THK F.VBMVO NFWS WHIKSrMY, KErEMBEH 22, 10O0 if- THE EVENING NEWS I IIV B. W. I1ATHS i'h.utk'.Wj ciiaiutv. Tlie i:tstor of the Methodist Kplseopul church naj' been im kwiK speilnl Imiuiry i-"-cently as to any needy women and children In tt-is commu nity, with the purpose of mak ing a distribution on Christ inas day, ol things to eat and wear. If cay one, not Klvlni; throuah seme other organiza tion to such a cause, desire to aid ill this Kood work, lie may do so by leaving his offering, money or provisions, villi the "Mercy and Help Depart ment" at the Methodist church on Friday, the day be. fore Christmas, if yon do tills you will find It "more bles sed to filve than to receive." and oiijoy a Happy Christ mas. FOII KIOI.I.IMJ IIIIKK. IKSl'i;!) DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY Headquarters for Christmas Goods Chang 111, who conducts the Oregon restaurant, ar.d W. A. Howard, owner of the soft drink emporium fituaUd at tlie corner rif Cass and Sheridan streets, were ar rested ato this afternoon charged with spiling Intoil caliUK lliiuors contrary to law. Hi Is accused of having sold a bottle of beer to Char les Parker, a prohibition de tective, on December 18. Iio gard is alleged to havo sold a bottle of beer to I). P. Kelly, an inmate of the county jail, on the fcame date. Doth men were arraigned this afternoon, entering a plea of not KUllty. Kutered ns Hccond-clauH mutter Nov, 5, 1909, at HoHebiii'K, Ore., un der act or i..urcli 3, 187. KulMcriltlmi Jtnti'g - Dully Per year by mini ......$3.00 ror month, dullvored. &0 SiiiiI-Weekly Par year... 12.00 Six months 1.00 WKDNKKDAV, IIK KMISI H US. I (100 The latest goods to be carried in a first-class jewelry store to be found in Roseburg. Call and see them. The time is short.. Prices always right. Old Sol tus ttirnod the nornrr way down tov.-ard the South Pole and Is on the back track. Portlnnd .Jomral: Oirat Nrm tlila J. I'. Moman, J ). Hockffellor, Un Sam & Co. BiibIih-i;b, pliuHcriliK the pt'oplo. The OreKon Kall!-oad Commission la to be cojiKruriilaled on the alum taken recanllntf tin? matter of pannes for coininlHKloneru on all railways The railroad comnilsnlonerH for the Btale of TeiineHHoo advanced a prop- UHition to Jiavu the Inleralalo com inerce act ameiKted In order to permli of the uho of paHHeH on the railways throUKhoiit the country. Out la Ren tlumen repl-eyenllliK Oregon have positively refused (o engine in any euch nuesllonahle effort, lo havo en tured into such an arrangement would have resulted in the coiumlsirfon los- iriK the respect and cor.fldence of the people of th stale. The railway commission has been established for the purpose of udJiistlliK mattera of difference between me puiinc ana tne common carriers, and not lor the op portunity affordi d of accepting fa vors from the railroad corpuralloiiB. WKST KOSMII'IIO ItAMHI.I.WS. Now winter's chilly blast has eomo to our eer tureen li'iiulllul val ley and all nature bears a strong re- ttetnblalK-e to southern Mlnt:csetB or northern In the month of Octo ber. We see that Mr. Hall has moved the .iloro buildltiK now .occupied by Mr. Gilbert and son, oil to an ad lu cent l"t In cider that a larKcr busi ness blllldll'i; may be erected on the comer formerly occm le l by the first store bulldliur. Wo notice that the new minding on tho corner Is already under way, and the outlook at present is encourjclni? for a nl.'o commodious up to dale business lioiisn under the able niau ogcniont of the Hooper brothers. Wo lire pleased to learn that the now bull. lint; will lie second to none In West liosi biiiK as a business prop osition, as iho forne r IllilldlliK ii not nileiiunte to meet the demands or the fast Increasing brslnesB of our runtllng irroceryinen, Gilbert Son. Our nenlal Rood nntnrod nillsllc aiidsciiie n:irdiier. .1. Unwell, Is al ready nmniKliiK for n liusy sprlnK's work In his lino or work. Hie people of West llosebiiri; are lilfrhlv favored III huvlms two church building, a fine school biilldluif and a Bool grocery store, wllhln Hie lim its of tho villane, and all these bulld Inus are In close proximity to each other. Mr. A. A. .lours has of late been pultlm; In some very itnod walks lend ing from tho street to and around his residence. We learn