The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 24, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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i. ...... , ,;, f ' J iifcut
It Is Claimed HweHs Take the I'liice
. 'U of Alcohol.- ' '
Brooklyn, Deo. 23. Candy eat:
lng Is -becoming a great American na
tional hablt.i '. The use. Is no longer
iconflnedl to children, i thoj matinee
girls and their, mothers. -Man has
come bo under the potent Influence
of his Bweef tootn and ta the growing
penchant for, sweets, that the candy,
hill q( tnclo.Sam Is $130,000,000 8
year.. ' , ... ... . -
It Is said by experts that the enor
mous increase lu tlm. use .of andy Is
the most direct outcome of a corres
ponding doccease in -the use of -alcohol,
i physicians have noted the, fact,
that the two tastes arc diametrically
opposed. Alcohol destroys the ta3te
for sweets, and it Is rare to find a
heavy drinker who cares fdr desserts,
lot alone gives up himself to the de
lights, of cartdy. .. '.! -. . I
Correspondingly the heavy candy
eater Is not ,likely to be the person
. who has a strong lilting for whiskey,
beer or wine, . In the last few years
, the admitted gain of sobriety among
nil classes of people has bad the ef-
feet of adding to the business of the
' candy maker In leaps and bounds.
It is no uncommon; thing to go Into
the office of a-business -man, the
leader of law or finance who Is con
stantly dealing with, problems Involv
ing the outlay bf a big sum of mon
ey, and find- on his desk a box of
bonbons or chocolates. These he will
offer tp a vlslton-much" In-the same
wtty'.thnt he used, to think Jt proper
. courtesy to offer a cigar or Invite his
guest out. to have a drink with him.
Considered solely as an article of
food candy Is most beneficial. ' It sup
plies heat and energv. In compact
form, Is readily digested and Is of
great value In-rellevine fatigued Mnny
men find. Imoandy a mild stimulation,
something somewhat similar in, effect
to what they formerly, got from to
bacco or whisky. In the manufacture
of candy .the AInlted States lends the
world, both, tir the.quantlty and qual
ity of the product , '
OF mineral; WATERS
111 Cases of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
..out .null ,.NurvouB .ItM.'akdown, .
, i ,f "' as IsySlarvolons . i
Upon recent Investigation by emln
etn physicians', chemists and scien
tists it has been -demonstrated that
natural, earth flowing mineral waters
nre the most beneficial means for the
cuie of organic maladies.---,
Paso Robles. Hot Springs are. at
tills time the point of Interest to most
Investigators, as irectne ;. occurences
have attracted the attention of the
thinking world to, these springs, i i -
One of their chief points of Inter
est to medical men is said to be that
which proves that a pre-eminent nc
tlon rests In. the. waters which? flow
from' the earth at Paso Robles, Cal
ifornia. .-'-;.-,' ; c
Paso Robles Hot Springs are mak
ing cures dally of rheumatism, gout,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases,
kldnev trouble., and general break
down, which proves aJmoBb beyond
question to medical men that there
is -some quality In these waters, su
perior to any In this country and
probably In the world. '
It Is also claimed for Paso Robles
that the air conditions are .perfect It
lle3 tn a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; is 720 feet above
sea level and 1b not assailed by too
much sea moisture or an abnormal
temperature from the hot land winds.
This air condition is thought by
some to have almost aB much to do
with its cures as the waters them
selves. - - - ": 1 ' t,v
The town like all health resorts.
Is filled with boarding houses of all
kinds, so that every purse will be
Dleased. There are hotels for the
rich, where any luxury may be had.
Private baths for . exclusive patrons
- who wish to be to themselves.
These springs have been known
for centuries; for they were used by
the Indian to cure his sick, and later
the Franciscan fathers " performed
. wonderful cures here, but it is only
recently that the really marvelous
powers of these waters were made
known to the world at large,
i Nearly every form or organic trou
ble Is . treated lat 'these hol springs,
for the authorities welcome all ex
cept those who have tuberculosis -or
unclean diseases. For the man who
suffers from overeating or from alco
holic excesses there is nothing in the
world to eqnal a week speni at ruau
naim, it utmlfhtanR him out' with
a rapidity that la wonderfuf, and the
best recommendation is mm moj
away with the narve-oravlng for stim
ulants becausa -or -meis pecunui
soothlng-effects upon- the nervous
syestem - ' ' '' '.
