The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 22, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Will rind The Kvonlnir New
tlit bent imxllum turuncb tho
ptnipluuf ItoMoburir A wide-a-wakt)
publication iirintlnr
all the nuw t tint' fit to print
NO. 41
John M. Work a' Most Inter
esting Talker
Address Might Hno lleeii Termed
'A Heart to Heart Talk With
the Laboring Man" Scores
Political Tarty Men.
Last evening at the Court House
John - M. Work, national organizer
and member of the National execu
tive committee of the Socialist party,
addressed a very attentivo audience
on the subject of "What's So mid
What Isn't About Socialism." A So
cialist would call it a heart to heart
talk with the victims of what they
term this exeruslating system for
the listeners were principally labor
ers who were not Socialists, but who
had evidently found some difficulty in
their search for the Clod to which
Taft referred the man without a job.
Mr. Work discussed the question of
competition and combination. He
pointed out that as a man climbed up
in the business world he learned that
competition was the death, rather
than the life of trade. And in sup
port of his contention he cited the
formation of individuals into compa
nies and corporations and then of
corporations Into trusts and combines
for the purpose of elimination of
competition. He paid his respects to
the man who would essay to bust the
trusts; such a course is inane, he
said, and was only advanced by those
who would tuin the wheels of prog
ress backward of course- such a
thing being Impossible. His idea was
that the trusts are one of tha neces
sary steps In industrial evolution. To
legislate against the combining of
corporations is uneless for the reason
that you cannot prevent Ihe officers
of two corporations from meeting pri
vately and fixing the rates on the
commodities they handle; you can
not nrevi at the dissolution of one
corporation and the Investment of
its capital in another corporation
so It is you cannot prevent the for
mation of one largo corporation In
vhlrh capitalists of other corpora
tions may Invest their wealth and
carry on the same business, f. e.( vou
cannot do it under the present com
petition system.
Mr. Wrok boldly complimented his
audience by pointing out that they
were wage slaves fcr the reason that
they existed only by permission of
the capitalists, from whom they beg
ired their jobs, and (hen hurled at
them the indisputable fnet that "It Is
oulv Ignorance that enslaves."
The speaker went quite thoroughly
into many other phases of the econ
omic situation, pointing out defects
nnd the remedy. Generally speaking
his emedv Is Socialism, which he de
fines as being primarily the collec
tive ownership and popular control of
everything thnt Is now being used by
the capitalists for the exploitation of
the producing classes.
Mr. Work is an earnest and inter
esting speaker and t nor Highly un
derstands his subject a subject that
Is today demanding the greatest at
tention from the greatest men.
kills chief police
Zelaya Troops Defeated After
Hard Fought Battle
Corps of 1I00 Men Captured Willi
lflOO, i til It's and One Million
Hounds of Ammunition 1
Two Hundred Head.
(Special to The Evening News.)
St. Petersburg. Dec. 22. Another
reign of terror seems to have ma
terialized in this city. Col. Knrhoff.
chief of the St. Petersburg police,
was killed by a hemh early this morn
ing. The deadly misslo was thrown
by n man believed to he Michael Vess
krossen. and the asFasstn was Imme
diately arrested. From passports
found on the prisoner It was discov
ered that the assassin had marie pre
parations to leave the country, and
probably thought thnt if he killed
the chief and then escape the country
ho was safe.
The Douglas County Creamery will
have a good tupply' of table and
whipping cream on hand Saturday.
Those wishing the sume should eith
er serd in their order or call in per
son. No delivery. The Douglas
County Creamery reports butter still
soaring, the price being listed nt 90
rnts ihi'e mnrnlne
(Special to The Fining News)
Washington, Dec. 22. The defeat
ed army of President Zelaya surrend
ered to Estrada's forces at Rama to
day. This Information came in the
form of a cable messago to the state
department from Captain Shipley,
commander of the cruiser Hes Moines.
