(Supplement to) THE EVENING NEWS BY B. W. BATES ISSUKD DAILY KXCEIT SUNDAY Catered as second-class matter Nov. 5, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore., un der act of inarch 3, 1879. Subscription ltntcs Dally Per year, by mail..... $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Semi-Weekly Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 TIU'HSDAY, DKCl.MliHH 23, 11)00. KI.KKl'S WITH COHl'SE. Wife of l'ortliind Man Expires Pur . lug Sight. standing third, according to the lust census. It would also be instructive to have some authoritative deductions from the fact that few states, If any, have a fewer percentage of foreign born nnd colored. It is probable, however, that the good fortune of Kansas In respect to morals and dis seminated prosperity ia due in con siderable measure to the. lack of large cities, which from (heir very nature must bo to a greater or less extent breeders of poverty and crime. In Kansas the individual is not lost in the mass, but has a better, chance to secure moral and material support from those about him than the mem ber of a large urlmn community. Even the tornadoes of Kansas seem to be less terrible than in the yenrs when whiskers and Populism flourished. Ex. Portland, Dec. 22. For four or five hours last night Theophll I'llleter slept with a corpse but did not know It. The dead poi'Bon was his wife. When he arose to attend to his usual duties, he yet did not discover that his wife during the early part of the night had died. Calling her. .s us ual, and not heeding her failure to answer, he proceeded with his work, and had left the houso for his regu lar employment when one of the chil dren came running after :ilm to an nounce that tho mother and wife was dead. Mrs. Bllllter, the mother of stv ro bust children, has been In normal health up until attacked by what must have been heart failure some time prior to midnight. There was no question as to her strength and ability tc attend to her many duties. When the husband and wife retired last evenine. she made no complaint. nnd was In usual cheerful mood. The husband, a sound sleeper, was not disturbed during the night by any movements of his wife, ana ' is sure that she said nothing wh'jn stricken. When ho arose in the dark to attend to his early morning duties, he had no cause to speak to his wife, except call her after he had gouen nreaK fast for himself. Her failure to an swer caused no nntaalners. Had It not been for the children he would not have known that the wife was a corpse until returning home late In the afternoon. Bllllter Is a Swiss. whl-h national ity his wife also claimed. They arc poor and have been living at duu Third street, Portland. KANSAS WEAltS- A SM1I,E. Half of the Prisons In tl"' State Have No. Inmates. There used to be an impression that Kansas was enuueu to jiui thy. When a prairie tchooner hove In view from the east In those days tho first thought was (hat some one was moving to Kansas, und no one wns surprised to see tne same ream I l. I,nf..n lllir a rlilfllt ldated wagon out of the west a year or two later. They were quitting nansas, a muu oi uruugui mm uu- Irlinn TmXnV tin ftMO H.irPq til HflV anything against the Sunflower state before a present or past resident, for the figures are availuble to prove that Kansas has a little the advnntnge of every other section of the world. X' nrooliont f th. Kansas Association of Charities, who has just compelted an investigation of tno COnOlllOilH Bunuilimii'K mid nu.n. ...t,U Dnfnmnnt tnilf 1ft hlllf the counties of the state he found no prisoner in the Jans. Ana as n uj Settle once lor ail me HittiTiiieui. Liiti. ... U- to nrnHltrllvo nf InsJinltV Mr. Knapp snows by figures that "Cook County, Illlncis, furnisnes 1.,cn,1u tn tho alula hnanilplg than the total population of all the state cnaruaoie, reirrecuuimi i nal institutions oi ianaa i-uiiiumci. rrt - 09 KAiinlv mnr fflrniR Ollt of a possible 105 having no inmates, and the state has a place near the top in tne smaiiness ui me iwitcm ago of crime, dependency and defect iveness. - T. .......1.1 K Interacting In kttnw it. ntuiu t.c iiiiiicj.ix- " ........ I.,DI ttnn Al,fO tha I'lllnl illTwtt I II lit hf- tween these cheerful statistics and the High percentage oi juerncy, naiunn XMAS ALMOST AT HAND A Few Suggestions For Your Con sideration DESKS Have you seen our line of ladies desks, combination cases, book cases, etc? CHAIRS Wo are showing the finest lino of rockers and dining chnlrB wo have ever had the pleasure of showing. TABLES Dining tables, buffets and china closets, library and center tables in latest designs and styles. HALL TREES Bookcases, Iron beds and cotton felt mattresses. Rugs From 15x27 feet to. 9x12 feet DOLL CARRIAGES And Dolls beds. STORE- FULL Of useful articles too numerous to mention. B. W. STRONG, tf The Furniture Man THE WATER FRONT DRV GOODS STORE Sheridan Street Near The Depot. We don't sell for cost or below cost but we will sell right at cost. If you don't believe it, try ub and see. With each dollar's worth of goods purchased you are entitled to a chance on a nice set of silverware, knives, forks, table and teaspoons. See tbem In the window. Come and see for yourself, don't be misled by any one for you will miss it D. J. JARVIS PROPHIETOR. Clearance Sale Tailor Made Clothes Commencing December IB, and continuing for two weeks, in order io reduce in stock of high-grade goods, I will make Boita at the following greatly reduced pricea: $35 Suits $28.00 $33 Suits $25.00 $30 Suits $22.00 For two weeki only. Call early while the stock ia complete. BODGE The Reliable Tailor lrftttS GROUCH & ALDRICH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement Plaster, Lime and Cem nt Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Material Give us a call. , We will save vou monev. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt er Doors srad Windows of all Kinds. Yards on Lower Oak Street, Phone 1411 ROSEBURG,. OREGON Fill Your House with light no houae ia modern without electrlo lights. Though we can wire "any old" building, the best work ia when the houae ia being constructed. We are always ready to give an scenrate estimate and to guarantee tho beat work. G. L. PRIOR 315 N. Jackaon St. Roseburg, Or it D. H MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worb, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. WHITE AS SNOW This is the claim made by all who send .their washing to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. To get this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry ! is not treated in a severe manner very much to ! the contrary -it is handled in the most approved I manner all the latest, and most modern machin ', ery is at our command to do your work in a mos trorough manner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. ; Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE.