I THE r.VFMXO NEWS moxiiav. iiKcnniKii : THE EVENING NEWS HV H. W. BATF.S ISSlliil) IMII.V K.KIM JSUXIMVj Entered us socund-claBa matter j Nov. 6, J 1)09, at ItusclKiri!, Ore., un der act or iiiuruh 3, lS7i). I HulMiTiptlon itati's Daily 1 Per jrear. by mail $3.00 Par month, delivered 50 ! Hcml-UVi'kly 'j Per year $2.00! Six months 1.001 moxdav, i)i:ci:.Miii:it ar, umiu. KlfillT DISTINCT (l"NTS. Dlarift Atl( n-nay Owjrce M. Dnmn received a telegram from the atltl'Oritli'H at C'hicu, California, this afternoon, tiio sul)Klanco of which is to the effect that tlm forii'trs, Mr. anil Mrs. Trlent, alias Mr. and .Mrs. l' O. Marl, will lie held for prosecution at that cltv. The mesKae ronviys the In form.illon that the officers at Clileo have tlnht dlsllnct chaises aealnst the coupki, anv of which they deem of such a nature as to warrant conviction. Thus Ooimhts o'intv Is robbed of the satis faction of sending the pair to (he penitentiary (JltANDOCCASIOX. Is Planned by (;lenitule C'oiniiiprrlal Cluh. For Carrying on Schools in 1 District No. 4. 12 VOTERS ARE PRESENT Nmv lliMtfiiu !( t li'llM in lh IjMM( Kdiiml Ituilili'i' A No Hit .-i'IioM - H 111 j;h'i,(V'.tiiiH..ii. AIMONT t'NAMMOlH, Uy a voto r 1.1 to 1 tho taxpayers of Bclvml dislrlct Nu. 4 dwldcrt to levy a tux of ni no imllK to rnrry on tlm work of the nrhonls during tho cornhiK tchooi year, :it a special mcctliiK held at the IjIiiio school hulldiiiK this nf toinoon Tho J)vy for tho com I hi? year Is 1 mill vhu thun that Il'VIcu hint yeur. But twelve taxpayers turned out this afernoon in roHpoiiHe to u call for a special meeting of tho votoru of school district No. 4, to voto a tax for currying on the work of tho school dlBtrict during tho coming school year. The first matter discussed was that or erecting a new school building hi Riverside Addition, North KoHehurg. St voi Hi of thorfo present at tho meet ing spoko briefly roaidlng tho ac tion of such a structure, the mmiil niotis opinion seeming to favor the proportion. Finally a motion vns advanced authorizing ' the schul board to expend a sum no to exceed M,?fO in erecting such u structure, the same to 1m built on school land during tho coming summer When placed to a vote the moti n carried unanimously. Attorney Reuben Mary tors then called attention to the cu tdliioi.s iirc vaiUng In Hchool clrc'en In West Uoee burg, Mr. Marsters asked (bar tho Bchool board employ nu additional teacher for tlm west cldi? school, nl- I'lng that one teac'ier was hi.sufri clont at tho present tlmo. Owing to n lack of discussion Minster's molkn died a natural death,, no action ue lng taken. Another Important matter to fur nish food for llscus.,lon was that, of liiKtulllug a heating plm-i In ih l.a'in school building. IJ ; n Htroug and Iliichnnan, mem bo. i of the school board, said that they nol' -'ed a heat ing plant phould lie inst ilied Inas much as tho present system i f heat ing tho building will stovca j. roved very unsatisfactory. In fact, Mr. Strong argued that th- present sys tem was very expensive in the end, munoroiiH repairs and Improvements being rceessary each y- r. After pro longed discission In which nearly all present took an active part the school board was aulhori.ed t. Iiiei-UI a steam or hot water h atlng plant. Bhould they find such proc'i!uro nec OHsnry. The final matter t.i attract the at tention of the arfsemli'v was that of voting a sufficient tax te carry on the work of Mho schools during the coming vear In a Mntisfactory man lier. At first H. W. St mad1 n motion to tho effect that an S mill levy be vold, but tipot considering the contemplated Impn emenis with drew his motion, the same lu-lng sup planted by a motion authorising a ! mill t-'V . Tho po!ls VM-o tlnm plac ed at the disposition of tho public to be closed at 3. .10 o'clock With the al ove levy of nlni. n Ills n vogue the dish In will realize the 8ii in of $22.4!Mi.liti on the nss-sapd valuation of taxable propnrty wblci intiils npproxlmatelv J l. I Hi rs rt.no. Aside from tin amount raise! bv the special levy the district will a'so come Into poss'slon of ulimi ys.otio, pro t.roxliiiately $1,200 The $l.ft'0 lul- ance after tho improvements are made will be uspd In p.iyiug ilie 'ntere.