TIIK EVKNI.VO N'KM'fl l l h SI) A V. IH ( KM II I It 2H, 1 (1(111. LOCAL NUWS. 0. 'A'liilB, of Heaverlcjn, Ore., In vis iting friends In the city. Mrs. Alice Caldron, of Merlin, was a viHlmr In the city ycnicrd.iv. S. S. MoitIhoii, of I'rol, tr ill, acted hUhiucHy niiitlerti hi Hie city yester day. (iou. W'lnK wenl. to Drain Sunday to work for tho Lcora MiilH Lumber company. Try one. of llior.o Hnnll filters will fit any faucet Bee Winnie GacMIs, the plumber, tf. Mlm Fiimia Kirulloy, of Wilbur, Ik epenillnu tlio week In town, vlsltlni; friends and relatives. Wlllhtnl Colli), of the Cobb Heal Kstalo company, went to Ilia ranch at Glonbvnok this inornlnK. . W. McOilvry, or Ciuivonvlllo, Ik apcndlnif a couple of days In Iho city looking i ftcr hiulnoss niattciK. Superintendent AiiHlin, of Iho Wil bur schools, 1h spcudliiK ho d;iv In the city ntlondlni; business niatlers .tallica lames, formerly teiiorrai'h er at the HciKeburn ('or.il"Oic lul clnl). 'eft yctetd.iy afternoon for lil home in Indiana. F. W. Llverniore and fatnllv, of Boave;t(,n, Ore., are vlsltlim lit !hc liomo of his sister, .Mrs. I). Jackson, of North ltosebuii?. Miss Kva Llnlz, of Portland, loft, for her home thin inornlnK after a lirlef visit nt the home of her father, W. H. Unit. In this city. Mrs. It. S. Marker and fninlly ro . tinned to Midline! this morula'.; aft or a brief visit al the home of the for mer's father, .1. II. Maiden. Dan f'armony, of KiiKonn. who (pent ChrhtinaH with his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs T. M. Carniony. of forth Unset' tli'K, returned home Monday. Carl Melverts and wile, of Oakland, were vIsHorn In the dly yesterday. They atlcndod Iho Inslallallon of of ficers at the Masonic hall lust cven inR. H. Mattison, li linotype operator who recently purchased a' ranch a short distance north of the cllv. went to Portland this inornlnK to spend several weeks vlsltnm friends and relatives.1 A. rllKtinlnoss, of Portland, nrtlv Pd here this morning to spend n few davs vIslthiK friends and attcndlnti business iiKilters. Mr. Sicnnlunss snvB that, his family enjovs Portland llfo notwIthslnnclliiK the cold weath- er which prevails In that recllnr. dur llljr the wlnler months. At- a Fpeclal meelltiK of l.nurol Chnplir No. 31. It. A. M.. held Sat urday afternoon the followliiK nl'N-roi-p w-'t-e elected to. servo durinir the. onsuinir year: S. S. '.losephoson, II. P.; Pert Holmes. KIiib; ,T. I. Zurrh er, Hcrlhe; A. T. Man-'ial. 0. II.; O. P. Coshow, P. S.: .1. W. droves, sec retary; It. II. 0. Wood, treasurer; filmoii faro, It. A. C; II. Phllllus, M. 3 V.; It. L. OIUi, M. 2 V..; Itlchard Sttililis, M. 1 V.; 11. 11 Muimeli. sen. The prell nlliary hearing of Waller Jjentlierwood. rlllireocl with the crime nf larcepv from the sto e of Dave AlcKav, of Wilbur, Is attractlmt the .fit tent Inn of Justice of the Peace .tnlltl T. I.onu toilav. I.eatllerwood Is ccusetl or ItavliiK entered the store nbovo teenllotied und made avay -villi n doll of the approximate value or iiO cents. District Mlnrney Oeo. M. Urown Is eoniliii'llns the case for the slate, while dim dcf'Mllltlt, lon thorwocid. Is roprcHonled hy Attorney 'V. W. Canlwoll. If ronvlrlocl I.ea tllerwood stands a chance of srvlnc a penitentiary sentence nollnvitli--tnndlni! Ihe fact that Ihe amount ap propriated Is trifllni:. The annual church rally nnd busi ness nieellllix of tile llnpllst church nT tills city wlll'lio held at tlio churcli tomorrow afternoon and eviilm;. Tito nflernoon session will he InrMoly, "eeuplod with (he annual reporls from the various depart u. cuts or Ihe church, and other business. In Ihe veiling there will he a fine musical proKnim. and a platform mcctlne. with short addresses hy proinlnenl layuien, after