The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 18, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    gt'KKR ITKM8
A Balttraore woman has brought
action against an Ohio soap company
because In washing her hands Bhe
i tore a gash In her hand an a nail con
cealed In the cnlo she was using. She
asks only $10,000.
. It's all rliiht to bring out the good
there is In a boy, but it's Just as well
to let a little stay in.
A man has Just been captured in
Chicago who has been making his
living by writing sacred songs and
stealing horses.
. Tom L. Johnson omitted the word
"obey", from the marriage service
when called upon to perform it ns
mayor of Cleveland, because, as he
tald, he would never help to make
liars of the people.-
A New "York man who ate sixty
buckwheat cakes and 2 pounds of
suasage said he would have done bet
ter if he had been hungry.
A Denver bride called up her gro
cer the other day and asked him
where the Porter House was located,
lie Baid he had never heard of r.he
place. She snld sho hadn't either, but
wished she could find out as her hus
band wanted one of its steaks.
Many Japanese women gild their
toeth. Women of Arabia Btuln their
finger and toes red. In Greenland
women paint their face blue and yel
low. Hi India the women of high
caste paint their teeth hlnck. A Illndo
bride Is annolnted from head to foot
with grease and saffron, Borneo wo
mon dye their hair in fantastic, colors
pink, green, blue and scarlet. In
Holland, scars made carefully with
shells, form elaborate' patterns on the,
women's faces. In South America
the- women draw their front teeth
esteeming ns nn ornament the black
gap thus made.
It Is not neceisarily a reflection
upon tho ninle sex that only 4.1 per
cent of tho church members of the
United States, according to the latest
consul statistics should be men. There
nre more women than men, anyway.
In" thnt pnrt of the country whore
churche must abound.
Some one is preaching a new cult
In New York, the central thought of
which Is that if you get in tho right
vibration you can live for 1000 years
Just as well as not. That is all very
well, but will some one tell us what
la the right vlrbrntlon and where we
can find it? "
Kdward Gotobed for the last 8
years has been a bedroon steward on
tho Atlantic liner Minneapolis.
Mine. Guadalupe de Haro, a Mex
ican and a descendant of tho Mon
tezmnas, is In New Yoik studying. do
mestic, scierce as practiced In the
United States.
A New York contractor who nsfted
legal authority to ehango Mb name
declared Its final "sky" had cost him
100,000 a year for five yeurs in lost
An Iowa girl has chewed gum so
constantly that her face has become
A Connecticut farmer planted to
bacco seeds that had laid in a Jar for
45 years. The Beeds raised healthy
plants and were declared to be to
bacco by factory experts Just In time
to save them from going Into the cold
Bodies hurled for 150 years have
been found in Siberia In a perfect
state of preservation.
A New York girl, having tried un
successfully to commttt suicide on
five different times, went and got
In Cases of Dyspepsin. Rheumatism,
Gout ami Nervous Breakdown,
Is Marvelous
Upon recent investigation by emin
etn physicians, chemists and scien
tists it has been demonstrated that
natural, earth flowing mineral waters
are the most beneficial means for the
cute of organic maladies.
Pnao Robles Hot Springs are at
this time the point of interest to most
investigators, as rectus occurences
have attracted the attention of the
thinking world to these springs
One of their chief points of inter
est to medical men is said to be that
which. proves that a pre-eminent ac
tion rests in the waters which flow
from the earth at Paso Robles, Cal
ifornia. Paso Robles Hot Springs are mak
ing cures daily of rheumatism, gout,
stomach trouble, neurotic diseases,
kidney trouble, and general break
down, which proves almost beyond
question to medical men that there
is Borne quality in these waters su
uerlor to any ill this country and
probably In the world.
It Is also claimed for Paso Robles
that the air conditions are perfect. It
lies In a small valley protected by
mountain ranges; Ib 720 feet above
sea level and is not assailed by too
much sea moisture or an abnormal
tomperaluro from the hot land winds.
This air condition Is thought by
some to have almost as much to do
with its cures as the waters them
selves. The town like all health rcBorts,
Is filled with boarding houses of all
kinds, bo thnt every purse will be
pleased. There are hotols for the
rich, where any luxury may be had.
Private baths for exclusive patrons
who wish to be to themselves.
Those springs have been known
for centuries, for they were used by
the Indian to euro his sick and later
the Franciscan fathers performed
wonderful cures here, but it is only
recently that the really marvelous
powers of theso waters were made
known to the world at large.
Nearly every form or organic trou
ble Is .treated at those hot springs
for the authorities welcome nil ex
cept those who have tuberculosis or
unclean diseases. For the man who
suffers from overeating or from n'.co
hollc excesses there Ib nothing ill the
world to equal a week spent at PnBo
Koules. H straightens him out with
a rnpldity that Is wonderful, and the
best recommendation is that they do
away with the nerve-craving lor sum
ulunt8 because of their peculiar
soothing effects upon the nervous
syoHtom. j
Truly speaking the study of Paflo .
Robles Hot Springs Is one which is
giving the Tnediciil fraternity abroad ;
and nt home much interest, and is
probahlv directing more nttention
to California than any other of her
natural gifts to man. i
A small book, neatly illustrated,
hns been recently published by the
mnnaL-ement telling Uie story of the
Hot Springs In a most interesting
manner and giving complete Infor-
A Temperance Saloon i!
Properly Conducted
Opposite Passenger
Depot - Roseburg
Has oh display for the Holidays a
Choice selection of dishes, Including
hand painted chiim, Japnnsese and
China dishes in beautiful designs. Al
so n fine line of silk hnndkerchlofs,
toys for the children and some
tint Brass ware. Call and mnko your
selection early. Pikes way down nnd
the goods nro the best to he had.
mation. Send for it, either to Wm.
McMurray, General Pasenger Agent
of the O. R. & N., Portland, Oregon,
or Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Robles, California. tf.
The biggest and best line of Post
Card Albums in Douglas county at
Roseburg Hook Store. tf
Flour has nearly doubled in price.
We sell
at the same prices and it is the
best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon
rolls and doughnuts 10c Per
dozen. Pies 10c each. Our
caKes are the best.
Skylights, Cornicles
Largest Stock of Plumbing
Goods lo the City
The Fair Will Have Special
Sales on Holiday
. Watch the windows for particulars. We will
have Doll Day, Toy Day, Picture day, etc., etc.
25 Per Cent Redaction on These Sale Days.
Chance on the hig doll with every 50c
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
I Cement Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement
' Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia
iGive us a call. We will save you money.
The biggest and best crockery store
In Southern Oregon. Everything that
Is made In crockery, glassware, and
China, we have it. From the plainest
to best hand-painted. Many beautiful
pieces of Llbby cut glass suitable for
presents. Rice & Rice, the bouse
and Dryer Pipe
Office: Warehouse No.
Isear the Depot. Telephone
Main 231 or 311.