-:t on ihe outr-trmding indebtctlness of the district and a portirn of the original debt. .MVHTI-K ClttSKK. portioned fiont t'w tax, thus giving th mntely $;U).4i." 1 !a estimated that cm rent, expend ' ( Ing the vear. b w 1 SK.000 for other p contemplated t ever, this sum 1 f about $:t.onn lur t. plant will cost In of $3.rio. while ulMlnir in lilv.M.v 1 ne 'g upper d oiMintv " -nrexl- 1. It ! iy the at'dy poses. ii t the ivments, I'.tw bi rcduc ' to ii as the In atlnir "ie neighborhood he Prv H' hool Lie wl'l cost nn- Tlev. V. B. Smith had the misfor tune to break his right arm last Fri day while mountain climbing between 'ere and Hosehurg. Or. Houeh of the latter city, dieted the wounded member and Mr. Hmlth is getting along fine. Ho had the grit to preach aa usual on tho Sabbath. Our public school closed Thursday aft'M'uoon and will reopen Jan. Hi 10. Miss Peters gave "aeh of her little, tots a Christmas card and Miss liond treated her pupils to candy and nuts. . In return n number of Ihe pupils remembered their teacher with pretty girts. Clarence-' Bond also broke nn arm last Siinday at the new skating rink. Win, Jackson, nn old man, 83 years old, died at ('anyonvHIe Sunday at li a. m., J)'c. lit, nnd was burled Mon day. I'ts son. Fiinor, of this place, and family, and daughter, Mrs. Joy Howard, and family, attended tho fu neral. Mr. ond Mrs. J. J, Anbmf and tho three girls went to Aulauf tho first of tho week to spend tho holidays with. Mr. and Mrs. Anlauf's parents at that place. Charlie Stelzer will run the blacksmith shop in Joe's absence. Mrs. H. A. Huusakor and son Italph, from Dillard, spent Xmiis with relatives. Mr, nnd Mrs. Penrl Wilder nnd baby, Ntjhle, came over from Can yonvllln to enjoy tho holiday sea son with Nablo Andrews and family. There uas a family reunion Xmns day. Noble Andrews nnd wife and son Jlmiule, Ornndma Shepherd, fi rand pa and Grandma Andrews, Will Andrews and wife. Pearl Wilder, wife and bahyf Clarence Andrews. Christmas has come and gone, that Is the nctual day, but the Reason is still here. It. was a quiet one for this usually lively little burg on a holi day. A large crowd witnessed the handsomely trimmed treu and arch at tho Christian church. Xmas eve thp Met hod i'st Sunday school was present by Invitation and assisted wonderfully In the program, which was very good. Mrs, Hmlth presided nt tho organ and Mr. Smith gave tho praver and a five minute talk. A spe clul attraction was a song and recita tion by woo Lucllo Aldiich, about four years old, nlso a sweet little Xmas song by a little older sister nnd brother. Mabel and Pleasant. The Buds of Hope of tho Christian church gave a pretty Xmas song. The arrival of jolly old St. Nick with n big basket of popcorn hulls "right from tho North Pole." cr'ated meat exciteiiM nt among the youngsters. The ' boats" at tho Baptist celebra tion drew a fair crowd and gave great pleasure. They were very cleverly not ten up, presenting an appearance of actually breasting the waves nnd were screened from sluht until the proper time. There was nu excellent program and tho scholars treated to candy, nuts and an oratiwo bv old Santa Clans. To chango tho scene, tho niasiiuorndo ball drew Its share of patrons and onlookers, about 2T or ItO couples taking part. Supper was served at the Fanners' hotel. Zaeharlah Cardwell died at his home on South Myrtle Christmas day from paralysis. He was about SO vo-rn o!'i. Another old oldie has answered to the last call. Thn home of J. Wavdrlp on South Myrtln was destroyed bv fire last Wodmsd.iy afternoon