The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 21, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Will find Tho Kv.-nirnr Xow
thi bent iiKxlhitu to rtnicb the
lioupUuif Itunt'btirir. A wlrto-a-wnko
lmbllcntlon prititlnir
til tint nmv tlint'i fit to print
NO. 4a
nauu nnT nin minnin
unu nuiHiit duddlc
Danish Scientists
Puncture Cooks Claim'
Claims of the Brooklyn Kxplortr for
HenoHU Are Swept ltutlely Away
by Decision of Former
(Special to The Evening Mews)
. Copenhagen, Dec. 21 The dreams
of Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the Polar
explorer and rcientist, his ambition1
and hopes of securing for his name
a place on the scroll of fame, have
all been swept into oblivion by the
decision of the committee which has.
been investigating the doctor's claims
' for priority of discovery of the North :
Pole. And the most cruel part of
all this sad. story is in the fact that
those who filially hove been com
pelled to decide against Cook were
at the start of the controversy among
those who expressed admiration for, j
and confidence in, his story which1
now appears to have been only
hot air bubble. The bulletin which
was posted at Copenhagen this morn
ing by the university authorities an
nounces to a thankless world that j
Cook's "records and observations are
wholly insufficient to warrant a de-1
cision that he discovered the North!
Pole." j
The consistory at the University of
Copeni?gen has adopted the report of
the committee, thereby flatly reject-
ins Dr, Cook's claims to right of dis
covery of the Pole. This decision
throwns out all of Cook's records and
data, which. ..according to the reports
are not more convincing than ordl-!
nary newspaper accounts. Cook's prl-1
vate secretary, Mr. Lonsdale, who
represented tha explorer here, was
bitterly disappointed, and made ev
ery effort to Induce the consistory
to withhold a final judgment until
the whole of. Cook's data could be
presented. Mr. Lonsdale informed
2: : N o.
22 ! V VSffNN
A pleasant thought, a wise suggestion, a flmeiy hnt. Swell Rogers, Morris chairs ronch a
Davenports, Buffetts, China Closets, Diners and extension tables 1847 Roger Bros siLl d
latest Coffee Perculator, Size 1-3 , "rus.g silverware. The
22 There will be something doing
22 selected marked and laid away for
the committee tint the missing data,
which 1b a part of Dr. Cok's original
documents, were sent here from
America by a different route from
which rocords already examined were
brought, and stated that additional
a,1 vfry '"'l'ortnnt matter , would
havo doubtless arrived within a few
uitj o'JL-rtfiiirjr Ijl iismuv sum I nui
the r?ason for sending documentary
evidence by two routes whs simply a
matter of protection. All pleas wore,
however, without avail, as the consls-
torv reused to pay any mention to
Lonsdale's plea, and 'ahuriuncei that
the findings us announced are final
so far as the consistory is concerned.
Cook cannot be found, nor does bis
secretary know where he Is, but It Is
probable that he is Bomewnere in Eu
rope. Speaking of Cook's claims, Dr.
John A. Brasher, an eminent astron
omer connected with the University
of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, has the
following to say regarding the al
leged planting of the flag at tbe
Pole: v
"Had theflag been planted at the
Pole," Brasher declares, "it would
have cast a shadow, as the sun at
that fine was at. an elevation of eight
ilegreos." "Conk's ptrture." he
charged, "showed no shadow."
The explorer explained this by
stating that the picture taken was a
small one, and that many details had
been lost vhen it. wns enlarged for
use on. a picture slide.
Speaking of the claims of the
Brooklyn explorer, Dr. Brasher said:
. "When Cook lectured In this city
he was asked whnt extent he used In
making his observations: He repli
ed: 'I cannot remember.' Thin was
a i-TuHar form of foruetfulness."
Dr. Brasher does net. believe that
either Cook or P"nry will be able to
prove that ho reached the Polo.
W. Burnette, of Myrtle Creek, Is
transacting business matters in 1 lie
ity today.
County Judge Wonacott has re
ceived notice to the effect that the
following road districts have levied
a special tax, the same to be expend
ed in improving the county roads:
District No. 26, 2 mills; district No.
