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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1909)
TIIK KVKXINfl NEWS MOXDAV, DEC KMIIKII 27. 1 Win. LOCAL SKWH. LOCAL NEWS. L. (I. Hicks, of Sutherlln, was a visitor Ik Die city yesterday. John H. Cliapmun and wife spent ChrlHtmuf at the home of iolati vr at Wilbur. M I kb Edith Ilrown l.'ft for EnMiie Sunday where hIm.- will enjoy Ihe holi days with friends. Harry )'! Nhimin arrival hrt from f. B. Warner, of Yoncalln, regis tered at tha McClallan h'jtol yestur day. Horace Hagan, of Myrtle Creek, ui'iil in the city visiting friends. F. vVauhHii, of Myrtle Creek, MM'iit Saturday in the city, u guest of friends. ' ii. H. Perkins, of Portland, is the Portland thl'i morning to spetnet n le v KWnt of ntf, brother-Jn-luw, Mr. days attending hm;lre mutton;. J ci;iI-t, iho onotouniwher. I .. . ii. night for I' i Ig)r left Saturday C. u jtorn she will N'oup.irel Mijoy a v! I1. v. iiui- brother, Fred and fa nil' . Mr. nj'd M , Marge,, the foriM msiniiner of the New Yil: Horn. r tinned from Portland Miis Morning 7 o'Hurk where tr.'V spent aiiius. George Hoover, of Porlland, v tinned home lnut evening niter ripi-nd-Jng Chri.-" 11 -as: at 1 tie home of I: in brother, Dr. JO. V. Hoover iu this city. arker, editor of the Drain Hpenl yeslerdHv In the city Ir rcnlsterul at (he McClallun hotel. The revival services at the United Brethren church continue with much interest. Bervleeu every evening at M. .1. Hnerry, formerly a barber in this city, acfoinpanb d by Mrs. Hperry Is In the city visiting at the liomo of Clyde Faulkner. ur, (ieo. H. tloiick was called to Drain Sunday (o attend the 5 year old un ,.t I . )i-Lf!.r II U'lll liei-OKKIirV Mr. oiw Mrs fJhnrW-s lini-HeM, of , jrjnK (h(, (hl(, to ,,)ltl (.ty fnr an ' ' ,"" " u t , i i operation at. the -Mercy hospital W THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YOEK STORE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE) S IiftfM t-pelMlhif.' ;t low il;t's vh-lMni; lit the lioim; nl Mr. a:iu Mis. .1. (jii-i, in this cliy. Am'Hl;' l!ic !lirlHlnniH pn'H-'lilK be lilh" (llnlrlliul''(l Sa'lii (lny wiiH"a hunil- Hitnn Irjiy, Dm crmvillnx'nlH of (hu vi ' I rl Krldri Hondljurii hiuwuiK Ac I ci r.oinpmiy . Olio wan li'fl. lit f 1 1 f News office, for wlilch tho niantiK'imnt of the above wnipjiny Iiuh our tliankH, Is a beauty. Ciiiinly Clerk Udwnnl Ijonox linK roc.'lvcd orilfilal nnllcn V. tho ofl'oi:t h;it road dlnlrlct. No.. i6, oil intod at 'ho hoad nl Cow :rool(, lovlod a 10 mill lax at Hh siiecial rrad fl:tion ChailoH Woliaciitt. and who, who !lHV( 1)0)11 Bpi'lldlMK tlio iiast two wookif at tho homo of tho fonnor's Tho nlft iiniorila, Mr. and Mm. (i. V. VVona- ooll, roturni'd to thoir nomo at rort- I. VV. Wnidih) Riifforod Iho Ions of land ymloivlay I his hoimo hy flrn Worlnosday afti r- A vary ii'ilot. woddlr.i; pcourrcd at noon. In Ik'htlim tho flrn tho maloh tho homo of Mm. Carrlo llaynou, on. hhoko nnd tho head lodged In a cur- North Komi Htroot. at S: in o'olook I lain. Not nollcliiK It, hn Htruok an- Hiitiinlay ovoninu, wnon nor aaiiKiuor othor, and aflor Blartlim tho riro MIhb Vera, waB united In marrlano to wont oat.' In a fow inoinontH tho hillan .losophhon, Hov. .1. 10. Hnrk- wholo room waa ahlazo, und In a hurt, paiitor of Iho First I'roshyte- nhort tlmo li Ik homo waB In aHhoB. rlun rlmrch ofllclaflnK. Tho cero- praolloally everything loat. mony wa wltnBod hy a fow lull-; Myrtlo Crook Mall. I unite friends and relatives of the con- j Olllo MoAlllster,. omployod by Iho trnotlnn pinlles Mr. and Mrs .lo Soutlieni Puolllc ooinpanv, and Miss sopliHon loft on northbound train , Km In M. Alnrtln, of (Irnnts Pass, wore '"I" Salurday ovonlni? for Port and married at Iho homo, of Walter Hln- where hoy will spend aliout ton days. Klolon, in Ihls oily saortly aflor I) On thoir return they will ho at homo ,,'olo. k h.Ht ovnitlnn. Ilelv. .1. K. Ilurk-, ' "'" "" "'m . t- hart, imlor of Iho l.'lrst Pro.l.yto-1 , this vl. lnlty. ho hrldo i rlnu o iuroh olflelall.m. Tho happy Kalurday evonlnK s wed, ok Is one f couple will make fnolr future, homo Howl.iirj! 's nu.s Km. Ished a, ,?! -I,i I osolmrK whore they havo a host I7? ;;"J ' '1r e"te " , " ' of friends who wish thorn a Ions and vlt-lijliy. t he Kroo,n Is a son of Mrs nroHiiorouH futuro .l'-l'"""'l ""'I ls recognized as jiiofliiorous rutiiio. liio n( ,!,,.,,. iim(1llK )llBos wuoe iiiiiyniK tin. -""ion. Tho News Joins tllelr many thortly nfter noon yesler.lay.. , rrton.lH In wishing them a happy and tie soil nl Mr and Mrs V. B. Ilarkor, r(,ml,H ,,.. of Oak Creek, roce vod a aovoro In- j ;i1,h r MoQuald. who runs lio- Jury to hln hand. It foeiiiB that In. t M,8 c,u n,)(, P,) the little follow was In tho art of llltliiB ,.,,.,.,, .;l,.rio, recelviul painful I11 tho Kun to li B HliouKlor when t .. 1-, , ,(,B j ,.rr arriving hero S:it donly oxiilodod, ho coutenls Ink im .(,,1V (.vni!, H 1Mlears that the effect III tho hack of Iho ham . ,inlm.Uinili0 ,,, wm eloaalliK about Hoover dioshodlho Injury mi l tlio lit- ))p el)) (if hft ,nl()lV0. whon lh(. tie boy Ib now imiirovliiK as font aa IHlnk,,,1 nlK whlrh h w., us,1! i,. could bo cxpoolod. I came llinlled. Peforo ho could rea- Rh.'l'lff Kenton prop'ses C at lioya zo .(. lu,i occurred tho back of under tho aire of li 1 year bball re-' i,ih i..f t bund was naiufullv burned. 'rain from frequenting P ol und Ml- ij,n arriving hero he apnlled lo Dr. j Hind halls, and to accon.pll 0 bucIi ,; y. Hoover for relief Tbeailend- nil end baa notified a number of lo- M11? iiVchin says that Iho patient 1 cal pool room opornlorrt o keep with-' v. recover tho uso of the member I In Iho law. In one Instance. -II It wliiiln a Bhort time, notwithstanding f ild, Kenton vislled the resort and n,o fud Hint the Inlnries aro serious. found two yoiingsteiB busily ,-u;if;';d( j, ,ln,i MrHi ' Thomp'on. well In pbiylng a friendly gaie lie 10-' ,m)W11 unii highly ros.tctd residents j lioiiod this fact, to iho district atior- r IMi ,. V, eelob-at. d .lulr twenty-! ue-- and devolopinenlB are expected. firm aunlvo.Hiiry at thoir beautiful' City Cluing, broil er of III Young, I home on South Mil! sheet Saturday ho seloHllal who condiicls the Oronon ' evening. About twouty-fivi. friends I rosliinranl, iasi,od away at Iho "rihlan ' and old ll'ii - a cinainvM cos wore 1 house," on Douglas street, snoriiy present. 1110 spiu'ioiis onri 1 aftor 2 o'clock Salurday iiflernoon, ! riKims were tastefully decoraled for di'iilll resulting from (ho dreaded con- : Iho occnslop. inlslloloe, orange, grape Biimpllon The deceased was TiS years and ferns being used In prolusion, of ngo and had resided In Itoseburg Hung directly 'ver tho dining tables for several yours. During his early was a largo v eddlng bell of while of roaldeneo lu'ro hf' was employed by 1 feel, sddlm; niui Ii 11 ib- altiaotlvo hls brother In Iho restaurant, but of nes.i if th.. m ii nes, music und lalo had been confined at home. Tho I socbi! converse foriri! tlio chief en funeral will bo held tomorrow iifti '-; toi'ia:.ini''nt of i'io evening, fullowod noon at 2 o'clock, Inlorniont ocourr- by a tioiritonus spieail prept M by lug at Iho 1. O. O. V cemetery. Mrs. Thompson. Ill the guessing game On account of failing lo pay thai Mrs. Thompson won the prize. Mr. ASBOSsnient levbut ngiilnst their piop-and lri Thoipo.iei wore tho rcoip eiiy by Iho oily, Marshal lliil'fii'an j louts of many useful nnd costly gifts, bought In the following described 1 evidencing In a measure Iho high os promlses Friday. Iho deeds having , loom in which tin y nro held by their been roc. rdod with 'ho county clei k ' niaiiy friends In this vlol"My Since 111 duo form The W '4 of lot S. block j their ninrrl .go twenly-rivo yours ago I;l. properly of F. Yv, r.'