The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 18, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The straightest and sur
est road to good Clothes
the best Clothes brings
you here. 1
If you frequent any of the "by
paths" ynu'll he apt to lose your
self in the tangle of misleading
Whatever we do is well done
whatover we buy is well choHen
quality is the object and perfect
Clothes satisfaction and ell'uct.
There are many other places to
buy Clothes, to bo sure but you'll
lind that the best is always here.
These clothes are made for us
by the .Stein Mock Co. and David
Adler, two of the greatest Tailor
organizations in the wo-ld. Every
.Suit we sell is sold with an ab
solute guarantee of .Satisfaction
or your M iney refunded or a new
ruit in return.
Remember quality is the true
test of cheapness, liy o ir good
Clothes you shall know us.
I nm In tlin market to buy
4 your turknyu rnr tlm CliriHtinas
trnilo lit tho HKIIIMHT MAIl-
KKT I'lilCM. He miro and sue
me before you mill.
St. negts Initial) baskAtg, 5 rents
and ii. ut tlio Kimi'liiii'ir Hunk
I.. j. third. I In' (ili-liiliiln mt
milftei'. h a vfsitr.r In the rlly Indiiy.
lanii'H liitniin. iho vi-tfi-an nf l.onk
llIK t! Iiikh Valley, Is a vlnltnr 111 I lie
rtiy I'idi'.y.
Dolls, toys, books, f'tirlHtinns treo
oiniiniiiiits, CtirlHliuus mid Now Your
tioHlalH. Inns, Hili'kors and nil klmln
of llolliliiy miods nl. The Kulr. ir.
lion 10 llodrlik mid I.olliu I.hIhoii
wore tiinri-loil ai iho roHt'toiu'o ol1 .1.
Hnyilor, nl. Yolirillln, on Doooinhcr
15, Itnv. V. K. Drown ollii'lnl Inn.
I'Yoo: 10 rolll. piirkiiKO Conkoy's
l.nylllK, Tonic, also 50 rent I Ilry
Hook. llllliK lid lo .MiiiHlKi's DlllK
Company. Ily niiiil 7 colits..
Alius Allot' Wilson, for tlio pilKt
your Hloiinurrplior tit Hie KohoIhiik
('oiiiiiii-itIuI Club, will loavo Tuos
ituy (or lior fnrnii'r boine In Novnda,
wliorp she will remain pornitition! ly.
.1. S. Illldiilinrii ban lllotl suit In
Iho looal Jnslloo court imalnsl. Clias.
KiiiiiiuiiKi-. Thn action Is broimlit to
rocovor the kiuh ot $7.:n, alli';:oil
to bo duo for noods ard niorohaiiilise
I'm nlsliod tlm dofoiidiillt. on dilforonl
occ.isloiis bolwoi n Soiloiubor and
Doconibei. lllll'.l. Tin. plalnlHT Is rc-ri-si-llti-d
by Allninoy It. K. Simile.
Roseb u rg
South Side Cass St., Near
Lending and lirHt rt'flHurHiit in the
oily. None but while peoplo employed
Nothing hut tlm lnnt in the market
ervcd. (.Jive tin n trinl ami ho t'nii
This Is Your
Tho Iloliilay Work is before you
and there is the Xmas dinner to plan
for. W o can relievo you of much
worry and work, which is economy,
too, you knew. You'll lind all our
Pastry, CaKes and Bread
to be unexcelled. Orders delivered.
Special orders Riven prompt attention.
J'lace your Xmas orders now.
Victor I'hippH, of Dillurd, Is a bua
vlfsilor in liimclniri; today.
Mrs. Anna Heigler, of Portland, la
In the city visiting friends.
K. W. Wlnnlford, of Wilbur, trans
acted bufluetja niallbi- In iho city to
day. (Jreat. lino of novelties for your
homo at Winnie Gadln, the plum
ber, if.
Joseph Watson, of Olide, Is looking
after businoHH matters In tho city
Try ono nf throw Snoll Alters will
lit any faucet. Heo Winnie GaddlH,
tho plumber, tf.
