The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 22, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    (Supplement to)
Entered as Becond-clasa matter
Hoy. 6. 1909, at Koseburg, Ore., un
der act of inarch 3, 1879.
Subscription Untcs Dully
Per year, by mnil $3.00
Per month, delivered 50
Per year $2.00
Blx mouths 1.00
Instructions That Will be Helpful to
Fruit Growers. .
Men who own a tree will soon
find out that It must be trimmed and
cared for( fed and nursed, and sym
pathised with in ltd peculiarities,
characteristics, and whims. IS very
trei has Its notions as surely as every
m iu. and you can do willing with it
unless you are willing to study nnd
Ufdersinnd what the tree mean. We
should like to advise you now 10 nine
care of your own trees, and tl'iit in
a very simple manner. 6o'..t.'. n line
. hand saw and a sharp pruning Unite.
beRln at the bottom of the tire and
Ilrst of all clean awny every olsn or
"suckerase" that la, of" usrlepf
growth. Next you will work your
,wav sttfldily nr. the bclv of the tree
and over all the limbs until you hive
removed every shoot thp.t has urewn
lnce the lnrse limbs began to bear
These hoot or surKers, as ihcv are
rightly called, take the vitality of
iw tre away from the established
Hmbs that carry blossom buds and
fruit -If thev have been left there
alreadv to long as to have killed the
.bearing :imbs, you must select a few
of the voi v largest flnd strongest to
make a new head for the tree. Use
vour saw on big limbs only when
vou find them too brittle aud life
less to recover a flow of sail. It is
not Impossible that the removal of
Bucket's will renew the vitality of
nid limbs, enough to
mnL-o. them fruitful. It makes but
little difference at what time of the
vear vou work In these old orchards.
'We liave done the cutting in mid
summer and In midwinter, and at
.,1 ...,, ninot nnvpnfent..
any uinei ........ - ---
With pear trees you will find less
difficulty tnan wnn uiii
have grown old, hut almost ceitnlnlj
a neglected pear tree -sided
and unsightly. I advise you no
. a...... l.DHK, tnr ft VPVV Old
' tree will bear you sonic most delicious
She dons. . . - ', -,
wniie vou tic ni"1 ""c .
fresh trees to ultimately tnte their
places, .lust clean out the dead wood
you are dealing with P'um trees and
cherries, which are short lived at the
l" t . advice would be to dig them
nnfkSd I Plant anew. A plum tree six
feet high vU com" to heaving in me
cherry tree will hear when only four
or five feet Mgn. aunuucii
cherries take longer man me -
rieUeS' . v Trees.
,,, ... In mh.rt lhat so far
we have been talking about old
nlaces where trees have been ncglect-
ea. ii uion'- - - .
management with these trees, it Is
not a very viiai imuuri, ,
bra irninir to nlant more
trees, and will keep them In order
as they grow. 1 propose now iu u-u
vou what to do with these new tree,
and how still to be able to keep out
the professional trimmer. As soon as
vou receive your trees and let me
"tell you they must tfe ordered from
an honest dealer, and should be at
least four or rive teei nign. ami ium..
you must begin your knife wnrlt
' hv cutting them rharnly hack. Take
. off all feeble wood and shools as well
as all that are bruised and broken
bv shipping, cutting close to the body
of the tree. Whtn this is done your
tree will stand about three feet or
four high, and. for limbs will have
only spurs of two or three Inches. If
peach trees, remove every limb and
plant a straight stick. As soon as
planted spreud about the - roots a
mulch threj or four inches in thick
ness, and reaching out two feet from
the tree in all dlrectious.
Now you have to learn how to man
age the first few years opprowth, and
that Is what most people . neglect,
.lust as soon as they begin io grow,
buds will push out. all over the tree,
from bottom to top. You must pinch
out most, of these grcwltig buds as
quick as thev stmt, after this, at least
once a month, you must go over your
young orchard, and keep up this dis
budding business, leaving only those
shoots to grow on that will be needed
lo make a jood top. Now you have
allowed perhaps six or eight limbs
to grow, nltning to have Ihem consti
tute a good head for the tree; but you
will notice that the latest growth is
(he wealiest, and most liable to he
frozen In winter. In October or No
vember, when growth has Btopped,
with a sharp knife cut back thse
limbs about one-third. Always leave
tho last bud pointing outward thnt
Is, in the direction you would wish
the limb td take. That last bud. If
left as we tell you. will spread the
troe more open In the top next year
nnd let In nir and sunshine.
This sort of trimming must he lept
np'durliiR lie lii-st four or five year
of the tree's life that Is, If you want
perfect orchard. Each year cut
hack from ono-thlrd to two-thirds
of the new growth, until the ree gets
well up out 'of reach. We go over
our your.g pear trees with a step
ladder, heading them in till they are
at least ten feet high. Meanwhile
understand that every anchor or use
less shoot Is lo be quickly removed
from body and limbs. Do not let
one of them draw vitality from the
good limbs fi'r a monlh.
Slioridun Street Neap Tho Depot.
We don't sell for cost or below
cost hut we will sell right at cost,
ft you don't bellevo it, try us and
see. With each dollar'B worth of
goods purchased you are entitled to
a chance on a nice set of silverware,
knives, forks, table and teaspoons.
See them in the window. Come and
see for yourself, don't be misled by
any one for j'ou will miss it
Clearance Sale
Tailor Made! Clothes
Commencing December 18, and
continuing for two weekB, in order
10 reduce my Block of high-grade
goods, I will make suits at the
following greatly reduced prices:
$35 Suits $28.00
$33 Suits $25.00
$30 Suits $22.00
For two weeks only. Call early
white the stack is complete.
Ulllac: Warehouse No.
Near the Depot. Telephone
Main 3431 or 311.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Material
Give us a call. We will save you money.
xxxxxtxxxxxxxxixxxxxtnxxt xxxxxxxxtxxxtxxxxxmxxtxt
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Limit er
Doors and Windows of all Kinds.
VnrdB on Lower Oak Street. .. -,
Fill Your House
with light no bouse i mod or n
without electric tights. Though e
oan wire "any old" building, the
best work Is when the bonne is toeing
guarantee the beat work.
The Reliable Tailor
Plumbing Sheet Metal Worlf, Tinning'
aad Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 25H.
Worh Done on Short Notice
This is tho claim made by all who send their
waslving to tho Roseburg Steam Lauudiy. To get
this result no chemicals are used. Your laundry
is not treated in a severe manner very much to
the contrary it is handled in the, most approved
manner all the latest, and most modern luachia
ery is at our command to do your work in a mos
trorouiih manner.
0. C. BAKER, Prop.
Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE.