The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 28, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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i r New
.4. v. ! i.
ill in i.
NO. 48
Negroes are Suspected of tiie
1 Brutal Crime.
Five Small Children Walt AH Night
for mother's ItettiiJi Husband
Discovers the Hotly the Next
(Special to-The Evening News.)
Denver, Dec. 28. Mrs. Runp." a
young woman only 26 years of age,
nnd the mother of five little children,
woa the victim of a revelling crime
nnd murder some time during the ear
ly part of last night. Her husband,
Ernest R.ipp, works on the night: shift
nt the Burlington railway round
ho'ise, and knew nothing of the nur
der until this morning when ho re
turned to bis home and found his
wife missing. The little family of
five children were alone in the hot-se.
and told of how their mother had
gone out the nicht before to got a
policeman to drive awav several ne
groes who had been prowling about
the place, and fro-i wbor. she antici
pated trouble. The unfortunate moth
er did net return, but the children
were too small to go for assistance,,
so they rfmained and waited in fmr
the whole night for their mother's
return. Runp immediately started in
search of the missing- wife and moth
er, nnd witli the n,'fjfft.ine.e of fi lends
soon fornd the lifeless bo'lv of the'
woman In the Plntt river. Her cloth
ing had been partially strinped of by
her brutal assailants and her .skull
. first
One-fourth Off on All Clothing
Our window is a mirror of what you will find inside. Every suit marked
in plain fignres. You cannot afford to pass this sale of strictly high-class,hand-tailored
suits. It means money to you. DO IT NOW. BUY, SAY STOP,
THINK! Every. suit and overdoat must be sold. These prices must appeal to
you. This is the store that does things. No fiction.
Think of on
suit, nobby,
and pattern,
All wool
at $18. OU,
all sues,
ers. suits to
tailored, a
1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off 1-4 Off
Manish Hand-Tailored overcoats, Military collars, large prominent
shoulders, Priestly Cravinetted, Blacks, Grays, fancy worsteds, Scotch Tweeds
and unfinished worsledsT You cannot resist these money saving bargains.
Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $15 to $18 Now $11.25
Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $18 to $20 Now $13.50
Overcoats Sold Everywhere from $20 to $25 Now $15.00
See Our Mat Department For Attractive Prices
All Negligee Shirts to You at Attractive Prices
This is our first annual sale and we want you to see and appreciate that we do
what we say, and have confidence in the store that does business in a legitimate
way. If you have never beeu a patron of Ilarth's Toggery, commence now.
Let us prove to you there is merit in high-class goods, a saving to you in this
sale and a satisfaction that will be a pleasure.
Harth's Toggery
crushed by a blow from pome heavy :
iiiKt'iiiiont. Other limn the inior-
minion afforded by the sta'oimn1 of
bo etuldten, there h no clew to the1
i murderers.
Ijiuiivl Lodge A. V. t A. M. niid Kas(
em Star Kujoy Social. '
One of the pleasant social events
of the holiday season occurred last
night in the joint Installation of of
ficers of Laurel LoJge A. F. & A. M.
and the Eastern Star. Installation of
the former was conducted by Hon. O.
P. Coshow, and the work of Installing
the Eastern Stnr officers was conduct
ed by lira-. S. K. Wtllott. Following
the routine work of the st-v
oral excellent speeches were made by
members of the order, and then a
grand banquet was served.
Following are the officers of Lau
rel Lodge that wore installed: Fnmk
L. Davis. -W. M.; J. D. Znrcher, S. M.:
Napoleon Rice, J. V.; Free Johnson,
treasurer; N. T. .Jewett, secretary; C.
C. thi-.stle, S. P.: J. V. Grove, J. It.:
R. A. Mahan4 S. S.; E. L. Gile, J. S.;
Dexter Rice, tyler.
Following are the officers' of
Rosebnrg Chapter, No. 8, Eastern
Star, installed during the evening-
Mary E. Houck, V. M.: A. A.
