, and it is charged that the union smypathlzers, or some one directly identified with organiz ed labor, is responsible for the at tempt to blow up the frame of the ).-ig building. The structure is design ed for a hotel, and stands at the head of Main street, and when completed will have cost a million dollars. This tine hotel will be one of the most complete institutions of the kind in the entire west. To prevent any fur ther attempts at destruction, armed guards have been stationed around the property. The attempted .dyna miting was at an hour when no one t wns in the vicinity, and although the engine operating the hoist was wreck ed, tho frame work was not injured. Work has been temporarily suspended. j of stringed instruments, and two bountirui meats, dinner and supper, j Is being arranged for the all day .service at the Methodist Episcopal 'church on New Years day. Kev. M, K. Meartr will pi each at 11 a, m. A historical sketch of the church from the time of Its organization to the present time will be rend by Mrs. N. T. Jeuett, at 2:20 p. m. This will be followed by the annual roll call of members at 3 p. m. Several of the pastors of-the city will participate in a round table conference at 3 p. m. in the evening tho service will be held at 7 p. m. After evening Intermis sion for supper. After prayer, praise nnd testimonies. There will be spe cial vocal and Instrumental music by Ihe choir and orchestra. This will be followed with a happy and live address by Robert Sutcliffe, the bus-ness-llke and energetic pastor of Cot tage Grove. All of those services will be full of life and happiness. All are welcome. Jas. K. Hawkins, pastor. BATH TUB MURDER MYSTERY UNSOLVED HAPI'V NKW YEAIt'S KVEXT An Interesting and varied program with Hpecinl music by new orchestra MISS ANNA MORGAN HELPS LABOR CAUSE (Special to The Evening News) New York, Dec. 29. Miss Annn Morgan, daughter of J. P. Morgan, is strongly advocating the cause of the striking shirt waist workers. A Christmas gift from the noted finan cier to his daughter, said to be a check running well into five figures, has been used to assist the strikers in their fight for better conditions. Mor gan is said to have offered no objec tion when his daughter told him to what use she desired to put the mon ey. Other influential people of the city are also lending moral and fi nancial aid to the strikers, and it is expected that the employers will soon agree to the demands of employes. (Special to The Kvenlng News) New York, Dec. 29. Dr. Hughes today authorized the return to thie city of Mrs. Caroline B. M.artln, Moth er of Mrs. Ocey Snead, victim of the New York bath tub murder mystery, and also Mrs. Mary Snead, an aunt o( the dead woman, will be returned. Both women were held awaiting exr tradition on the charge of being im plicated in the murder of Mrs. Ocey Snead on November 24. 1 KUGKXE MERCHANTS WORKED. Clover Swindler Secures About 9100 From Dealers. SPECIAL SESSION IN DEADLOCK Frank Long, of Cleveland, is a vls Hnr in the city this afternoon. Eugene, Or., Doc. 29. During the holiday rush of last Friday and Satun day three mercantile firms of Eugene were "worked to the tune of Sluo In the aggregate by a smooth indi vidual posing as a logger and repre senting himself to be Ross Hill. He purchased small bills of goods nt tnree different stores and then paid for them with a check for S30 pur porting to have been drawn by R. Wi Martin, manacer of the Mohawk Lum ber company, ana tnen getting tne rat feronce between the amount of the check in cash fro-n xhe merchant. The fraud was not discovered till yesterday and today, when the checks wero presented at the First National bank for payment, they were found to be wcrthle&s. T3. H.-Mahn, who nrrlvd Li the city some days ago to visit with relatives, will leave tomorrow mornlntr for Se nttle whare he will remain for about three months. Adrian, the 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Fisher, underwent an operation this morning fur adenoids and enlarged tonsils. Dr. A. C. Seely performing the surgery. First Annual CLEA RANGE SALE One-fourth Offon All Clothing Our window is a mirror of what you will find inside. Every suit marked in plain figures. You cannot afford to pass this sale of strictly high-class,hand-tailored'-suits. It means money to you. DO IT NOW. BUY, SAVK, STOP, THINK! Every suit and overcoat must be sold. : These prices mu&t appeal to you. This is the store that does things. No fiction. 1 4 off Think of an all wool, hand tailored suit, nobby, up-to-the-minute; in style and pattern, cheap at $15.00, now .... All wool fine worsted suits, fancy cashmeres and Scotch tweeds, cheap at $18.00, now All the.speclal high grade strictly all wool materials, the latest fashions, greeiis, olives, brows and dark grays, all sues, cheap at $20,000, now NOW $11.25 Now $13.50 ers, suits to be proud of, strictly hand tailored, a bargain at $22.50, now .... Suits that you cannot resist wanting to wear, perfection, height of tailor ing and materials, sold everywhere for from $25.00 to $30. 