The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 24, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    (Supplement to)
Wntered as second-class matter
Nov. 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., un
der Act of March 3, 1979.
Subscription ltnUn Dally
Per year, by mail $3.0
Por month, delivered 50
Per year $2.00
Six months ... 1.00
i HI DAY, lK'KMI.KIl 21, JOUJ.
;iii Finds Jnji llinlnnd Not Up to tlu
San Francisco, Dec. 23. That all
1b not happy In the wedded life of the
daughter of Archdeacon Emery, who
was Miss Helen Uladys Emery tin-
11 she became Mrs.Ounjlro Aokl, by
nn alliance with a Japanese hotiseboy,
Is the story that has come to the
ears of her former friends In this
It Is said that no separation has as
yet Uken place between the young
mother and cer Japanese nusoana
but the life she chose when. she went
to live among the Japanese colony,
near Seattle, has proved beyond her
powers or enuiironce.
Some yelirs ago Archdeacon Emery
received a letter from Soattle that
caused him to leave at once to see his
daughter, and It believed that steps
will shortly be taken to efect separa
tion and that Mrs. Aokl will return
to her father's home with her babv,
The story as It comes from the north
Is that Aokl has proved faithless to
his vows that he made to love, honor
and cherish the girl who became his
wedded wire.
He has become shiftless and lazy,
ft It charged, and spends days at a
time in the haunts of his Jnnnnpflp
associates In the city, leaving his wife
until he Is out of funds, when he re
turns to demand money from her.
For the protection of herself and
her child she has been compelled to
refuse him, and It Is said that her
unwillingness to give him nil the
money which hns been sent her Is
the cause of angry words and even
brutal treatment.
Willie "The Smiths aro a kind of
relation of ours. Our dog is their
d';g's brother.
The reason why the mistletoe Is al
ways nnng In a Jight place Is thot Us
presence Is not necessary in a aunt
oin declares Juug:.
Judge tells of a Christmas dinner
in Washington at which a statesman
who had been much In the public eye
was called upon after the meal to
make a little speech. Hp aroso and
"Ycu have be?n giving vour atten
tion so far to a turkey stuffed with
sage. You are now abcit to give
your attention to a sage stuffed with
turkey "
Judge prints the following under
the head of "Wanted
"Hy a lover, a thermometer for
testing the warmth of a glrls heart."
"By an old maid, a sprig of mistle
toe and a man to put up the same.
"By a little boy, a stocking that
will hold a bobsled. Said stocking
must bo delivered before Christmas
eve, or will bo of no use.
"By a parent, a pair of goggles that
will prevent children from seeing
Santa Clans while tho latter Is filling
' By n minister, a pair of Christ
mas slippers that will fit."
'Pl?ase mum,' said the humble
wayfarer, ' why did you give me this
bitter coffee?"
"For revenge," nnrwon d il-c I mi
tated houstwifo. "You "laughed at
my pies."
"But dis coffee don't resemble re
verge, lady."
"It doesn't9"
"No, revenge Is sweet. Puss ovc
the sugar bow.'
"An old couple In the west of Scot
land removed to a large town, and
the husband bought an alarm clock to
wake him In tne morning, as ho had
to go some distance to his work. A
few weeks afterward the couple got
two young. men as lodcera,, who ask
ed to be awakened at the Bame time
as themselves.
When tho husband was winding
up the clock that night, his wife said
to him:
"No, Jock, ye'll hae to gle the elock
a guid winding the nlcht Ye kin It
has two malr to waken the morn!"
TjOCAL market
WHEAT $1.00
OATS 50c bushel.
HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton;
grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17.-
KOL.L.ED BARLEY $30.00 Ion.
Lives took.
STEERS-Alive, 3c lb.
COWS Alive 2c.
VEAL. Dressed, 6c. lb.
HOGS Dressed, 8c; Alive 6c.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive,
10c to 12c: dressed, 12c: ducks.
alive, 9 GO 10c: dressed, 14 & 15c.
Turkeys, alive 17c and ISc; dressed
)c and 21c.
BUTTER Creamery, 42 c '. lb.
country, 87c lb. .
EGGS 40e doz.
POTATOES New, lc lb.
WOOL Spring, 24c: fall. 20c:
year clip, 24c. .
HONEY 1 2 Va c.
CABBAGE 1 He. lb.
ONIONS 2c lb.
All kind of hides tanned an taxl-
dormist work done on Bhort notice.
Your work along this line Is solicited.
Address Fred Langenberg, Box 207,
Roseburg, Oregon. tf.
For Men. There Is no beter Bhoe
made than the celebrated "J. ' E.
Tilt," which Is to be found at the
Millf kin-Shoo Store. And for heavy
wear there Is nothing equal to the
United Workman Shoe." dt-r.
The latest tad is nammered brass.
used In connection with Pyrography;
makes an elegant present. We have
he material for working, and also
the ready made pieces. It is not ox
pensive at Graves Art Emporium, tf.
Clearance Sale
Tailor Made Clothes
Commencing December 18, and
continuing for two weeks, in order
lo reduce m Btock of high-grade
goods, I will make suits at the
following greatly reduced prices:
$35 Suits $28.00
$33 Suits $25.00
$30 Suits $22.00
For two weeks odI. Call early
while the stock is complete.
The Reliable Tailor
Olllce: Warehouse) No..
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main a43i or 311.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement Plaster, Lime and Cem nt Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Material '
Give us a call. We will save you money.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lunit er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
VarJeon Lower Oak Street.
'Phone 1411
Fill Your House
with light do bouse is modern
wlthoot electric lights. Though we
can wire "any old" building, the
best work is when the house is being
constructed. We ere always ready
to give an accurate estima'e and to
guarantee the best work.
315 N. Jackson St.
Roseburg, Or
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
Works. Telephone '2511.
Work Done on Short Notice
This is the claim made by all who send their
washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get
this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the most approved
manner all the latest and most modern machin
ery is at our command to do your work in a mos
trorough manner.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG. ORE.
.,,.HwM-sWJriHm.rn. T1 1 n H n ii ii H i ii 1 1 miK