which tfie annual ad dress before Ihe church will be deliv ered hv Itcv. nr. P. C. W. Parker.! of Portland, state secretary of Ihe Oretlou Hapllst colivemlou. All an' invited to Iheso sessions, whether members of tho church or not. The 'ndles will spread supper In the church bust nient, and tile time Se ween sessions will lie spout In eal Iiik nnd in social good times. LOCAL NUWS. The funerul or Kin Chung tvus held this atiernoon, interment occurring at (he I. O. O. K. cemetery. A iparriJue'liceiiHe has been grant ed Lo John Hotmail and M'irtha Ar thur, both residents of ImipkIus coup- THE NEW YOBK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE Miss Carrie Osttand returned to her home at Portland t'.ls iiornini,' arter a hrlct visit wllti fi lends in the city. Just received Another shipment cf tho famous "Last Korever" lios lery. A written Kuarantee with every pair. Sold only by The Fair. tf. A ro-el election Is bePiK held nt Hdcnhowcr this afternoon, and as u result, rin Ho a few residents ill that vleinllv who work in toun ruttirjied! to their homes at noon today. Quite a number of Wil'iiir nit I "ens are In the city today in attend ance at. the preliminary hcni-lnK of 'v. liter l,eal herwood, wlio Is cl(arKed villi Iho crime of larceny from a "(ore. Post master Parks reports ihe e'hrlstmas .nail this year much heav '"r Ihan In years pasl. Ho altrlb ltes tlie Increased mail to the many -cw oeoide who have arrived here luring tho past few months. '("ho banks, county nnd government rrl,... urdt mil, v fi twiliibiv New vears. Therefore those poisons wish- W 'ng to transact buslnosB matters with J anv of these houses should mane ar- -angemenls to call eju iy In tho week. pq County Clerk F.dwaVd Lenox r- i "lived official notice this nftornoonQ ' the effect Hint road districts No. I and 28 had each levied a special : g -ond lax or 3 mills. The former (lis-1 'let lies on Deer Creek, while the i litter district embraces a portion of I (ho territory lying cast of Winches-. j 'or. i kL ii'.lL'bleen celestials turned out. to ; K1 "in fiineial of Cay Chung this arter-i "onn. Tlio remains were carried to heir hist resting phire by the blaclt "lead wagon." being followed by five hlcles loaded Willi members of the 'oral Chinese family. Following the .recession came a d'-nv piled high llh trunks, bods, bedding nnd other i'-tlrl's owned by Ihe deceased. These were burned nt Ihe grave such elng tho custom of tho Chinese in '.line of death. 20c Children's Hosiery 12I-2C THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST New YorK Store SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK Colgate's White or Cashmere Buquet Talcum Powder 25c Val. 15c VALUES FOR BARGAIN WEDNESDAY $2.00 PETTICOATS $1.25 Wonien'B Sateen. Pereallno imitation Heatherbloom, loath-or-Hilk UiulnrHklrtB, made good and full; a great under skirt value, Bpeclal $1.25 $2.50 Women's House Dresses $1.49 $1.49 Houbc Drosses made up Inneat styles of Percale; you cannot buy the goods and muko them up at the very low price .'. ; : $1.50 Value BlanKets 98c Cotton Blankets In Grey and White, good full size and a good weight blanket at the very special sale price 29c TurKish Towels 19c KxtiA Heavy Turkish Towel, 24x44, a big value at tho . very special sale price Hotel keepers, look to your wantH. 98c 19c $1.50 Lace Curtains 98c Nothlngham lace curtains In ecru or white, full 3 yards long, 4 4 In. wide, neat patterns, special 98c $1.00 HIM0NAS 65c Women'B Flannelette Kimonos In fancy colors, Japanese styles, extra good values at the very low prices, special.... 