The report states that Zelaya's army
lost GOO men In killed and wounded
during the battle in the vicinity of
Recora and Rama yesterday. A do
tachirient of the marine hospltal'corps
from the American warships at Blue
field hn established Held hospital
and are caring for the wounded men
from the field of battle. The battle
was hotly contested, and Zelaya's
force3 were only routed after severe
fighting. On tho 20th of the month
Estrada attacked the outposts of the
Gonzales army of 1900 men and push
ed the fight to a successful finish,
capturing the entire force together
with fifteen hundred rifles nnd one
million rounds of ammunition. Two
hundred men of Gonzales' army were
(Special to Tho Evening News)
Fresno, Cal., Dec. 2. A terrible
tragedy was enncted in the north
western part of the city today In
which nr. insane father killed his
Now's the time to
Buy Your Xmas
Gifts. Shop Early
and get first choice
fletter, bigger than ever
is our4display of useful gifts
odd pieces furniture, book
cases, desks, dressers, buf
fetts, side boards, china
closets, combination cases
lounges, couches, davenports,
settees, parlor sets, chairs
and rockers.
Coming Through
the Rye." That's
the tune you'll step
to if you should
fail toyshop early.
U Sewing'machines, washing
machines, ranges, kitchen
cabinets. Everything to make
merry the home. Cuttlery
all kinds, 1847 Roger Bros
silverwear atjf prices below
them all. Carvers, roasters
and coffie perculators.
A pleasant thought, a wise suggestion, a timely hint. Swell Rocker?, Morris chairs, Couchesand
uuveufjurut, iujieiis, unna nopeib, miners unu extension laoies
latest Coffee Perculator, Size i-3
iB-K.iioger ljros.; Silverware. The
We Never Forget
the Little Ones
Little red chairs, dollie go
carta oO cents up, toy dishes,
toy tables, toy stoves, knives
and forks and childs sets
rockers, high chairs, black
boards, toy banks, air guns
for boys, toy banks and game
14 141
There will be something doing if yon
selected marked and laid away for you
wait too long. Mail orders promptly "attended to. m Goods
children and murdered his wife.
Charles Chovuront became violently
insane and attacked his wife with a
hatchet and fairly butchered the un
fortur.ato ladj. Ho then attempted
to kill his three little daughters, two
of whom were so badly wounded thn:
no hopo. Is held out for their recov
ery, but the third daughter will got
well. The one son of the maniac
fled from the place while the dread
ful deed was being committed, and
called In assistance Ohevuront, be
lieving, no doubt, that all of his vic
tims were dead, fled from the ranch
to the Southern Pacific railway track,
where he threw himself In front of
an Incoming passenger train and his
body was literally ground into atoms.
(Special to The Evening Newp.)
Butte, Dec. 22. In a quarrel over
ramp on tho Powder rivi:r. Thomas
ft gairo of cards at a prospectors'
Bell, a miner, was lustnntiv kilU'd by
W. J. Schmalsle, another prospector,
rho struck his victim over the head
with a poker. Schmalsle claims the
deed was done in self defense, and
has surrendered himself to the Butte
Cs.ttOM 3uiua.a eqj, oj inpodp)
New York, Dec. 22. The condition
of Alderman Timothy P. riulltvau, a
prominent Tammany politician, is
very grove, and attending physicians
hold out but little hope for his re
covery. Mr. Sullivan Is suffering
from a complication of diseases .which
have affected the heart, and death Is
expected any minute.
Charge of Iesertlm Will be Fought
Hoy Only 15 Years Old.
To James Laurence Fisher:
You have been advertised
p.h a deserter from the II. S.
army. - This is absolutely
false, and If this meets your
eye, como to me as soon as
you possibly can. You may
bo arrested, but you will not
be taken buck; I will protect
you. You owe It to me to
face this like a man You
don't have to hide. Your
father. I). P. FISHKIt.
(Other papers please 'copy.)
Government is Defeated in
Bitter Contest Case
How would yon like to
have a family group. V'hlle
the children are home we will
make ltat the studio nr at
your home, .Ymns trees or
Xiuhs dinners. We are pre-
pared to do all kinds of work.
4 Just call phone 2181 and
make your engagement,
Wo do artistic framing.
4 Clark's Studio, Roseburg Na-
tlonal Uar.k blug.
Evidence Substantiates Contentions of
Thompson ami Government is
Allowed to AVhistle.-Mny Ik.'