0C, now Now Now $15.00 $16.85 Now $18.75 1 4 off (Special to The Evening News.) Helena, Mont., Dec. 29. A special BPHfllnn nf tho lnrl,nt,.n ,na u.. by the governor to consider the mnt- im ui uil'icummk me appropriation for the new whmR rn ti mnii.i building, in order lhat nntlve stone i-uuia ue usea instead or the proposed stone from the Hoosler state. So far, however, thern hn. hoan n n.nn..i. The senate, which Is Republican, fa- vum, uie innmna product, while tho house Is Democratic, and advocates Ihe native rock for the construction of the new wings, which is also In accordance with the expressed wishes ui me moor unions or that section. The Republicans are urging their claim on the grounds of economy, while those favoring native stone claim that the Increased cost will be only nominal, but by using Montana rock all the money will be kept at home. ed turkeys now in this market, un 'old, nnd about a carloud of eastern dressed ducks and geese. The chance are that ihe quantity Is much greater even than Indicated. BOILER EXPLOSION KILLS FIVE MEN (Special to The Evening News ) Rending, Pa., Dec. 29. A boiler explosion Is reported to have occurr ed at the Metropolitan Electric com pany's plant early this morning. Mea ger Information from the the scene of the dlsuster can only be obtained, but It Is stated that five men wore killed by the explosion. ZELAYA IS NOW IN MEXICO CITY (Special to The Evening News) Mexico City, Dec. 29. Former President Zelaya, of Nicaragua, ar rived here today and was received unofficially by representatives of the government. A great many Central Americans cheeied wl.dly as Zelaya's car, attached to the regular train, pulled Into the station.. BIG FOUR TRAIN IN THE DITCH (Special to The Evening News) Cleveland, Dec. 29. A passeHgor train on tho Ulg Four railroad was wrecked near this city today, and several persons are reported to have been seriously hurt in tho accident. COLD KTOHAUK l-OUXS ON SALK About 70,000 Pound of "Ripe" INmltry Offered l'orlluiidct'H, 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 14 Off 1-4 Off OVERCOAT BARGAINS Manish Hand-Tailored overcoats, Military collars, large prominent shoulders, Priestly Cravinetted, Blacks, Grays, fancy worsteds, Scotch Tweeds and unfinished worsteds. You cannot resist these money saving bargains. Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $15 to $18 Now $11.25 Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $18 to $20 Now $13.50 Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $20 to $25 Now$i5.00 Sec Our Hat Department For Attractive Prices All Negligee Shirts to You at Attractive Prices This is our first annual sale and we want you to eee and appreciate that we do what we say, and have confidence in the store that does business in a legitimate way. If you have never been a patron of llarth's Toggery, commence now. Let us prove to you there is merit in high-class goods, a saving to you in this sale and a satisfaction that will be a pleasure. Harth's Toggery HOME OF II KG A I, SHOES HOME OP REGAL SHOES HOME OP II KG A L SHOES Portland Telegram "Age does not wither nor storage stale lis gastronomic charm." So say the dealers. Hut seriously, how Ions will a ocld storage turney hold good? Does the quality of an Oregon urkey Impiovo by reason of ihe fact that it was killed prior to Thanks giving day, shipped to San Francls ?o, sent back to Portland for the Christmas t-ade, and then held over to Ne v Yei-r's dav? Is an Oklahoma or Nebraska tur key killed perhaps a month ago and shipped on Ice half wny across the continent, just what tho t average Port laud consumer wants at tho Now Year's dinner? There is no use "taking thought on what ye shall eat" at the coming holiday. That little problem has been most happily solved by the market men. All the consumer need do is wince nnd pay the price. If he elcr-ls turkey. It will bo a storage bird: if ho calls for a goose it will be taken off the Ice for him; if ho decides on a duck for the New Year's ho will likewise get the ''cured" article. And the price that will In all probability be In line wilh the good things that wero In demand at Thanksgiving time nnd Christmas. Tho cost, as at the other holidays, is likely to be 20 to 40 per cent higher than In previous yearn. And In rase a turkey cannot be bo embalnird with Ice as to bo In definitely kfpt fresh and young, what is to be done with it when tho pros pective l)upp turns nwav in disgust? One little news item from the north that found Its wav Into print Snndav deems to be suggestive, it follow s: "Montpsano, Wash., lor. 2 si. Few turkeys were eiitnn In Montcsano to day aa local dealers were obliged to return to Portland the shipments received from there. They were mostly cold storage products "and their condition was unfit for con sumption. "What birds were sold went at 35 Vents a pound." At Christmas time, an at Thankc glvlntr time, then wero hundreds of families In the city where tho prices demanded by the market nvn vir tually barred turkey. Now. with the holidays passnd. there are