- Truly speaking the study of Pnso
Pniiies Hot Snrlncs is one which Is
giving the medlcar fraternity abroad
and. at home much interest, and is
probably directing more attention
to California than any other of her
natural gifts to man. i i
A small book, neatly illustratod,
has been recently published by the
management telling the story of the
Hot Springs In a most interesting
manner and giving complete Infor
mation. Bend for It, either' to. Wm.
McMurrav, General Pasenger Agent
of th9 O. R. & N., Portland,' Oregon,
or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Robles, California. '". tf.
A Few Suggestions For Your Con-
.. , . . ...t..: siaerauuii''
DESKS Have you seen our line of
ladlos. desks, combination cases,
book cases etc.?-'1' ' 1 '
CHAIRS We are showing the finest
line of rockers and-dining chairs
we have ever' had the pleasure ol
showing. ' 1 "
TABLES Dining tables, buffets and
china closets, library Vind center
tables in latest designs and styles.
HALL TREES Bookcases, iron beds
' and cotton felt mattresses.
Rugs From 15x27 feet- to 9x12
feet. ' --
beds. ' - .....
STORE- FULL Of useful articles
too numerous to'- mention. - '' '
tf ... Tncj FUrniture Man.
, Nothing Is too good for the Iirlsh,
for the- county.'' Use the best, .as It
Is the-cheapest In the long run. See
Sheridan Street Near The Depot.
We don't sell- for cost or below
cost but we will sell right at cost.
If you don't believe it, try us and
see. With each dollar's worth of
goods purchased you are entitled to
a chance on a nice set of silverware,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
See them In the window. Come and
see for yourself, don't be misled by
uny one for ycu will miss It
Roseb u
South Side Cass St., Near
' Depot " '
IeailinK and best restaurant in the
city. None but white people employed
Nothing but tbe beat in the market
served. Give us a trial and be con
tn ftcromodflte our custo
mers who are unable to do' their
-vr nlw-.n.,ltilr -in- ilnv llmP WA will
keep our .store open evenlnpa until
Xniaa. uruveH .mi rjiiiitui mm. ;
" nnlD tf rrcnln nrA nil rfirht
for the horse, but how about your
Wtie. WOU1QU l BUB uo jnctvoc-u iu
i f tHnoA curat 1 fivtiifAB tnr
itavw suuta wi "";v ' "
her home, now on display at Winnie
OaddlB, tne piuinuer: u.
A Merry Christmas' , sind JHappy ;New
Year to Our Many Patrons.
j The Sir Will Have Special
' " I
iaies fOn npiiaay
Watch the windows for particular?.
l-liave'Doil Day, Toy Day,
25 Per Ceut Keauctn ,op juese 3ai,e
Chance on the big doll with eyer.y 50
tX Do yon want to build you
monthly rmvments and low rate
Do you want W pay olf your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest t6 pay back loan in?
." ' Dp you want to buy a home in Ro'seburg, a nice 'ten'tnt$
near town or a good ranch near a good market and iq good 16?
nalitv? Do von want to sell your property?
Do you want to insure
and cheapest companies in tqe
Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:-
X , -
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods In the City
Amos W. Hiestor, violinist at
Star theatre, .will accept pupils
for violin. Especial Attention to
Juvenils.; Inquire at Star theatre
or phono 886.
We -will
1 etc.
Picture day, etc,
a home and pay for it in smjjJJ XX
of interest?
your building in one of the best
u. 0. .'
PERRINE, RoseburOre.
' -:- & B. PERRINE, Notary Publio
We're in a Position
to offer you the best the market af
fords In tbe way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest.
We handle only prime stock. Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine
roasting pieces of beef from 80 to
12 He pound. First class ' mutton,
veal,- pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to any part
of the city.
Cass Street MarKet
107 West Cub St. Phone 1(1.
Free Delivery.