Appealed Higher Court.
The report of Ihe alleged deser
tion of James Lawrence Fisher from
the lnlt'Ml States ormv nnd the sub
sequent offer of ft reward from the,
government for the apprehension and
return of the young ninn lo the armv
officials, as published in the Evening
News of Monday, wns the first intima
tion that D- P. KIsher, the father of
the young man, hnd of the unfortu
nate affair.
'In conversation with a represenfa-
Ive of the News this morning, Mr.
KIsher said that while the hoy had
enlisted about a year and a half ago,
without his person fil knowledge or
consent, he had not heard of any trou
ble ii nl It his ntlfiiflon wus called to
the article in the Monday's Issue of
this paper.
Naturally Mr. Fisher was much
wrought up over the matter, and has
taken steps to get In communication
with Ills son, but he does not Intend
that the charge of desertion from the
army shall be allowed to stand, nnd
will light the claim of the govern
ment to n finish.
From Mr. Fisher's statement It an
nears that the son hns teen In his
custody lor some years, and conse
quently, Ihe boy being only flft"en
vears of rice at the time of tho al
leged enlistment, the father's con
sent was nenHsaiy to make the trans
act lor strictly legal. Such consent
wns never obtained and the boy en-,
tered the army without even his fa
ther's knnwlelge The young man
did. so It wns asse-ted at tho time,
recup perntisfdm frorti his mother,
but sine" the lady at that tini'1 hnd
no jurisdiction over his actions, such
cor "out wns void.
Young Fisher U not yet IS years
of au (he legal limit for enlistment
Id the armv. so w are Informed, nnd
although Sheriff Fnt'tn hns a full 1
description of Ihe young man nnd n
request from th armv offlners for his !
.irrost '' cine u' should h" found in
thh sf'lon of the Mate, Mr. KIsher
has berrun a search for his young son I
and will bring him home and defend j
him. Mr. KIsher Is not taking this!
nctlon because he wlstes to uphold
the boy In any action that niny have
been wrong, but becaus the bv nas
little mere than a child at the Mm
nt hlr enlltmert. berause the act
vns without parental authority or
consent, nnd because the hoy neds
his ndvfre. assistance nnd rare at this
nartlc itnr time and under these try
ing circumstances. To this end nn
article addressed to Jnmes Lawrence
Fisher, which Mr. Kfshr requests
other papers to copv. Invites the bov
to communicate with his father nt
once and to come home as soon as
A very Important decision was
handed down in the local United
States land office this morning in the
contest case of tho United States vs.
Alexander Thompson, of Myrtle
Creek. In substance the decision is
faVorable to Thompson, allowing him,
to retain the homestead regardless of
the charges preferred by flio govern
ment through a special agent
It appears that Thompson mide
homestead entry to the land In ques
tion which comprises the SW 1-4 of
Sec, 22. Twp. :i0. S. H. I W., on April
24i. 1901, and offored final proof
to snld land on September 5, 11)07.'
In accordance with instructions from
the commissioner, however, the local
land office refused to Issue final cer
tificate ponding an Investigation of
the following chnrges preferred by
the government representative
'Hint ho made a mere pretense nt
cultivation, having only a garden
SUaCP feet, and having sowed a small
piece in tame grass without plowing
th j land
That he did not ;nake tho entry (n
good faith for a home, but for the
purpose of acquiring title to nnd
speculating in tho valuable timber
on the land.
In due course of time tl.e entry
man filed n denial of the respective
charges with a request for a hear
ing, such being granted. The hear
ing occurred before Ihe locr.i land of
fice on August 2, 1901), th.j govern
ment being represented by a special
agent, while Attorney Coshow lock
ed n;te the Interests of Th '.iipsnn.