and house audi contents completely burned up: $'iiH In cash Just brought home bv a son I was also burned. A snlMcrlpi ion was j at once taken up. nnd people very I generously responded. Mrs. James tth. and Mrs. llick Harlow are on th(. -ick list. j . it.xiuto i srit i:v apphoaciiks On Saturday. Jan. 1, yourself and family are invited to participate in an enterlulnment gotten up for the purpose of getting better acquainted with ach other, promoting good fel lowship In our midst, and making our new i-eitlers fuel at home among us. fhere Is to be no charge for tho entertainment, everything will be free, and nil old and new Bottlers of Gleudalo and vicinity are urged to attend and help to make this a pleas "iit social event of our community. Leave your pocket books at home, bring your most cheerful smile nnd all thy children, and have a good time and help everybody eiso to do the same. Bo sure you remember tho year you came to Glendale and vicin ity. There will be a prize for the oldest settler, the, most recent ar--ival. the oldest native born man or woman, tho youngest native born man or woman, tho youngest native born child, tho tallest old settler, the tallest n-'w comer, tho shortest new comer, the shortest old settler, the largest family of Oregon born chil dren present, largest family of recent arrivals, and many others too nu merous to mention. Come and start 1910 with a Jolly tlmo that will make von smile for r. whole year. There will be room for everybody and ev everybody Is wanted and thon some. Come and smile, and If you can't smilo we'll nil try to make you. The Gleudalo Commercial Club, By liuterlulnment Committee, VIOUX LKSSOXS Amos W. lliestep, violinist at Star theatre, will 'uccept pun'lU 4tr violin. Especial attention to 4 Juvenlls. Ingulie at Star theatre 4 or phone 885. I-itOM JMpritK Mi Mi. May ilavo Caused ihe Typhoid Epidemic. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? J Do you want to pay on your mortgage ana nave long ume, easy payments anU low rate oi interest to pay uuck iuau m; Tin von want to hnv a home in Koseburcr, a nice acre, tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- XX cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best HOW TIIK IMUA.N'H lli:.Jii:i 'ill Kilt SICK CI.ASS1I IKIt AH FBI iSKMKXTS KOIl liKWT Store room on Jackson! Btroet. Inquire Mrs. H. Fasten. tf IXST. Purse containim: monev and gold ring. Finder leave at this of- ! lice, lieward. j LOST. fountain pt-n was hwt to- day. Monday. December 20, on i Sheridan sliest. Fiml'T will please; leave at The News mile. d tf. KOirSAI.K-1 0 "acres" nuolan"d7 C mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation: amnll bouse; barn 20x110; poultry, team and a wagon included. Only $2i"00. Ad dress N.. this otlleo. d:tl-s-d Within two weeks, the survey of the (os May. Hotse and Idaho rail way will lie completed Into Itosebuig. accord In i to the present plans of Chief Fnulneer Haines, says the Coos Bay Tinier. Mr. Haines says that he has run four Mnes down the eastern slops of the coast range and will have an I'M'elt-Mit grade. The crew working toward. Multi field aie mtkinu excellent progress an I will complete their work lo with in ri short rp:t.utee of llils city soium- t lire tn lanunry. The survey into Hundreds or Years lief on; die White Man Thought Sued Method? Wise Tho American Indian Is the craft iest, most reasoning and deepest ntii den; of nature o( all barbaric or m il; barbp. it. p.:ople. lie knows mure ahum in tt - rei of ui.urj, li-'i history shews a reoi ton'. 