3S. 2 mills- district No. 40. 1 mill;
district No. 58. 1 n il!. H the elec
tion held In road district No. 7, which
takes In a portion of the Elkton sec
tion of the counly, the special rood
lax was voted down by an almost un
animous vote.
We Never Forget
the Little Ones
Little red chairs, dollie go
carts 50 cents up, toy dishes,
toy tables, toy stoves, knives
and forks and childs sets
rocler3, high chairs, blaclc
boards, toy banks, air gun9
for' boys, toy banks and' game
if you wait too long.
Mail orders
Proposed to Bond City For
Another $40,000
City, Attorney Is Instructed to 1
pare Ordinance Authorizing
Special Klectlon to Vote on
$10,000 Bond Issue.
At the regular semi-monthly ses
sion of the city council Held last even
ing the city attorney was instructed to
draw an ordinance autitoriziug a spe-J
i:i;u eiecuun ujj mo mi i pue ih vot
ing a $-10,000 bond issue, said money
to be expended in the Improvement of
the streets. In accordance with the
detires of the several councilmen the
preliminaries leading up to the elec
tion carried out in a similar
manner to those preceding the last
election, thus avoiding any possibility
of errir.
Should be bond issue carry as an
ticipated it is safe to assort that some
thing over a uillo of" bttullthlc pave
ment will be laid during the coming
summer Inasmuch as the city will
have approximately $0,000 at Its
With the prospective $0,000 bond
Ifisue In play the city will have reach
ed the limit of its constitutional in
debtedness under the present charter.
It Is said that quite a number of prop
erty owners are anxious to have the
streets abutting their property paved
under the proposed bond issue Inas
much as they believe the time la near
at hand when tbe city will refuse
to pay one half tho cost as is the
present custom.
The U. of O. Glee club entertained
l large audience at the Armory last
evening. Every number on the pro
gram was heartily applauded and the
boys responded In a becoming man
ner. They gave an excellent even
ing's, entertainment nnd will bo wel
comed to the city again at any future
date, - -
Now's the time to
Buy Your Xmas
Gifts. Shop Early
and get first choice
Better, bigger than ever
is our display of useful gifts
odd pieces furniture, book
cases, desks, dressers, buf
fetts, side boards, china
closets, combination cases
lounges, couches, davenports,
settees, parlor sets, chairs
and rockers.
Coming Through
the Rye." That's
the tune you'll step
to if you should
fail to shop early. H
Sewing machines, washing
machines, ranges, kitchen
cabinets. Everything to make
merry the home. ,Cuttlery
all kinds, 1847 Kogem Uros
silverwear at prices below
them all. Carvers, roasters
and coffie peculators.
promptlyattended to,
1 22
Goods j
Councilman McClallcu A-ks That Fi
nal Action on Ordinance Ih l)e
layedKour Couuciliueu Kx-
press Themselves.
Tho members of tho city council
met in refiu lur somi-monOily session
last evening, and as usual, considered
various matters of more or less im
portance. Unlike at many previous
meetings of this body prolonged ,a
cuysions were entirely eliminated, the
accumulation of business beins dis
posed of with dispatch. Mayor Fred
Maynes presided, while eight conn
cilnicn constituted the assembly.
"Kxpei'l." Ordinance Delayed.
As was anticipated by many tho
Eo-ctt!lod "expert ' ordinance, which
provides for tho appropriation of
$r00 out of tho general fund, the
same to be expended In employing
an accountant to expert tho city
hooks, met a severe jolt when placed
on Its third reading last evening.
Hardly had City Recorder Orcutt
called attention to ihe l'act that '.be
ordinance was In roadlmi&s for final
consideration when Councilman Mc
Clallon, recognized ns tbe chief sup
porter of the meiisure. arose, and re
quested that It he tabled until a fu
ture meeting. McClnllon failed . to
advance any reason for his strange
procedure, but such was not neces
sary inasmuch as thoso opposed to
the passage of tho ordinance wero In
power. Councilman Allcelli coincid
ed with Councilman McCIallan,
stating that tbe measure was one
of utmost importance and should not
he considered until such time as a
full representation of the several pre
cincts' was present. Had tho ordl
dauce come up for final consideration
lust evening it. wo'nld hnve been de
fentcd, l-.Dsmuch as at least four of
tho councilmen in attendance ex
pressod themselves as opposed to Us
Minor Matters.
The judiciary committee o whom
the matter of Investigating the bill
of $T0, presented at a previous meet
ing by Attorneys Long and MlcoJli,
was referred, reported that, they be
lieved $20 sufficient compensation
for the services rendered. A brief
argument ensued, finally resulting
In tho allowance of tho amount orig
inally asked.
Al Creason asked for a grade near
tho flatlron in North itopebur, the
same being referred to the oily re
corder with Instructions to notify the
city engineer to furnish the desired
grado at once.
Tho city treasurer reported a de
ficit in tho Oak street paving fundAif
$2.40. Upon motion the deficit was
made good by a wnrrant, on tho gou
orrl fund.
The matter of a petition signed by
hRlnion Caro and others asking for a
light at tho intersection of Mosber
and Stevens streets was referred to
tbe commlltee on electric lights.
petition was fead asking t tin t
Stephens street be paved from Cass
to Ulakely street, one hall or the cost
to be paid by the city. No action
was taken regarding this petition.
The committee recently appointed
for the purpose of Investigating tbe
cost of purchasing a city team asked
that they be dfschiirgod from further
duty. Such reiiuest was granted.
The remonstrance filed against tho
so-called central sewer whs rejected.
The ordinance authorizing tho ap-
nronriallon of $120 for tbe purchase
of tha steel dump wagon was placed,
upon Its first and second reading. j
An ordinance appropriating the I
sum of $1300, the same to bo ex-1
ponded in the purcbace of additional ;
fire fighting apparatus was placed
on Its first and second rending.
Tbe ordinance prohibiting traction
engines from operating lu the paved;
district was planed on its final pas
sage and carried unanimously.
California Duck Was
Good Prospector
People -of the fjucatiyadn Valley Are
Trying to DIncovt Where III
Juckhlp round the iluU.
(Special to The Evening News.)
Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 21. This sec
tion of the country is In the throes of
gold excitement that causes old
timers to recall the days of "4 9. The
present flurry was caused by Just an
orolnnry duck, and a tnme dink at
that, which tho wife of Farmer Thom
as Bell, proprietor of the Halt ranch
In the Lacanyada valley, killed for
the family dinner. Thy lady discov
ered six good sized gold nuggets In
"Expert" Ordinance
- Postponed.
mix iNTitonrcKi.
The following bill has been
Introduced in .the senate of
tbe United Statet by U, 8.
Senator Uourno, of Oregon,
The measure has been read
twice and referred to the
committee on public build
ings and grounds. .
A Hill io provide for tho
purchase of a silo and for the
erection of a public building
thereon at lloseburg, Ore
gon. Lto it enacted by tbe senate
nnd house of representatives
of tbe United States of Amer
ica In congress assembled.
That the secrete ry of the
treasury be, and is hereby au
thorized and directed to ac
nulre, by purchase, condem
nation, or otherwl&e, a site,
and cause to be erected
thereon a sultahlo building,
fireproof vaults, beating and
ventilating npparatus, and
approaches, for tho use and
accommodation of tho Uni
ted States postofrice, Ibe Uni
ted States land office, and
other fcdeial offices, at liosev
burg, In the state of Ore
gon, tho cost of the numo not
to exceed one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars.
the gizzard of tho luekloas fowl, nnd
now to -discover where the .duck
picked up tho nuggets is what troub
led the population, it is said Unit fully
fifty people are engaged In tho study
of that particular duck's habits whllo
It was enjoying the freedom- of tho
Hall ranch, and that the wholo big
farm Is . In danger of being "pros
pected" for "color" in tho attempt to
solve the mystery of thoso six chunks
of gold In tbe duck's crop.
(Special to The Evening Nows)
San .lose, Cal., Dee, 21, Tbe mvs
tery of the bold blghwnvmun who
successfully, hold up tho Gleuaon drug
store In San Krr.nelseo on two dif
ferent occasions within a week, seems
to havo been Lolved In the death of
tbe man who was killed by n train In
this city last Friday. The victim of
the railroad .accident was formerly a
patrolman In San Francisco, and wns
known as Walter H. Carroll. At the
time he met his death It was not
known who be was, and lu tho work
of Iduutlflcnlh n Dr. fileason and Dr.