The evidence adduced during the
hearing showed that ut ho time
entry was made the eutryinaii wis a
widower resided at Myrtle
Creek, Oregon. On November 8
Thompson who-married to a widow
residing at Myrtle Creek and owning
a furhlshcfl home at that place. Doth
before and after marriage tho entry-
man worked at carpenter work and
other iabor. such being necessary In
order to maintain himself nnd make
improvements on the land. The? evi
dence Introduced on behalf of the
government tended to show that the
entryman spent about one half of his
time on his homestead, and thnt he
made suhHtnnllnl and permanent im
provements, including the clearing
of several acres of laud and the erec
tion of a house nnd barn. The gov
ernment was corroborated in this re
gard by Thorvipsoti, who testified
IhtU he spent at least one half of his
time on tl" homestead. The en
trynnn's wife, however, rasih d, on
;he land only six weeks, that being
In the fall of 1!08, about one yonr
after final proof was offered, IJer
absence, h'twever, was satisfactorily
explained by Ihe fact that she wan
at all times fiik.o her marriage an
The entryman admitted tint his
wife was afflicted with blood poison
ing nt tin! lime of her marriage. biH
Hint he had reacon to believe that
she would recover. Owing to com
plications, however, the dlesase
spread ar d recovery was retarded.
No evidence was lnlrdueed by tile
government agent which ten fled to
show that tiie entryman finally took
his wife to the homestead for my
other reason that making her home,
as he ntlo&ed to have made it a home
fer hinvoir prior H ereto. The uvi
denco further showed that the wlfo
finally hnd to be removed from tho
d in ah Isolated section of the coun
cil In a nisohited section of the coun
try, where medicines atid other nec
essities for nn Invalid could be ob
tained only with difficulty, it was
established beyond a doubt that the
entryman was never absent from the
land more than four months at ono
time, having spent such vacations at
tho homo of his wlfo at Myrtle
Oth'r evidence tended to how
that Thompson hnd fenced ft portion
of thn land nnd thnt he had cleared
practically five acres. Three acres of
this land wns utilized In raising
grain mid oilier farm products, show
ing that the enlrymnn was improv
ing the homestead in good faith.
In brief tho decision follows:
"Wo find that the charge that tho
entryman has not established and
maintained .residence has failed.
Though he remained off th land a
considerable .portion of the time, we
do not think contlrulty of his resi
dence has been broken or bad faith
shown. It In to bo borne In mind
that tho premises were examined by
the government of flora about chip
year after final proof had been offer
ed, and In that period of time the
appearance of the premises might
have changed for the worse.
"The charge that tho entrvmau
has made a mere pretenso of culti
vation has. In our opinion, also fail
ed. As to the remaining cnarge.
namely, that the entry was not made
in good faith for a home but for
tho purpose of acquiring title to nnd
speculating In the timber we find it
wholly unsupported by the evidence.
There Is Umber of value on the laud,
but upwards of sixty acres are val
uable river bottom, of great value
for agricultural purposes when clear
ed. Theie have been few homesteads
found in this part of Oregon not cov
ered with timber and brush, tho re
moval or which has been a slow and
expensive task,
"We are of the opinion that the
charges should be dismissed and the
final certificate tdionld bo i.wued to
the entryman."
Washington, Dec. 22. Prime Min
ister llrutlauo, of Uouinanla, wn. shot
and Instantly killed today by nn
marchlst. The dlspalcheb carrying
tho Ipmrnmtlon were received fv.uu
the American Budapest legation,, hut
no detnilH, Have that the assassin was
captured, were obtainable.
"Mrs. J. It. Haliey was callod to
Kansas City, Mo., a few days ago on
account of the sick nest and death of
her mother, Mrs. W. M. Parsons of
that place. Mrs. Bailey will remain
in Ihe east until after Clirls'.'na
i!.mii:i; shops closk
. All Ihe harbor shops in tho
city will be closed all day
Christmas, but will remain
open until a late hour Friday
night to uccommodntc their
. patrons
Many attractive Xmas gifts at the
Roseburg Book Store. tf
I liave it now, a sweeping compound Hint will
m.'et the most oxactihg requirements. It is cheaper
than you have been using as it has loss sand in it
and consequently lighter. It will not liann the
finest rug or carpet. It will take up all dust from
wood floors or covered floors. Unless floors are very
dirty it can be used more than once, again reducing
cost. Ilctails at 5 cents per pouml But that you may
know how it does its work I will give you a sample
package if you will bring this adv. with you. "The
man with an axe to grind," and this time I want to
know how many of Mr. Bates' readers see my adv.
F. H. Churchill