Kdwarrt C'oekolreuHe, tho Deer
Crook I'firtuer, la a business visitor
In lh') city today.
Kloyd Watson, of flllde, spent tlio
morning In tho city attending various
business matters.
Wlunlo GucMis. tho plumber, cuts
ami threads pipe of any size up to
and Including eight Inches. tf.
AIlss Josephine Lund has accepted
a posit fen as stenographer at' the
Kosohurg Commercial Club.
Jimt received Another phlpment
tf tho fain'ifs "Last Korovor" hos
iery, A written guarantee with every
pair. Sold only by The Pair. tf.
Mr. Hnui'diuun, of Ten Mile, was
a visitor In itoHebtirg yesterday.
While In t'own the gontlonian callod
at I his offico and oi tlered the News
.sent to his home.
t, T. (lolt. formerly publicity m:m
aer of the Uoseburi; Comercial Club. to Kutherliu this morning. At
presciit Mr. t'olt Is looking nfter the
interests of tho commercial organ
ization at that city. I
J. S. Hllderhiirn lias filed suit In
tlm local justice court against Kred ;
Clark, whom plaint 1 1T alleges owes
him the sum of $l.(ir for merchan
dise. Plaintiff Is represented by Air
tornoy U. 10. Steele.
Indian baskets, birch tiark. sweet
grass and porcupine null work made
by St. Hegls, Mohawks, Iroquois and
other tribes, for sale nt lloseburg ,
Rook Store. These are pretty goods
at meaning nrices. tf.
1 lav, oats fir grain are alt right
for I he horse, but how about your
wife. Wouldn't, she bo uleasetl to
have sole a of thone swell fixtures for
her home, now on display at Winnie
(JiHldls. the nluniber? tf.
S. A Phillies, the t;illor. linn pur
chased two lots lu Walte'a Addition,
formerly t ho property of John
'I'll rone, 1 lo has not decided as to
what disposition he will nu'ke of
Diem pt this lime, but says he will
probably build In the spring.
Xmas will soon bo nn hand, good
cheer for alt. Have somo nice
pieces laid away for Father. Mother.
Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. A good
pb'ce f furniture ! a toy forever.
Plenty of them at Hleo St Rica, the
house furnishers.
Tin snecial eleel ion for t he pur
pose of loving a special road tax In
mad district No. tfN is being held at
(J reens toilav. It is expected that a
lax of 'A mills will tie levied tho con
templated ,1 mill levy having; met
with considerable opposition.
lont overlook Winnie 15 add is, the,
plumber, when In search of Xmas
ul'tH. Itctutiful display of novelties.,
including hcvctcd-eduo plate glass '
mirors, opal and pinto glass towl ;
bars, soap dishes, tumblers In white i
or cut glass, nnd man v oilier useful
and cimeuieut articles for the bath-j
room, loilet or kitchen. ' tf.
C. V. Watson and son, Ployd, ar-
rivnl in the city yesloiday from their
home near (Utile. Floyd left this j
for Tiller where ho has boon engaged
to leach school. Mi. Watson returned1
home today, lie reports tils daughter, t
Vivian, who has been seriously ill !
for some weeks with typhoid fever,
now entirely out of danger, tint It
will bo many mouths before the)
young lndy will regain her former (
good health. ;
John Hast, one nf the Hoseburg j
hoys att"iuling the State Vniverslty. i
arrived home to spend ttie Christmas
vacation today. Ho Is arranging de
tails concerning the CJloo Club concert
which Is to bo held In the Annroy
next Monday evening. Mr. Hast has
brought with him some advertising
folders which show tho promised pro
gram to contain many novel Innova
tions of a comic order. Ho has put
tickets for the concert on salf at
Muislers Drug Company.
C. H. Short, of Drew, Is a visitor In
tho city today.
Oty Hoon was In from hl& farm in
Deer Crek today. !
J. L. Wright of Drew, Is a business
1 visitor lu th city. j
I Mrj. O. H. Hyers. of Canyorivllle. '
, Is a visitor In the city today.
A. M. Armstrong returned to his
home at Oakland this morning.