T. M. Heltlsou, who were In the S'in
Francisco diug'sloio at the lime of
the holdup, and who had the best of
opportunity of scelrg the mini, posi
tively Identified the body as Hint of
tbe robber who so Jarlufly operated
In the California -mcirnpollH two
weeks ago.
(Spoclnl to Tho Nvoi.lng News.
Wushlnglon, Dec. 2 1 When
Miown toduy.'s dispatches from Copen
hagen, Robert Peary, Cook's rival In
the North Polo controversy,, stild:
"Three months ago from Labnidor, I
sounded deliberately and oxplic H.nly
a warning to tho world, based upon
complete nnd accurate Information
concerning the claims of Dr. Cook,
and In fto doing accepted tbe respon
sibility 'involving on me and fulfilled
my duty to the world and myself. "
0. II. Krown of Oakland is a visitor
In the city today
I have it now, a sweeping compound that will
mjet the most exacting requirements. It is cheaper
than you have been using as it has loss sand in it
and consequently lighter. It will not harm the
finest rug or carpet. . It will take up all dunt from
wood floors or covered floors. Unless floors are very
dirty it can be used more than ouco, again redttciug
cost. Pietails at s cents per ponnd But thatyou may
know how it does its work I will give you a sample
package if you will bring this adv. with you. "The
man with an axo to grind," and this time I want to
know how mauy of Mr. Bales' readers see my adv.
F. H. Churchill
Meets Little Favor at Hands
of Council
Council Hecnis to Think One Mlit
roliceimm is Sufficient Petition
Was Cnsidered Very
A lengthy petition, signed by noarly
every merchant on Sheridan i-treet
the substanco of which requested the
appointment of an additional night
policeman, was considered briefly by
tho mem herd of (he city council at
their regular semi-monthly meeting
held last evening, .
The petition alleged lhat numerous
tough chraactera wero arriving In the
city dally and that the business men
located on Bherldun atreet In the vi
cinity of I he depot doomed it advis
able to appoint another policeman
(hat they might be protected.
The potltlon of Captain Knausfl,
who aspired to tho prospective .posi
tion )f r-pecial policeman, was also
turned down without consideration.
As the matter stands at present tha
citizens of liosehurg will have to con
tent thomselvcs with ono night po
(Spoclnl lo Tho Pvonlna Nev.s )
. Jtlniu'iiimllE, One. .21. A Ronornt
syniimthe tic. Btrlke In. to l)o limuKU
rut ml within n fow ilnys-nver nil iha
Noi-t.luvi'Htiini rnllromlM nl".tcl by
thn . SwlK-liinoii'a ptt-lko. . It In an
nounced thut hinro thnr. 2,000 freight
hnmllrH nnd i-iillwny clerku will wiilk
nil If nuittiTS lire lint noon luljtmttid.
ThtH announcement cmonutoH from
II. II, Perhnm, chntnmin of the rull
wny df'imi-tiimnt of tho Amoiican
Kedenil.lon, and Is therofnro untlinn
llc. Thin will fiiithi-r lio lip the rull
wuy truffle In the entire Northwest,
nnd It In not. InipoHsiblo . that the
ktrllte may extend to other linuichea
of the service,
fSpednl to The Evonlnu News)
llliieflcilda, NIc, lice. 21. Reports
rrom Kama nay that 10 k Inula and hl
nriny Ih udvancli.K upilnst General
V'lsiiuez, who Irt entrouch"d Junt out
kMo the city, nnd a battle la expectod
Immediately. TblH Ih the first -decisive
move on the part of the rovolii- -llo"lsts
HKalnst the proposed election
of.jMndrl. as. thn snccei-.sor of Koluyn. '
Kslraila Is holding i?ood.lo his word
to ritrht to a finish If any attempt
was merle to railroad Madriz Into tho
presidential chair..
Up lo anil Including Sunday, Do-
eember l!ih, and have them (In-
Ifhed for Xmas. Cloudy weather
Is all sunshine at my Hludln. Lot
mo do your framing and save
you money, , .
' CliAltK'S HTlllHO
. ItoNcliui'K National Hank llldu..
r- . . . . .... t , , , ,