The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 21, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Entered as bocoihI-cIuhh in at tor
Nov. G, J 909, at KobHnirK, Ore., ua
der act of !..ftich 3, 1879.
(itilwerlptinii JtuU'tt Dully
For your, by mail 3.00
For month, delivered CO
Headquarters for
Christmas Goods
I'or yoar ...
it, i .
Six nionlliu
1 1 J SI V. K KMHKIl
Nine now B.ibforlbers were ridded
lo the Kvenii's N(jwh IlKt. tills foro
noon. Thai. Ik a pmt.ty wood record,
hut It has h'-en dinnled or healen on
Bevnntl different days lm: thin jm
JHT took th Held. 'I he t;ood peo
plo of HoHuhurg and tributary ro win
try know a doflrablo newKp.-iper wlien
they- nee It, and me howinn th 'lr
nppreoiailon of our elforla to make
the Kver.InK New tin l.-t.t daily pa
per Jn Houlliern Oregon.
Corn:ner of KiiHtorn case PKgs
may ho InteroHled In a court deriuion
jiiHt rendered at I'eorla, llllnoln, on
tho opinion which Iihh readied the de
pnrtment of agriculture. An Illliioih
jndm held RpulvHt. the uh of borax
an a pernervallvo for t'tztm. In a ruse
growing out of the Hei.ure of fifty
caBes of hen fruit pretterved in that
"dopp." The pure food law has ItH
defrpts we admit. Hut the depart
ment intends to stop the practice of
egg Htorupn Iioubch ' pickling hen
fruit in poIkoph.
See the Cook's beaming face as she gazes on a
can of Folder's Golden Gate Coffee.
She knows her boss will like her Coffee.
She will Krind Folder s Golden Gate herself, so that it will be
at its best and give that finishing touch so necessary to a good
Tho farmer who u1!h hhihI lo tho
Tlchcs of tin- iritioil, Is nojt to anoth
er liioxt important i.'Iiihh in iiuiinlafn
ii'K tlio IniiKilty of I li army. With
thn f'XTitllon of ahtmrH tlmro Hre
more farmers on tl: rorniltlm? roo
ordH tlian thorn (ire inr-mher of any
othffr working nhiHH. Tho niuiual
imrt. of tho HTM'Koon tronrrnl it tho
army hIiowh tliat 2(1,824 tnon Millia
rd In 1 90 K to lako up n lioldlor'B cu
roor. Of IhoHO 7.2!M worn lalior
orn, 3, SOI) won farmi'lH. 2,1 S!) worn
flrlvors and Htfihlomon, 1,70!) w-tp
rlorkH, 1,irtl woro cnrpotitorH, 1,1)110
worn dromon, UliO woro miuiiliilHls
nml 8.10 wito minors, Tho nfhor.H
woro brlrk and r.lono mtiMinx, coop
erH r'lnont workcra, l:ikorn, Hton)i
r:tphorn, Iiiwvoih, joiirnallalH and
nlinoHt nnylhliiR yon illio exoopt enp-ilallxtH.
Folfifcr's Golden Gate Coftee is the best we sell
and gives our customers more satisfaction than any
other coffee we know of
Alton S. Frey
Cnnyonvllle Kcho: AVe ex
pect tf disco tit in ue publica-
kisim:m i-ntijcvnox
Kncournging i-opnrf h romo from
thono In chargo of tho wile of the
Ited f'roHs ChriHtnn.H HtampK. The net
retrun will ho muh larger limn that
of hint year. No b.iter plan rnr aid
ing t!io war upon liiherruloiilH has
ovor been dovlKcdi It opetiH a way
for cmtrlhtitionH from the rich and
tho poor and placen a burden on no
one. The ponnleH that would oth"r
wIho ho wasted without, thought tire
tho pennies that rvpII drift excellent
fund, it Ih Kcldoni thnt inoncy abnie
enn dn much for humanity but In thla
,raRo It cfin. Thn doctni-H have dine
their part, and th'i progrem In the fu
ture imiHt he hn-gelv In the IiiumIh ol'
1ho Inyne'ii. More wiiiifoilii'iin in'isl
ho provided, I he. Bii))pi.rt of inillfient
ronsumptlveK nnd of IIiohp deiiend 'lit
on them imuhI, be looked to njwl the
huslneHH of nnviug tnherciibtsiH chil
dren in ii t be orgnnlzi d. Tin-campaign
Will probahly cnsl mllllotiH before It
Ih flnlMbed, bill no money will he j
thrown iiway, Mvery time a helplcsH
ronHUinptlve Ih restored to the iauH'
of productive woikeiH the wetilih and
Hiifety of the whide community nre
ItHTeafteil. Hvery cent which the
American people are unending In thin
campaign a cent laid nut with pru
dence and Intelligent K-'IMnlrnt.