: Headquarters for Holiday goods t
i fs at the Hoseburg Book Store. tf.
; n. J. Howlaid, the Myrtle Creek ,
attorney, Is transp.ctlng business mat-I
I tors In the city toda.y j
The best nox conioctlontry, I
' "Lownoy's" fresh at the Hoseburg i
! Book Store. tf.
I C. A. An lertjon was In the city to-
i day from Ms faim near Looking
Attorney C. S. Jackson went to
Myrtle Creek thlb morning on iwofes
sional business.
Do your Christmas shopping at
I The Fair. Kvery 50c purchase entitles
you to a chance on the Jlig Doll In
the window. ' tf.
Miss Greta Kohlhagen, who has
been very 111 at her home during the
past two weeks. Is reported as some
what worse todav.
A. Llnchaek, manager fif the Rose-
burg Music House, sold one of his
beautiful "Lutlwig pianos to Mrs.
S. K. Krohn yesterday.
County School Superintendent
Chanoy has sent out several hundred
books to the several school libraries
throughout, the county.
James Newland, a member of the
Farmers Heal lOstato Company, has
returned from a brief with friends
oln the vicluitv of Olalla. - .
Mrs. H. C Ward and daughter ar
rived htnn this afternoon form Mod
ford whore Hk'v have b-en visiting
at tho home of Mrs. H. S. Hark-r.
Mrs. I. H. Kiddie and two children
U'rvo Wednesday ol next week for
Poitland where they will spend the
holidays with the former's parents.
Quite a number of those Interested ,
In the weljurcj -jf road district. No.
:J8 went to flreens thiH afternoon to.
cast their ballot in favor of improved
roads. ,
Her! ram and Velma I3atoH will
leave Wednesday morning for Port
land where they will spent! Christmas
with their nun, and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Hoyer.
I. A. Murray, local manager of the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.,
went to Myrtle Creek this morning to
nttend business matters connected
with his official duties.
C.rant Clayton, of the firm of Oill
nrd Sr. Clayton, has returned from
Scottsburg where he wonut to view
a road. He was accompanied by Dep
uty County Surveyor (lermond.
In order to accomotiato our custo
mers who are unablo to do their
Xmas shopplnlc In dny time, we will
keep our store open evenings until
X ni as. O ravs A rt Km nor I um. t f .
Winnie Caddis has installed a
beautiful cabinet in his plumbing
establishment on Lane street. He is
now able to display his wares in an
attractive manner without fear of
For Men. Thore la no heter shoei
made than tho celebrated "J. B.I
Till," which is to be found at the!
Milllkln Shoe Store. And for heavy
j HOW ltl
S f1 ' hES flUed UV "r 8tock ln Brent style
m ,fW' ' SKf-nJ "nd Christmus e'fts that will he ap:
B j lElVi Predated can bo selected from our . - M
H - ilLj, 91? Sreat asS0rtment of wi'cjies. chains
m 2 ' silverware, cut glass and all styles of jti
i T7T:':M JeWelry" We havo a IR assortment ?f
ft Ib f theSG g0dS fl'm the best makera l
M , TjT'Hj " Bt prices that you can afford. " - H
E. A. Kruse, of Deer Cteek, was In
tho city today and shipped some fine
turkeys to Sheridan, Oregon.
Lotter heads, bill heads, envelopes
cards, Invitations, everything that
pertains to a first-class printing es
tablishment can be had at The News
OfliCO. tf
' Peter MoKinny, of Saginaw, left
for his home this morning after a
i-rlef visit with friends In this city.
Mr Mekinny conducted a store In
Hoseburg twenty years ago nnd is
remembered by many of the pioneers
In this section.
Mrs. L. A. Marstera has offices at
her home on Pine street wheso she
will attend to the real estate busl-
wear thore is nothing equal to the "T. - Iluuciea ear me ae-
'United Workman Shoe." !t-f. p ouo u mujr wwuou
Tho Hoseburg hi-rh school basket ; to ott prospective buyers and
I, nil ipnin net .lefent l.nfmo tb 'ou wiI1 do WH O Consult her be-
Albany high fchool aggregation at
Albanv last night. Tno game was luit-
ly comested throughout, resulting In
a victory for Albany by a score of 21
to 20.