1 1 .i iiatcrai than even tho legends tho 'Syrau or Cuucuslon race Especially Interesting Is the study of tho Indian and his methods for curing his sick. In addition to his vv n (tor ful knowledge of plant life and the mixing of it to bring forth health concoctions, tho Indian is said to be the first race to study tho val no of mhleral water baths. Long bo foro the chemists and alchemists of Kurope had analyzed the waters of their famous springs and found medi cinal properties there, the North American Indian was curing his sick at Paso Kobles Hot Springs. The old Franciscan monks, while making their wonderful journeys, building their missions and teac hing Christianity along the California const, frequently sat at the Indian council camp fires and heard there he tales of a wondertul spring where in to bathe was to ho made free from disease. Those tales seemed unholy wor ship and nonsense to tho holy fath ers, but at length they too caught he enthusiasm of tho Indian and thoir sick began the pilgrimage to Paso itonies t rue rixsa or ine uiiksi, so named by these holy men. Then began a series of reports lo the papal home- of the church and to the King of Spain, so that entiy in the rslgn of Castile over California these springs were regarded ns the ideal Bpot sought for by Poqco do Leon. ? But aside from tho romance of tne Indian nnd from holy reports of the Franciscan menks, Paso Kobles today is making fame for her waters by rea son of Its wonderful cures. Rheumatism, gout, kidney and stomach, troubles disappear before the bith treatments at Paso Kobies , so quickly that tho clttms of Paso, Koines claim no. case can ne severe i enough to defeat tho- waters from mnklng a cure. Tuberculosis nnd un clean disenseB aro not penvittnl treat ment. Nervous women who have been cured f all manner of female ills, form a continual series of testimo nial proof of the beneficial effects of Paso Itobles springs. Hero one meets the wt rn out Pi- borer praising the waters for their gifts to him, while at his side perhaps speaks tho elubmnr. from the city, whose living has worn down his system. Manv health pilgrims arrive a Pavo Kobles with ramping outfits and live in tents while being cured, he ing unable to afford the luxury of a boarding house. m-to nlso are the rich in their lux urious hotel with private bath house and all the f special attention they do-, niaad. The air of Paso Kobles is as rich and as perfect as its water, this fact alone being of greatest benefit to its curing power, A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recent I v published bv the manauemo- r 'elliim the story of the Hot spiin;' u i mosi interesting man ner and g! ir v complete Information. Send for I' 'it'""!- P Wm. McMnrrav, r nirent oi the O. K. tbM Or., or Dr. F. W. n r "'iso Kobles, Cal. - Salem, Or., l)ec. 25. That milk may also be a medium through which the typhoid epidemic is spread is the belief of Dr. I). D. Keeler, former county stock inspector. But those authorities who are of the opinion : that the contaminated milk supply i may cause the spread of ihe disease1 Fay that tho milk is only infected, through an impure water supply, so that the water is the prime source, after all. Stock Inspector Keler says t'hat dairymen should not rinse their cans with cold water taker from the city hydrants, and that the cans rhould he washed thoroughly in boiling wa ter, or water that has been boiled. It is not believed that Infected water drank by the dairy herds will trans mit the germs of the disease to the milk given by thoso cows, but that tho hhIk becomes infected by wash ing tbe cans with infected water, or that Urops of water containing colon bacilli get into the milk. and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKERS PERRINE, RoseburgOre. Cor. Cass and Tine St. -:- -:- - E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public LISAS!! FLOCK MILL. Mill Is tn he 0k rated by Luse Laud Coinptuiy. The well known Rochester Flour and Grist mill, located on the Cala poola river, three miles west of Suth erlln and Oakland, has been leased by the Litso Land & Development com pany, ltd., of Sutherlln, and has been I rebuilt and remodelled and will com mence making a high grade flour by