Wilder. W. P.; Edith Pearson, A, M.;
Ruby Wilder, con.; Mrs F" L. Da
vis, A con.; Freeman Johnson, sec; Guy Flint, treas.; Mrs. Svlvin
Terrell. Adah; Mrs. Gertrude Hast,
Ruth; Mrs. Rcna Scott. Esther; Mrs.
Florence Perrv, Martha; Mrs, Mollie
Shmihrook, Electa; Mrs. Masie IU
ter, ovpranist; Mrs. Clara Rnst. cha
ter, organist; Mrs. Clara Rast, elm.
S. M. Suffron, Fontlnel; Josephine
Parrott, W. ,
Fairbanks, Morse & company have
rMed suir in the circuit court against
H. W. Althause & Sons, of this city.
'aintiff asks to recover the sum of
1301.75, alleged to be due for mer
"handlse purchased from plaintiffs
by defendant in November.
nil wool, hand tailored
up-to-the-minute in style
cheap at $15.00, now ....
fine worsted suits, fancy
and Scotch tweeds, cheap
All the special high grade strictly all
wool materials, the latest fashions,
greens, olives, brows and dark grays,
cheap at $20,000, now
fancy worsteds, top noi
55 Now
be proud of, strictly
bargain at $22.50, no
Suits that you cannot resist wanting
to wear, perfection, height of tailor
ing and materials, sold everywhere
for from $25.00 tit $30.0C, now
Family of Seven , Children
Burned at Dubois.
Mtither of the Children May Die From
1 1 urns Fire Originated From
Overheated Stove Roaiil
ep lladly. Hurtled,
(Special to The Evening News)
Dubois, Ha., Dec. 2S. By the
burning of the home of Steve Itron
sky in this city last night, sovua lit
tle children, ranging in ago from two
o twelve years, were cremated, and
.helr charred bodies wern taken out
of the ruins this morning. The fire
vhlch proved so disastrous started
from an overheated kitchen stove,
'hlch stood near the wall, and be
ore the Hronskys were aware of the
3lnzo the flames had spread to the
walls and were beyond control. The
'mine structure burned like tinder,
nd while Bronsky was still fighting
the flames they spread to other parts
t the house to where a keg of now
tr was stored, and which has been
momentarily forgotten in the excite
ment which followed the first at
.wnptR to extinguish the blaze. The
"hildren of the family wore in bed
and asleep 'when the fire broke out,
and the dwelling burned so fast that
y the time Iironsky had irtven up
hopes of extinguishing it and turned
o save the family, the whole -toper
navts of the house were in flames,
and it was tfruossihIe to rescue the
Mule folks. Toadd to the horror of
'he situation the powder exploded.
jtierly demolishing a part of the
building. In some miraculous man
ner Mrs. Broiisky escaped from the
sleeping rooms alive, but she was so
badly burned that it is believed she
will die. A boarder who was asleep
suffered burns that may prove futui.
"In His Slips; m What Would Je
sus Do?"
Dr. Charles .M. Sheldon's widely
-cad nook, lu His Steps," will be
illustrated in the Haptist church
Tuesday night, December 2S, at 7:30.
A powerful double electric Btereon
ttcon and bright, sharp, all colored
slides, posed from life.
Twenty-five million have read "In
His Sti-ps" and the whole world is
asking its meaning.
Evangelist Thomas H. Scruggs has
delivered this lecture to moro than
30,000 people nnd the house is usual
ly full. Admission, an offering. The
profits go to missions.
(Special to The Evening News,)
Cincinnati, Dec. 28. Mrs. Mary
Lipp, age 3S, of this city, became vio
lently and suddenly insane today,
and only for 'ho timely interference
of the neighbors, would have cremat
ed four of her little' children. The
demented woman set fire to the out
houses on the place and then threw
the family dog into the flames. The
cries t f the frightened children, fear
ing for their own safety and bewail
ing the death of their pet, added tn
the conflagration, brought in the
neighbors who were just in timo to
prevent the frenzied mother from
casting her children into the fire.
