THR EVKXIXO XKWS KIM DA V, )H:ClMHHl 21, ItMII). Holiday Goods OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE NEW 1909 CROP SEKHK1) IIVISIXS, S.MVKXA FIGS, ISLEACHED SUI.TA.Vt lt.USIXS, soft-hselm:d walnuts, ctkhaxts, crnto.v, ohaxge i-eix, LEMOX l'KKI,, 1IE1XZ M1XCE MEAT, JIIJIXZ Al'I'I E 11LTTEH, I'UIIE MAI'LK SYHU1", AI'l'I.E CrilEII. Give Us a Call Phone 238 MES PERFU For Christmas Gifts 1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERFECTUS" Violet ia elegant silk lined box, S2.7.1. 2 ounce LAZELL'S VIOLET ELECT In handsome package $.1.75. 1 ounce LAZELL'S "PERPETUS" In beautiful package S2.50 2 ounce "LAZELL'S" In silk lined box $:1.75. IIUIJXOT'S celebrated perfunies In odors Chrysls. VIOLET EAN DE ESPAGNE, White Rose, llleliutrone, all In elegant packages 25c to $1.50. HUDNOT'S and LAZELL'S Toilet Water 50c to $1.50. PERFUMES all odors In fancy Japanese boxes 25c to 50c. " CHILDREN'S PERFUMES In all odors, attractive Loxes 25c. SELECT nnd fine assortment of military brushes lialr, brushes, mirrors, safety razors and manicure sets and single at ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. CHl'KCU XOTICKS. Christian llun-th. ChrlstmiiB program and tree, on Friday evening at 7:30. Pseuchtng by the pastor at 11 a. ni u.i.luy. Subject "Come and See." rrenchlnj; at 7:1(0 p. m. by Howard Mcfmmuli. Mrs. Myrtle McConnell v-tll elnsr a! this ervr'. Ht song alone will p;v you for coming. J. N. McConnell, pastor. South Methodist Church. R. M. Mears, pastor. Regular ser vlcea by the pastor on Sunday. Preaching1 by- the pastor. Special Xruas service lu (he morning; and at the evening hour special evangelical services. Suii'lny school 10 a m , YV. Cobb, superintendent. Kpworth League services 6:30 Sunday evening. All are cordially invited to these ser vices. Sunday school enlortainnient at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, Dec. 24. , Presbyteilan Church. J. E. Burkhart, pastor Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Subject of sermon, God's Christmas Gift. Even ing worship at 7:30. Subject of ser mon, Pilate's Question, Ours. The Bible i-chool meets at 10 a. m., Hon. B. Tj. Eddy,- superintendent. Junior C. E. at 3 p. m., Miss Kate Fullerton. superintendent. Y. P. S. C. B. at 6:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer met ing on Thursday evening at 7:30. You will find a cordial welcome at nil of our services. Come and bring a friend. ' Kt. George's Church. The Rev. David Charles Wilpon Baker, rector. Christmas: Holy communion at 7:30 a. nt. Morning prayer and holy communion at 10:30. Sunday Si. Stephen's day: Holy om munion at 7:30 a. m. school at 10 a. in. Morning prnyer nnd holy oommuniou nt 11. Evening prayer and t' '-non at 70 M nday: Si. .1 tin t fi ; '.ri"aiigoliet H')ly comntu-n-.u at 10 a. m. T.'