65c $1.50 Red Comforts 98c Bed Comforts in a good quality sllkollne covering white QrP cotton filling, a very special value, full size 75c Table DamasR 49 Mercerized and linen table damask In a largo assort ment of patterns to pick from, a very special 49c $1.50 Bed Spread 98c Red Spreads, cotton crochet, extra good value, full size, a special, while they last 98c 75c Boy's Grey Cover Overalls 50c 50c Boys' value Heavy Grey Covert Overalls, all sizes, a great they save you buying clothes, special w W W o w ui H O w w w M M o w w Ui H O w H w o w w m O W w (iniwiiiK t',lsl "f Idling. The Blalialles of prodiirllon Rnther d hy (ho Aurieiilluial Department of (lie Kovernnient hhow that the .per capita prodnetlon of all' the stnple rann produrtB of the ronntiy except sheep is luereaslni;. This helnu true, how can Ihe rrowlni? cost of ilvlliK bo necoiinled for? In despite of the urealer proportionate supply of wheat and corn nnd callle. we are eonfront d wllh constantly rlslni? iirlces for bread nnd nient. Wo have more cot ton nn-l cleared rotlon clotlis. The simple explannllon of short supply put forth by the pampered monopolies aaocis hhoa AvaN aHi hho-ls sehoa a.iin hhi aaois xhoa msn aHi aaois xhoa MaN aHi MISTAKK )!'' ONK WICKK. I'liltlullll I'l-ophet Saye Cluist Is Sure to Come Scctcil'ilcy, Mthnush Uvv. K. A. reVennls. teacher of some unique theories which he calls Ihe "science of life," wns crrentl) dlsnppolnled lierauso Jesus C'hilst failed to return to earth and pay a visit to Portland Chrlstmns clay, says tho Telernm, lie is not dis couraced. Now lie Is just as eerlain that the Savior will arrive on New Year's di y as ho was last week that thevllvlne call would he on December n r. The self appointed advance nEont which control 'tho buyinil and selllim , fp r.rst is ntlt,r annoyed berausc of our slaiiles is conl radlcled hy the fact. Tho alleged scarrlly Is only all excuse for rapine. How lone can we keep on nt out present call of ndvanclni; the cost, of food and clolhlilK r.O per cent nnd rents 2S per cent while there is only, n conleluporaiiootiB offset of 20 per cent In tlio form of Increased wnpes? How Ions before, In our policy of tiuildlni? up monopolies, we shall reach the point when the further de velopment of the national resources aloiiK lines coiilribntlni! to the gen eral prosperity will be made impos sible? Philadelphia Itecord. ho some people have sucpestcd that bo releira(ed lo the fakir tribe. "I lust made a slltlit mistake in niv f.'iliiciilations," said the ehalty D" Vennls. today. 'I had flKiired that Christ would come rlitlit. after Thni's duv, December 211, lint 1 see now Hint I should havo figured nfter Thursday. Heron her 30.4 I am positive that fhrlsl. In the flesh, will visit this city on New Year's dav and I expecl to moot nnd Inlk with him. I expect him to look lust ns he did when he left llils earth. "Perhaps everybody will not recog nize Christ when he arrives, but there will be n few of ns on hand to urnot him. lie will come down frm' the Mouds nnd as he nears tlio eirth. he will b" soon in the flh. II renllv will nut I e my first visit wllh Christ, c h!,v, (nlund wlili ii 1 111 before nnd he lias on display for tlio Holidays a i.ns mp that nnn' tldnrs would Choice selection of clislics, lnchidiiiK i occur, and they have." hand painted rhlnn. Japanseso unci j Hi-Vennls snvs that there nre a wllh him that Chris! will snend Ihe CHINA SAM cent of thoHC who read this paragraph have a lot of cows that uro hardly paing for their keep. But by breed ing to the right sort of a sire, and keeping the heifer calves from only the best milkers, nnd feeding intelli gently, any innn who reads this can have a herd of 300-pound producing cows in five years. Alissouri Dairyman. D. T. Noompn, of SUlit-iiin, sp;-nt yetiterday in the city attending busi ness matters. Fred Slock, and wife, of OaMand. tvere visitors in