THK KVEJVIXO NEWS TIKSIMY. DlOCKMifKU 21, IWW UHJAh N'KVVS. LOCAL NEWS. Mil Mnrslors, uf Looking GIubh. Ik a visitor Jn the city today. Try one of thote Snell filters will rtt any faucet- Seo Wlnnlo Gaddis, the plumber, tf. Annie Mctlee loft for San Krunclsro this morning whore she will spend' about two wocks vlfdtlng friends. . Kolu DilppH returned to tier home zii. iJlllard liifK morning after a brief vii;tt lit Ihe homo of her hister, Mrs. Jo(!)Ii Siieildmi, In 1Mb city. J. H. RIiIm ! retunrd to Ms home Sit Hlddl'- thh morning after a brief visit ul t; how oi !ils son, 1. II. Jtiddle In i, city. Just root v. . d Another shipment I f the fjunoiis "Iiht Korever" hos-1 Jery, A written puaiunt'-H with overy Iialr. Sold only by Tho Fair. tf. L K. Star liter, who is employed In the local K'niihern Pacific machine j yhops. vmi' lo Anlant Mils morning , where he will visit frlendn and rela-I tlveH. ! Mrs. V. II. Pease h-H for Sun Fran-' cIhco this tmiihlng where she will I upend Inn holiday!-, with rehti lve. Win, I'ense formerly 1 Hld"d at the :miromla ciiy. In order to accomodate our custo mers who are unable to do th"ir Xmas slMppink In day lime, we will keep onr store open evenings until Xmas. firnves Art Kmnorliim. tf. Krank Mrown left for Collins ttprirgn. Washington, this morning where he will spend several we-rks In hope of regaining his health which i:ih h'jcn impaired for re vera 1 monOi 1 ..' , . ...i..' lino liny, u;iiH in f.' 1 ii 1 it Jiie mi 11111 for the iiote, but how about yotiri "wife. Wouldn't she be pleased to I iavo some of thorn? swell fixtures for Headquarters for Holiday goods ! Is at tho Koscburg Hook Store. tr. j q C T. Colt went to Sutherlln thinly morning to look after business mai- wj tors. j Tho bout oox ncnrectlontry, j M "Lowney's" fresh at tho KoBuburg Dook Store. tf. f O I). C. IM titer, the real estate man, , went to Yoncalla this morning to j attend business matters. j fe Tho members of the University j (Jleo and Mandolin Club left for j Grant; I'ass this morning where they j appear this evening. 1 pq For Men. There is no beter shoe ftj made than tho celebrated "J. K Tilt," which 1b to be found at the Mlllfkln Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there Is nothing et 11 a 1 to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-f. f. O. Mcf.llvray returned home Wednesday evening alter a month's aojonin In California, where ho went on account of hfs health Mont of the time was spent at lOlsInone, In the southern part ef the state. He fays lift feels much Improved. -Can-yoi'ville Kcho. Snyder and (ire enflnld, the parties who were arrest d by Marshal liuff man la to yesterday afternoon while engaged In flHlc encounter In the vicinity or Smith's livery ham, were arraigned before City Recorder Or cntt this morning. I'pon entering a plea of guilty Snyder was fined In the sum of $15, while nis pal. Green-, field, was ftsseHsed the usual 10 fine. , j Itoth men will attempt to satisfy (lie criier 111:11. 1 11. j uiiij en juy Ihefr freedom. Mr. A- W. Shoemaker, an ex per-, 'enced groceryinan from Seattle, 11 c- ' Iconipanled by ys family, arrived in1 ImnresKed with the business outlook hero t hat ho decided to open up a store. Tills new business, enterprise 1 will beat the Intersection (if Winches-! n ..1 iiiu north nf (lie I leer Creek hrldtrn. Mr. ' Shoemaker has secured a five year lease 011 the ground from Al Greason, Xmas Belts 35c grade 25c ner hum . now ..1 muj l iiiii'm j , (h (.jy ft f(,w .yH )(J,(( waH H( Harry W. Clarke, who for some time has acted as night clerk at (he Hoffman House, Is a veteran "knight if the grip" and for 42 consecutive veins he traveled Ir United Slates, selling goods on t he I end. About, five years ago he con- t'liie' ii" v i in 111 mr ( nun .i , , . . . . 1 huu ine largo iwi) siorv more niiiiu- 1 1 j ettln down o a less strenuous and . )(HV f.ff1(s ftt t,,p rnPnoP ffl unlet life He has begun to chafe ()f .,jl(.ItH0I1 aml Commercial streets. ! H Milder reslr.'tlut, however, and longs ,..m 1., 1 ( .t 1... .... lo get Into the harness aga n. About J(t ((m,0 C()tffitorH ire now asce--1 he first or the vea. he will go back j t:ihl,I1K ,h(? (.