tlon of the He ho at th close
of the -year, and have made
arrangements with the pub
llBherH of the Myrtle Creek
Mail and Umpqua VaHty
News to take cur Hubscrlp
tion llHt. Thofp who have
paid la advance are offered
tho choice or the two publica
tions Moth papeiK are well
known here and need no word
of recommendation from us.
I' H. liutherford. imhllsher
of the Mall, will hiivo corr;
pondenls hero and at the
nearby towns, and will taue
special pahiH to make his pa
pr,r valuable to people of this
Bi'ctl'in. Wo feel no hesitan
cy in urging our readers to
glvo him l heir subscriptions
and advertising, and are sine
that thoso who lo ho will re
ceive nut Isfact Ion.
of ihe 8iijreme lodge, having attend
ed several supreme grand lodges. He
was also a past grand mauler of the
A. O. U. V. and a member of the
Suite Historical society
He wrs married firnt to Miss Eli
zabeth Gale and later. In lS7li, to
Mhs Kinnia Fisher. He Is survived
by tho latter and three children
The latest goods to be carried in
jewelry store to be found in Roseburg.
them. The time is short. Prices always right.
a first-class
Call and see
Jeweler and
I follows: Ada Ossle Walton and Hat
l lie Walton, both of Seattle, and Allss
I Pauline Walton, of Kugene.
4 j
At Walla Ualhi Closes "Wets" Win
At Walla Ualhi ( loses "Wets"
in the I'i-Iil.
J. Walton of Miigrui'
WCII known.
f 'reshleul I'd ft ti'i-auls liemaud of ,
Cabinet .Mi'inber.
Washington. Dec. if a. - I'rcbieiit :
Tn ft lodiiy yieblMl to the demnnds
or hoih Heci'etary Hallineer ami hil
erllicM fcr a public Investigation ofj
1 lit' 111 1 it iiuiccr inauer uimt'i i nig
tho so-calb-d Italllngei'-riiMhot cm
troversy. Mr. Hallluger this afternoon fervd
Upon Ihe president vhiually an ulti
imitum to the cried II, n) sin h an In
veHtlrntion was Imb ed the pi Ii e
'Kngetie, Or. )rc. lid. f!. .Toshua
Walton, one of Kugene's most prom
inent citizens and a pioneer of the
stale, was round dead In his bed (his
morning when his wile called hint for
breakfast. Ho had been very wHl
an nay nummy nuonunig church ser
vices twice, and foenied to be In ex
cellent l-ealtll whet he retired last
night. Heart tnml le Is asc-lb-d as
the i-aif-e of d-'alh. He wa bom at
Uu.dr.'llte, T mi.. April ii, l.s.'IS. He
came across the plains with his fa
ther and lecher, ..ishua .1. Walton.
Sr.. and wile.. In ISIH, first settling
In Ihe gold fields in iiorlb-'in Califor
nia. I hey lame north to Oregon In
I sri2, taking ii a donation land
claim on Watrner -creek, near wh i
the clly ef Asbl.'lid :imv
Walla Walla, Dec. 20. After a
canipnigit not able for the intense par-
t isn nniiit- displayed bv tha respcilve
factions. Walla Walla tiday voted
"wet" by a maioiitv of ; ii . Tho to
tal vole cast was 2U:iS, which Iti SI
per eent of the registered vote.
Only One Precinct Oocs I try.
Hut one precinct in tho eight was
carried bv the "drys, iui'1 :hat. tin a
l.ieen conced"d by the opposir.g for :ei
Willi u larger majority than was ae
conled. Clark product, with n ma
Jorlty of (17. wan captured by the
"dry" pe nle, Ihe vote being 1S1 In
favor of no license and "IS opposed.