.r-oll, hoii'llio couple liavo rosiueii nero aimosi J'ja.fill. I'j'4 of lot 7. blrck , proii' orlv of .lames II lingers, lien I7 lot. 12 and iho S. 10 fool of lot 1 I block NO., property of Flniu nose ronlltinonsly. Their dat'.-hlor, Mrs. O. It. (liiruer. of Ashland, wub proB I out at tlio celebration. Mi-H Thompson wns assisted in en- llon $S, lot 11. block 21. in'operty of lortalnlng by Mrs. A. N. lioso and Kll'.alelh Williams, lien $20. SO ilaughlor, Miss Vim, lo CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothesbrings you here. If you frequent any of tho "by paths" you'll bo apt to lose your self in tho tutiKlo of misleading "liurKiiina." Whatever we do ia well done whatever we buy ia well chosen quality ia tho object and perfect t'lothea satisfaction and eireet. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to bo sure but you'll find that the beat ia always hero. These t'lothea are made for us by tho Stein lilock Co. and l'avid Adler, two of tho greatest Tailor organizations in the world. Kvery Suit we sell ia sold with nn nb aoluto guarantee of Satisfaction or your M mey refunded or a new (Hit in return. I. ABRAHAM 3! J" Remember quality is the true V V test of cheapness. By our good ... Clothes yon shall know us. 7 fi j .wii tfetp t ,8,1 THE STORE THAT SERVS YOU BEST $1.50 i,Eyir 1 SATISFACTI0K OR YOUR MONEY BACH 15c Himona Cloths Rem nant lengths 10c yd. Prices that will talK. Merchandise of best quality that you cannot buy elsewhere at the lowest prices. LooK to your wants and let us help you to effect a saving of not only a few cents but a saving of dollars throughout the store. Buy now an get the benefit. men s wresses $9.50 Women's wool droascs just a bargain jn this clas of merchandise that you cannot duplicate to make such a clean up, special 9.5 ANY WOMAN'S SUIT IN THE HOUSE v To make a quick cleau up of every suit in the house buy Any one; there are a few left. You cannot nor will not ba ablo to get v such a bargain again. Suit values that would eas ily bring $20. to $35 5c White HandKerchiefs 2c Extra good quality white handkerchiefs, just the kiud that cost you 5c. Buy all' you want, sold here, special 2c 85c BlacR Taffeta Silk 50c Fine j.rrade black taffeta in 19 inch wide, beautiful lustre and excellent quality, (special 50c Women's 25c B arson Hose 19c Women's Burson -stockings, they are absolutely 'seamless, special clearing price . 75c Women's Union Suits 39c Women's gray cotton union suits, in 5 and 6 sizes, special cleaning up. Do not over look these values ., 7000 Yards Calico 5c The best calico that is made. Do not be deceived, they usually sell for 7c and 8c elsewhere. Buy all you want c o CD C3 10c Toilet paper 5c Extra large roll fine grade tis sue. You always pay loc for, or 3 for 25c. Buy all you waut. Board ing houses look to your wants c 27c Unbleached Sheeting 20c Unbleaclietl sheeting 10-4 wide, Pepptnl brand, comes reinnaut lengths 2 1-2 yds. wide extra heavy grade,special clearing. 10c Outing Flannel 5c New pink and blue stripe ef fects, an excellent grade at the special low price...'. , 5c $3.98 Net, Waists $2.19 White and colored net waists in sizes. You cannot dupli cate these. Silk lined, beautiful waist at the very low price all $2.19 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin 9c. Hope Brand Muslin. You all know it. Made by the Lonsdale Bloachery, sells everywhere for 12 i-2c, io yards to customer.. 9c Agents R. G. corsets - - McCall Patterns - - Oneta Underwear Free delivery to any part of the City Phone Main 2541 - NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE ! LOCAL NEWS. Douglas County Creamery Hutter the best on tho niarkot a home product. 