(yM ,t ,,, wt.k fni(, ,,H, f.n Ihe road as he represnnlativo of ; hllM(lhlK wn, ,f0 OI1 thp ni()VO M,fn.fl the I'eck At. Whiptdo company f nlft ..,!, iu m,i ti. uiwutt.i-ii. ui weisiueni, hi iiMMiiiii iim;i in. Mini v 11 1 :c.ell their whips and lashes covering the states of Oregon, Wash In gf on und Idaho, lieslden being a veteran on Ihe road, Mr Clarke is a veteran if th' civil war and saw hard service In the ,irmy of Potomac and with Sherman on tho march to (he sea 51B a member of-the Ninth Pennsylva ilii cavalry. He was 7ti years of Tigo'last July, but does not look to be 7i flay over r5. and Is active as half ho voting fel lows who t ravel t he road. Here's wishing him manv more years of active service and abundant success In his work. Ku vrne Register. Harry Clarke is well known In this cltv. In spent about one year at Ihe Soldiers' Home and wb later employed as night clerk at the Rosebuig hotel. Needless to say, this many frleiidH wish him much sue- 1 rr-HH In his lain venture. carry a complete stfick or groceries. Tbo-'e new husinefs ent nirirtes are but "straws" which show how Hose bnrg Is growing. TURKEYRAISERS TAKE NOTICE I am In Uiq nutrkot to buy vour tiirkv8 fur tlto Christmas tnulo at die HIOnKKT MAll KET I'hK'IO. Ik' Biiro and huo me before you noil. AI.TOX S. KREY. OltOCEIl. 1 1 ' j H THE STORE THAT SERVS YOU BEST. ew Yorh Store SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK McCal! Patterns Xmas Sale of Silk Kimonas $25.00 coat . $20.00 COAT . $15.00 COAT .... $10.00 COAT .... ...$16.50 ... $12.50 .. $ 8.50 .. S 6.00 CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT YOU HERE. The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of tho "by paths" you'll bo apt to lose your self in tho tangle of misleading "l!ari;uins." Whatever we do ia well done wjiau'ver we uuy is weit enosen j y "iiiiiilj lii uiu uiyai null lll'llWli 1 Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to Imy I'lothes, to he sure - hut you'll ti ml tha the best is always hero. These cluthes are made for us by the .Stein lilock Co. and havij Adle'r, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the world. Kvery Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your M iney refunded or a new ruit in return. 1 m I. ABRAHAM Remember cjuality is tho truo test of cheapness. By our good Clothes you shall know us. THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE Hi -jH o H Ul H O w H w M S! M o w w H o to w w o w W xn H O M t?a 12! o w w xn H o Ul H O w THEY ARE MADE OF JAP SILKS, QUILTED AND LINED WITH COTTON. MAKE ADMIRABLE XMAS GIFT ' Xmas Sale $1.50 Men's Shirts $1.00 Men'tj (IraFit nhirfp in mat etyje, colored and white, pleated front p.tfl A A Htrauhft ruffs. Special ))IUU Xmas Sale Childrens Fur Sets $2.50 ' CliililrtMia fur nets in different stylet, muffs And neck pieces ?0 CA Si.frinl y.D) Xmas Sale $1.00 & 75c Doils 50c Xnise bhIb alt dolls Morth from 75 cents to $1.00 Hppcial .' 50c Xmas Sale $2.00 Petticoats $1.50 Genuine tieaiherhlooin petticoats, Rood and full, well made M CA extra ppecial )ltJv Xmas Sale $2.00 Waists $1.25 Xmas sale women's tailored waisti, all styles nnd qnaliiiea, Kond patferni". hii wniie tiept vatnef, Hpeciai.. $1.25 Xmas Sale 75c Silk Gloves 50c Women's black, tan, white and urey, double tip fingers Snerinl pale 50c Xmas Sale Women's Uunderwear $1.50 Values 98c 98c Women's Ouetta underwear in cream and grey, regular f 1.50 value. Hpeciai. . . , Xmas Sale Kid Gloves $1.50 Grade $1.00 XmftH Bale nf woiimn'tt kid gloves iu prey, tan, black and white df A Special jI.Uu THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE THE NEW YORK STORE Winnie Gaddis THE PLUMBER ifetS Skylight Cornices iittunii; Ttimidiiiii; Affent for Sncll Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Phone 2101 Roseburg - Oregon local m:vs. Mrs. O. C. Brown went to V.'iUuir thin Hllcnio')u to vfylt frl.nds. I'rcd liyrou, of Onkluntl, In a visit or In tin city this iirt'Tiiomi. A. h. Duvlson. of OiildiMiu, is a husincH; visitor in tho city today. St. RckIs Indian basknta, 5 cents and up, tit tho Itosuburg Hook Store. tf Tim feheii has rcyliu'd his pnsi lion as nlylit clerk at the Hosohnrg hotel. (.looter Q'lii.c. rf Uiddlo, If attend ing to b lsiuesa rnatio'H in this ci ty I today. I'cmleM went to oaKhtuu this inornln to spend 11 few il-tys vlslthm fvicndM. Al Mushnell r:id wife and M. L. llushnell. of Ten ..lile, were visitors I in the city todav. I Clifford Howard and Pale Stewart, I of Ten Mile, wero In town today doing j r.oine Christinas shopping j NotbliiK Is too pood for ihe Uriah, I for the county. Use the best, as it ! Is the cheapest In the l6nc run. See PHt. t. I fl. J. Wilson, of Canyonvllle, vt v (Ml h -"-e this iilleritnoH. lie ex j pects