tho city for a few hours yesterday. NKW DIVOIU'K DISICASK. San I D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. I Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning . and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Ma rbl WorKs. Telephone 251L WorK Done on Short Notice R0SEBURG, ORE. 3? China dlslic's In iM-nullfiil ileslnns. Al so a Hue Hue of silk handkerchiefs, 1 ,,,,, ond In Portland. Pome of them lovs for the chllcli-en nnd some lie aavs. have schmnvledwd Hint hi: line Itcass ware. Call and lnako your selection early. Prices way down and the Kernels are the best to bo ItlvUTIbTIi VASKS JACKSDX STIIKIOT liacl. ihrnrles nn corrc'ct. DeVernls nlans to lo'cv himsel! all week in his wlerd chamber In Ihe V Iskv buildinir for Hie reepiitlon of Christ ne-t Ralurdnv. He is Imlic nant over the report (lint he decamped after the failure of Christ to anneal i Chrislums. He cb clares he slaved In inw be slow. CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. i bis rnnn's until the tenupratitn zn ' ton low for oven his zr:il to luMd out 1 ntt:tln-.t. mid be went tn fiouth Tnrt I land to visit friends. Hut be p;vv? he ! will be on the Job when tho Savior 1 mines .Tnnuat v 1 . A L'A The straig'htest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothesbrings you here. If you fieiiiient any of the "by paths" yo'i'll bo apt to loso your self in t'10 tannic of misleading "Kiri;aiiif " Whatever we do is well clone whatever we buy is well chosen quality is tile object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy riot lies, to be sure but you'll lind that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein Block Co. and I avicl Adler, two of the greatest Tailor nrfianreations in the wo-ld. Kvery Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute cuarantee of Satisfaction or your M nicy refunded or a now suit in return. ABRAHAM -Remember quality is the true test of cheaimeM. y or Kood Clothos you shall know us. 11I,V VlvTlli:U UKPOliT V. S. Wenther llureau. local ottice. Hnseburn. Oreuoii. 2 4 hours ending 5 n. in.. Oor. S. l!tji: Vrecipitatlon In Inches and Hun dredths: Muxiinmn tmnenituro ;i Miuhuui" uneratnre 32 I'reenitat A medical, Bocial and judicial question has been raised nt Francisco in tho divorcing of Mrs. Anita Coover from David Coover on other grounds than those set up in the complaint nnd testified to by Mrs. Coover while on tho witness stand. This disparity between the lines of testimony and tho nai'iao of tho decree might he less signifi cant than it is did not the decree make a wide departure from prece dent in making a disease not named on tho statute a cause of divorce. The disease singled out in this way Is hookworm, recently brought into great prominence through tho Rock efeller donation for Its eradication. Wherefore the proceedings in the court at Snn Francisco are mado of national If not of world-wide inter est. Mrs. Coover, while on the stand, according tho full and, we presume, veraciotih press report, said: "My husband was dull, stupid, lazy, lan guid and slow." - It would seem that ntittof such a long list or faults, not to say vices, any court would be able to find one on which to base a de cree of divorce. Of course, many of the terms used by Mrs. Coover In drawing a mental pen picture of her husband aro really synonymous. A man vho Is dull cannot well escane being stupid, and one who Is languid and lazy, must, by force of natural Hut, after pooling the issues, and making a merger of Da vid Coover's habits of mind and body and reducing them to their inst ulti mate definitions, the residuum would be found enough to govern the ac- lKr7XW Dry Finisb Wcr .luese t.rahain took another vlaw TT nWc M7:.1 r.n t.