Whitman pi .-duct which had b'en
conceded to the "dry" taction, went'
"wet" by a vole of : 7 3 to 'J.Tt, and
Iho oilier six rolled up m-'lorltles fur
lioyond the exiieclalions ef those vio
were following the campalgii closely,
l-'lghl Arouses Itiilernes.
Tmiaj'H election elopes a campaign
that for bitterness has novrtr b-en
eijualifd in lliis city In any previous
election. Fights hetwe'Mi the respect
ive supporters of the opposing fac
tions during the past few we.-Us hnve
been frecinent and extra police super-,
vision has been necessary for Ihe last j
lew davs throughout the business sec
tion, where demonstrative crowds
'onslant ly gnnipcd.
Police (iiiard ldl.
The polls today were, unaided by
unifoiuicd policemen, as well as spe
cial id lli eis employed by the "wets"
and "drys" te prevent trouble.
inds. Thev Though sevt ral fights took place and
where Mr. ! a iiumher of arrests were made for
(induct, no penons d- nion-
city, challenged men who had lived
and voted here for 25 years and h'ive
always been staunch Republicans.
.Many meii Ifnd to "swear In" their
votes, white some absolutely refused
Uto do bo and walked away from the
Sorjie nre of the opinion that the
election may result in another party
gaining control.
ItryK Keep Vp Tight.
Tho "drys" are already preparing
to carry the campaign into the mu
nicipal election next July and elect
a "dry" council. They will attempt
to regulate the liquor traffic In Walla
Walla in this The present
administration is decidedly wet, it be
ing said that evoiy city employe vot
ed wot.
Whilo tho campaign was still
young tho business men's committee
promised to do away with 17 saloons
after the election and bring the nam-1
her down to 20 one saloon for each
10 00 populntfcn. In order that they
may nave all assistance possible, the
"drys" will meet tomorrow night to
rorm a Civic Longuo to assist the bus
iness men's committee.
LEA VMS $oO,000,000.
Fortune of King Ieopold
by Financier.
Paris, Dec. 20. -A French finan
cier, who Is familiar with the Congo
and otacr business operations of ihe
late King Leopold of Belgium, esti
mates the monarch's private fortune,
in excess of the $3,00(1.000 bequeath
ed to the princesses, at $50,000,000.
Lawyers here anticipate much litiga
tion over the property.
Many attractive Xmas gifts at the
Roseburg Book Store. tf
WANTED Position as a nurse or
housekeeper by competent woman.
Particulars at this otllce. tf.
Last Saturday afternoon's school
meeting loft the matter of the three
mill tax practically where it was be
fore, the result of the voting a tie
with tr voting on each side. Notices
were immediately posted for another
meeting, which will be held Thurs
day. Dec. 2,'trd Tho matter must be
decided at this meeting, so let all
lay aside personal feelings and con
sider onlv what, will he tiio best for
theinslves and tho neighborhood.
Canyonville Echo.
LOST. Pitts containing money and
gold ring. Finder leave at this of
fice. Reward.
FOR RENT Store room on Jackson
street. Inquire Mrs. H. Easton. tf
FOR SALE. Ten-acre tract, 5
room, two miles from city.
Price $1700. Well Improved. Ad
dress "Z" care of News office, d-23
FOR RENT. House, 7 rooms, near
town. Citv water. Rent very rea
sonable. Call 124 W. Douglas
street. d-2U
LOST. A fountain pen was lost to
day, Monday, December 20, on
Sheridan street. Finder will please
leave at The News oillce. d-tf.
FO UN D7 I f " t lie ' lad y who purchased
two pair of cuff buttons at our
store last week, and lost them will
call she can get them as they havo
i been returned to its. Harth's Tog-
FOR SALE 10 acres fine land, Vz
mile from town; 2 acres orchard;
all under cultivation; small house;
barn 20x30; poultry, team and a
wagon Included. Only $2500. Ad
dress N., this oflico. dIU-sw-d
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going to Trade?
of his remaining in
not. He made It clear
WfH no longer willing t
and wan for Ihe thing to "IiPav over.
