nkw iiuuxa. Itosi-burR, Company 1), O. N. 0., Af fected by New Order. Portland. Dec. 20. Although the Fourth Infantry, Oregon National Guard, lacks a battalion of the cam pigment of men and officers neces sary for a regiment under the regu lations, It will not lose Its regimen tal identity, nor its aid from the fed eral government, as a result of a special Dispensation secured from the war department Undor the Dick law It 1b -provided that no aid will be. extended to In complete regiments bv the govern ment after January 21, 1910. How over, It Jc understood that the secre tary of war can use hlB own discre tion In the enforcement of this rul ing at.d that he will make an excep tion of ihe Fourth Oregon Infnntry. The Ouardemen will be urged, though, .to enlist more men. organize more companies and bring their regi ment up to conform with the regu lations and it is thought that the consideration shown by the war de partment will produce greater Inter est In militia matters 'through Eouth tirn Oregon. - Through Attorney General FIn?or, the staff of the National Gunrd has been working for a special ruling by tho war department extending thlB boon to be Fourth Infantry. At first, the war department proposed that the Fourth be converted to tho coast artillery brunch, but the soldiers tthemsolves weie opposed to this, pre ferring to remain infantrymen. Colonel Georgo O. Yoran is com mander of the Fourth and nas his headquarters at Eugene, where there are. two companies. The other com pnnleB are at Cottage Grove, McMInn vllle, Albany, Dallas, Roseburg and Ashland. .LID PUT ON NHAR-IlEFIt Eugcno Council Passes Ordinance to Help Prohibition. Eugene, Or. Dec. 18. The council last night passed an ordinnnce declar ing a common nuisance any place where near beer or any other bever age containing insufficient alcohol to causo Intoxication is sold or kept for sale A penalty of from $25 to J200 Is provided. The sale of near-beer makes It difficult to enforce the city ordinnnce against the sale of Intoxi cating liquors, say i-upporters of the ordinance. The circuit court recently decided against tho city's near-beer ordi nance. A few daB later the state supreme court upheld the ordinance, declaring all places violating the lo cal option law nuisances, TDK m:MNO RTKKNGTII OK MINKHAL WATKItS In Cases of Dyspepsia, ltlieiimntlsm, Gout ami Nervous Hrenkdown, Is Marvelous Upon recont investigation by cmln etn physicians, chemists and scien tists It hna been demonstrated that natural, earth flowing mineral waters aro the most beneficial means for the one of orgnnlc maladies. Paso Hoblos Hot Springs are at this tlmo tho point of Interest to most InvostlgntorB, as rcctne occurences have attracted the attention of the thinking world to these springs One of their chief points of inter est to medicnl men Is said to be that which proves that a pre-eminent ac tion rests In the waters which flow from tho earth at Paso Robles, Cal ifornia. Paso Robles Hot Springs are mak ing cures daily of rheumatism, gout, stomrfch trouble neurotic diseases, kidney trouhle, and general break down, which proves almost beyond question to medical men that there Is some quality In -these waters su uerlor to any In this country and probably In the world. It Is nlso claimed for Paso Robles that the air conditions are perfect. It lies In a small valley protected by mountnln ranges; Is 720 feet above sea level and Is not assailed by too much sea moisture or an abnormal temperuluro from the hot land winds. This air condition Is thought by some to have almost as much to do with its cures as the waters them selves. The town like all health resorts, Is filled with boarding houses of all kinds, so that every purse will be pleased. Thero are holelB for the rich, where any luxury may be had. Private baths for exclusive patrons who wish to be to themselves. These springs have been known for centuries, for they were used by the Indian to cure his sick nnd later the Franciscan fathors -performed wonderful cures here, ut It is only recently that the really marvelous powers of these waters were made known to the world at large. Nearly every form or organic trou ble Is treated at these hot Bprlngs for the authorities welcome all ex cept those who have tuberculosis or unclean diseases. For the mun who Buffers from overeating or from alco holic excesses there Ib nothing in the world to equal a week spent at Paso Roblea. It Btralghtens him out with a rupidlty that is wondorful, and the beBt recommendation Is that they do away with the nerve-craving for stim ulants because .of their peculiar soothing effects upon the nervous hyostem. Truly speaking the study of Paso Robles Hot Springs 1b one which Ib giving the medical fraternity abroad and at home much interest, and is probably directing more attention to California than any other of her natural gifts to man. A small book, neatly Illustrated, haB been recently published by the management telling the Btory of the Hot Springs in a most interesting manner and giving complete Infor mation. Send for it, either to Wm. McMurray, General Fusengor Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Oregon, or Dr. F. V. Sawyer, manager, Paso Robles, California. tf. "MY LADY OF THE SOUTH" "THE SILVER HOARD" "MARTEN EDEN" "THE DANGER MARK" "THE SCARLET FEATHER" "THE GOOSE GIRL" 'JOHN MARVEL ASSISTANT" "KATERINE" are a few titles of new books on snle at Roseburg Book Store. tf. THE IMPERIAL A Temperance Saloon : Properly Conducted Opposite Passenger Depot - Roseburg' Try This For Fun. ORDWAY & BOGART P R 0 P R I E T 0 R S 1 4 Roseb u rg Restaurant South Side Cass St., Near Depot. STAPLETON & PATTEKSON, Props. OPEN AT ALL HOURS Leading and bist restaurant in the city. None but white people employed Nothing but the best in the market served. Give us a trial and be con vinced. Tie a string about a yard longHo a common door key and take the string In the right hand, holding it so the key would clear the floor four or five incheB. If you can hold the string steady enough the key will begin to swing, back and forth In a straight line Let another person take your left hand in his and the motion of the key will change from ;he pendulumlike swing to a circular swing. If a third person will place his hand on the shoulder of the sec ond person the key will stop. .Try it and then explain If you can. Do your Christmas shopping at The Fair. Every 60c purchase entitles you to a chance on tho Big Doll In tho window. tf. A Sweet Remembrance for Christmas Is a nice box of candy. Style and quality to suit every taste; Get it at THE ROSE Full line of Holiday postals. Come early. The Fair Will Have Special Sales on Holiday Goods EVERY DAY Watch the windows for particulars. We will ' have Doll Day, Toy Day, Picture day, etc., etc. 25 Per Cent Reduction on These Sale Days. Chance on the big doll with every 50c purchase. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acretract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKERS PERRINE, Roseburg' Ore. Cor. Cass and Pine St. -:- -:- E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public We're in a Position to offer you the beat the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8c to laiic pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street Market LOUIS KOHLHAGEN, Prop. 107 West Cass 8t. Phone HI. Free Delivery. GENERAL JOBBING REPAIR WORK HOWARD & MAHAN . The PLUMBERS and TINNERS Skylights, Cornices and Dryer Pipe Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods In the City ROSEBURG, OREGON 4