thousand of pounds of dtPRKed turkeys, Ore gon and eastern. In storage, unsold ard-waiting for buyeru for the New Year's dinner. Dealers familiar with the market "onditlond say there are between Q0,000 and 70,000 pounds of dress- STRIKE SITUATION, NOT RELIEVED (Special to Thu Evening News.) Minneapolis, Dec. 29. The Btrlke Bltuutlon In Minnesota 1b at a stand still, and is awultlng the final out come of H. B. Perham's trip to Washington,- where he went to see the president and others In an en deavor to Ret their Influence In set tling the matter. Perliam Is snld to be a member of one of the train men's organizations, and 1b going to the national capital expecting to lay the whole trouble before the mem bers of the interstate commerce commission. THIS AX AK Oh- QUA FT ' So Sayo Supremo Court Justice Wes ley Howard. Troy, N. Y., Dec. 29. -"Tho age of patriotism has yielded to the age of commercialism. Uppermost In the humnn mind today is not the stars and stripes, but the dollar mark." Such was tho declaration of Su orome Court Justice Wesley O. Ilow ircl, In an opinion today reducing the compensation of members of a com mission nppolnted to apprnlBe dama ges to property resulting from tho construction of the AHhokan reservoir In Ulsor county, which is to furnish a water supply fpr New York city. "While the commission furnlBhes avonues for the reckless escape of ninny dollars, there are other chan nels of leakage and waBto fully as ap nalllng," Bald Justice Howard. "It Is greatly to be regrottod that no public enterprise can be projected and consummated without this ap nailing loss, called 'grart.' Graft, in not necessarily an Illegal expenditure f money, but it Is that unnecessary wasteful use that characterizes the construction of every public venture. At least 40 per cent of all money ap propriated for public use Is lost in irraft. All things could be posslblo if tills frightful leak could bo stopped ronds, canals, libraries, asylums and hospHalB. "Graft Is ns much nn element to bo eckoned with In computing the cost of a public structure as Ib cement or Inbor. It haB come to bo a matter of course this rake-otf a loss recog nized by all who make ostlmntes of ost In such cases. A public structure built honestly would bo a freak." T)r .E. V. Hoover was called to Melrose yestorday to attend J. A. Anderson, who is suffering from pneuiuonla. Teriffic Storm off the England Coast. New LEVIED GHASTLY TOLL Tidal Wave Swept lloston's Water Front, Destroying1 Property to the Value of One Million Dollurs. (Special to The Evonlug News) Boston, Dec. 29. Durlne Christ mas, week most severe storms raged along the Now Bnglnnd and Cana dian coast nnu' a great dor.l of ship ping was wracked both in the har bors and at sou. Krom advices re ceived from Nova Scotia and New foundland the gnlo that raged nkngr tho coast on Christmas day reach ed tho proportions of a hurricane. As the storm subsided the vosaele that had stood off the const during: tho galo began to arrive In port, but at this t!rae there are more than ut dozen craft that are unaccounted for,, and it Is feared that they are loat Bovernl vcbbgIb foundered off the New lOnglaud coast while the storm was at lis holght, and the crews wore lost with thorn. From the data ob tainable it Is estimated that between forty and fifty sailors were drowned during the storm period, and the to tal number who went down with the foundored veBsels may possibly ex ceed this estimate. During tho pro gress of the gale a tldnl wave swept Into Rnston and destroyed a million dollars' worth of pro port y In a few minutes of time. The wave reach ed a height of fifteen feet. Tho News was In error regarding the awarding of the prize at t he wed ding anniversary celebration or Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Thompson .which occtn'rod Saturday evening. The ar ticle wsb to tho orrect that Mrs. Thompson had won the first prize, whllo In fact, tho Bumo was nwardeoT to Mrs. Hnmpson. The consolation prlzo went to Mrs. Ed Keuny. Road The Evening NewB for news. Just a call nt my etudlo will convfrco you we are ar tists and can make you every 1:1-1 or alfco photo yon may desire. Frames mado to or- der. Clark's Studio, Roso Uurg National bank building. FR EE HOUSEKEEPERS, STORE- KEEPERS, JANITORS I have it now, a sweeping compound that will meet the most exacting requirements. It is cheaper than you have heen using as it has loss sand in it and consequently lighter. It will not harm the finest rug or carpet. It will take up all dust from wood floors or covered floors. Unless floors nre very dirty it can be used more than once, again reducing cost. Retails at s cents per pound But that you may know how it does its work I will give you a sample package if you will bring tliiB adv. with you. "The man with an axe to grind," and this time I want te know how many of Mr. Bates' readers see my adv. F. H. ChurchilF IHONMOMflKU CHOPPING Now Done at the Rochester Mill 3 Miles West of Sutherlin and Oakland The Luse Land & Development Co., LTD. J. Herstein Miller Phone 26XX-5