Mr. Tall. It Is said, reltu lanlly ad
mitted the dh appointment of his
nope dial Ihe'coentiy al late..' would
ept as nii;:l imn vindication
fiitnn tn l-'ii-fLni. In IS
Walton had resided c:ni t inuousl v ! disorderly
since with the ex'-epi but of a y.-ar nr i strations occurred. One man was ar
two spent in the 'nines or Idaho. j rested for fraudulent rek'siration.
He was admilti d to Ijie tiar in lSi:ij Crowds around the polls through
and continued the practice ot law i out the day. though the tempera! i i
up to the present .time. He was i wni-i below t'rei zing, were huge. Wo
This Is Your
The Holiday Work is before von
mm iiMMB im me Amaa dinner to plan
for. We can relieve you of much
woiry and work, which is economy,
too, you know. Yo'i'll lind all our
Pastry, Cakes and Bread
to he unexcelled. Orders delivered.
Special orders (,'iven prompt attention,
l'lace your Xmas orders now.
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes, g Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the LEAST MONEY.
Try Them In Your Order For
l ane rou nt v -
or Mr. Iialliiu-er In bb- dismissal ol
cliargi s hroii-;lil iiuj.lnst the ecretarv
ir the Intel for bv I,. K. Cln is. e
Htccia) !!: i l ef (In- him! oilne. and
Ills comi I.' i!,; .,. Irw-tii-atnin
demanded ' Pol Ii .si.1 inevitable.
ted county j ud re ef
lt;s and served feur
was' appointed to ottice bv vbe ernor
(ii o er In l ; r and was ebvted
the caid- auaiu the r.evt y. nr. serving the full
that he i l -i iu of four yearr. 1 le has tilled va
st silent t i ions municipal offices and served on
ihe school board and was a memhoi
of the Oie::nii bt!islalure at one time.
" w -is one ol the founders of the
I'nlveisliy of (tvi: n ai.d for I
ve;i-s after Its osiaiilbhmetits was
men and children wearing while rib
lions, bearing t he words, "Against
license," and ot her appropriate
j phrases wete conspicuous among the
; crowds urging ihe men to vote
j "dry."
Itcpuhlican Will Suffer.
j Manx poiili' ians regard t he eb'c
! thm just c!os d as a disastrous one.
ieveii tl.oimb i .u- "itv did remain w.-t.
i They deelare that he Republican
fichr has foverer spill ihe Itepnbltrau
ni.'ml" r of ih- Im.ud of re-rent f. se- i paity which ivjs just recovering from
ving as s"!-tarv ot the board fori lacilonal trouble when the local op
yen rs at'toi his term eviured. He was j lion cimpaign came up. A ma.iority
oil" of th" most prominent Odd 1V1-1 of the voters of tho county reside in
Inus in On "nil, haiiu in-n a mem- 'this city and the fe-'Mim is bitter tn
lie i since I Ml I . H. v is past grand many places. In some Instances
I'aMern and p;isl inand rciii-sei;Iative "drvs" v ho are p. act h -a Uy new in the
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
please you.
Try Them For Dry Goods
The People's Cooperativere Store
In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass Silver-
H vvare, Novelties, andSouvenir Spoons.
In fart reliable floods that stand the test
at the lowest price. New goods coming
every day.
Books flake the Host Acceptable
Christmas Gifts
Tli cro is a book for yon to give any relative or friend that will convey
exactly your message of lovt. ;:ffuetion, good will or friendship of whatever
nature. There is nothing bt.- imch appreciated as a book notliiug that eives
books at and lasting a pleasure.
We arc ready to supply - .ft-seekers with Books that will make the most
valuable fifls, at prices considerably below those usually asked. We have
books of history, the works of famous authors, spirited novels ot" today, rich eift
books in elaborate, beautiful bindings, Bibles and Testaments, Children's Story
and Picture Hooks, the only complete, and the best selection to choose from in
Hoselmrg. And all at the fairest and most tempting prices.
lint you must come and tee; and come early, tor then you can choose
from a complete, new, bright and inviting stock, and you'll also avoid the
ceaseless, perpetual Christmas rush.
Roseburg Book Store
i'M North J.tcksnn Street.
Succeseors to Anee'a Book Store
Koseburg, Oregon
titttttt,AAt, A