The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 23, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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A Few 5lin Control the Nation's. Vl
Chicago, Dec, 22. A New York
special dtuptttch saysisi- So close have
become the alliances of iloadfng ft
nanciu) interests In Wall street dur
Ing the last three months that almost
absolute control or the country b ii
nanclal affairs Is now- centralized fit
the hanris of a -very few men, who
are acting In concert.
. A mney trust has cone lnt
Istenee with J. P Morgan at Its bead,
most gigantic combination of capital
In the world: ' There is no concrete,
definite organization .to. this latest
trust, no k'KHl incorporation, n
elected directors, no list of stork
holdeis. To use a descriptive lyhro&p
of the financial world, it lb simply a
community of interest.
Asset of thrbe Insurance 'cornpa
nles alone controlled by the Kroup a&-
.creating considerably more than
Power Ih TrenicniloiiN.
TIere are some of the things the
trust could do:
It could call $200,000,000 of loans
over nlirht and rum auv adversary.
'it aould ruin credits to such ai
degree as to cause extreme money
stringency and great commercial uiv
trust, - -: ,
It could tie up cash holdings of
New York banks by demanding cer
tification of checks for enormous
amounts. ' ,'
It- pould :den)etA hank reserves In
New York by causing shipments of
cash to any parts of the country.
"' It could make the money rate of
interest almoHt what It chose,' from
2 per cent to 100 per cent on all call
Joans., , ,.r.' , . . - ,
V It could cripple, financial opera
tions of great railway systems and
'expanding Industrial concerns!
It could nnd does dictate-- terms
and exactions of every company promotion-that
Is Important enough to
be financed in Wnlltrest, -
In Cases of .Jlyspeptijn, Rheumatism,
Gout and Nervous If mi k down
. 1 i' ., Ih Mnryolons
.Upon rqcent. Investigation by emln
etn -physicians, -chemists and scien
tists lt has -bepn-demonstrated that
natural, earth flowing mlneral'waters
are the most beneficial means for the
cute of organic,'. -
Pnso Kobles Hot Springs are at
this time the point of Interest to most
investigators, aa reptne . occurences
haver attracted the attention of the
thinking world to these springs ,
Ono of their chief points nf Inter
est to medical men Is said, to bo that,
which prows that a pre-eminent ac
tion rests in- the waters which flow
fr'rim the earth at Paso Robles, Cal
ifornia. ,. . ...y
Paso Robles Hot Springs nre mak
ing cures dally . of rheumatism, out,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases,
kidney trouble, and- gen oral break
down, which tprovos almost beyond
question to medical-'men that there
Is some quality In these waters su
uerlor to any in this country and
probably In the world. .
It Is also claimed for Paso Robles
that the air conditions are perfect It
lies n a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; is 720 feet above
sea. level nnd Is not assailed by too
milch sea moisture or an abnormal
temperature from the hot land winds.
This air condition Is thought by
soma to have almost as much to do
with Its euros as the waters them
selves. , , .. ...
The town like all health resorts,
is tilled with boarding bouses of all
kinds, so that every purse will be
pleased. There are hotels for the
rich, where any luxury may be had.
Private baths for exclusive patrons
who -wish to he to themselves.
These-aprlnga have been known
for centuries, for they were used by
the Indian to cure his sick nnd later
the Franciscan fathers performed
wonderful cures here, but It Is only
recently that the really marvelous
powers of these waters were made
known to the world at large. ,
Nearly every form or organic trou
ble 1s. treated at these hot-springs
for the authorities welcome all1 ex
cept those who have tuberculosis or
unclean diseases. For the man who
suffers from overeating or from alco
holic excesses there Is nothing In the
world to equal a week spent at Paso
Robles.. H straightens him out with
a rapidity, that is wonderful, and the
went recommendation is that they do
away with the uorve-craving for stim
ulants because .. of - their peculiar
soothing .effects upon the nervous
hyestem. - -
Truly speaking the study of Paso
Robles Hot Springs Is one which 1b
giving the medical fraternity abroad
and at home much Interest, and
probably directing , more attention
to California than any other of her
natural gifts to man.
