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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1909)
THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Rain or Snow Tonight and Tuesday. ADVERTISERS Will find The Kvonlnr News the bunt mmlluin to rvtioh the li(Miileuf ltiM'lurtr. A wlde-n-wnku iiublfcutlun prlutlnv all tho mnv tliat't fit to print Vol. i ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 150, 1909. NO. 42 Getting Breakfast For Mama Clothes Take Fire. PARENTS WERE OUTSIDE leaving Three Little Children in the House They Sleet a Horrible Death by Fin- Two Dead When Parents Come (Special to The Evening News.) CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Mary, Char les and James, the littlo glii being the oldest of the trio, and she was only six, were burned to death at their home early this morning while the little girl was attempting to get breakfast for her parents. The tots were the chidren of John Paromia, who with his wife had arisen early and gone to the rear of the home toj butcher a ccw. 1 pey had left the children in the house and a good fire burning in the stove. .Inst how the Are got Btarted will perhnps never be known, but In sofiie manner Un clothing ot one of the babies must have gotten on fire, because the par . ents had not been gone more than fifteen minutes when they saw smoke pouring Irom the kitchen They rush ed to the house and stretched on the floor In the burning room was the lifeless and charred bodies of the two smallest children, aged four and two years, while Mary, the eldest, lay at their heads, badly burned, hut still alive. As her mother came Into the room the child had just enough strength left to gasp: "I was getting breakfast for mama." She died a few minutes later. The clothing was burned entirely off from the poor little victims. FEWKM TURKEYS Are Shipped From Douglas County Tills Year Thun Ijust. As stated In a recent issue of The Evening News the turkey shipments for the Christmas trade this year have fallen far below these lu years past, notwithstanding that a high price prevails. Upon investigation we learn that less than 20,000 birds have been ship ped to outside markets for the Christmas trade this year, most of these having been dispatched to the Portland and San Francisco markets. Of this number Harness & Johnson the local grocers, shipped 11,000 of the birds; 7,000 frcm Roseburg and the remaining 4,000 from Riddle. K. G. Young & Compnnv. of Oakland, who are generally conceded as the principle heyers In the county ship ped but 3.000 birds, most of which were purchased In the vlclninty of Oakland. Alton S. Krev, a local Wise Christmas buyers those who prefer quiet, easy buying to the rush and uncertainty that always go with "last-minute" shopping will not put off their buy ing a moment longer. We can serve you well no matter when you come. But we can serve you best if you come early. A word to the wise is sufficient. SINCE 1877 WE'VE BEEN TREATING PEOPLE SQUARE grocer, and George Kohlhapien, pro prietor of the lOcnomy Market, hand-1 led about 1200 birds, aside rroin those used In supplying home con sumption. Only about half as many hlrds were shipped from Douglas county for the Christmas trade this year us DKATII OK (iltKTA KOIIM1AG.V. Child Succumbs After TIiitc Weeks of Intense Suffering. Three weeks ago today little Greta Kohlhugen, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kohlhagen, attended school as usual, although she had not been feeling well for a few days prior to that time, but not wishing to fall behind her work In sisted on attending. On that Monday night she became quite ill and a phy sician was called. For several days the child suffered from a mnlady not unlike inflammatory rheumatism. The disease was very painful and of ten shifted from one part of the body to another. The little sufferer could scarcoly bear to have anyone touch her, so acute was the disease, nor could she lie lcrg in one position. A partial paralysis accompanied the trouble, or was a part of it. All that medical skill could do was without avail, and when the heart became ef fected with the paralysis death came to the relief of the stricken child on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 19, 1909, at 8 o'clock. She was 11 years, 1 1 months and 20 days. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of hosts of friends throughout the city and county, and the school mateB of lit tle Greta Kohlhagen will also mourn the death of an amiable classmate. Funeral services wilt be held from the First Presbyterian church Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the services will be conducted by the nastor. Rev. J. E. Burkhart. All friends of the family are cordially In vlted to attend. BRIDGE GOES DOWN 27 PEOPLE PERISH (Special to The Evening News) ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 20. Twenty-seven persons were drowned by the collapse of the wooden linage across the Priest River at the village of Mosyr In the province of Minsk, according to reports Just received. A crowd of men and women were crossing the bridge when the struct ure went to pieces, precipitating them Into the water, which was full of iloutlr.g Ice. The extreme cold be numed many of the victims of the dis aster so that tney could ir.ake no ef-j fort ta save themselves, and theyj quickly sank out of sight. Ice In the stream also made work of rescue most hazarous, therefore but few of those wno were thrown into the water when the bridge collapsed escaped. i John Alexander, of Glide, Is a vis-! ltor In the city today. BEFORE THE RUSH BEGINS .,-.v ' . -.' - VERNON VAWTER Southern Oregon lad as "Janitorious" in "Fire in the Frat," one of the main skits at the Armory tonight. A Desperate. Fight Between Whites and Negroes. THREE" MEN ARE DEAD Six More nro Seriously Wounded ; Troops Have lleen Asked for In Order to Prevent Further ltloodslietl GRAND CANE, L., Dec. 20. A desperate battle was fought between white men and negroes near this city early this morning, and as a re sult of the fight three men are dead and six others are seriously injured, some of them perhaps fatally. The trouble started In John Allen, a white farmer accusing Belle Bower a negro, of stealing his hogs. BowerB' brother-in-law, who was listening to , urn V. ill OFFER .-( REWARD Sheriff Fenton hns recoived a circular from the United States Army headquarters, the Bubstnnce of which is to the ef- fee; thHt a reward of $50 has been offered for the arrest and return of James U. Fisher, a de- serter from the United States army. It Is' alleged in the cir- cular that Fisher left his com- pany at Fort Brady, Saulle Sto Marie. Michigan, recently and has slnci succeeded In eluding the officers. The deserter Is a son of D. P. Fisher, of this city, and upon enlisting In the armv several years ago was assigned to Co. H 2fith Infan- try. As yet the sheriff has been unable to ascertain his where abouts. the dispute, was so Incensed over the Implication of Allen that he open ed Die on III in with a revolver. Al though Allen was badly hurt at the first shot he and a party of friends returned the volley, instantly killing both Bower and his brother-in-law. Allen wns mortally wounded and died an hour later. Other negroes and whites who were only witnesses of the tragedy, wore drawn into the light which lasted for more than an hour, during which time six more negroes were wounded, lint though the bnttle wns fough at close quarters no other fatalities occurred. The people In the vicinity ot '.lie fight were very much alarmed anil have appealed for the state mailt ia to be sent to prevent further hostilities and bloodshed Friends of rainier Allen are Incensed over his death and unless the troops arrive quickly another outbreak Is feared. WANT TO SQUELCH AN INVESTIGATION (Speclnl to Tho Evening News) WASHINGTON. Dec. 20 It l be lieved here that the Republicans In Congress will Ignore the attack ninilo against Secretary Ballinger by Ilnp reaentntlve Hitchcock, of Nebraska. I.nte last, week some of the Republi cans of the House declared that tho whole matter was merely Democratic campaign material, and will light the proposition of giving the Dcmorrncy the satisfaction of Congressional In vestigation of Hitchcock's accusa tions. On tho other hand Insurgent Republicans are putting up a strong i fight for investigation. ESTRADA REQUESTS U. S. RECOGNITION fSiiclnl to The Evening News WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Provi sional President Estrada has request ed that tho United States recognize the Nlcaraguan revolutionary govern ment, nnd the document Is In the hands of tho Stale Department. Es trada declares that he will not ac cept a president that may be named by Zehrya or tho Nlcaraguan con gress, and further Intimates that he will fight to the end phould Madrl Irlas be chozen to represent the gov ernment. LOST. Afountatn pen was lost to day. Monday, December 20, on Sheridan street. Finder will pene leave at The News onlce. d-tf. FOUND. IftheIadywho purchased two pair of cuff buttons at our store last week, and lost them will call she can get them as they have been returned to (it. Hartb s Toggery. Want to Gracefully Glide out of Cook Muddle. REPORT TO BE NEUTRAL