the first of the year. Mr. Joe Horstein, the expert miller, and who formerly ran this mill some years ugo, hns been retained by the company to take charge of the mill, nnd is now practically through in stalling a new swing sifter, remodel ing tho rolls, putting up new clean snouting and making other changes to facilitate and make possible the manufacture of a strictly high grade flour. It is the Intention of the company to buy the host wheat obtainable. The mill is now prepared to do chopping at the prices formerly in force. GENERAL JOBBING We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords in the way ot Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. Wa handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8c to 12 He pound. FlrKt class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. , Cass Street MarKet IXTIS KOHLUAGKN, Prop. 107 West Cass St. Phono 191. Free DellTery. OPK TO KXTKV. Xo'tice of Filing Plat of Survey Re comes Public. Notice is hereby given that, sec tions 15 to 22 inclusive and sections 8 to 33 Inclusive, in T. 29 S., R 9 V., W. M., have boon surveyed and hat the plat of survey will be filed In this office on Wednesday, Febru ary ), 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and m and after such day wo win he pro uired to receive applications for the Mil ry of the undeserved and unap- nropriated. lands therein. BKWIAMIN Ij. KIJPY, J. M. LAWRI5NCI3. Register. Receiver. Just received Another shipment Lf the famous "Last Forever" hos iery. A written guarantno with every pair. Sold only by Tho Fair. tf. BUILDER C. D. MAYNAltD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Sendee Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 neneral P' &. N.. IV Sawyer, n Hay, o; s or grain are all right for the horse, but how about your wife. Wouldn't she be pleased to I THE IMPERIAL I A Temperance Saloon Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg ORDWAY & BOCART ! jPROPRIETO R St I Mai iiliid cannot be completed peiul- have ome of those swell fixtures for Ing ihe dosh; of terminal ir rounds on the tti.itious for her home, now on display nt Winnie Hay Caddis, the plumber? tf. FOW VLF. Olt HUNT --Five unv of fine Li ml with a nice s-room home: everything In uood dia:ie; adjoins town of Cauyonville; nrfee I. 000, or will rent. For particu lars, applv to II. J. Wilson, Cnn yonvlllo. Or. The Fair Will Have Special Sales on Holiday Goods EVERY DAY Watcli tlie whitlows for particulars. We will have Doll Day, Toy Day, rieture day, etc.. i-tc. 25 Per Cent Reduction on These Sale Days. Chaucc on the big doll with every 50c I purchase. This Is Your BUSY TlflE WE ARE TALKING to tho LADIES NOW Tha Holiday Work is before vou ! and there is the Xmas dinner to plan ! for. We can relieve you of much I worry and work, which is economy, 1 too, you know. YoVIl find all our Pastry, CaKes and Bread to be unexcelled. Orders delivered. Special orders given prompt attention. Place your Xmas orders now. UMPQUA BAKERY JACKSON STREET REPAIR WORK HOWARD & MAHAN Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods in the City The PLUMBERS and TINNERS . Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe ROSEBURG, OREGON GROUCH & ALDRICH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. To Out Friends and Patrons: We cordially thank you for the ever increasing patronage of the the year 1 909, and trusting to merit your continued favors for , 1 9 1 0, we wish you a A Happy and Prosperous New .Year Roseburg Furniture Co. ATTENTION Flour has nearly doubled in price. We sell B R E AD nt the same prices and it is the best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon rolls' and doughnuts 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our cakes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS CASS STREET j PHONE 35 1 tin ii n nn WTrnnrinnnnnrnnnnnnir ti wnrgrTnirnnnnnnn u run nuuuium