Mrs. l.tpp Is the mother of eight chil
dren, but only four ot the youngest
were nt home nt the time the mun
derous mania seized her.
( Special to The Evening News)
Toklo. Pec. 28. The recent tritr
of the Japanese business men and of
ficials through the United StnteH was
s thoroughly aiioroeiatod by tho via-.
Mora Dint the Tolilo Chamber ot Coni--nerco
believes Mint tl similar oxem
'.ion of prominent Americans to Jn
onn will add to the eood will and
"onillllons alrendy esIsttiiE. In ac
cordance with this decision the Cham
Sir of Commerce will shortly Issue
too Invitations to business men of
the United States to visit the tslands
nnd make a study of the commercial
omli(lir,8 there. At a general nieet
tiK which will ho held within a le
days I he entertainment of the visit
ors will lie discussed. It is proposed
to Kive the Americans a royal wel
come to the Mikado's empire. '
(Special to The Evening News.)
Minneapolis, Dnp. 28, President
Perhnm, of (ho railway dewufment of
the American Federation of Labor, Is
enrouto to Washington and will make
strenuous efforts to Mwm federal
aid In the settlement of the switch
men's strike, which has tied up the
entire northwest for the past s'ver:il
weeks. It if slated by ihose in aH
thrrity In labor oirfb-s that IVrfaam
wlH rnnko a personal appeal to Pres
ident Tuft in an endeavor to Interest
the executive in the maiter. Mr.
perham will n!f lay th claims of
tho striker 4 before the interstate
commerce commivsinn.
Oregon's Kvecutfvo Will NVetl ft Kent
1 After HHys.
' Salem. Dr.. De. 27. Holiday
week will be an extra bnsy on for
GoVernor Frank Heuson. His program
; Tor tin week includes- a banffuM for
every night for th remainder of Ihe
venr, bei'Inning with the celebration
of the United Commercial Trawlers
at Portland tomnrrorv and ending
with th lUihee club's nrnurtl nfiair
at Sal?ai Friday evening, Xcw Year's
Werftfsd'i? pw nfng Governor Fen
son will revi w the Portland com
panies of tfie Oregon Xafionai (Juani
at their rt-tarter ly inspet u, aftr
which tbjr will be a bnnqttet in hnn-
i. or of fJer.eral Mantis, conuuandant at
the Vuf-cmivor barracks, Thursday
evening the governor wffl be the
) guest of the Traveling M-n's Proer
five nssof iatbm, following whifh, Fri
day, he wilt ho the client of honor
at the nithce rjub'H annual gathering
at Salem. The fill hen flub if Salef's
chief social orgaji7atb?t. The gov
ernor had planned n trfi- to enstern
Oregtm tor the holldavs, hut the
stress of fibrr engagements has kpt
him at borne.
'Ion. .1. II Booth received n m
' seane ft om GrantH Pasa thi1 mnrutne
ronveylnj? the Infot nnf Ion tbcf bis
lrolhr, I. O. Ilnoth. war. frifmsly
, "1. Mr. llonth nuked for additional
! information rf Kardlni? the cie thin
! afternoon but up to the time of solrip
to nress had heard nothing.
Kill EI H
Feeling of Resentment.
The Heceptian to he Given Zchvyiv To
morrow Shows That tho Mextcau
I'eaple .Don't Like Our
(Special to Tho frveutng News.''