that Miss Olive Sampson will be at home from .Medford for the holidays. Mi. Gort'ny. the enterpi Islnir rutit ler, has pur'-liased tho Mr Mi II proo- orlv. We ace he Is 'iiakiiit; some noi'ded liniirovi'iiieiits on his nevl nciiulred property. Hevs. llimle'S and l.en. and Mr. Mercer are busy these days ruttluu wood on the I'mpMiiu l.lnlit anil Wa ter companv lauds, west or t'le rtver All ill all everybmlv seems to be pleased, contended mid happy and e ecllllK to make this ruining boiisiiu one of ponce plenty mil prosperity, mid we alt join In siiylnff, let the trend work jo eu. OUA!). YOXCA 1,1,1 M-.'MH. Interesting Items ftatliered by Correspondent. AttorneyB A. N. Orcutt, of Itorm- burg, and Claud DeVoru,-of Dralnf were looking after legal matters ut ordered prepared and when bo nrennr. deliberating, Chief Jailor Ous Poret notified the Orand Soup Juggler that an unusually loud and clnmerous iioIho was emanating from the stall of the royal goat, which was proof positive unit too animal was becoin lug extremely Impatient and anxious or the sulphurous fumes which is sued from the chamber of his Satanic Malesly. At this the victims were thin place lnnt Tuesday. Gun IVrot went to Kiddle lnnt wnek to try and nKuin possession or a dog which ho lost Huvoral months uko and KiHT.'o.led in t'HjituiiuK t o ani mal and hroiiMht ft home with him. rather McCJou of UoBehnri: was In this city the first of the wwk. .JoHt'ph llallday and family of 8kH- Icy, Jt'ft last Tuesday for Lnn Uoach, tin., to remain indiriiiltoly. Mr. ed to he admitted In accordance with tho reRnlar H. A. B. restrictions. Presently there was an alarm at the door or the execution room v. hlch Itetokened to all present lhat the iklrmlsh line had fallen hack and ire regulars were on the firlns line, while the Satanic goat patiently awiiten tne tremhllm; victims anx ious to do them Justice by astislfn them hurridly through the tryfuir iiaimay naH leased nis ranch, near m-oVnl. Aftr nil h,i .Tn.Tiji-i, hi uiu .M acilll II IJIUH., Ul htipti (Mni.f.niiCfl u-Ith flic Iua iilr,H...D .-sKeuey, wno win use ine same lor Clay DeVore and Arthur JCelso, were stock ralKliiK. admitted into tho Snliinfp rhnmlr U. 14. VOA ItNU (lltllrlllier, MSH IJer-'nnH nftr tnlrlno- nil nliltirnftnn ma, leu iuhi Matiimay for their old the throat as well as the stomach of home near Joiieshoro. Ark., to siiond : mur wi ..n,ia,-. i ..,; "'' nun iiniu ii iiutiH iiiu WfifP fnmmrf wl tn tta alitliMi nf lilt, wish ineni a sale and enjoyable trip ' Satanic Majesty for further instruc- KX PLAINS M l .its. lOdllor News: The report (,f the road ineetliiir as iiupeniH in Mondav's miHr Is misleading, Tlie fads in 1lie case are that. Iho hih lax faction Intended to vole 5 iiiIIIh lav, and as soon as the meeting was organized, made a m.itlon to (hat effect. An nmondiuenl was calh-d wiili a secend to vote k 2 mill tax; then came an amendment lo the previous amend ment for a 4 mill lax. hacked up by a strnnu pica and nriimnenl, hut w;es Uict. The hiph tax purtv "oiem-'iic"!' to skirmish for ;i n'ills. lint was rul od out of o dei. AMIioiii;li the 2 mill party w'i-i s'ire of hie vol.', thev u"ii innisiy wiihdiew (heir :uneniiincnt uud nlhe.vcd a vet.- of a ;t mill tax, which, of cmnve. can l.'il ,.,, Y ind lioije they'll' he great lv heneflt ted hy tlndr sojourn lo the land of mos(iiltos and crocodiles. itoy Stearns and wife, H, U Stearns, Misses AgneH Smith, Alma Powell and Eva llannau nnd Mr. Hawley lioan, of Oakland, visited with relatives and friends at this place the first of the week. i C hapel Car Ht. . Anthony In harue of Ku titer McDonnid, was he dayH last week and over Hun iv, lea vini; for Portland last .Mon day. Mrs. W. V. Porter made a business trip to lllvlde the fhst of the week. t!hrfstmas will soon be with us iiMtii and extensive preparations are being tnnde for grand festlvit'es. There is to be an Xmas tiee attended It h an extentlvo piogran' at fie M. K. church, while a similar perfor mance is to lie pulled off at the Pres byterian church on Christmas night, lid ev-'r body come and by their presence assist In 'making these oc- ;islons long to be remembered. Last Saturday was Indeed a great dav for Vom-Alla both socially nnd financially. Turkeys for the Christ mas