- j- jw .j ctuu aiuuwa ji ail jviliuts. 8 K2fc?raj! "n- Fill Your House with liiiht no house ie modern without electric light. TIiourIi we '. can wire "any old" buildine. the ' &t4 he8t work is when the house is beinu tmlf .c iv -. - ' 3)"T, constructed. We are always ready K3H to give an accurate estimate and to guarantee the best work. G. L. PRIOR i 315 N. Jackson St. Rnaebnro-. Clr ? LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY ..o since first of month 2 '114 f , this month for P.'J ii.M - ' Sep 1, l!iift. to it;.i i is;: 1ST? TMtl tnc.l as. 00 WILLIAM HKLL. Oh.oi vcr. . ltt-ooil mid Feed. Totnl prt years Avis, pro years Total pn Milt- . .. .. v. pre. . r- :: p, 1 Total o(fss from Sp- ' vg. ptveip. from Sen. 1 soiMunr. (Sep. tn May i-"bo must have been a victim of the bookworm," said the judge. Mrs. Coover could not concur in this virw. She thought her husband was just an ordinary good-for-nothing, lazy and shift leys person, and that the diagnosis of Judge Graham was whollv wrong. The experts in medi cine, ns well ns In jurisprudence. In sist that the qualities found in David Coover are symptoms of hook-worm, while llui plain people and the com-i ! mon people, Inexpert ns Mrs. Coover was. but watchful of the habits of; I f.uch meni as Mis. Coover's former husband, stick to it that It Is noth-,g ing more than laziness, carrying with ' & !t all the other qualities which Mrs. i S Coover desrrihod to her husband. ' S The eNports bnvo the richest man i;S the world on their side, nnd he Is $ Impending his money In mhllon-dollnr , W I Installments to carrfcout their theor-'i? I"s. The action of the San Fran cisco court. If it can brt ir.tronotod j ns n ludicial reo cnition not only of i hookworm as a disease, but as a dis ease constituting sufficient grounds ; for dlviice tf tho life partner of the victiin. would seem to lie a reroent : tlon of the value of the KockefeMer bequest, and the necessity for mere like It as' a mrnns of fighting the , divorce evil. On the other hand. It ! may result In a flood of divorce peti tions alleging the symptoms of hook- Yards on Lower Oak Street. XX 'Phone Hll -6 R0SEBURG,. OREGON 5i T cheapen the cost of production -Is o 'IH-H'ase the price of daily pro lii' is; nud 'he nnlv wiiv t Iow.m- ttv ctist Is to feed and breed IntelllcMitly. The scrub bull Is the bam- anil curse if the dairy indmtry In Missouri ind be stmthwest, is it Is eveivwbMe lst . nd It sbtnild also lie ivieein htT.xt llint Ihe best cow hi Hit' world mav be ruined as a milk prnmuer hv j vm in eiiber In the I'lainiifT or de improper feeding. K von do not own i fendant, thus making a more prolific h thoroughbred bull with ct tttl milk ! source of tlivorce disease than even iock tn his pedlurM, bnv one nt once. "ireompntibtllty" the smptoms of s ; which nre so often Indicated. WHITE AS SNOW This is the claim made by all who send their wnshiug to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get ti.i result no chemicals are used. Your laundry is not treated in a severe manuer very much to the contrary it is handled in the most approved manner all tho latest and most modernma heni ery is at our command to, do your work in a mos trorough manner. There niv a inrnher of lo;!l nil D.lt-nrild,,,) ill thin miner, anv 'oni of whleh will put ou safely on the huh- ' If you are looking for sood service S wav to success tn tlie dairy lolncss, I n the barber line call at the Maddix , g (let out of-the old rut and start riiitit. i barber shop, Cass street. Roseburg 5? (lo to work now and mulct up our National Hank Hldg. Three chair herd. The changes are that i per shop. Bath rooms In connection, tf. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. aMceHut n fin n ri'fi n ii m m, ltM u '