Mexico City, Dec. 2S. Officials of
tho Mexican government aro prepar
ing to give Zelaya a rousing and cor
dial reception ort hie arrival from
Nicaragua tomorrow, Tho Mexican
government, not liking tho part the
United States has played In tho af
fitirs f.f the Central American repub
lic, will undertake to express some
thing of Us feelings In the reception
accorded the deposed president of
Nicaragua. It Is stated that Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico, will attend the
cepthm to take place tomorrow iu
Zebiya'a honor, and he will thus give
official sanction to the general feel
ing of resentment against American
methods, and of Knox's bluff in par
(Special to The Evening News)
Philadelphia, Dec. 28. Tho trou
ble and worry Incident to the recent
railway strike Is believed to he re
sponsible for tho wroekod mind of
B. H. Valt, vice-president and freight
traffic manager of iha Reading rail
road. Mr. Vail became suddenly in
sane nt the railway offices in this
city today, aud the malady was of
such a violent nature that it was
necessary to removo him to an asy
(Special to The Evening News)
' Centralis. 111., Tloc. 28. In a mine
explosion here today four miners
were Instantly killed. The .explosion
partially wrecked tho Interior tif the
mine, and the lives of score3 of men
I have it now, a sweeping compound that will
m;et tho most exacting requirements. It is cheaper
than you have been using as it has loss ssiod in it
and consequently lighter. It will -not harm the
finest rug or carpet. It will take up all dust from
wood floors or covered floors. Unless floors are very
dirty it can be used more than once, again reducing
cost. Retails at 5 cents per ponnd But that you may
know how it does its work I will give you a sample
package if you will bring this adv. with you. "The
man with an axe to grind," and this timo I want to
know how many of Mr. Bates' readers see my adv.
F. H. Churchill
Now Done at the
ochester Mill!
3 fliles West of Sutherlia and OaKIaod
The Luse Land &
; J. Herstein Miller
rkfK In the tunnels were Imp'-r-llc-i.
Within a short time after tUo
accident the bodies ot the niol. ho
were killed were removed fron. tn
gallery. They were found to bt bad
v crushed by tho falling el. tim
bers hint rock tltnt formed the wall.
Tl o eauso of the acctdent U wit
"snown, but an invest teat ion of the
matter may result lu fixing the ro-tnonsibility.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
Blnefields, Dee. 28. Cmmnlsiifott
ers retrepnting Jso Madrla:, tha
new president ot Nicaragua, and
General Katrada, tho revolutionary
leader, wilt meet next Saturday to
dhwHss the terms of p?aee. It is bf
Heved that this conference will bring:
about a settlement of the difficul
ties besetting; the country.
lcn Ages, of wtthur, is a visitor
tn the city today.
8. B. Crouch, local agent for Pago
Ffmco, was taken to the Portland hos- '
pitai Friday by Dr. E. V, Hoover.
While there bo will undergo a oper
ation for a long standing disease. Mr.
Crouch has many frioiJtla in this vi
cinity who regret to ioarn of his con
dition and all wish htm a complete
Owing to a lack of storeroom a
recent arrival from Un east who con
.emplated engaging in InndnosH in
this city has boon compeHod to con
tinue: his journey ta other sect tarts
af mora inviting appearance. Such
incidents tend to show thirl. Bose- .
burg (a prosperous and is destined,
to becomo the metropolis of south
ern Oregon The party who wished
store space is a man of moans and
would have no doubt mado good fn
his venture should ho have boon able
to securo snltablo quarters.
A bnsincts chnngo of no Ifttlo Im
portance was consummated In the
rtity Inst evening, when A. Ij. Shore,
recent nrlvn! Jn this section from
pwknne, Washington, purchased the
l. Marks stock( situated tn thp
Marks building at tho corner of
Tackson and Washington streets. The
ow proprietor assumed Jmmerilat
Possession of his holdings. Mr.
horo Is a mercantile man of oxne
ence, and expects to bo rorogntfced
s one of Ttoseitwrgs most progres
siva business men. ire has already
nurchased much new stock which
"dil arrive in tho near ftttnre. To say
tho lortBt Mr. Shore is welcomed to
this city.
irira Two Indies' collars with
1 li sets to match. Owner can get
same by calling at Wilder & Agee's
store. tf
Development Co.,
Pbone 26xx-s I
Read Tbe Evening News for news.