85 cents a roll. Pntronlzo home Industry and Ret the best. tf. Kor Mon. There Is no beter shoe mnde than tho celebrated "J. K. TUt," which iH to bo found nt the Mllliktn Shoe- Store. Ami for heavy weiir there Is nothing equal to the 'United Workmnn Shoe." dt-f. Tho biggest amt best crorkery store In Southern Oregon. Everything that is mado In crockery, glassware, ami China, wo hnve tt. From the plainest to best hanil-paintoil. Many beautiful pieces of Mbby cut glns3 suitable for presents. Rice & Itico, the house furnisher?. Last Friday evening Oakland Chapter, OtoVr of tho Eastern Star; "lected and Installed the following of-1 ficers: Emily, levore. worthy ma-' tron; V. E. Vernon, worthy patron ora M, Vorr.on, nssoclate mat run : C. L. Chenoweth. secretary; Mrs. V. A. Coppnrd. treasurer; Sara I. le:ir-j wood. a,'()clate conductress: Louise KniBO, Adah; Mrs. C L. Chenoweth. !lmh; Mrs. Frank Gorrell. Esther; Mrs. Or. Page. Martha; Mrs. J. J. Ferher. Electa; Emily Young, war der; Hon. Carl Eelverts. sentinel; Mrs. Or. R. E. Hunt, organist. Oak land Owl. OPPOSES DIVISION'. Drain Nonpareil Takes Whack nt. the .Movement, The Cottage Grove reader should understand that the editor of this laper is not a "knocker." The trouble has been that he is always ahead of the majority In everything that relates to public matters. His objection to the Nesmlth county bus iness arises from a belief that a great wrong Is being perpetrated on the people of Douglas county by the absorption of a portion of. its terri tory Into a new county by some cit izens of another county for an unne cessary purpose. We believe in a division of counties within counties, just as we believe In a division of states within states, and the move Is about on par with the proposed move to take In a portion of Oregon to form the state of Siskiyou by the V'O ple of northern California which the Leader has laughed at in its own Columns. The ballot title for Nes mlth county as promulgated by the secretary of -stat which was sug gested to the secretary by the commute- from Cottaee Grove, speaks of "adjusting th? finances between the three counties." Does the Leader contemplate that after absorbing our territory to make a raid upon our treasury to help them along? Verily, the absorption is something like hold ing up a man. and when the robber has taken what he car find, asks for a further "div or ho will blow your head off. MvsTEinors disease. Portland Journal Interviews Dr. Vciiney, BUY a Christmns present; com plete course fn Steam Engineering from Innternntlonal Correspondence Qfhnnla frt. nnlA 1, .'. ,i .i . T.; News office. d-swtf If you are looking for good service r In the bnrber line call at the Maddtx barber shop, Cass street, Roseburg National Bank Bldg. Three chair shop. Bath rooms In connection, tf. Oregon physicians are attempting to learn tne real nature of a myster ious disease among Infants which they havo been contending with. In flammation of and vomiting from the digestive tract Is followed by tem porary, total or partial paralysis, fi nally leaving the child with one limb drawn up and shortened. Dr. Robert C. Yenny. state hea'th officer, was called upon to give at tention to 15 cases of the disease at Roseburg some time ago. If it Is the same ns has affected children In Ber lin and has since been appearing In a form more or less epidemic In other sections. It will be called an terior noliomylltls. To say that all cases of this kind are ascribable to the mysterious disease, local special ists say, is guess work. Few cases have been reported In Portland, none at the hospitals. . X - . A DIf.V W'K" 1TIII.MI nvimiin T U.-S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg. Oresron, 24 hours ending 5 a m., Dec. 27. liin.: Precipitation In inches and hun dredths: Maximum temperature 3fi Minimum temperature 32 Precpltatlon 0 Total precip. since first of month 1 2"62 "oars .... 6 ,4 Avr. precip. fcr this month for 32 6 14 Total precip, from Sep. 1. 1509 to data 1 fi 1 1 Avg. precip. fnn Sep. 1.1877 1 3 1 Total excess from Sop. lr 1909 2 92 Avg. precip. from Sep. 1, 1877 12 31 seasons (Sep. to May. inc. ) S3 00 WILLIAM HELL. 1 ' i Ohseiver.