Itert Wostbrook, of Cottage Grove,
who was at one time landlord of the
Hoseburg hotel, arrived here this
morning to visit friends. Itert says
Cottage Grove is booming, but not
withstanding such fact, hohas a
wai-m spot in his henrt for Hoseburg.
Gus (lustafason, who resides above
Glide, was arrested by Marshal Huff
man late vosl orday afternoon while
drunk. He was remanded to the city
iaii where ho remained until this
morning when he was nrvulmied be
fore Cllv Uncorded Orentt. I'pou en
tering a plea of guilty tie was lined
are a few titles of now books on sale
at Rosoburg Hook Store,. tf.
That was a pretty game of Hasket
ball put mi by Rosoburg and the Ne
smlth teams at the Armory last night
the score being Hi to 17 In favor of
fore making purchases. For bar
gains In real estate of any kind,
phone 1434, or call at the Pine street
residence. Information bureau in
connection. tf.
D. P. Kelly, a transclent, was ar
rested this morning by Constable
Wright charged with stealing 50
cents from Gus- Gr.stafason. other
wise known p.s "The Terrible Swede."
Gustar'ason alleges that ho was play
ing a friendly game of cards in a lo
cal soft drink, emporium, 'when Kelly
came in and without ceremony picked
up the coin which it is claimed laid
on the t.ible. When arraigned betore
lustico of the Peace John T. Long
this morning tho fellow entei-ed a
plea of not guilty and the trial was
sot for Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Heing unablo to furnish $100 bail
Kelly was remanded to the county
jail to await his hearing.
C. ,F. Parker, a Portland detective,
who played an important part in tho
recent local option violations In this
city, Is in a measure responsible for
the confiscating of a bottle supposed
to contain boor at the Oregon res
taurant yesterday afternoon. The
"wot goods" are now enrouto to Cor
vallis where an analysis will take
place, presumably for the purpose
of ascertaining whether or not the
contents of the bottle is the genuine
ber or the "near article." From one
the visitors. This was n return game
' , , , or t lie emptoves or tne restaurant we
Nin ths having silBere. L,, ttJ prkpr entPrej the ,,.
over, on their own tloor liiey held'
The man who hides his light under
a bushel Is largely responsible for his
own failure.
It Is said that Washington never
told a He while Lincoln was always
tmitking up a story.
There Is more religion In a square
meal to a hungry man than in the
meatiest sermon ever preached.
When a relative dies and leaves
you -a million, yon can't be blamed
for exclaiming, "That's Capital."
Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gllnmu says
man Is a noun and woman a prepo
sition. We fail to see the connection.
Matrimony and alimony rhyme
very nicely, but when the two mix
they take the poetry out of married
The sweetest voice sounds unpleas
ant when used to waken a sleepy man
to ask htm to get up and tend to the
Did you ever thing you would like
to give somo poor family a lift and
then find they kept and fed four or
five nruigy curs.
A boy who Is respectful and dutiful
to his parents will usually be found
worthy of any trust within the scone
of his capabilities.
Tlu water wagon is lUe a street
car at supper time. You can't get
anywhere with it, hecause It has to
make so many stops.
The trouble with colege is that It
keeps a man there until he's so old
ho don't have much time left to get
an education he ran use.
The wireless telephone will never
be poputar with those who spoon by
'phone. The wireless scatters Us mes
sntro too promiscuously.
You can not make others happy
without getting some pleasure out of
It yourself.
There is enough of that Taft smile
to furnish material for all the para
graphers. The pullmau car company evident-'
ly believes that it can put the govern
ment Investors to sleep.
The man who is always talking of
what he is going to do should bear
In mind that old saying, "Actions
speak louder than words."
It Is now said that Rockefeller is
of Norwegian descent. That is one
of the biggest tilings that has been
said abo'ut him for years.
If home was a place requiring some
cabalistic word and mysterious sign
to gain admission. It would have a
larger evening attendance.