.,hiy I Inly niiri is' c'yv Holy iinnm'-m ;t I o h in Sun py school rr a I :ii 7 2 p ti1. In parish h'ni- . St. .ToscnhVi Pro-Church. km?l The solemn cetebrallon of Christ mas will bo observed at St. Toseph's Pro-Church. In the morning there will bo tl.ree masses, at 7:30, nt 830 and at 10:?0. At The 8; 30 mass, n class nf children will receive: their first Holy Communion. After the 10:30 mass there will be benediction of the Most Bleaspd Sacrament. There will be no evening devotif n on Xmas day. On the. afternoon of Friday. Xmas eve, th- sc'ionl children will have an Xmas tree to which they have Invited all their friends. Tho so cial gathering will take place In the school room nt 2 o clock. Everyone Is corilally invited 10 be present nt any and nil services r.n Xmas day. Sunday the regular order or services will be observed. W. F. McGeo, rector. j Notice Is hereby given all parties holding county wai rants Issued by 1 r.Trrrr.. .-.r!.. ' . i.. i LlUUIiia lULIlllJ, VM L'KUJl. UUU lllllUIB- ed "uot paid for want of funds," prior to and Including the 27th dn of Feb ruary, 190i, to present the Bame to the county treasurer of said county at his otllce for payment as interest will cease after tho date of this no tice. Dated December 2, 1909. J. R SAWYERS, Treasurer of Douglafe county, Ore gon, tf. LODOH DIRECTORY A. K- &. A. M. LurM L(m1k', No. holds mjular mcvilnut nil tho (wo ml anil fourth W(HlntMlHVi of rach month, tto touriiom invHnl to attend. DKXTKK liU'K, W. M. N. T. JKWttrr, Secretary. f CALL FOU COUNTY WAItltAXTS PRACTICAL C'HAICITV. The pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal church hu .been nuking special Inquiry re- ceutly as to any needy women and children in thia coinnni- nity, with the purpose of mak- ing a distribution on Christ- mas day, ot things to eat and wear. If eny one, not giving through some other organiza- tion to such a cause, desires to aid in this good work, he may do so by leaving his offering, money or provisions, with the '.Mercy and Help Depart- ment" at tho MiMhodlst church on Friday, the day, be- fore Christians, if you do this you will find It "more hies- sed to give than to receive." and enjoy a Happy Christ- mas. tor on tho subject: " Tho Incarnate God," with appropriate special music for the occasion. A special Invitatlcn Is extended to tho members and frknds of other churches to participate in th1 service, hose who de&lre to maintain the true observance of Christmas and make it contribute to the glory (tf God and the praise of Christ should have the opportunity of attending service on that day. ChrMmns Sunday 7:30 1. M. The musical program for this glad Sahnuth: "Hallelujah Chorus," from Man del's Messiah, singing by choir. "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," duet by Prof. Lotz, tenor, Miss Willetta Green alto, by Lachner. 'Cradle Song of Bethlehem," by Houseley, solo by Prof. Lotz. "I Waited for tho Lord," Mendels sohn, sung by ladles' chorus. "Holy City.1 unison solo by tho choir. This Is a treat for tho lovers of music. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 n. in. Dec. 24, 1900. Precipitation In Inches and hun dredths: , Maximum temperature . 32 Minimum temperature 30 Precpltat.ion 0 Total preclp. since first of month 2,5H Avg. procip. fcr tills month for 32 years 6.14 Total preclp, from Sep. 1, 1009 to dati 16. Of. Avg. preclp, from Sep. 1, 1877 12.53 Total excess from Sep. 1. It03 3.T.2 Avg. precip. fi'om Sep. 1, 1S77 12.31 . seasons (Sep. to Mav Inc.) 33.00 WILLIAM HELL, Ohsei ver. IO. K. M Improve'! Order of Rett Mtn mt'yis lu M nee a I mm) Templo I! rut ami third Mondays. VUitiiig roe hern wolcuiuo. V. C (i A DDIS, Sac'uuiu. F. II V1N 1L. C. ot H 1N1TKD ARriSASrt Omimuft AHnmhiy No II 1W, niot'ta second aiH Murth Friday of v each ui'mth, lu MHr-ahouhill. VUtlug nnmlnTs will nrt'lvn aeordinl welcome. HKl.tE bTEVEX.