A small book, neatly Illustrated
has been recently published by the
management telling tthe Btory of the
Hot Springs -In a most Interesting
manner and giving complete infor
mation. -Send for It, either to Wm.
McMurray, General Pasenger Agent
or the O. K. & N., Portland, Oregon,
or. Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
nobles. California. tf.
ItAIJ FOR Till.; UAlit
Crude Petroleum WIN Multe
liose Your- Hair.
Men who work too long at occupa
tions wnere they come into contact
with crude petroleum, lose their htir.
Those who work on locomotives and
In the shops where the en r;nes arc
overhauled and repaired are the most
liable to the trouble, T.ic o'l b'jrnet.
on most locomotives Is us:d In its
original state, just as it from
the wells, and is, therefore, very im
pure. It is a thick, sticky vlscuons
liquid with a very objectionable
i no locomoiivo nremnn in tne
course of his day's work is sure to
get his hands and clothes covered
with the stuff and almost invariably
it is transferred to his face and hair
It becomes gummy In a short time
and Ih almost Impossible nf removal
After a while the hair becomes loose
and easily falls out, so that in comb
ing, It comes out In quantities. The
only way to prevent this - is -to -take
turpentine and wash the head thor
oughly every time any of the oil gets
Into the hair. Even this Is not a
sure preventative for If every bit of
it Is not removed the results. In time,
am the fame as If It had been ne
glected. "
The reason for this is not well un
derstood. Vaseline, cosmollne and ,
one of the Ingredients of some hair
oils are products of petroleum and1
are known to stlmiinlte the growth of
hair. It Is believed by those- who
suffer from scalp poisoning that the
impurities which exist In the crude
oil nre responsible for It. They say
that the dirt which ib found In It
amounts to almst one quarter of the
oil's bulk. The men about the-loco
motive shops and In the yards say,
however, that the oil Is very good
as a llnement In case of burns, and
that: they prefer-. It to the kinds
bought at drug stores. Portland
Journal. ... -
Nothing is too good for the Uriah.
for. the county. Use the best, as it
IftthwcbPfttiesMn the( lone run;. See
South Side Cass St., Near
In order to accomodate our custo
mers who are unable to 'do their
Xmas shopplnk In day time, we will
keep our Btore open evenings until
Xmas. Grnves Art Emporium. tf.
Hay, oats or grain are all right
for the horse, but how about your
wife. . Wouldn't she be pleased to
have some of those swell fixtures for
her home, now on display at Winnie
Gaddis, the plumber? tf.
Amoa W. Hiester, violinist- at
Star theatre,- will accept pupils
for violin. Especial attention to
juvenila. Inguire at Star theatre
or phone 885.
A Sweet Remembrance for Christmas"
v - -.
Is a nice box of candy, Style and quality to suit
' every taste; Get it at
-Full line of Holiday, postal?.., Comearlyj (
:THe"fair Will 5 Have Special
Safes on; Holiday
Watch the windows for particulars. We will
have Doll Day, Toy Day, Picture day, etc., etc.
25 Per Cent Reduction on These Sale Days.
Chance on the big doll ' with' every ' 50c '
Do you want to build yon a home and pay for it in small XX
monthly payments and low rate of interest? ,,
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? . XX
'- Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre'tract'' XX
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo- XX
cality? Do you want to sell your property? XX
Do vou want to insure vour buildincr in one of the heal.
andf cheapest companies in the U. S.? . ... XX
f So See " WALKER PERRINE,4 Roseburg Ore.
Cor. Cass and Pine St. . -:- E. P. PERRINE, Notary Public
We're is "a Position
to offer you the beat' the market af
fords In the way of Meats; and our
prices you know are always lowest
We handle only prime stock.- - Qual
ity and quantity guaranteed.!: Fine
roasting pieceB of beef from 8c to
12c pound. First' cIbbb i mutton,
veal, pork and poultry equally low.
Can't do better anywhere. Phone us
your order. We deliver to ny part
of the city. . -
Cass Street Marhet
107 Wen Cass 8t ,. Phone 111.
. .Free Delivery. ,
Leading and bent restaurant in the
city. None but wljite people employed
Nothing but the best in the market
eerved. Give us a trial and he con
Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe
Largest Slock of Plumbing
Goodi In the City