The human body Is said to contain
three ounces of calcium, which leaves
no reason why anyone who desires
shouldn't be a rhinlng light.
The man who has reached the top
most rung of the ladder no doubt
one day fought to overcome the same
difficulties which seem so hard for
you to bear.
If congress could pass a law com
pelling subscribers to pay up prompt
ly, newspapermen wouldn't care if
there was a duty on wood pulp or
There's a fellow In California who
laughs every time an earthquake
comes along. He must be one of those
fellows who have to have a brick
wall fall on'em before they see the
All kind of hides tanned an taxi
dermist work done on short notice.
Your work along this line is solicited.
Address Fred Langenberg, Box 207.
Roseburg, Oregon. tf.
Be wise Read The News.
shortly after noon yesterday, taking
their heavy opponents down in good i ,,, . fi,m ...u..n0a
a bottle of beer, sampling the same
shape and made them work Tor every
score. It was a good game, and de
monstrated tho fact that the teams
are tetty well matched. Cot tago
Grove oLader.
I'pon investigation it has been
learned that V. F. Parker, a detec-
1.... It.l1..,l ,..... u. ..,., W.,,l
nemhiy an." TH.u mW eviilnss In tho " . ,';:.m.''.,;''.1.n? 'J l0"!?"'?
city, was hoie for tho purpose of
shadowing a lady said to be the wifo
ll.. ..II.. ..III... ..f tl..-.
nr..omil,iiV !t nmiPuni from what has I h(1 bw hls Cilstnni he placed it in
leaked out regarding the affair that
,. , a eoiU ,,t .no o,a. c."';';'re
root hn l li-.iin. in iimor noin ni : , . .. ... 7.. j
slunk, nun. l.oimilng Unit his if(. who iiohl the hntile wa. summoned
.ontomnla.od ,-omlns s.-uili It Is s,ud ! ; nppoai-hoforo tho dlstrl.-t attornoy
(hat hor hi-shnml omploy.-d p,rkor I U,on qnos lonod she njaititalned that
tho dotoctlo. to shadow her wnndor- E,1B h"'1 s"ul. tM 1m1Ioii.
mg. the result nelng that the two (
with an air of a mil toner. He had
not quite nnishedAhe contents of tho
bottle, howover, when in came Sheriff
Fenton, who also asked for a sample
of the beverage. Like the previous
customer tho sheriff' ordor was rcad-
Isfactlon. Emptying tho contents ttie
sheriff then culed for another bottle t
of boor, but Instead of drinking It as
, his pocket, taking the same to the j
! sheriff's office wbero he prepared it i
larded in Hoseburg on the same train
Wednesday evening. Further It is
aliened that the football coach alo
arrived In Rosoburg at about the
same time, presumably by p rear
rangement. It h&a been ascertained
that the fair lady and the coach reg
istered nt the Hoseburg hotel oe
cupving "uljolnlng room, leaving es
t orday for points north. Just what
evidence tho detective obtained while
hero we are unable to say. but from
statements uttered by him It Is pre
sumed that - the lady's husband Is
making arrangements to flto suit for
divorce. It Is probably for that rea
son thst ho employed the detective,
but alleged tnat U was just "near
beer." nnd nothing stronger. Should
the snalysis nrlng to light the fact
that the article contains the neeossary
amount of alcohol to cause Intoxiea
1lon "High ' tho proprietor of the
establishment will te arrfsted. while
on the contrary. If It falls to produce
Intoxication no warant will be issued.
case. j i
Amos W. Hiestor. violinist at
Star theatre, will accept pupil
for violin. Especial attention to
tuvonils. tngnlre at Star theatre
I or nhnne 886.
Our stoch is large and Better than ever
i ' Australian and German Decorated China.
, Suit Cases.
, Craphaphones.
Rugs and Draperies.
Children's Carts and Rockers.
Chiffioners and Dressers,'
Center and Library Tables.
Morris Chairs and Rockers.
Couches and Lounges.
Space is too limited to name the many beautiful
articles that will please you. Come in and see.
Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphonea, Double Discs and
Indestructible Records.