-ON. M.A. IIOS1NA 1'ATTKIO Supv. MlCn.KMMA FAULKNKK. t-uOf WOODMKN OFTHK WORLU-Oak Htmo lis, mwU at Hie Odd FelU.wii Mall in Roseburs, every Aral and third, Uouay uvcDtliKk. uitlaa ni'WhMn a'wav wolroinu. J. KAKL PICKK.NH, C 0. K.N. KWAUT, Clerk., LU-Av. Nu, ill, Wunmu oi Wnodcraf iihh)18 on tl rat and third Monday uvi-u wiKt o( eai-U iniii'th lu the 1. O. O F. hail VIsIUuk Divntbers luttood iHiidhiK art tnvltta to -ii.-i m1 MARY O'NEAL, U. . OLAKA BORKN. Clork. Bl. U. fc. HiMt i. irv LMint, No. .it. luil reKUlarMmmuiM-HilouH at trelr Te.uile ou st'oml and fourth Tliurwinyi ol each month. All uuMiilHTs rvqueaU'd to attend rttc u.arlyand all vlaittuu brother are oortllally uvlted uiattuud. W.W CAKDKWLL, K. R. Q W.bTAl.EV.i-ecielarjf. O. T. M., i.ipliirK Hive No 11 HokU w ularrevUwaon every Tuesday alleriimins at 'JuVUirk Hi the MaecabiM) Hull, r Is tori ofothor HiveN vlKlthiK in the city are cordlaly Invited Lu attend our reviews. JuSKI'HlNK HUJKALNKSS.Coni, ':h. JhSSlK ItAl'l. K. K. Utt. Hum-b.i.. i.iii.iur No. a. uouu ilieir ReKiilar iiit'ettiiir on the tint aud third TliurBdayn tn each mouth. VtattlUR mem ben in good ataiutmn are renpootlully luvlted tottiud. MARY K. HOUCK, W. M. FRKK JOIlNfQN. Secretary. FO. E. hoauimn: .efie No l-l'JT. meeli Vnd and 4th Muudayh lu 1 O. OF hall at ft p. m K. U.MhiKLLl, W. if. V 1'. Cl.AUK. Hppv. Iu. U f.. il-nu btar U-tUw, N- meet lu Odd FellowVTumple every Friday evtutug bltlitu brelhreii alwaya welcome. K. II. VlNt'll.. V. H VOW KLI, R. P. Beautiful Christmas GOODS At Fullerton Q Richardson's, Druggists, Near Depot Watepilarfs Ideal) FougpPen Should be in every stockin "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Cofice. " It is so j;ood we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we pai ! SI a pound for it.. Kvcrything a1)out Folgc-r's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it wi'l please you. Alton S. Frey tinplist Church. Sunday arhool 10 a. m., Hon. O. P. Coshaw, superintendent; preaching 11 n. m., sermon by the pastor, subject "Tne Kinc Wonderful;" the choir will sing Cinbrlrl's famous Christmas anthem, "Prnee O 1 Tarth, Good Will to Men." n. Y. 'V TJ 6 30 p. m.; evening Borv! ":30 to 8:30, pro gram, process Ic:: il, selected, AIIhs Dale CokIiow: doxology, congrega tion; Invocation; hymn, "Holy Is the Lord.'' congregation; reading. "Christmas Carol," Tlrcoks, Rev. Ad die Short; duet, "Star of the Kast," Gabriel, Mipses Arrie and Allle Hlnek; reading, "On Bethlehem's Plains," Rev. 0. E. Short; song. "I Will 81 lift the Wondrous Story:" announce ments, congregation; olferatory. vio lin obllgnto, W. K. Ott; solo, "Holy N'lpht," Miss Aoy Bridges; fiei'inon ette, "Is Jesus Wanted?" pong, "Could I Tell It," congregation, ben ediction. W. II. Eaton, pas.tor. CHRISTMAS :::ucisi:s. A Christmas e" exercise Is an nounced for th" Chr: tian church Sun day school and f ' 'nds next Friday night. An nrr w iate program has ue.'ii prepare'! "Vr he happy creation, and the public l r.s a cordial Invita tion to nltend. The exercises will be gin promptly at 7:30. riimsTMAs ntofiium. fil 'CHRISTMAS GIFTS GOME IN AND WE WILL ASSIST YOU' IN SELECTING YOUR PRESENTS Our stocK is large and Better than ever Australian and German Decorated China. Suit Cases. Graphaphones. Rugs and Draperies. Children's Carts and RocKers. Chiffioners and Dressers. Center and Library Tables. Morris Chairs and RocKers. Couches and Lounges. Space is too limited to name the many beautiful articles that will please you. Come in and see. ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and Indestructible Records. For Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at the .Methodist Fplscopa Church. ! Te following1 program giv en Friday night, Christmas eve. at 730 o'clock. Processional : Sing ing by the school and congregation. "Joy to the World." Song by the r htldrr n'R choir, "There's a Song in the Air.' Prayer by the pastor. Singing, children's c'nolr, "The Mysteiy of Tb'thlehcm." Responsive readlrg, iLnl'e II S-20.) 1 Recitation and solo, Camilc Iatter , son. Recitation. "Tho Divine Child." Pcdo, filadyn Marsters. ReeUation, "Christinas Twico a Year." Singinc bv children' choir, sing ing "Silent Night." Recitation, "The TlabyV World." Recital Ion, "Chrh tmas Joy." Recifntio'i, "What Do Shepherds Think?" Singing "jy ihe .Innior t-holr, "Tlv First Cllad Christmi'H .Morn." ddress. by panlor on the "World's Greatest Christmas Oie." Polo, Robif Patlfrson. Ritntion, "Christ mast ide. Off-riiiL's. "Our Christn;:w C,f to tho NVdv pnor (The Mercy :ind Ifelp Denatlnvnt of the Choir Will T;il'" Charge of the Offering ofThlni's u. Hat and Wear, pnd I Hstri :iit Ujp Will ho Made on Christmas.) Pinning, "Christrna Tiding? Treat niHtrlhntinn of Ca'tdy ; Nuts for the Children. j Benediction, by ihe pastor. I Saturday, ChiKttnn" laj. j There will bo a preaching service at 10:30 a. m. Sermon by tho pas- Many attractive Xmas gifts at the Roseburg Rook Store. tf Our Prices are low. Xmas Postals 1c Each. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, Registered Druggists. ::::;::::::::::::;::::5::::::::::::::::::::::::: RICE $ RICE, THE HOUSE FURNISHERS ..- fVow'sthe timTTo buy Your Xmas Gifts. Shop Early and get first choice ttetter, lii'Rpr than ever ia our display of useful giftn odd piecuH furniture, book eases, defka, dressers, buf fcUf, side boards, cliina cloBetH, combination cases louajjes, couches, davenports, settees, parlor sets, chairs and rockers. "Coming fllHl u Through the Rye." That's the tcne you'll step to if you should fail to shop early. E S'ewiii(;mn('hines, washing machines, ranges, kitchen cabinets. Everything to make merry! t'lu home. Cuttlery all kinds, 18-17 I'ogers Ilros silvern-ear at prices below them all. Carvers, roasters and colfce perculators. i pleasant thought, a wife suggestion, a timely hint. .Swell Hookers, Morris chairs, Couches and i-imcrs ana extension uoics x-u Koger tiros. Silverware. Tho We Never Forget the Little Ones w Little red chairs, dollie go carts .TO cents up, toy dishes, toy tables, toy stoves, knives nnd forks and childs sets roc1'", hih cluirs, black boards, toy banks, air guns for boys, toy banks and Raino boards. Davenports, Dulfeits, China Closet: atestCollee I erculator, hizo i' Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods ? There will he something doing if you wait too long. TT , . , . i. 1 , I. -.1 seieciea marKeu anu iaio una lor vou I: :: n 11 8 xl