llavliiK Found Cook's. Data Incom plete, Will Not Find Adversely or Favorably in the Mat ter. (Special to The Evening News) COPENHAGEN, Dee. 20. It Is now almost certain that the commit tee investigating the authenticity of tho polnr datn submitted hv Dr. Cook, will return a report that is Btrlctly neutral, which Is neither favornblo or adverse to the claims of the ex plorer was tho prediction of a mem ber of the faculty of tho University of Copenhagen. This position of tho Danish authorities Is, so declared the source of this Inrormntlon. forced up on the committee. It seems that Ihev nre sadly embarrassed in tho face of thflr early vehement advo cacy of his claims because they now find nut anything even approaching acceptable nroof of his claims, and are Industriously casting nbout for some way lo gracefully retire from the controversy. Rumors have nlso lenkcd out from the Investigating committees' quartern that the datn submitted by (ho Brooklyn explorer Is so Incomplete nnd unsatisfactory that Cook will not bo asked to ap pear before that body of scientists. HARRY THAVMVUJST STAY IN HOSPITAL (Special to The Evening News) WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. The Thaw case has again broken Into the lime light today, but what the next move wiil be Is hard to predict, since tho Supremo Court today handed down n decision by the terms of which Thaw will be held In the hos pital lor the Insane. The Court's de cision destroys the last hope of the Thaw family, who had hoped to se cure the prisoner's release long be fore Mils. Be wise Itead The News. PERFUMES For Christmas Gifts 1 ounce Lsiwll's "Perleclus" Voilet lu elegant silk lined box 12.76. 2 ounce Dazell's Violet Klect in bandsoms package $3 75. 1 ounce Liz-ll's "Parpetint" iii beautiful packae2. 60, 2 ounce "Liswll'e" in silk lined box $3 76. Huduot's celebrated porlumes in odors ChryeiH, Violet Kin de Kspanne, White Kosii, Illllathrope all In elegant packages 26o to $1.60. ' Hudnot's and LszelPs Toilet Waters 60c to f 1 60. Perfumes all odors in fancy Japanese boxes 26c to 60c. Children's perfumes in all odnrs, attractive boxes 25c. Select and fine assortment of military brushes, hair brushes, mirrors safety razors and manicure sets and single at ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. COME IN P4 Our stocK is large and Better than ever Australian tnd German Decorated China. Suit Cases. Graphaphones. Rugs and Draperies. Children's Carts and RocKers. Chiffioners and Dressers. Center and Library Tables. Morris Chairs and RocKers. Coaches and l ounges. Space is too limited to name the many beautiful articles that will please you. Come in and seo. ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and Indestructible Records. l,F.VIS HUSORT lt.UPKIt I, ate this afternoon Sheriff Fenton raided tho soft drink emporium, conducted by Laf Lewis, and situated on Cass street near tlio Southern Pacific depot, presumably for the purpose of ascertaining- as to whether of not tho proprietor Is selling liquor contrnry to the local option laws of Oregon. From an officer pretending to ho in close touch with the situ- nt Ion wo learn that the sheriff was successful in securing sev- eral bottles of "near beer" and one bottle of "real beer," the latter having been taken from the proprietor's private chest. Like othur beer confiscated during the past few days, the Lewis product will be Bhlpped to Corvallis for kualyBls, it. bo- lng tho Intention of tho officers to ascertain whether or not Lewis has been disposing of other than "near beer." Lewis is a deputy sheriff np- pointed by Sheriff Fenton shortly after tho latter assumed control of the sheriff's office. NO TROUSSEAU SO PA KILLS SELF (Special to The Evening News) TACOMA, Deo. 20. E. A. OlBin, a tailor at Eatonvllle, but formerly who lived In Tacomn, committed sui cide because he found himself financ ially unable to prcvldo s, wedding outfit for his daughter. The mut rlago took place a week ago, but tho fact that he was unable to supply, tho young lndy with a suitable throu-' seau so preyed upon his mind that suicide wub the result. R. L. Stephens hns filed suit In the local justice court ugainat R. L. WII lard. He sues to recover the sum ot 1 1 2.50. alleged to be due for mer chandise. I WILL MAICH SITTINGS 4 Up to and Including Sunday, De- comber 19th, and have them fin- iRhod for XtnaB. Cloudy weather Ib ull sunshine nt my Studio. Let me do your framing and save ' you money. CLARK'S STUDIO .Itoseburg National Hunk llhlg. . ' CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND WE WILL ASSIST hfOU' IN SELECTING YOUR PRESENTS