to move his family hero in 1 about three weeks. ! l-'ree: 10 cent. pneknRO Conkey's 1 I.ayliiK T onlc, also r i cent Poultry ! I look. HrlnR ad to MarstiM's Drug ( oinpuny. My mall ( cents. The funeral rf the bite. (Jrotn Kohlhanen was h.ehl at the I'reshyte- I rlan church this afterr.ociM. Hov. I Murkhart. offlrlatiUK. interment oc i furred at the I. O. (). K. cemet'-rv. Attorney A. . Orcutt wen: tt You- j fa Hi. this ni-H-niiiK to look after legal i mailers. He. expects to go to Saloni j tomorrow, at which place he will ai Ktie a case before the supreme court . .1. W. ,ewlaHl and sistr. Ilea, aro In the city for a day or two. Thy - came to hum I their sister, Mrs. Cams of North Powder, Ore., who wilt ' snemi Christmas at her home in Ten Mile. Xmn will soon bo on hand, pood cheer for all. Have some nice pieces laid away for Father. Mother. Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good pi. to of furniture. Is a loy forever. Plenty of them at Itice, & Ktco, the house furnishers. Klder K. S. Hunch, president of the Western Oregon Conference of the Seventh-day Adventlsts church, came In from Coos county via the overland route yesterday, nnd this morning took the northbound train for Port land. Next Krlday ntght the Sundnv hcbool of the Presbyterian church will give a Christmas tro" entertain ment nnd cantata. The exercises will begin promptly nt 7.:i0 orlofl, and n the young people h ive clvon con siderable time to arranging a pro gram wrrthy -f Mie ocra'ou. a very interesting nt m.iy tie looked for. The splendid new rtrirch affords seat ing room for several hundred, but lnce the public Is cmPally invited to attend this social affair, the building will doubtless bo taxed to Brrcmmo date the friends of the Sui dry school, who will be piosent. ' ' LOCAL XKWS. A. J. Dearllng, of Oakland, is at tending business matters In tho o'ty today. siM vices continue at U. Ti. Ch.ircb. Much inter at is manifested. Services every evening at 7 o'clock. A hearty invitation to all. V. H. Coates and three daughters. Misses Grace, Hertha and Leatlm, of Ten Mile, spent today in the city, at tending to huiii'sa matters and do ing their Christmas shopping. Indian baskets, birch Park, sweet grass and porcupine, quill work made by St. liegis, Mohawks, Iroquois and other tribes, for sale at Rosehurg Hook Store. These arc pretty goods at pleasing nricos. tf. VA l l( ii-,.,. Gl'AlEDKUKX. Iteeent Order Issued to Make Hotter Murks men.' Portland Journal: With the end in view of bringing about a marked improvement in the marksmanship of the Oregon National guard. Adjutant General W. K. Klnzer has issued an order directing compnny commanders to devote a considerable portion of the time at each weekly drill during January. February, March and April to instruction in the use of the sights and to practice of the various aiming exercises as laid down in the small anna firing regulations. The order specially directs that all recruits and all men who have not developed as good shots during past seasons shall be given the maximum of Instruction in sighting and aiming. Attention is directed to regular gal lery practice as a means of making ihe guardsmen efficient in marks manship, the company commanders are advised thct the Instruction of the men during the next four months shou'd be so thorough that every guardsman who goes on tho range during ihe 1910 encampments will understand how to hold his rifle and how to use the sights intellig?ntlv. . D0II3, toys, books, Christmas tree ornaments, Christmas and New Year postals, tags, stickers and all kinds of Holiday goods at The Fair. tf. Be wise Read The News. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT Of Pleasing Gifts We have many novelties, some very unique and beautiful, and all very appropriate presents. SILVERWARE We Have Finest Line in Southern Oregon Solid Gold Watches (iulil Filled Wnlc hcs Xli kel and Gun Jfetal Watches Scarf Ins and Brooches Shirt Waist Sets licit Pins and Duckies A complete? sot of Optlcnl Goods, Col lar Pins, Combs, Hat Pins, etc Tho Finest nnd Best Line of I'mbrel las in tho city. , Wo have Diamonds In Finger Rings, . .Stick Pins, Brooches and Watch Cases Silverware We have the Finest Lino In Southern Oregon, In both Plate and Sterling. Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, Cut Glass, Clocks, Solid Gold and Gold Filled and Silver Thimbles J.T.BRYAN THE WATCHMAKER ROSEBURG, OREGON tttttttttttttttttttftttttttttttMttlMtMMMM t