market were received and that afforded foundation for lots of busi ness. The fanners begun arriving with their birds In Ihe early part of the forenoon and liy neon the stretts were crowded with pedestrians and wagons, thorn being twenty-seven wagoi.s on Ihe streets at one time, to my nothing of the great number of people who came lr. on foot and on horseback. Kvery sloie was crowded lo Its capacity and every salesman, was kept on the Jump all day, scarce-1 ly gelling time lo go to dinner. The I ladles aid served hot meals at the Opera heusn and were kept very busy all day attending to the many hungry people. In tlie evening a grand so cial Ifme was Indulged fu as the la dles had prepared a "fish pond" and nianv were I'ninul trying their luck at malting a catch. The Yoncalla hand rendered several selections during Ihe evening which added greatly to the occasion. Taken nil In was a grand day for Voncalla, about iMtul turkeys being marketed, the price being 1!.'! cents per pound for choice birds, while 111 reals per pound was paid lor culls, Ilelween $i,il!M. afid $7.0nn being paid out, for tur roy. Tlie ladles' bazaar cleared $rr,. A few nights ago the excrutlatlng and diabolical okI.t of it. a. B He inous met in call f-esshm at the sancto He I'umphrey or. Palace Mill. The meeting was called to order by Crand Chlet Soup .Viggler. llait.m Helllwcll, who alter dispensing with the nefarious business on baud, iu- i formed t be tit-seinhly that two vie-1 linif- were In walling for Mho holy ilcats or torture and requested that, I all tilings be made ready tu give tb"iu die worth of their money Mid that 'two sulls ol wooden cloihes be pre- p:red so as to be readv in case tlie victims proved lo be of the faint hearted .drain. After a brief spell of lions, where they were given an on porhi.iity to contribute to tho charity fund of the order, which Is for the keeping up of rlnr dowii and delapi dated sports and cut throats, as well as to buy new whiskers for the goat. After leaving the station of His 3a talnlc Malesty tho victims with faint hearts nnd trembling footsteps were glvm a final grand dash nnd tost of their courage, over the "rocky road (o Dublin' after which the Royai Bumper was put Into action and the victims were tho chief center of at traction Tor a few minutes bumping the bMiips, after which each was given an opportunity to be heard in "nis own defense as to why he should pot be bruised, burtted, hamfoozled, f"d on ancient eggs and finallv hoot f d and suffer tho humiliating ordeal of being deprived of his tobacco and not permitted to drink anything stronger than three crown Cyrus for a period of ten minutes. The victims put up an excellent defense tint were found guilty of havlrg defrauded a widow woman out of a wash bill and were accordingly sentenced to enter tain the nssnmbly for fiftenn minutes, which they did In n, masterly manner, Recruit Kelro being nwarded the belt as ch.'ef story teller. The meeting adjourned to meet at some secn-t date providing enough for a quorum could escapo the Mctel Ilpninyan, better Known an the city 1nil. MRS. McGlNTV. L Phone 2143 W. E. CLING ENPEEL Jeweler and Optician ASHI.M VOTES I)KV. Pasadena Man J Jen ten ISy Largo Majority. Ashland, Or., Dec. 21. At the on usual city flection day the drys won the gr!at;st victory In their history here, carrying Ihe town by 403 major ity The pioposed Paadtna plan of allowing hotels the privilege of serv ing liquors at meals was defeated by even a larger majority 448. H. E. Badger was elected park commissioner, defeating H. ft. Fro back bv 83 majority. J. C. Bernard was elected c;iircilman in the first ward over Charles Sennet; C. Cun ningham In the second ward over I. Frocho, and C. D. Schell over P: S. Provo, and A. J. Biegl In t!e third ward. Onlv a moderate vote was polled and tho election was remarkably quiet. llK.h JKSATTE TJtAXSFKItS. O. C. Sether to R. J. ChltUck. lot 1G, Clara addition, being a portion of the NW 1-1 of sec. 4. J'wp. 33, S. R. U. W. Cnsideration $100. It. J. Chittick to Geo. Oakes, lot 16, block t, Clara-addition, being a portion of the W 1-4 of sec. 4 twp. 33, S. R. U. W. Consideration $200. O. C. Sether to R. .1. Chittick, lot 16, block 2, Clara addition, being a portion of the NW 1-4 of sec. 4, twp. 33, S. R. U. W. Consideration 100. The best dox "Lowney'a" fresh at Book Store. coniectlontry, the Roseburg tf. , DAXCK AT CJUDK. A dance will be given at Glide on the evening of Dec. 31. Good music has been engaged for the occasion and a fine supper will be served. d-s w-tf COMM ITTEfi. 1UA' AYICAT1IKK ltlOPORT 17. S. Weather Bureau. local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 n. m., Dec. 21. 1!09: Precipitation In Inches and hun dredths: Maximum tempera! 'ire 3f- .Minimum temperature V? Precpilatlon 0 Tola I preefp. since first of month ?.h Avg. preclp. for this nionth for 32 years ,. Total preclp. from Sep. 1 , UtO!), to date 12.1ft Avg. predp. from Sep. 1. 1 77 3 HF. Total excess from St p. 1, IfiOH 4.15 Average precipitation for 32 wet seasons Sep. to Mav inc.) 33.00 WILLIAM BELL, Olmeiver. BUILDER C. ID. 1SI AYSTiVRD GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 The latest taa ib nammored brass, used In connection with Pyroi?raihy; makes an present. We have the material for working, and also the ready made pieces. It Is not ex pensive at Graves Art Emporium, tf. ni:w TODAV. LOST On Saturdi'.y, Dec. J 8, small grny purse coiitulniui; money and key. Liberal reward If left at News office dic2; CIiASSIFlHD AIlVKimSEMEVTS FOII KENT Store room on Jackson street. Inquire Mrs. K. Easton. tf LOST. Purse containing money and gold ring. Kinder leave at this of fice. Reward. FOR RENT. House, 7 rooms, near ton n. City water. Rent -very rea sonable. Call 124 W. Douglas street. d-22 L.OST. A fountain pen was lost to day,' Monday, December 20, on Sheridan street. Kinder will plea?e leave at Tho News oiflco. d-tf. FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, V4 mile from town; 2 acres orchard; all under cultivation; Bmall house; barn 20x30; poultry, team and a wagon Included. Only $2500. Ad dress N., thiB office. d31-BW-d The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare Where are You Going to Trade? AT THE This Is Your BUSY TlflE WE ARE TALKING to the LADIES NOW CHINA SAM Mas on dinplny for tlie Holidays n Choice si'lecl f on of dishes, Including hmid painted cliimi, Japniisese and China dishes in iH'aiiliful designs. .11 o a line lino of silk handkerchiefs, loys for the I'hildlfn nild some line llrass Mare. Cull mid make your selection early. Prices way down and the goods are the best to lie had. HHAi Tirri, j.vcksox sthi:kt The Holiday Work is before von and there is the Xmas dinner to plan for. We can relieve vou of much worry and work, which is economy, too, you know. You'll find all our Pastry, CaRes and Bread to be unexcelled. Orders delivered. Special orders given prompt attention. Place your Xmas orders now. UMPQUA BAKERY JACKSON STREET ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. Try Them In Your Order For GENTS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them For Dry Goods The People's Cooperatives Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. XX THE SEASON'S LATEST PATTERNS In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Silver ware, Novelties, andSouvenir Spoons. In fact reliable goods that stand the test at the lowest price. New goods coming every day. A. SALZMRN it 1 1 Books Hake the Host Acceptable Christmas Gifts There 1S a book for you to give any relative or friend that will convev exactly yoi.rniessage of love, .iTectiou, good will or fnemlship-of whateV 7r nature There ,8 nothing so n uch appreciated as a book-nothing tha elves boots at and lasting a pleasure. 8 gives We are ready to supply g U-seekers with Books that will luake the ,!f valuable pfts, at prices considerably below those usually asked We have books of history, the works of famous authors, spirited novels of today r?ch rift books in elaborate, beautiful bindings, T.ibles and Testaments C 1 i2'n 8 and Picture Bootes, the only complete, and the best selec fon to ntn r &t'y Koseburg. And all at the fairest and most tempting price,. rm ln But you must come and see; and come early, ior then you can choose from a complete, new, bright and inviting stock, and you'll also nvnf, i,i ceaseless, perpetual Christmas rush. J 3130 luoul tl,e 231 North Jackeon Street. Roseburg Book Store Successor to Agee'e Book Stijra Eoseburg, Oregon 3fc